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OOC Thread

Started by Daemonknight, April 19, 2011, 10:57:03 AM

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I guess it might be a little confusing if your trying to buy trinaries when the rules have them broken down by Binaries, but like DK did, for a trinary, you add half again, which only doesn't break down if your getting things that only cost .25 like infantry.

I posted the bidding chart I made because it helps explain the value of a force. Remember, battle value has nothing to do with points for ground units in this game. A binary of Dire Wolve Widowmakers would be the same cost and value as a Binary of Gargoyle Primes.

Still, it's considered bad form to munch out, but it happens in games like this. A match up should still represent the intent of the battle your in. It's not all about winning.  8)


ASF was by far worse, before the tables.

I have 10fp. You wont know if that's Avars or Jenghiz untill you MA it, mwuhahaha!
"My only regret is that I will not be alive in .03 seconds. I would have liked to watch the enemy attempt to vent an omnidirectional thermonuclear blast enveloping their outpost."
-Last thoughts of Maldon, Type XXX Bolo, 3rd Battalion, Dinochrome Brigade


yeah, but the formula was constant, 15000 BV = 1 FP and for the longest time went off of BV1 instead of BV2, I think it was pretty well balanced and I liked that we had our forces listed out ahead of time explaing how we came up with our BV's. ;) I miss the old Squadron Features of the original MegaAero when it was it's own game. You could load up as many fighters as you wanted in a squadron. The fact that Squadrons now have a max of 6 means that everyone pretty much uses the 6 formation to make things fair. While Comstar, WoB and FWL should be the only ones using the 6 formations, everyone else was using them so they could have more units then clanners in a group, so we started breaking up our trinary fighters into 5 groups of 6 instead of 6 groups of 5.


yeah. either way, its all easy now- 1 FP is still 15000BV, but it doesn't really matter because you build off your tables, u can't just just say "meh, I'm building 10fp of random fighters" without breaking the naval tab. I suppose you could for ground forces though.
"My only regret is that I will not be alive in .03 seconds. I would have liked to watch the enemy attempt to vent an omnidirectional thermonuclear blast enveloping their outpost."
-Last thoughts of Maldon, Type XXX Bolo, 3rd Battalion, Dinochrome Brigade


((nods)) I have Aero in almost all of my Ground units and some that are nothing but Aero. While I have their BV calced out by the 15000 to 1 system, I don't have them listed off the chart, because they're ground units.


Did anyone keep a copy of the dates for submission of the reset orders?  And how are said reset orders supposed to be submitted?  By the normal spreadsheet, or as a summary of expenditure/designs chosen?  Thanks.


Tomorrow (15th) would be the Preliminary sheet (with the spending of the jump RP) to be sent in.

The other I think a week later.


One question that would be interesting for several Factions (Clans) That project looking for the Scientist base, would that be successful during the jump?

If there had been more time, we would have found them as there would even have been RP background for traversing that hex many times.

Or would that conflict just be gone like the Traitor Clans?

What about the Odessa Hex and its treasures? :P


All will come to pass. With the soft reset somethings will change others will stay the same.


well, got the prestart CSA/SAC Orders in...hopefully close to correct



for an evening, anyway.  Sent the "Spending" sheets in, now I gotta actually start placing shit for turn 1.

Oh, and to those who have deals pending with either the Capcon or UIW, um, I've got some time now, but I may have forgotten something.  shoot me a PM?


HA and MoC pre-start spend orders are in.


Just a note. The prestart orders are due today and the Turn one orders are due the 21st. There is a little flex time built in so I can check sheets and get adjustments in. The map will probably need to be gone over with a fine toothed comb and I will try and make sure it is out by the end of the week but that will depend on if I can catch Chaos long enough this week to have it done.


I know what my starting package is, but what was the other things I needed to get done? The other OOC thread has gone missing it appears.


Quote from: GreyJaeger on May 16, 2011, 12:28:27 PM
I know what my starting package is, but what was the other things I needed to get done? The other OOC thread has gone missing it appears.

Pick 10 new designs (no Warship designs) for the DC, from TROs 3075 or 3085.
Choose 5 infrastructure projects.

Give half your starting package to the Magistracy!!