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Started by Daemonknight, April 19, 2011, 10:57:03 AM

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Quote from: Deathrider6 on May 31, 2011, 01:23:14 AM
Quote from: GraeGor on May 31, 2011, 01:20:46 AM
ok, Ive been having problems all weekend in finalizing my T1 orders

everytime I  try to copy and paste data from the sheet Ive been working on onto a blank several key pieces of data dont transfer or auto correct...namely MPs created and Perm MP Pool

also, in order to get all my units to fit Ive had to insert additional lines, and on those new lines no data appears regarding MPs

is there any way, short of manually figuring out the MPs created by units, to get get the Order Sheet to figure it out for me....Ive pretty much run out of ideas on how to do this on my own, so any help would be appreciated

This is a Dave Baughman Qestion since he designed the sheet.

Didn't Dave also design the left-handed screwdriver??   ???


i thought that was the left-screwed handdriver?
"My only regret is that I will not be alive in .03 seconds. I would have liked to watch the enemy attempt to vent an omnidirectional thermonuclear blast enveloping their outpost."
-Last thoughts of Maldon, Type XXX Bolo, 3rd Battalion, Dinochrome Brigade

Dave Baughman

Quote from: GraeGor on May 31, 2011, 01:20:46 AM
ok, Ive been having problems all weekend in finalizing my T1 orders

everytime I  try to copy and paste data from the sheet Ive been working on onto a blank several key pieces of data dont transfer or auto correct...namely MPs created and Perm MP Pool

also, in order to get all my units to fit Ive had to insert additional lines, and on those new lines no data appears regarding MPs

is there any way, short of manually figuring out the MPs created by units, to get get the Order Sheet to figure it out for me....Ive pretty much run out of ideas on how to do this on my own, so any help would be appreciated

The underlying problem is probably cutting and pasting from one sheet to another. That will definitely break any formulas that interact with different tabs, as MS Office will carry them over as links back to the original sheet. If you are just trying to carry over data, rather than actually transferring formulas and stuff, this problem can be averted by copying and pasting only fields that do not contain formulas.

Adding additional lines is a little easier to fix, you just have to make sure of two things.

1. Don't add after the very last row or above the very first row, as this will break the formulas the game uses to calculate the overall totals for FP, MP, etc.
2. After you have created your new lines, you need to highlight a blank row and copy & paste it to the new rows to create the formulas within the line item. That's probably why MP calculation isn't working.

Let me know if that doesn't resolve the problems your having; I'll need to examine your sheet to find out what's broken, but I should be able to ferret out the problem.
And I looked, and behold a pale horse: and his name that sat on him was Apollyon, and Hell followed with him. And power was given unto them over the fourth part of the earth, to kill with sword, and with hunger, and with death, and with the beasts of the earth.

Dave Baughman

Quote from: Fatebringer on May 24, 2011, 04:24:07 PM
Quote from: Dave Baughman on May 24, 2011, 07:03:00 AM
HD Green-Lights VEAR Rally, Castes Threaten Violence
26 December 3090 - ATS (TAMAR)

In a 9-7 ruling, the Högsta Domstolen upheld the right of the Volkslyranische-blodfolken Enade Anti-Rasistiskt Parti (VEAR) to stage a mass demonstration on Skokie opposing employment restrictions on members of protected ethnic groups. Referring to the Ghost Bear Warrior Council's renunciation of the Trial of Annihilation against [censored by Chatterweb moderators], Ordförande Miles Hallen opined, "the purpose of the constitutional protections for minority ethnic groups - including those of [censored] descent - is to promote social harmony and ensure equal justice under the law, not to impose internal exile in place of Annihilation."

Conservative groups within the Dominion were quick to react; at a press conference jointly held by the Snow Raven Labor Caste and the All-Rasalhague Communist Party, Skokie Senior Laborer Alfonso promised, "Many compromises were made when the New Dominion was formed, but just because the Not-Named are permitted to claim perveted pride in the dark deeds of their ancestors in places like Orestes and Alshain, their efforts to undermine the pillars of our society will not be tolerated here on Skokie. I cannot accept responsibility for any spontaneous outbursts of anger if these degenerates attempt to force their obscene lifestyle on the honest laborers of this world."

An official at the Krigsministerium, speaking on condition of anonymity, informed Around The Sphere that several Kungsmarin naval infantry sibkos have been placed on alert for possible riot control duty. The State Security ministry was not available for comment.

In sports news, FK Grumium...

Heeey, :P I Used to live in Skokie as a kid, I know exactly what you're doing here :P History repeats itself? :P

Only unintentionally. Originally, the march was going to be on Karbala and Hervor's storyline on Skokie took place considerably earlier in 3090, but I realized there was no reason to separate the two events so I edited Hervor's Skokie post to occur in line with the news post and updated the planet from my draft to the final version.

Besides, VEAR is hardly the NSPA (even if there are some bad actors using them for cover)
And I looked, and behold a pale horse: and his name that sat on him was Apollyon, and Hell followed with him. And power was given unto them over the fourth part of the earth, to kill with sword, and with hunger, and with death, and with the beasts of the earth.

Lord Harlock

Sometimes, I have to wonder if the Capellans will get this free market thing down, Cannonshop. That was an ouch.  ;D


Dave, your suggestions worked...right up until my hard drive froze

Now Im just waiting to learn how severe the issue is

Cell phone works for somethings....but not so much for others


BTW, if you have any ideas or would want to take part as a Crewmember in the "Ancestral Home" find, feel free to join. It has likely not much impact but can make a great RP opportunity. If it goes out with just coming back to the ship or with a catastrophe would be your decision. :)

Facts: the ship hangs there, its nearly broken in half, unsalvageable forever. I think it was a Texas Battleship (the one hanging around Tamaron in Canon, for gaming purposes could jump again) Until there.

The ship has a Crew of 155, I think 20 or so could go over without impeding the Ship's performance. (The Captain will not as we are not in Star Trek here. :D )


Interesting that you have it nearly broken in half, because if memory serves me correct the Coyotes were deemed to have put it back into fighting condition.  Which it did, when using those Cloud Cobra warships as a speed bump when they tried to interfere with the Coyote departure from Tamaron.  Granted, it suffered a fair bit of damage, but it was still able to jump out.

Quote from: Marlin on June 05, 2011, 08:35:47 AM
BTW, if you have any ideas or would want to take part as a Crewmember in the "Ancestral Home" find, feel free to join. It has likely not much impact but can make a great RP opportunity. If it goes out with just coming back to the ship or with a catastrophe would be your decision. :)

Facts: the ship hangs there, its nearly broken in half, unsalvageable forever. I think it was a Texas Battleship (the one hanging around Tamaron in Canon, for gaming purposes could jump again) Until there.

The ship has a Crew of 155, I think 20 or so could go over without impeding the Ship's performance. (The Captain will not as we are not in Star Trek here. :D )


Does it mean you are onboard?


regarding the Naval Recon Order...

who posts the results if successful...the GM or, in this case, me?

and I presume that if a Pirate Transit is unsuccessful, then it's detected...or is there a roll needed to detect the failure?


A successful pirate insertion results in me getting the full disclosure of all naval units in the hex(anything tracked on your naval tab- asf attatched to ground units doesn't count), with you not being able to react or otherwise impede my action- basiclly we get in, we see everything, we get out before you can respond(not sure if you are aware or not I was there- I'm assuming as with all combat posts, you know i was there no later than the beginning of the next turn).

A failed pirate insertion resolves as a normal movement order- my forces jump in, and of your forces present are free to react as they normally would. The one unit that took damage resolves in the same way- he's just hurt. No roll is required.

As for who posts it, I don't think it really matters. The only way to hide from a Naval Recon is if a unit is concealed by a successful intelligence order(in which case Dave would need to post, since we havn't had our turn results back yet). Clandestine + Improved Clandestine Movement units are still spotted(SF teams don't count- they arn't naval units).
"My only regret is that I will not be alive in .03 seconds. I would have liked to watch the enemy attempt to vent an omnidirectional thermonuclear blast enveloping their outpost."
-Last thoughts of Maldon, Type XXX Bolo, 3rd Battalion, Dinochrome Brigade


Quote from: Daemonknight on June 06, 2011, 09:53:20 AM
A successful pirate insertion results in me getting the full disclosure of all naval units in the hex(anything tracked on your naval tab- asf attatched to ground units doesn't count), with you not being able to react or otherwise impede my action- basiclly we get in, we see everything, we get out before you can respond(not sure if you are aware or not I was there- I'm assuming as with all combat posts, you know i was there no later than the beginning of the next turn).

Does that include posting/revealing the FP value? if it does, I'll have to add that later


it does

also note, that if you don't engage(in combat) a unit on Naval Recon orders, they will still complete their mission. Failing a pirate insertion simply means they're conducting their mission in full view of your forces(if any). Lack of naval forces should also be noted(just so someone isn't left hanging wondering if the unanswered thread was ignore/forgotten/empty).
"My only regret is that I will not be alive in .03 seconds. I would have liked to watch the enemy attempt to vent an omnidirectional thermonuclear blast enveloping their outpost."
-Last thoughts of Maldon, Type XXX Bolo, 3rd Battalion, Dinochrome Brigade


You can submit the intel via PMs if you wish.


Basically, Graegor, if you have any Naval stuff in the hexes the Scouts misjumped in, you can deploy them. You just have to say so. If he does not move out, then there is a (small, I suppose) battle and he cannot gain more intel than the force you attacked with. Do nothing, he gets all.

In case you should lose against the Scout force, well.. that has never happened before. :P

EDIT: When could we get the Intel and R+D we did?