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Started by Daemonknight, April 19, 2011, 10:57:03 AM

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The following was stated to a 1 FP militia force after ignoring a Forced Withdrawl event....

Quotethe militia and the force they're facing are down to .25 FP, and the Lyrans are offering Hegira on the basis that while they're currently even, the milita can't possible hope to hold out against the force thats waiting for them.

I mean what kind of initial bid could a 1 FP trial have had if the "Bid Down" against militia was 1 FP? This entier statement shows that the attackers consider their entire force part of their bid and never actually bid down, but was determined to engage them a piece at a time to play at being honorable.

Iron Mongoose

Well, there's 'permissable' under the strict rules, and 'honorable' under the norms of the day.

Traditionaly, any amount up to the opening bid, the very first bid made by any particapant in the bidding, may be called down, but at a 'significant loss of honor.'  The penultimate bid may be called down, with a relitively minor (but non zero) loss of honor.  So, the Lyrans are within their 'rights.' Under the trial system.  In many fights, the only recorse the Adders have is name calling (and reciprocial behaviors in the future).

But, it is worth noting that in all the fights that are not millita, only a fraction of the defenders were used, and while its never actualy been seen, one imagines the defender retains a similar right as well.

So, in battles where the Adders are down, but not by more than one third of their opponents strength (for example, I saw battles were the next round would stand at 2-1.5, which is 75% strength, or 2.75-2, which is 72%) per the guidelines I set (before I knew about the call down bids, too) Adders would at least give consideration to fighting on.  So, in accordance with the guidlines I left, such trails should be considered every bit as open as the ones with the Lyran call down bits, and not LA victories.

Just be sure that the name calling will be intense.  And that you reap what you sow.

Iron Mongoose

Oh, and again thanks for the help.


QuoteCalling down multiple times is Dezgra but they are Lyran units and probably don't know any better I must admit I haven't read the thread.

If these Lyrans know enought about bidding to do "Call Downs" they're not inexperienced. :P I mean, after 40 years of trials, being an ignorant dirty spheroid loses the "we didn't know" clause, especially if you have Clanners in your corner to explain how things work for you. ;)


Just ensure that threads that are completed have been properly marked. IF there are any disputes please refer them to me send a link to the GM account while CCing me Directly. FWL  rebellion threads will be dealt with as well since at least at this point they are RP only.


Iron Mongoose

Go Federalies!   :P

Lord Harlock

For Aiur! Wait this isn't Starcraft! Carry on.


He he he, I haven't had power in 2 days,:P When I finally get back on though.


I usually play Tauren, but I'm liking my Worgen sneaky rogue. The extra speed buff they get makes a huge difference, especially once you get the ability to vanish :)


Quote from: Fatebringer on June 23, 2011, 03:12:21 PM
The following was stated to a 1 FP militia force after ignoring a Forced Withdrawl event....

Quotethe militia and the force they're facing are down to .25 FP, and the Lyrans are offering Hegira on the basis that while they're currently even, the milita can't possible hope to hold out against the force thats waiting for them.

I mean what kind of initial bid could a 1 FP trial have had if the "Bid Down" against militia was 1 FP? This entier statement shows that the attackers consider their entire force part of their bid and never actually bid down, but was determined to engage them a piece at a time to play at being honorable.

In this particular case of the Trial Force being wiped out, there is no one to call further things down and sending more troops in would effectively void the Circle of Equals, making this an Invasion. Now, I dont know how those pan out after 1 or 2 bouts of fighting, but if push comes to shove, they only have one more round in invasion mode and in case of losing, lose the Invasion.

Could be, could not be. Not sure there. In any case, its no Trial anymore.


This one wasn't the one where the Trialing force was whiped out. This is the one where .25 FP of Lyrans were forced to withdawl, so he pulled down another .5 FP of forces to replace them.

This is the only mention of forced withdawl in the rules because it's a carryover from Flashpoint only because it's still on the chart. To bring down more forces however would undermine the purpose of the event. A 12 is rolled, as long as you have a force left, you win.

It's like in DnD, even if you don't have the bonus's to qualify for the difficiculty rating there's always a chance for success and if you roll a 20, you succeed.


Ok, if no force was wiped out but a withdrawl was done, then it comes also down to breaking the Circle as the force withdrawing already lost the Trial itself. Calling down more just switches to Invasion.

Dave Baughman

Quote from: Marlin on June 23, 2011, 06:35:36 PM
Ok, if no force was wiped out but a withdrawl was done, then it comes also down to breaking the Circle as the force withdrawing already lost the Trial itself. Calling down more just switches to Invasion.

Quoted for truth, at least in my personal and non-binding rules-wise opinion.

While conceivably a Trial in the IC sense can consist of multiple operational Trial orders, especially when large forces are involved, committing additional forces would occur during the orders declaration step of the next phase... so presumedly if one force had withdrawn the trial would be already concluded under the normal procedures unless the trial area was so huge as to include the enemy encampment... but in that case then the reinforcements would be in violation of the circle of equals so its still problematic.
And I looked, and behold a pale horse: and his name that sat on him was Apollyon, and Hell followed with him. And power was given unto them over the fourth part of the earth, to kill with sword, and with hunger, and with death, and with the beasts of the earth.


Quote from: chaosxtreme on June 23, 2011, 03:05:05 PM
Technically its only honorable to call down your last bid.

ah well thats my fault for not knowing that.

And the initial bid was actually the whole unit in all of those cases. We then reduced our forces to whatever the Adders had there. It just so happens the Lyrans consider those planets important. *shrug* call me what you will
"My only regret is that I will not be alive in .03 seconds. I would have liked to watch the enemy attempt to vent an omnidirectional thermonuclear blast enveloping their outpost."
-Last thoughts of Maldon, Type XXX Bolo, 3rd Battalion, Dinochrome Brigade


Hey I am not hating DK.

My usual last bid IS the entire unit. And I have in previous case's called the whole thing down.

There was a bit of a row until all the Clan law afficionado's went through it and saw that YES I had obeyed by Clan Law the entire time.

You can call down the whole unit you just can not keep calling down. Im sure your enemies will use it against you and those of us who are indifferent will use it for our own gain. ;-)