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OOC Thread

Started by Daemonknight, April 19, 2011, 10:57:03 AM

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and I've got like 20 of them :P

Iron Mongoose

Guess Grae must have blown all our money on Texas Hold-em, since we've only got 90 clusters  ::)  And we don't know the commanders for more than four or so of them.


I never got around to naming most of my FS commanders. I have Christian Johnny who commands the Davion Brigade of Guards(i forget which RCT he's actually in direct command of), and Arthur Steiner-Davion. Otherwise, I'll have to make them up as I go and remember to make a note of them.

Though I did all my warship captains for the LA/CJF...not sure why I never got around to doing up the FS. And theres no way I could give a name to every regimental commander in the FS or LA...gods, each RCT is 7-10 regiments...eagh, I'd be looking at a few hundred names, per faction. *shudder* Thats a bit too much devotion, lol. I killed myself for 2 days writing all the unique RP for my turn 1 attacks. Hope nobody expects that of me again :P in scope of attacks, or the RP written. Tried as hard as possible not to make any of it sound copied, though I know it kinda started to flow together near the end.
"My only regret is that I will not be alive in .03 seconds. I would have liked to watch the enemy attempt to vent an omnidirectional thermonuclear blast enveloping their outpost."
-Last thoughts of Maldon, Type XXX Bolo, 3rd Battalion, Dinochrome Brigade


I noticed combat threads are up, when are we getting our turn reports?


That's it, I am fucking done

25 damn trials far

I dont have the fucking time, let alone the damn desire to reply to 20+ fucking combat threads AGAIN...the lack of IC posts in those threads should have been a clear indication of that

last turn everytime I had some good RP I wanted to post, Id see those combat threads and that desire just evaporated

and seeing another score of such threads appear has killed my desire to continue playing

enjoy this fucking game without me, I am outta here


Quote from: GraeGor on July 14, 2011, 05:54:30 PM
That's it, I am fucking done

25 damn trials far

I dont have the fucking time, let alone the damn desire to reply to 20+ fucking combat threads AGAIN...the lack of IC posts in those threads should have been a clear indication of that

last turn everytime I had some good RP I wanted to post, Id see those combat threads and that desire just evaporated

and seeing another score of such threads appear has killed my desire to continue playing

enjoy this fucking game without me, I am outta here

Damn.  I did NOT see that much activity happening on that front this turn, all prior indicators showed Daemonknight was consolidating his gains and preparing for a counter.


And here I was, laboring under the misconception that we were playing a WARgame. Not a Skirmish-game, or a raid-game, but war. War usually evokes a certain scale of conflict, that being a large scale. To look at the cannon, we see conflicts spanning hundreds of light-years, dozens of inhabited star systems, and involving hundreds of thousands of soldiers. Excuse me for launching an operation commensurate with the background material.

And this isn't an argument about rules vs RP driving the game, that's irrelevant. The stories we develop, are done so to a backdrop of massive interstellar wars, very tenuous alliances, and tense borders. I have an enemy on my border, who tends to focus large forces on singular objectives, concentrating their firepower to maximum effect. The effective counter strategy, is to attack enough targets that your enemy is unable to employ this strategy and has to spread out; worst-case we're at even strength, if my cards are played right, I have numerical advantage more often than not.

Here is my other problem: if you're time is very limited, and you can't deal with spending a lot of time on this game, why does someone insist on running a faction? There is plenty that could use a second player. It takes 30 seconds to respond to a trial with a token "we bid X forces" post, and maybe another 30 seconds to make the rolls required once I've accepted. 25 trials(and that is all of them btw), lets say 2 minutes per trial, means a total of less than an hour. Less than 1 hour of time required, over the course of a month, to get through all the trials. I spend more time planning out the minimal RP I wrote, than it would take to actually finish the trials up.

I play the strategy portion of the game, like the strategy game that it is. I write the RP alongside it. Just like you need a character sheet to play DnD, you need the strategy game to give the RP something to stick to. Its all one package, like it or not. As I say, if you want the RP without the game itself, we call that fanfic, and there is a nice big section of the CBT boards just for fanfic.
"My only regret is that I will not be alive in .03 seconds. I would have liked to watch the enemy attempt to vent an omnidirectional thermonuclear blast enveloping their outpost."
-Last thoughts of Maldon, Type XXX Bolo, 3rd Battalion, Dinochrome Brigade


Alright Folks...reports are being processed but at the same time I DO have to ensure that eventually I begin to make some form of steady and Legitimate income. On the other hand participation in this game is optional and making an issue of being smacked around by an opponent WILL NOT get me to put a leash on a player. Rules violations will which is why I look over orders sheets. I have been paitent and let a lot of the OOC bickering slide but I WILL not tolerate further public displays of interplayer dirty laundry. Period.

  I have been in Grae's shoes and understand the whys of his departure but I also see DK's point as well. Grae made his choice and I wish him well. I also appreciate the work he put in to fixing the mess that was the Adders.

  In closing this game has been running for well over 5 years now it has had it's issues but overall it has been an achievement that every player and staff member should be proud of. It has survived numerous staff changes and a move from one site to another as well as the comings and goings off too many players to count. So let's finish this turn and see where we stand. I will open a thread to explore options for what to do next.


Okay, so Iron Mongoose needs either to join a running faction, or get someone in to babysit the strategic and paperwork end of the Star Adders so he can do some fun Roleplaying.

Whoever ends up in that barrel's going to have to have a copy of the current order-sheet (from the GM staff) and the immediate task of resolving 25 fights this turn.

If nobody steps up, Deathrider's going to have to spend time resolving 25 fights this turn instead-which will probably make all sorts of GM functions LATE.

Now, I've had a running rule not to play factions that are adjacent for a reason-I've been desperately trying to avoid the appearance of a conflict of interest, which would be a big one in the case of the UIW in this, a faction that I not only run, but created and have a certain amount of attachment to.

So, who's got a free hand they can throw on this, that isn't either part of the Adders, or on their border?

We ought to do this quick, so that it doesn't hash up moves this turn or delay things for next.  Fact is the faction's in play, so it NEEDS a stand-in to babysit the paperwork, if nothing else.


I will make a decision on the Adders based on what IM wants to do and what he has time for. There are lots of things going down this turn most will appear once reports are released. They WILL be out NLT SUNDAY NIGHT. Reports for late factions will be released 7 calandar days from initial report release.


Nice posturing Marlin, but you didn't actually prove anything with the ToG. Winning a ToG doesn't prove your opinion, it settles a dispute. And honestly, the fact that your Khan wouldn't leave his mech, doesn't reflect badly on the Falcon warrior, it proves your afraid of him. So nice try with the spin control.
"My only regret is that I will not be alive in .03 seconds. I would have liked to watch the enemy attempt to vent an omnidirectional thermonuclear blast enveloping their outpost."
-Last thoughts of Maldon, Type XXX Bolo, 3rd Battalion, Dinochrome Brigade


Everything we write on here is spin control, it is the version of events as we see it and want others to also. One thing i have learned in my many years in the FGC is that the truth bears no meaning, only what you can push others to view as the truth.

Iron Mongoose

I think that that's true for a lot of things.

Of course, also in a lot of things, people belive not just what is pushed on them, but what they chouse to let be pushed on themselves, which doesn't help.

GI Journalist

LOL! A catastrophic misjump has caused nearly the entire Marian Legion to vanish into space!

Commanded by Trierarchos Jon Magdalyna of the MHS Carausius, the Marian Hegemony Navy fleet on its way to relieve Lothario has disappeared. I don't know where they are, but this nuclear armed fleet was backed by several of the Legions, plus every unit I could launch with every JumpShip and transport I possessed.

Now they are gone, vanished without a trace!

Fear not, lovers of Roman Space Pirates! Nothing ever goes away forever in the BattleTech universe. The Marian Hegemony may fall, but now its spirit will live on elsewhere in the galaxy!


That is sick.

But yeah, perhaps they come back up somewhere and build a new society. I gotta write some RP about it in the thread.