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Started by Daemonknight, April 19, 2011, 10:57:03 AM

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Dave Baughman

Quote from: GI Journalist on July 17, 2011, 08:49:05 AM

LOL! A catastrophic misjump has caused nearly the entire Marian Legion to vanish into space!

Commanded by Trierarchos Jon Magdalyna of the MHS Carausius, the Marian Hegemony Navy fleet on its way to relieve Lothario has disappeared. I don't know where they are, but this nuclear armed fleet was backed by several of the Legions, plus every unit I could launch with every JumpShip and transport I possessed.

Now they are gone, vanished without a trace!

Fear not, lovers of Roman Space Pirates! Nothing ever goes away forever in the BattleTech universe. The Marian Hegemony may fall, but now its spirit will live on elsewhere in the galaxy!

The dice gods have been unbelievably cruel to you :(
And I looked, and behold a pale horse: and his name that sat on him was Apollyon, and Hell followed with him. And power was given unto them over the fourth part of the earth, to kill with sword, and with hunger, and with death, and with the beasts of the earth.


Quote from: Dave Baughman on July 17, 2011, 09:38:56 AM
Quote from: GI Journalist on July 17, 2011, 08:49:05 AM

LOL! A catastrophic misjump has caused nearly the entire Marian Legion to vanish into space!

Commanded by Trierarchos Jon Magdalyna of the MHS Carausius, the Marian Hegemony Navy fleet on its way to relieve Lothario has disappeared. I don't know where they are, but this nuclear armed fleet was backed by several of the Legions, plus every unit I could launch with every JumpShip and transport I possessed.

Now they are gone, vanished without a trace!

Fear not, lovers of Roman Space Pirates! Nothing ever goes away forever in the BattleTech universe. The Marian Hegemony may fall, but now its spirit will live on elsewhere in the galaxy!

The dice gods have been unbelievably cruel to you :(

I think GWA would laugh though.  Must tell him about this.


DK... where did you get an Outpost class dropship from?


Its a dropship thats been around for decades. Everyone likely has a few examples.

About the MH's tagic misjump: I assume you were on Invasion orders for those troops? They can't actually utilize Pirate Insertion. It specificlly states in the rules that you can't use Pirate Insert for Invasions. So your forces dont disappear.
"My only regret is that I will not be alive in .03 seconds. I would have liked to watch the enemy attempt to vent an omnidirectional thermonuclear blast enveloping their outpost."
-Last thoughts of Maldon, Type XXX Bolo, 3rd Battalion, Dinochrome Brigade


Quote from: Daemonknight on July 17, 2011, 11:25:32 AM
Its a dropship thats been around for decades. Everyone likely has a few examples.

No.  Unless the GMs have allowed a second faction to own and manufacture the Outpost, everyone doesn't likely have a few examples.   It is a Clan Hell's Horses dropship, not a falcon vessel, and as the CHH/HA Khan I know exactly how many others have either trialled for the ship or been given some.  Or might even have picked up one in combat.  Don't count on it being a number greater than zero.

Otherwise, by your reckoning, everyone can have a few Leviathians or a few Thera as they too have been around for decades.

GI Journalist

Quote from: Daemonknight on July 17, 2011, 11:25:32 AM
Its a dropship thats been around for decades. Everyone likely has a few examples.

About the MH's tagic misjump: I assume you were on Invasion orders for those troops? They can't actually utilize Pirate Insertion. It specificlly states in the rules that you can't use Pirate Insert for Invasions. So your forces dont disappear.

No such rules are listed under the orders section for Naval Engagements. Pirate Transit or Blockade Running was a requirement for entering a Blockaded system. Nor did I consider it an invasion, as the system is still contested, and my ground forces were on a relief mission for the defense. I didn't want to waste them running your Blockade, so I gambled on a Pirate Transit roll.

I opted to attempt Pirate Transit in an attempt to either get a jump on your forces or force a Naval Engagement with your Blockade. It was a risky move, and I knew it. I took my chances, so now I'll take my lumps. Had I succeeded, I would be bombarding your ground forces from orbit right now and nuking your fleet into particulate matter, so you should not feel the least need to protect me from the consequences of my decision.

I stand by my decision to use Pirate Transit. The Legion disappears into space and fades into history.  I'm afraid you'll have to satify your need for conquest on the remaining pockets of resistance.

Don't worry...there's still plenty of defenders waiting for you on other planets!  ;D



Psssttt... GI Journalist.     Daemonknight isn't the clanner your looking for.  Marlin is running the Cats.


Quote from: Parmenion on July 17, 2011, 01:28:23 PM
Quote from: Daemonknight on July 17, 2011, 11:25:32 AM
Its a dropship thats been around for decades. Everyone likely has a few examples.

No.  Unless the GMs have allowed a second faction to own and manufacture the Outpost, everyone doesn't likely have a few examples.   It is a Clan Hell's Horses dropship, not a falcon vessel, and as the CHH/HA Khan I know exactly how many others have either trialled for the ship or been given some.  Or might even have picked up one in combat.  Don't count on it being a number greater than zero.

Otherwise, by your reckoning, everyone can have a few Leviathians or a few Thera as they too have been around for decades.

Yeah, except for the fact we don't track warships the same way we track everything else. Don't be dense. And I don't agree that you would be able to account for every single Outpost thats ever been built by your faction since 63 when they were first put into production. Does anyone else have Summoners? Because thats a Falcon-built design, but I'm willing to bet others have them. And by everyone, I meant the Clans. Just like every Clan has Summoners, or Timber Wolves, despite those being Jade Falcon and Wolf designs respectively.

And I would love to see the ledger you've kept for every single Outpost ever built by the Hell's Horses since 63, since you've said you know exactly how many trials have been fought, and how many might've been picked up as salvage.
"My only regret is that I will not be alive in .03 seconds. I would have liked to watch the enemy attempt to vent an omnidirectional thermonuclear blast enveloping their outpost."
-Last thoughts of Maldon, Type XXX Bolo, 3rd Battalion, Dinochrome Brigade


Quote from: GI Journalist on July 17, 2011, 02:01:15 PM
No such rules are listed under the orders section for Naval Engagements. Pirate Transit or Blockade Running was a requirement for entering a Blockaded system. Nor did I consider it an invasion, as the system is still contested, and my ground forces were on a relief mission for the defense. I didn't want to waste them running your Blockade, so I gambled on a Pirate Transit roll.

I opted to attempt Pirate Transit in an attempt to either get a jump on your forces or force a Naval Engagement with your Blockade. It was a risky move, and I knew it. I took my chances, so now I'll take my lumps. Had I succeeded, I would be bombarding your ground forces from orbit right now and nuking your fleet into particulate matter, so you should not feel the least need to protect me from the consequences of my decision.

Invasion is an order type GI. All your ground forces had to be on Invasion orders if your intent was to attack the planet and retake control. Those ground forces couldn't have attempted a Pirate Insertion, so they don't disappear. If you had naval forces on Naval Engagement orders, they could try a Pirate Insert(though I've no idea why would try and avoid the enemy's aerospace forces, when you are trying to engage their aerospace forces...).
"My only regret is that I will not be alive in .03 seconds. I would have liked to watch the enemy attempt to vent an omnidirectional thermonuclear blast enveloping their outpost."
-Last thoughts of Maldon, Type XXX Bolo, 3rd Battalion, Dinochrome Brigade


Hmmm....In the case of GI Journalist's lost Legion...the rules may not allow for it (the option is not there I checked) if he wants to use the result and make roleplay spawn from it I will allow his unit lost scenario to stand. This is with the understanding that in the future he understands that Invading units cannot use the pirate transit rule to bypass blockades. THIS POST DOES NOT CHANGE THE RULES it is a one time ruling. Pirate transit is used for Naval Recon and raiding.

To be clear since GI has accepted his dice roll (which was horrible) and is having fun with it I'm gonna let him.

GI Journalist

I'm satisfied with this decision.

There was method to my madness, even though it went horriblly, horriblly wrong. I'm very happy to let the Legion follow the fleet into obscurity, rather than try to separate my tactical errors from my rules misinterpretations.

Thanks for trying DK, but there's really no saving me from myself. ;)

Just for the sake of clarity, am I right to think this means that any invading ground or naval unit must use the Blockade Running rules? From the way the rules were written, direct naval engagement of a Blockade didn't appear to be one of the options.   Engaging enemy aerospace forces piecemeal via Blockade Running didn't appeal to me, so I took a risk. I was attempting to use Pirate Transit to force a total naval engagement or perhaps even bypass his force entirely. I considered the actual result unlikely.

Woe to those who tempt the dice gods!  ;D


GI Journalist

Quote from: Parmenion on July 17, 2011, 02:46:08 PM
Psssttt... GI Journalist.     Daemonknight isn't the clanner your looking for.  Marlin is running the Cats.

Oh, right. I'm just so use to arguing with Marlin about the rules, I didn't notice who the post was from. I should have realized.

Sorry about that.


Quote from: GI Journalist on July 17, 2011, 07:00:52 PM
Quote from: Parmenion on July 17, 2011, 02:46:08 PM
Psssttt... GI Journalist.     Daemonknight isn't the clanner your looking for.  Marlin is running the Cats.

Oh, right. I'm just so use to arguing with Marlin about the rules, I didn't notice who the post was from. I should have realized.

Sorry about that.

GI please PM me the force data on what you lost to the GM account we can always use pirates!


Just a note reports are done save for some infomation that is on orders I have not recieved I am sending out PM's tonight (or at least trying to) I am not feeling well. Rest assured I will get the information to you as soon as I feel better.


Quote from: Daemonknight on July 17, 2011, 04:56:42 PM
Quote from: Parmenion on July 17, 2011, 01:28:23 PM
Quote from: Daemonknight on July 17, 2011, 11:25:32 AM
Its a dropship thats been around for decades. Everyone likely has a few examples.

No.  Unless the GMs have allowed a second faction to own and manufacture the Outpost, everyone doesn't likely have a few examples.   It is a Clan Hell's Horses dropship, not a falcon vessel, and as the CHH/HA Khan I know exactly how many others have either trialled for the ship or been given some.  Or might even have picked up one in combat.  Don't count on it being a number greater than zero.

Otherwise, by your reckoning, everyone can have a few Leviathians or a few Thera as they too have been around for decades.

Yeah, except for the fact we don't track warships the same way we track everything else. Don't be dense. And I don't agree that you would be able to account for every single Outpost thats ever been built by your faction since 63 when they were first put into production. Does anyone else have Summoners? Because thats a Falcon-built design, but I'm willing to bet others have them. And by everyone, I meant the Clans. Just like every Clan has Summoners, or Timber Wolves, despite those being Jade Falcon and Wolf designs respectively.

And I would love to see the ledger you've kept for every single Outpost ever built by the Hell's Horses since 63, since you've said you know exactly how many trials have been fought, and how many might've been picked up as salvage.

I always get a good chuckle when new guys like you come into the game and think they know everything.  The Summoner was around pre-gam in canon, which even I think you will agree on.  And because canon had that Mech as being used more or less with every Clan, then non-CJF Clans had a legitimate right to use it in limited numbers at the start of the game.  FM: Updates was used quite extensively at the time to determine who had what, what they could use and what they could produce.  Are you keeping up so far? 

Now in regards the Outpost, it was a design introduced within the game itself.  And it is indeed a Hell's Horses design.   We introduced it into our Touman quite recently in regards the number of cycles ago.  Cycle 43 to be precise. I still have the PM from the GM at the time, which I'm more than happy to forward to the actual GM of this game.  Yes, twenty years have passed since then, however none of the previous Falcon leadership ever raised interest in obtaining any, nor did you when you picked up the Falcons during the pause. 

Amend you post.