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OOC Thread

Started by Daemonknight, April 19, 2011, 10:57:03 AM

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Iron Mongoose

Can I just jump on the chuckle band-wagon for this?  Really, there's little more to say than what's been said, I think.


Effective immediately I am taking over the Administraive and Combat rolls for CSA. IM is the role play guy still so ALL PM's regarding CSA must be CC'ed to the GM account AND my personal PM boxes so I don't torpedo IM's RP posts because I move something or someone because I don't know what IM has been told regarding possible joint ops or blow away you ilchi's jumpship as it arrives >:( because I don't know your coming. We all have enough on out plates.

Otherwise putting it simply I'm the orders guy if I don't know about it before I do the sheet then it ain't gonna happen. You have been warned.


I would like to talk about an extension for this turn. I will be getting up the last threads of my factions but then it is already late. An extension could also give us some breathing room to allow for some MegaMek, there is the Niflsmeet, but there could be others. I think foremost of the Adder trials. What do you think?


It's only the eighteenth, Marlin, we've got seven days to get this done, that mass of attacks last turn took about an hour to resolve out.  Part of what killed the last game, was the constant reliance on extensions-usually granted, followed by long stretches of both jack, and shit from the people who asked for 'em (and a healthy quantity of whining and complaint when things didn't go their way in spite of the extensions.)

The only reason I see for any extensions to even be talked about, is hard and fast appointments for Megamek fights that can't make the deadline, and that's only a couple days' worth, give or take.  Fights going to Simpres are going to go to simpres, and they'll be resolved in minutes, not hours or days.

Short form, based on what's gone on here before, extensions are counterproductive delaying tactics far more often than they are beneficial.  They should be granted rarely, and for very short periods only, for very specific reasons, and when one is granted, this site should be busier than hell making use of it.

Which ain't hte pattern historically with turn extensions-the more common pattern is another long period of inactivity followed by a chorus of "WTF???" when the extension lapses and the people who've asked for it are whistle-bit because the opponent they were ignoring wasn't ignoring them.  (Coventry in turn 43/44/45 is a perfect, textbook, example of this.)

That's my argument against extending THIS turn.  Unless you've got a bunch of scheduled MM fights that can't finish in the next seven days, and both you and your opponent are going to actually show up to fight them out with a witness, there's no reason to stretch it out-RP posts can be (and you an' I have done this) shuttled back-and-forth and posted in a fairly short time, or in the periods where nothing else is going on, there's the entire PM system, plus Skype, plus the board itself.


Oh, and Marlin, you've got seventeen threads to reply to in the combat threads area, mostly dice-rolls, including 2 raid responses, a handfull of Naval Recons that were seen, and counter-rolls for a batch of Commerce Disruptions.

If you really NEED me to write RP for those, I will, but most of them aren't important enough to actually do that until we have some results numbers, and the clock's ticking.


I saw those with disgust. Hopefully I can do them tomorrow or Wednesday, cant do much more right now. :P

If you want, do some RP of course. :) I trust you on that one.


Quote from: Marlin on July 18, 2011, 06:16:57 PM
I saw those with disgust. Hopefully I can do them tomorrow or Wednesday, cant do much more right now. :P

If you want, do some RP of course. :) I trust you on that one.

I hope you have some good fights in there for me, I picked targets that should have significant defenses, and blew all my intel checks-the only way I'll know what my opposition is at this point, is the recon ops-and that'll only tell me Naval-you're at an advantage...


Dunno. You picked the right target. All not today though, I gotta get away from the PC.


Nilfsmeet is not affected by combat deadlines so is not a valid excuse for an extension. All combat hreads that are not resolved by the 25th will end up in my hands unless I decide to extend as I am still waiting for some orders select combat threads may not appear until next turn much to the annoyance of people who got thier orders in.


Yes, the Niflsmeet is a 1 day event and will start on time. If people don't show up, people don't show up and it will be RP only. I haven't had a Megamek game and the way people haven't been playing megamek, I don't expect a lot of participation :(

Iron Mongoose

Quote from: Deathrider6 on July 18, 2011, 09:55:33 AM
Effective immediately I am taking over the Administraive and Combat rolls for CSA. IM is the role play guy still so ALL PM's regarding CSA must be CC'ed to the GM account AND my personal PM boxes so I don't torpedo IM's RP posts because I move something or someone because I don't know what IM has been told regarding possible joint ops or blow away you ilchi's jumpship as it arrives >:( because I don't know your coming. We all have enough on out plates.

Otherwise putting it simply I'm the orders guy if I don't know about it before I do the sheet then it ain't gonna happen. You have been warned.

So does that mean you're posting the big attack, or am I?


Quote from: Iron Mongoose on July 19, 2011, 03:55:27 PM
Quote from: Deathrider6 on July 18, 2011, 09:55:33 AM
Effective immediately I am taking over the Administraive and Combat rolls for CSA. IM is the role play guy still so ALL PM's regarding CSA must be CC'ed to the GM account AND my personal PM boxes so I don't torpedo IM's RP posts because I move something or someone because I don't know what IM has been told regarding possible joint ops or blow away you ilchi's jumpship as it arrives >:( because I don't know your coming. We all have enough on out plates.

Otherwise putting it simply I'm the orders guy if I don't know about it before I do the sheet then it ain't gonna happen. You have been warned.

So does that mean you're posting the big attack, or am I?
Post it IM I'll roll it out.


This is the first offensive in twenty-some-odd turns I have launched against ANYONE.  I planned a few back in C27 and C28, but they didn't go anywhere, and there were three minor trials in C41.

But this,here, is the first on-screen offensive I've ever launched, and I got more interaction/response so far with the bloody third-party witnesses than I have from the guy I'm attacking.

I work full time, often I end up working over-time. I'd like to be able to finish posting my orders (or not carrying them out) based on the in-game tactical and/or diplomatic situation, rather than based on the timer running out because somebody's panicked 'cause I didn't sit in my corner for yet another turn racking up the infra upgrades.

I know it sounds selfish, but I signed back up to do stuff.  I'd like to get on with the doing of the stuff...


Good to hear it, your timing seems to be well done. I myself and trying to work on some politics, us silly ravens are like that ;) The Grand Council situation is particularly entertaining to me. :)


To be honest with you all: if I had known what it meant to do such large scale invasion and then what that triggered, I would have seriously thought about taking over the Spirit Cats. Right now it is more a burden than anything else. Also, I do them harm in not focusing on them in my planning too well, perhaps it would have been better to let them die out. :(

Anyway, just a heads up.