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OOC Thread

Started by Daemonknight, April 19, 2011, 10:57:03 AM

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Quote"You Falcons have already lost your honor if you cannot even uphold to the Trials of our Founders. How you even aquired a bloodname is beyond me, lest you would know that the Defender in a Trial determines the manner of the Trial as well as the location. If the Falcons could not afford a Mechwarrior with a Bloodname to fight a Clan and thus do not take Trials seriously, then I cannot help you. The Khan won honorably. You better shut your beak about things you do not understand and tell me how and with what you will defend. Otherwise I will have to show you the folly of your ways."

Daaayum DK! You gonna let an ICE HELLION talk to you that way!?

LOL, granted these aint your geneparent's Hellions :) They got Skills ;)


Hey, Hellions always got skills. Ask those fighting Asa Taney. He was just an idiot off the Battle Field.

*mumbles about youth*


Quote from: Fatebringer on July 21, 2011, 06:42:15 PM
Quote"You Falcons have already lost your honor if you cannot even uphold to the Trials of our Founders. How you even aquired a bloodname is beyond me, lest you would know that the Defender in a Trial determines the manner of the Trial as well as the location. If the Falcons could not afford a Mechwarrior with a Bloodname to fight a Clan and thus do not take Trials seriously, then I cannot help you. The Khan won honorably. You better shut your beak about things you do not understand and tell me how and with what you will defend. Otherwise I will have to show you the folly of your ways."

Daaayum DK! You gonna let an ICE HELLION talk to you that way!?

LOL, granted these aint your geneparent's Hellions :) They got Skills ;)

was the ice weasel prattling on again? my warriors are trained to ignore annoying insects, especially ones who require 45 tons of battlemech to deal with a single unarmed warrior. When they stop hiding behind the Grand Loremaster's skirts, and fight like Clanners, perhaps they will be worthy of being listened to. Untill then, I'm not sure theres anything for me to say to them, let alone listen to them drone on about the same worthless arguments from a group of so-called 'superior warriors', who need to wait untill the Adders are absorbing all my forces before they launch their attacks. Cowards are not deserving of honorable treatment.
"My only regret is that I will not be alive in .03 seconds. I would have liked to watch the enemy attempt to vent an omnidirectional thermonuclear blast enveloping their outpost."
-Last thoughts of Maldon, Type XXX Bolo, 3rd Battalion, Dinochrome Brigade


The Khan fought in a 45 ton Omni, though.  ::) Thats nearly half the weight you mentioned, which would indeed be seen as cowardly.



if it takes the Hellions a 45 ton Battlemech piloted by their Khan to defeat a single Jade Falcon eyas, then I hope the Hellion naval arm is packing some experimental new warship designs if it wants to fight my battlemech forces.
"My only regret is that I will not be alive in .03 seconds. I would have liked to watch the enemy attempt to vent an omnidirectional thermonuclear blast enveloping their outpost."
-Last thoughts of Maldon, Type XXX Bolo, 3rd Battalion, Dinochrome Brigade


Okay folks please read and review the rules...


Okay, so far I've fixed a bunch of shit-units on orders they couldn't carry out due to the rules and my failure to spot certain changes thereupon.

Still leaves me with three invasions (instead of the five I THOUGHT I had) that aren't hashed up, and only one or two groups of units that I need a ruling on as to where they 'stopped' this turn.


Gi Journalist, could you take a look at the other of the invasion threads? Pompey is a victory for you, but perhaps the Cats can pull a bit from those space romans.


Okay, now we're down to resolving the Naval actions off Mainstreet, which includes the SUCCESSFUL Naval Recon, (rolled a 10).


Things Cannonshop learned this turn:

1. Don't make your first required dice-roll on the first post, it ends up with a 'tamper' flag when you go to edit the subject line after item is resolved.
2. check the category of the item you're doing, if it says "Battle", it doesn't have the same problems "Invasion" does.
3. next time you take "a job" for another faction, have your excuses pre-thought-out in-character so you can respond to your opponent's queries clearly, concisely, and intelligently.
4. Don't over-pack your operations.  I could've run ten or more physical RAIDS if I hadn't overconcentrated on two objectives. 
5. WAIT for recon results, and pester the other guy about them first-some missions need not be launched, it's a nice thing when you know which.


Lol. All good points.

Point 4: I can only apologize. I did not do the Cats justice and that is sad. It shows that having more than 1 factions does harm to one. At least in case of the Mid-Carders or low tiers.  :-\


Hey, where's the maps? (not on the map thread.)  I have a new guy wants to play.
Say "Hi" Marc.


Map guy has a life....but don't panic one will be forth coming.


1.) A lesson that we all find out eventually. I usually post unit arrival first and any chatter, then do rolls.
2.) Yeah, when  saw Commerce distruption was listed as "Invasion" I was confused, I always thought it was a raid.
3.) Amen. I noticed you had a lot of "Help" in the region. AFFS, SLDF, etc.
4.) Dude, you hit each of those planets with a minimum of 3 missions each. That's a lot of work.
5.) The only way to really use Naval Recon the same turn you plan on attacking is to post it early and hope the players being active enough to get an early response.


FYI: We have TWO yes TWO new players coming in for next turn. Interaction is STRONGLY encouraged but rick rolling them and their factions is not. I do expect limited combat operations of some kind from everyone who can to be initiated (raids, recon all that goodness maybe even an invasion or two so that they get the chance to actually get a handle on their factions and the rules). I also would like to thank CS for recruiting both of them They will be watched and guided along by myself and the rest of you I'm sure. To the new folks if you have a question on a rule ALWAYS ASK even if the question is trivial or you can find it yourself. I am happy now that the DC and the TC have dedicated players.