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Started by Daemonknight, April 19, 2011, 10:57:03 AM

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Daaaayum! Just finished reading War of Reaving. Awesome book! Both as a story and a campaign guide. This one book completely puts the entire Jihad to shame. Go buy this book!

Dave Baughman

Quote from: Fatebringer on August 04, 2011, 12:32:20 AM
Daaaayum! Just finished reading War of Reaving. Awesome book! Both as a story and a campaign guide. This one book completely puts the entire Jihad to shame. Go buy this book!

Gah, now I have no choice. Time to spend more money...
And I looked, and behold a pale horse: and his name that sat on him was Apollyon, and Hell followed with him. And power was given unto them over the fourth part of the earth, to kill with sword, and with hunger, and with death, and with the beasts of the earth.

Dave Baughman

Wow, it starts with a renegade Clan stealing the founders' genetic legacies in a suicide mission to Strana Mechty. Where have I encountered this plot twist before...?

Seriously though, I'm sure its 100% coincidental. Its just awesome we totally called the way things would go down what, two years ago now?
And I looked, and behold a pale horse: and his name that sat on him was Apollyon, and Hell followed with him. And power was given unto them over the fourth part of the earth, to kill with sword, and with hunger, and with death, and with the beasts of the earth.


 How about my foreseeing Brett Andrews penchant for pulling pistols and shooting people in the head? :P

Dave Baughman

Yeah, Fate, thank you for alerting me to this one... its a great read so far :)
And I looked, and behold a pale horse: and his name that sat on him was Apollyon, and Hell followed with him. And power was given unto them over the fourth part of the earth, to kill with sword, and with hunger, and with death, and with the beasts of the earth.

Dave Baughman

Interesting also to see Trials of Annihilation and Abjuration being voted on what may be a simple-majority basis. I wonder when the Grand Council adopted that little twist on the rules?
And I looked, and behold a pale horse: and his name that sat on him was Apollyon, and Hell followed with him. And power was given unto them over the fourth part of the earth, to kill with sword, and with hunger, and with death, and with the beasts of the earth.

Dave Baughman

I was informed with some candor the other week by a Councilman
(Senior Member Miletus from Radstadt, I believe) that the Republic had grown weary of being a veritable "pet state" under ComStar's watch. While they were still trading one ruler for another (a simplistic
way to see it), the fact was that most Republicans trusted the Dominion more than ComStar.

Yeah, now who was "playing his faction wildly out of character and doing things they would never do in canon" when he launched Operation Red? I got a good  :o followed by a LOL when I saw this particulary "crazy anti-canon fan theory" validated :)
And I looked, and behold a pale horse: and his name that sat on him was Apollyon, and Hell followed with him. And power was given unto them over the fourth part of the earth, to kill with sword, and with hunger, and with death, and with the beasts of the earth.


Me I am more interested in finding out what  Leviathan Prime is.

An Improved Levi II upgraded for even more pawnage???? And yet they did not include any specs on it.

Much nerd rage was had by me.


This book was such a page turner. I was lucky my boss was out and today was my easy day. I bought this about one and stayed at the office reading it til seven, then I finished up my stuff at work and went home :P

I've had buyers remorse from certain TRO's where I bought the thing to see my faction get less than a handful of new toys I wanted, or the JHS that didn't give us any real info, but kept the feel of the moment alive, here, there's none of that. It's brutal and it's beautiful.There were times when we were playing that I wanted to play it safe and keep my warships out of battles because they're my babies, but I felt the clanner in me say, "That's now why they were made" and I put them on the line. This book shows EXACTLY why clanners do what they do.

My personal favorite moment in this book was the Kael Pershaw trick.

Quote...Loremaster Pershaw, the only remaining Falcon warrior on Strana Mechty, challenged Andrews to single combat, "bringing nothing more than my flesh and bones, and the machines grafted to them." Andrews accepted; Reaving the old Falcon warrior would do much for his ris-tar status within the Vipers. As Pershaw prepared to meet the Viper commander, he ordered the rest of the enclave staff to leave with the departing Ghost Bears, with whom he had negotiated passage through Tseng.

Fully expecting an easy win, Star Colonel Andrews entered the Circle of Equals and was dead less than a minute later, the victim of a small laser pistol that had been grafted inside Pershaw's left arm. Because Pershaw had not violated the batchall or the Trial, Andrews' Starmates grudgingly allowed him to depart.

And for those of us that don't know, it explains later on in the personality section about his extensive modifcations to himself and why. He was a big hero in this book.


Still need the results from Marian battles, Dave. Time is running low.


I am having some buyer's remorse from this book. Yes, I know my boys bite the dust, and I am fine with it. It looks like they are making the Vipers the villains during the WoR. I am cool with that. But at least make them INTELLIGENT villains huh? The Vipers start off cold, calculating, and efficient. At the point I am at now, The Wolf Abjurement, the Vipers are acting like complete f&^%#$g morons. For example, look at Fate's quote. Pershaw pretty much tells his opponent, I HAVE A WEAPON!!!!, yet his opponent just grins like an idiot and walks right into a gunshot. Yeah.. Real good writing. Still reading, just starting to get a bad taste in my mouth from what right now seems to be lazy writing.

Quote from: Fatebringer on August 04, 2011, 04:13:19 AM
This book was such a page turner. I was lucky my boss was out and today was my easy day. I bought this about one and stayed at the office reading it til seven, then I finished up my stuff at work and went home :P

I've had buyers remorse from certain TRO's where I bought the thing to see my faction get less than a handful of new toys I wanted, or the JHS that didn't give us any real info, but kept the feel of the moment alive, here, there's none of that. It's brutal and it's beautiful.There were times when we were playing that I wanted to play it safe and keep my warships out of battles because they're my babies, but I felt the clanner in me say, "That's now why they were made" and I put them on the line. This book shows EXACTLY why clanners do what they do.

My personal favorite moment in this book was the Kael Pershaw trick.

Quote...Loremaster Pershaw, the only remaining Falcon warrior on Strana Mechty, challenged Andrews to single combat, "bringing nothing more than my flesh and bones, and the machines grafted to them." Andrews accepted; Reaving the old Falcon warrior would do much for his ris-tar status within the Vipers. As Pershaw prepared to meet the Viper commander, he ordered the rest of the enclave staff to leave with the departing Ghost Bears, with whom he had negotiated passage through Tseng.

Fully expecting an easy win, Star Colonel Andrews entered the Circle of Equals and was dead less than a minute later, the victim of a small laser pistol that had been grafted inside Pershaw's left arm. Because Pershaw had not violated the batchall or the Trial, Andrews' Starmates grudgingly allowed him to depart.

And for those of us that don't know, it explains later on in the personality section about his extensive modifcations to himself and why. He was a big hero in this book.

Dave Baughman

Well, this is BattleTech we're talking about. I wasn't expecting War & Peace when I bought the book... I found the book exceeded my expectations for a BT product and it was a pretty fun read (at least up to where I've got so far). I definitely agree with you that there are aspects where I was like "If I were writing the book, I would have done __________ instead" though - but I can't think of any recent BT product where I haven't had one or two of those moments, and to be fair at least I haven't run into any agregious offenses against language and history in this one (other than the magical appearance of an "i" on the end of Nikola Tesla's name) .
And I looked, and behold a pale horse: and his name that sat on him was Apollyon, and Hell followed with him. And power was given unto them over the fourth part of the earth, to kill with sword, and with hunger, and with death, and with the beasts of the earth.


Dude I am a Free Worlder so I feel your pain.

But you know every faction is going to have to take stupid pill's from time to time.

Here's hoping its just as amusing when its the Fedrat and Lyran's turn.

Though I am surprised by how large the Fleet's still are at the end of the war of reaving.

The Clan's are maintaining the lead there over the Inner Sphere which is good.


True. Like I said, I have really liked a lot of what I have read right up to the Wolf Abjurement. I think the shift feels so abrupt is why I noticed it. I do have to say the Ravens scouring of Galedon, and the assaults that preceded it seems so out of place for the Ravens.


QuotePershaw pretty much tells his opponent, I HAVE A WEAPON!!!!

Actually, that's why I included the exerpt from Pershaw's bio. He's got so much cyberware, he could have been talking about the mechanics inside of him. I'm sure he when he said that he wasn't pointing to the laser, but pointing at him with a mechanical hand.

Quote from: GreyJaeger on August 05, 2011, 03:07:05 PM
True. Like I said, I have really liked a lot of what I have read right up to the Wolf Abjurement. I think the shift feels so abrupt is why I noticed it. I do have to say the Ravens scouring of Galedon, and the assaults that preceded it seems so out of place for the Ravens.

We knew about the Raven tantrum, and I can honestly say I've played my Ravens a bit more cool and calculating than that. We would have seriously participated in the Orbital Bombardment of Sudeten if I wasn't a new player being told, "Hey, you guys signed the Ares II Treaty!" and pushed me off the idea.