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Started by Daemonknight, April 19, 2011, 10:57:03 AM

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Lord Harlock

Quote from: GreyJaeger on August 05, 2011, 02:15:17 PM
I am having some buyer's remorse from this book. Yes, I know my boys bite the dust, and I am fine with it. It looks like they are making the Vipers the villains during the WoR. I am cool with that. But at least make them INTELLIGENT villains huh? The Vipers start off cold, calculating, and efficient. At the point I am at now, The Wolf Abjurement, the Vipers are acting like complete f&^%#$g morons. For example, look at Fate's quote. Pershaw pretty much tells his opponent, I HAVE A WEAPON!!!!, yet his opponent just grins like an idiot and walks right into a gunshot. Yeah.. Real good writing. Still reading, just starting to get a bad taste in my mouth from what right now seems to be lazy writing.

I think the whole Taint thing just pushed most Clanners into a bloodlust, but it especially did so with the Vipers.


Someone in the spoiler thread on CBT made an awesome comparisson to Andrews and Hitler. :P


Does anyone know how long I have to wait before I can put this info up on the Raven Board? Or does that only apply to the CBT board?


Quote from: Lord Harlock on August 05, 2011, 05:41:52 PM
Quote from: GreyJaeger on August 05, 2011, 02:15:17 PM
I am having some buyer's remorse from this book. Yes, I know my boys bite the dust, and I am fine with it. It looks like they are making the Vipers the villains during the WoR. I am cool with that. But at least make them INTELLIGENT villains huh? The Vipers start off cold, calculating, and efficient. At the point I am at now, The Wolf Abjurement, the Vipers are acting like complete f&^%#$g morons. For example, look at Fate's quote. Pershaw pretty much tells his opponent, I HAVE A WEAPON!!!!, yet his opponent just grins like an idiot and walks right into a gunshot. Yeah.. Real good writing. Still reading, just starting to get a bad taste in my mouth from what right now seems to be lazy writing.

I think the whole Taint thing just pushed most Clanners into a bloodlust, but it especially did so with the Vipers.

Now you can see Grey, why I said you were playing the Vipers too timid :P The Ravens tell their sibkos that the Vipers are going to try to eat them in their sleep... the meanest thing you did was that major hit on Hellgate after we agreed to interclan cooperation. ;)

Lord Harlock

Quote from: Fatebringer on August 05, 2011, 06:31:52 PM
Someone in the spoiler thread on CBT made an awesome comparisson to Andrews and Hitler. :P

Personally, I liked the Robespierre comparsion better since it is more appriopate to the insanity unleashed from the decisions made.

Quote from: chaosxtreme on August 05, 2011, 03:03:52 PM

Here's hoping its just as amusing when its the Fedrat and Lyran's turn.

Honestly, the Lyrans got their turn in Bonfire of Worlds with the Wolf turnabout. Personally, I haven't been looking forward to whatever Loren Coleman has or had planned for the Suns since I was in a public chat with him after the release of either Sword of Sedetion or Fortress Republic. Over the years, it lead to me basically trying to make sure that Caleb could never come into existence in FGC 3062. Why was there a Tikonov Ball? To find someone to marry Yvonne to that would keep a Caleb from ever being born was the main objective.

But look at it this way, the Suns' fans generally liked Harrison Davion, and then the TPTB gave us Caleb after a bit of patricide/regicide. Most of us are pretty sure that it'll end in fire, a black hole, supernova, and Sun-Tzu rising from his grave to eat Julian Davion. New Avalon turned blacker than Luthien. Capellans making wind in the frozen halls of New Syrtis. The Robinson Battle Academy being torn down brick by brick  . . . again. The Avalon Hussars reduced to two Urbanmechs. And at least three fans of some other factions saying that we got off easy. Etc. Even with all the devestation from the Jihad, we are pretty sure that any recovery from that will probably be ripped apart worse from years of worry about what is going to happen.  :'( So anything that happens that is less than the complete collapses of the Suns, extermination of the Davion line, and doomsday is a win for us at this point since a lot of us are convinced that the absolute worse is going to happen.


Quote from: GreyJaeger on August 05, 2011, 02:15:17 PM
I am having some buyer's remorse from this book. Yes, I know my boys bite the dust, and I am fine with it. It looks like they are making the Vipers the villains during the WoR. I am cool with that. But at least make them INTELLIGENT villains huh? The Vipers start off cold, calculating, and efficient. At the point I am at now, The Wolf Abjurement, the Vipers are acting like complete f&^%#$g morons. For example, look at Fate's quote. Pershaw pretty much tells his opponent, I HAVE A WEAPON!!!!, yet his opponent just grins like an idiot and walks right into a gunshot. Yeah.. Real good writing. Still reading, just starting to get a bad taste in my mouth from what right now seems to be lazy writing.

Quote from: Fatebringer on August 04, 2011, 04:13:19 AM
This book was such a page turner. I was lucky my boss was out and today was my easy day. I bought this about one and stayed at the office reading it til seven, then I finished up my stuff at work and went home :P

I've had buyers remorse from certain TRO's where I bought the thing to see my faction get less than a handful of new toys I wanted, or the JHS that didn't give us any real info, but kept the feel of the moment alive, here, there's none of that. It's brutal and it's beautiful.There were times when we were playing that I wanted to play it safe and keep my warships out of battles because they're my babies, but I felt the clanner in me say, "That's now why they were made" and I put them on the line. This book shows EXACTLY why clanners do what they do.

My personal favorite moment in this book was the Kael Pershaw trick.

Quote...Loremaster Pershaw, the only remaining Falcon warrior on Strana Mechty, challenged Andrews to single combat, "bringing nothing more than my flesh and bones, and the machines grafted to them." Andrews accepted; Reaving the old Falcon warrior would do much for his ris-tar status within the Vipers. As Pershaw prepared to meet the Viper commander, he ordered the rest of the enclave staff to leave with the departing Ghost Bears, with whom he had negotiated passage through Tseng.

Fully expecting an easy win, Star Colonel Andrews entered the Circle of Equals and was dead less than a minute later, the victim of a small laser pistol that had been grafted inside Pershaw's left arm. Because Pershaw had not violated the batchall or the Trial, Andrews' Starmates grudgingly allowed him to depart.

And for those of us that don't know, it explains later on in the personality section about his extensive modifcations to himself and why. He was a big hero in this book.

Stupid-pills and stupid-juice are how you can TELL who the 'villains' are in the CBT universe, which is why, unlike some speculations, I don't think we'll be seeing it afflicted upon the Davions and the Steiners to any serious degree, now that we've had the FedCom civil war storyline-the Steel Vipers are minor enough players that the Devs don't have a problem with using them up as the cardboard baddies of the week.


doing now the open threads in Marians, assuming where there was no answer, there was only Militia. Although all that can be changed if there was more, of course. Illyria might be having more troops. Or Logan Prime.


Okay, finished reading the WoR, and overall, I am impressed. My main complaints was still the Wolf Abjurement, the Wolf Stand at Kerensky's Blood Chapel. It just felt so contrived.

The Vipers are gone, but they went down like a Boss!!  ;D


So, Cats are about to be done, although I still need the results from the Illyria Hex and Logan Prime as well as Pompey. :(

Also, a question to Allied/Hostile Movement through several factions: would there be needed a separate thread for ALL traversed hexes? If so, it would be just madness. Example: force moves through CIH territory 1, then there is a contested Hex, then there is a Star Adder Hex, for example. How is that done? 3 separate threads? Please not.


Seriously they did

"I call for the annihilation of Clan Steel Viper's"

*Viper IlKhan calmly pulls out a pistol and shoots the Adder Khan in. the. face.*

GI Journalist

Quote from: Marlin on August 06, 2011, 07:28:12 AM
doing now the open threads in Marians, assuming where there was no answer, there was only Militia. Although all that can be changed if there was more, of course. Illyria might be having more troops. Or Logan Prime.

Now that I'm back in the US for a bit, I'll scan through my forces to help clean up those threads.  I'll check each planet, but I don't think "militia" would have attempted to stand up to Clan invaders in the absence of the Legion. Can someone point out where I can find the militia rules?  Thanks.

Dave Baughman

Quote from: GI Journalist on August 07, 2011, 11:20:57 AM
Quote from: Marlin on August 06, 2011, 07:28:12 AM
doing now the open threads in Marians, assuming where there was no answer, there was only Militia. Although all that can be changed if there was more, of course. Illyria might be having more troops. Or Logan Prime.

Now that I'm back in the US for a bit, I'll scan through my forces to help clean up those threads.  I'll check each planet, but I don't think "militia" would have attempted to stand up to Clan invaders in the absence of the Legion. Can someone point out where I can find the militia rules?  Thanks.

Militia can mean two different things depending on what their game mechanical status is.

  • If the militia is actually on your orders sheet; that is to say they have a line-item, FP value, etc, then the distinction is purely a fluff one. They operate exactly like normal units
  • However, if you have no units from your orders sheet on a planet, you can 'call up' 1.0 FP of free militia. In the past these had to be green, non-'Mech troops, but I believe that stance has been softened to conform with Canon and they are now just 1.0 FP of whatever you want (within reason) - DR6 can correct me if I am in error on that point. Free Militia can't move (they have the Static movement type), can't use Guerilla Warfare, and go away at the end of the turn (of course you can call them up again next turn if you need to).
  • Fun fact: Planets aren't the only things that get free militia if they have no ground forces assigned. If a Warship is boarded, it gets 1.0 FP of "Ship's Militia" to aid in its defense.
And I looked, and behold a pale horse: and his name that sat on him was Apollyon, and Hell followed with him. And power was given unto them over the fourth part of the earth, to kill with sword, and with hunger, and with death, and with the beasts of the earth.

Iron Mongoose

A bit of history:

Back in the day, raids were mostly a way of getting a bit of MM fun in with out having to have a war, and often times a raid would go to a world that didn't have other defences.  Millita was added so that you could always have some defense against a raid, and you could always do some MM if you wanted, rather than just have a walk over.

Later on, millita instituted a sort of minimum requirement to take a world.  You couldn't just go in with .25 FP (the minimum trackable amount, though in theroy you might have been able to claim "0 FP" of foot infantry, since they had no value but were real trackable units) or what ever and just take a world.  You had to send enough to beat 1 FP, what ever that means to you (3 FP was standard, but I often used 2).

As Dave says, the resualt and idea is that a world is never really defenceless.  In the BT universe (or even the real world) there's always something.  Might be a bunch of farmers with their hunting rifles, might be police or SWAT units giving it the old collage try.  Might be proper millitary units.  But, its not nothing.

Dave Baughman

Quote from: Iron Mongoose on August 07, 2011, 04:46:48 PM
A bit of history:

Back in the day, raids were mostly a way of getting a bit of MM fun in with out having to have a war, and often times a raid would go to a world that didn't have other defences.  Millita was added so that you could always have some defense against a raid, and you could always do some MM if you wanted, rather than just have a walk over.

Later on, millita instituted a sort of minimum requirement to take a world.  You couldn't just go in with .25 FP (the minimum trackable amount, though in theroy you might have been able to claim "0 FP" of foot infantry, since they had no value but were real trackable units) or what ever and just take a world.  You had to send enough to beat 1 FP, what ever that means to you (3 FP was standard, but I often used 2).

As Dave says, the resualt and idea is that a world is never really defenceless.  In the BT universe (or even the real world) there's always something.  Might be a bunch of farmers with their hunting rifles, might be police or SWAT units giving it the old collage try.  Might be proper millitary units.  But, its not nothing.

I remember in the good old days when I got yelled at by the GMs for deciding that my 1 FP of free militia was a regiment of light vehicles supported by mechanized infantry.

Ironically, the smackdown came not with relation to FRR (who had been describing planetary Home Guard forces in multi-regiment strength in their fluff and even in simple rez fights for months by this point) but when I was proxying for Holt. The AFFS player on the other side took disproportionate losses (he had gone in with a 'Mech regiment of some sort and took a couple of FP of damage) and was scandalized that he didn't just roll over the local militz.
And I looked, and behold a pale horse: and his name that sat on him was Apollyon, and Hell followed with him. And power was given unto them over the fourth part of the earth, to kill with sword, and with hunger, and with death, and with the beasts of the earth.


Hahaha it was Saladins, a swarm of them.