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OOC Thread

Started by Daemonknight, April 19, 2011, 10:57:03 AM

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Quote from: Daemonknight on February 17, 2012, 09:56:41 AM
thats kinda the point Cannon. Dave wants everyone to go through it so we all know the rules well. Things are changing alot, the whole point of the FS thing is to make sure everyone is on the same page, and we don't have situations where someone didn't fully read or understand the rules, and we get foul ups. The point I was making, was that everyone has to do it, and nobody owns a faction untill they do- so prior to that happening, the AToW game is completely open in what it can/can't do as far as contracts and missions, though it's upto Dave if the AToW campaign even has a bearing on the FGC. We can play an AToW campaign using the FGC as backdrop, without it actually influencing any of the events.

But I don't want this to turn into a discussion of what missions can or can't be done. This was just me trying to drum up some interest. If you'd like to discuss what we can do with an FGC-themed AToW game, make a thread in the AToW section, please. And while I know you have a big passion for the UIW's various goings-on, we're likely not going to touch on alot of the mercenary missions they were doing, because little of that was important stuff in the larger sense, AND, I'd want to visit every faction if possible. Especially factions that didn't get alot of face time, like the FS, the DC, and the CC.

Part of posting HERE is to see if there's sufficient interest to bother with a thread on the ATOW section, DK.  For me, getting into it would involve buying a book beforehand, (I don't have the PDF's, and I won't download from Torrent sites.)

So, prior to putting money down, I want to see if there's going to be a game I want in on as a player, rather than just spectating.  If I'm just spectating, then I don't feel it's fair to the players to choke THEIR section of the forums with MY opinions and suggestions for THEIR game.

So, first, let's check interest-levels, see if people will latch on to it.  If there's enough interest, then, indeed, I'll skeedaddle down to Loren's Store at the Everett Mall, pay out some cashy-money, buy a book, and join in.  if not...I'm getting to that point in my gaming career where I'm no longer interested in buying a book, THEN finding a game.  I've a tonne of books for systems that're obselete, forgotten, or obscure to the point of never being played-many in "Mint" condition just due to never having found a group/campaign.  Some of those books were for Battletech/Mechwarrior connected properties.  A few I even playtested elements for.

I'm wanting to see WHO is interested, and HOW interested they are, that's best served, imho, on THIS thread.


Cannon, this is NOT the place to be having this discussion. Its for the Fan Council games. The only reason I posted here originally, is because most people who play this game, are ONLY looking at this thread. Now there is a small discussion on the thread, so people are aware of my intent. It's now time to move this off the FGC section, and into the AToW section.

Your beliefs not withstanding, this isn't the best place to be having a lengthy AToW discussion. I'm moving any further conversation into the AToW section, WHERE IT BELONGS. If people are interested, they'll come down. If they arn't, they arn't. But clogging up the FGC's OOC section by talking about AToW isn't fair to the people who don't care about AToW.

If you, or anyone else, wants to make their interest known, goto the AToW OOC board, and look for the post about the FGC spin-off game. And read this post as "DK the Moderator", not "DK the AToW GM".
"My only regret is that I will not be alive in .03 seconds. I would have liked to watch the enemy attempt to vent an omnidirectional thermonuclear blast enveloping their outpost."
-Last thoughts of Maldon, Type XXX Bolo, 3rd Battalion, Dinochrome Brigade


yes, that's the one. I know i said in the thread i'm more interested in seeing who is willing to play, but I don't have an problem discussing the play style if we've got more than 1 interested party. And Cannon, if you are afraid of buying the book before you have a game, I'll toss you my copy so you can look through it, or I can just teach you the basics over Skype sometime so you get a feel for the system before you commit
"My only regret is that I will not be alive in .03 seconds. I would have liked to watch the enemy attempt to vent an omnidirectional thermonuclear blast enveloping their outpost."
-Last thoughts of Maldon, Type XXX Bolo, 3rd Battalion, Dinochrome Brigade


Quote from: Daemonknight on February 20, 2012, 11:07:28 PM
yes, that's the one. I know i said in the thread i'm more interested in seeing who is willing to play, but I don't have an problem discussing the play style if we've got more than 1 interested party. And Cannon, if you are afraid of buying the book before you have a game, I'll toss you my copy so you can look through it, or I can just teach you the basics over Skype sometime so you get a feel for the system before you commit

I had an idea, so I did up a reply on the ATOW thread for a possible FGC spin-off.  IIRC, there're entries on the FCWiki for most of it, but I lost the link when I lost the old hard-drive.


I shall provide you. Go to parent directory but be warned, the wiki is flooded with pestilence and spam. You will have to search for your item and it will be there (without damage I think). Random page and recent changes are doomed so far. :(