Inner Sphere News Threads

Started by Daemonknight, April 19, 2011, 12:12:55 PM

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For press releases and other news articles.

Inner Sphere, Periphery, and Independent factions may post articles to this thread. Clan factions must find an intermediary to post any stories they originate.

All articles, unless sent to the GMs for posting as an INN article or concealed by an intelligence order, must be posted in the name of the originating faction.

ComStar and the Word of Blake reserve the right to take punitive action against any nation whose media misrepresent their nationality.

OOC Note: this is not/not going to be a locked thread; however, post propaganda at your own risk. Any faction that undermines its credibility will not be able to count on GM intervention if subsequent "serious" news stories are ignored or downplayed.
"My only regret is that I will not be alive in .03 seconds. I would have liked to watch the enemy attempt to vent an omnidirectional thermonuclear blast enveloping their outpost."
-Last thoughts of Maldon, Type XXX Bolo, 3rd Battalion, Dinochrome Brigade


News from the Edge, January 1, 3091...

Boojum Naval Shipyard, boojum 2, Kowloon system...[/b]

REAPR '91, the Regional Exploration and Anti Piracy Reconaissance exercise slated to launch this week, has been delayed.  Spokesmen for the Department of the Navy this week cited concerns raised in the annual Logistics Audit, as well as technical problems aboard the Cameron class cruiser "Obvious Lie"-a vessel purchased five years ago from Clan Jade Falcon as the reason for the delay.
The Obvious Lie has been taken off the mission, its role as Flagship is to be taken over by the Aegis class Bunker Hill.
In a move that surprised the Kowloonese Assembly, the Department of the Navy has accepted Duchess-in-Waiting Amanda Ngo's request to remain on active duty as the assistant gunnery officer aboard the Bunker Hill.  Members of the dominant Conservative Party in the Kowloonese Assembly have sent instructions to Congresswoman Bianh Dinh Dao to lodge a protest with the Department of the Navy, citing the young noble's other duties as reason to force her back into civilian life, an action that would allow long-standing planetary regent Charles Vanh to retire before medical complications make him unable to serve as Speaker and Regent.

Social Democrat spokesmen at the local level have applauded duchess-to-be Ngo's devotion to National service in the Navy, a move that is in conflict with the National level party's demands that large operations like REAPR '91 should be curtailed as being 'aggressive' posturing likely to alarm neighbouring powers such as the Star Adders or Spirit Cat clans.

The public course of REAPR is expected to range out in the deep periphery zones off the Spirit Cat border and rimward to the zone surrounding the remote fleet base at Dirtside, a journey of some four to six months one-way by standard jumpship.  Planners do not expect to enounter as much serious pirate and bandit activity as they did when REAPR '89, the last major antipiracy operation, was run.  REAPR '89 resulted in the establishment of the High Road 2 base at Dirtside...


Cerberus Mechworks

Cerberus, Horse Alliance Dec 90

It was announced today by President Seamus O'Halloran of Cerberus Mechworks, and endorsed by the Alliance Trade Office, that the HEP-3H Helepolis and the Royal Crab mech designs are available for trade or sale to select parties. 


For Immediate Release: UIW Archduchess Debra MacAulliffe

While we recognize our friends, the Lyran Alliance, have legitimate grievances against the Clan Star Adder, the Union of Independent Worlds will not be taking sides in this matter at this time.  Should one of the combatant parties violate our sovereignty, this position will change.  Should both parties to the dispute wish to seek a negotiated remedy and engage in peace-talks, we are open to mediate in that case so long as our neutrality in the dispute is recognized by all parties.

Because of the relational nature of both the Star Adder, and Lyran sides, UIW forces will not accept security contracts with either side for the duration of this disagreement, nor will expansion of any present contracts be pursued or agreed upon until this conflict is over.

GI Journalist

Exerpt from the INN Periphery News Report transcript for January 3, 3091

News Anchor: " another curious story, Caesar Julius O'Reilly declared a renewed exploration and colonization effort in anti-spinward space."

Ceasar Julius O'Reilly: "The prosperity of the Marian Hegemony means that its citizens need new oportunities. The New Venice observatory has identified a number of systems that are likely to contain habitable worlds, and our fleet has begun to survey the most likely prospects."

News Anchor: "The centerpiece for this announcement is Frontier Station, a spectacular accomplishment for a Periphery nation, which Caesar Julius has opened to the public. In his address, he extended an open invitation to free traders and explorers looking to support the Marian effort. Let's go now to Marian Hegemony expert Dr. Haterim Faroud for comment. Thank you for joining us."

Dr. Faroud: "Thank you, Bob. First let me say that Ancient Romans were not known as explorers. Let's hope Caesar's adventurism doesn't also extend to another war. Obviously, the Marians need to search hard for intelligent life, because they haven't enough on their own planets to recognize O'Reilly for the dictator he is."

News Anchor: "Uh, thanks for that unique perspective, Dr. Faroud. I'm sure we all wish the Marians good luck in their explorations. Join us after the break as we reveal astounding new footage and attempt to answer the question, giant space hamsters, myth or legend?"

GI Journalist

Inner Sphere Business Week, 10 January 3091

Taking an unprecedented interest in the protection of unarmored infantry, Caesar Julius O'Reilly seems to have finally recognized his legionnaires need for BattleArmor. Typical of a Periphery state, the Marian Hegemony has long gone without significant protection for its forces. Unhappy with the technology available to the Marian Hegemony, Alphard Trading Corporation is evaluating bids from companies who can provide heavy BattleArmor to Caesar's Legion. According to CEO Livia O'Reilly, the company is seeking the expertise of other Star League states. She says the ideal contract would be a partnership, in which ATC would provide guest facilities in the Marian Hegemony in exchange for the license to produce the design. To merit serious consideration, we expect any BattleArmor offered would need to be equipped to deal with the extreme conditions of the modern battlefield.  On the other hand, it's possible a Successor State sponsored manufacturer will underbid the competition by offering an older design. It also seems likely that ATC will be looking at other cost cutting measures, such as retrofitting missile firing BattleArmor designs with their infamous dumbfire rockets. If ATC can make this current venture a success, we may soon find their stock is on the rise...


Terra, Feb 1st 3091

[For Inner Sphere wide distribution.]

  Elias McKenna assumes the office of Director General.

  Elias McKenna was elected Director General of the Terran Hegemony by acclaimation today. Parliment ratified the High Council's selection of McKenna after a very short debate. Elias is the son of late Director General Anton McKenna who was tragicly killed at 2nd Sudeten in 3070. Prior to his election Elias served as a Battalion Commander in the 472nd Division of the THAF.

  His press secretary read the following statement. "I am honored to have been chosen to lead the Hegemony into the future. It is my belief that the five great houses and the TH must co-operate to see a stable and prosperous Inner Sphere. I invite the Five House Lords and the Clans to send representatives to Syrma for talks. Should they chose to do so I will welcome them."


Canopus IV, Magistracy of Canopus

4th Feb 3091

BBC Galactic, Evening News

"Heading the news tonight, we were able to obtain an interview from Magistrix Naomi Centralla.  The full interview will be shown immediately after this bulletin, however here are the highlights."

<cuts to a scene of a BBC Galactic reporter interviewing the Magistrix>

Magistrix.  By now you would have heard the news that the Terran hegemony has a new ruler.  Do you have any comment on this?

"Only that I wish Director General McKenna well.  He has had a tremendous burden placed on his shoulders, which most people could not comprehend."

And what of his invitation to the Great Houses of the Inner Sphere and the Clans to journey to Syrma for talks?

"As a young leader, he is trying to make his mark on the diplomatic stage.  However his advisors would also be telling him that each and every Great House and Clan has their own agenda.  Agenda's which I doubt would fit nicely into anything that the Director General envisions.  Plus, he has already alienated billions."

Alienated?  In what way, Magistrix?

"It is the same for almost all whose fundament sits on Terra.  The new Director General has either forgotten, or more pointedly, refused to extend the same invitation to the nations of the Periphery.  For anyone living in the periphery, I cannot but think this has been a poor first impression by the Director General."


17th running of the Dominion's Niflsmeet starts amidst trying times

Orestes Free Press (ALSHAIN) - 27 Jan 3091

In the year 3068, Clan Snow Raven acquired the planet Timbuktu from Clan Star Adder in a trial with four other worlds because Clan Star Adder did not have the time or assets to invest in the worlds. Soon after others came to challenge Clan Snow Raven's rights to the worlds. With only Local volunteer Militia to garrison the worlds each one was challenged and taken from Clan Snow Raven, all except Timbuktu. In an grand battle, the local militia commander, Star Captain Milos,  a local boy with an old Hunchback, that defeated his Magistracy challenger Captain Adele Benecke in a top of the line Wraith Battlemech. What followed was a string of victories against opponents until New Dominion regular forces landed to garrison the world.

After they solidifying their claim to Timbuktu, it became the New Dominion's diplomatic outpost for the entire region, accepting visitors from the all along the western edge of the Inner Sphere. Many trails, no longer for possessions of the world, have been fought there and acts as a neutral site for trials where no party can agree to a location. Since the arrival of Bergan Industries on the world, other New Dominion businesses have taken up an interest in moving closer to their Non-Dominion customers. Clan Snow Raven has recently completed their Industrial Complex Gamma adding a bigger showcase for new customers.

Then in the year 3074, the New Dominion Garrison put out an open call for others to come and test their might as many did in the years leading up to the Niflsmeet. The interesting event that introduced the rest of the Clans and Inner Sphere to New Dominion Culture and brought possible new buyers to Timbuktu has been running for seventeen years now with the last years champoin being from Clan Ice Hellion. Already some teams have arrived in but so far the event appears to still be scheduled to run despite recent events in the local surrounding area. The prizes are as big as ever and that will draw in the contestants.


From the Edge Newsmagazine, February 28, 3091...

A Red Auburn Goes a-visiting...

Well, I got the assignment a week ago, and we're still in UIW space.  What assignment could be dragging me out of the comforts of doing my nails and waiting for another war to start?

My editors want me to try and get an interview with a FORMER Spirit-Cat SaKhan, I'm sure you've seen the press-releases.


This morning, I woke up in a cargo-transfer station over Neerabup, just in time to see my pals in the Navy loading another fifty thousand tonnes of supplies for the REAPR-91 operation that I'm NOT going on.  Word has it, there's a gang out there bigger and rougher than ol' George Gordon's crew.  I managed to catch up with Sammy Hung, the Embed, before he left-but he's a good student, didn't let me pry one detail out of him in spite of three vodka-chess games.

I'm so proud, my former intern's grown up into a real Journalist!

Anyway, Bluestar doesn't normally run into Spirit Cat territory, and without formal diplomatic relations, we're waiting for their traffic-control guys to rout us through.  Sick thing about it, is that I know a couple Coka-Basers who swear up and down that they not only have a line in to getting Engadine White, but that a mob on that side of the border's churning it out in the tonnage-lots and swamping the market.  How reliable are dopers, you ask? Dopers can be pretty reliable news-sources, especially if they're junkies hooked on stuff that's illegal in most of the human universe.

That, of course, don't mean they're getting their hookups from sources that're really ON Engadine, but after twenty hours waiting for HPG lines on Falconnet to clear our request for a border crossing, I'm rather seriously considering calling in markers and seeing if the drug-runners can get us across the border with less hassle.

Not going to do it...just thinking about it.  Last thing "I" need is a visit to the Clans' version of a Regional Penitentiary-especially as a guest.  They shoot people there.



(If Chaos does not condone the use of Tamarind, then it will be changed. Report and Reporter will stay the same, though. :) )

A plain looking man with too big glasses and slightly too wide business clothing appeared. Hair greased backwards, looking at the VidCam:

"Ladies and Gentlemen, this is Irv Weinsteingate from ISNBC Tamarind Weekly with an important update.
The recent assault on the Marian Main Worlds has spawned news all over the Inner Sphere. We could make some important reports for you, one of them a speech from the late Spirit Cat Khan, listen in:

Quote"I, Khan Selena Fokker, will step back in light of our recent offensive and its essential failure. Also, I did not prepare the Touman enough to face such an enemy resorting to scores of nuclear Weapons. It is likely that our enemy will continue to use those dirty weapons. However, while I still can offer advise to my successors, my failure is too great to continue in my post. I wanted to follow our great Khan Andrea West's footsteps but I have shown to be unable to.

If not for those stravag Rimworlds, we would be already victorious here and we would still have our Khan. I swear to you my oath: I will not rest until those pirates are destroyed and all that give them aid. Even if I shall be a Warrior only, my skills will serve my Clan."

This was seen in the Chatterweb and reports of increased Trials against the saKhan have been received. After the honorable but lost fight for their important Space Station in the Deep Periphery and the attacks of Alphard and Lothario with a tremendous number of nuclear force deployed by the Marians, the Spirit Cats seem to waver between a state of shock and fury. The poor performance on Alphard speaks for the former, while the use of nuclear weapons in such manner could also produce a counterreaction leading to increased aggressiveness.

Of course, with such power concentrated by a Clan, rather insignificant compared to our noble state's, of course, it is unlikely that they will leave the Marians, especially after overrunning their Capital. It is more likely that the war there will intensify, even if only over the Marian Worlds. Let's hope it stays limited.

Voices have been heard that the Canopians who had to suffer until recently under their neighbours see this new twist of their enemy's fate with joy, although nothing has been issued officially.

Now, it seems that Alphard was hazardous to the Cats, who reportedly struck one Galaxy from their rolls. Also, many of their Galaxy Commanders were Veterans of their time in the Inner Sphere as part of Drac Com and Terran Hegemony and as such considered rather meek and/or softened compared to oldschool Clan-raised SibKids.  I would say those will be removed soon to make place for the new blood from the Homeworlds. With the resigning of Selina Fokker, and the saKhan likely to follow, there will be some shakeups in the structure of the Clan, perhaps that will translate to more honorable trials or even harder combat. We don't know yet, but we will keep you updated in your preferred style, truthful and neutral.

Now to the important updates on the recent unusual weather patterns..." grabbing a new stack of paper...


From the Edge Magazine, April 11, 3091...

Waypoint, Spirit Cat occupation zone, Red Auburn reporting...

This morning, a battalion of Union Marines hit the spaceport here in a surprise attack.  [image: Dead body in UIW uniform.photcell]
The attack, unexpected as it was, failed catastrophically. [image:crashed Mk VII smallcraft.photcell]
Spirit Cat officials have not released the identity of the attacking force, but these pictures [string of images of crashed smallcraft, dead bodies, damage] indicate the Third Force Recon Battalion, publicly assigned to antipiracy missions as part of the REAPR '91 naval fleet exercise, was the unit that raided here at 0330 hours this morning.

The Spirit Cat officers that I have been able to get to speak off the record, claim that there was no indication or provocation for this raid, and expressed distress not only over the raid itself, but over the conduct of this raid, which extended part-way into residential areas near the space-port in a running gun-battle in the streets. [image: damaged houses, damaged apartment buildings, two burned out ground vehicles, and one burned out Stryker light tank]

"They landed outside the spaceport first, in People's Park, we managed to destroy their craft on the ground, that started the chase.  I do not know why they did this, there was no announcement, no warning, and they made no demands.  We pursued the group to the port, and almost had them cornered, when the other droppers slipped through-the raiders hit, deployed security elements, and sent units to hit the armory and barracks areas-those groups we wiped out pretty easily, all things considered, then they just...ran.  I am certain that we got more of them than they got of us-their fire was ineffectual, random, as if they were not even TRYING to hit us, just firing as a distraction, makes no sense.  Why would the Indies attack us?  We have done NOTHING to them!"-Point Leader Julio, one of the few Spirit Cat warriors involved in the clash willing to speak to members of the press.

More senior Spirit Cat officials have hinted that the Clan may seek revenge for this, and other attacks by Union "Thugs" on Spirit Cat holdings over the last month.

This attack, and rumoured attacks elsewhere, is certainly going to make my attempt to find and interview Selina Fokker more difficult. 


From the Edge Magazine April 21, 3091...

Engadine, embedded reporter Jessica Donoho reporting...

[image: street scene.photcell]

Marine forces landed two weeks ago on this world, and today, the Clan hold on this former Lyran world has been officially broken after more than twenty years.  

[image: screaming crowd of middle-aged and older people and a man in Clan Civil Caste uniform under guard by Marines]

Marine troops from the Civil Affairs branch of the Coast Guard have been hard pressed after the defeat of the garrison forces here to protect former Clan officials from rioters and terrorist attacks of the sort that have always been common in human space when, as Lt. Commander Charlie Netanyahu calls "When the flags change".

Surprisingly, on the street, there is only an undercurrent of concern, and a feeling of heading into the unknown.  Former Merchant-Leader Fritz explains...

JD: So, why the worry?  the Cats were, reportedly, one of the more liberal clans, certainly the transition won't be that difficult...

Fritz: First of all, Jessica, you have to understand-the Clans, one or another, have controlled this world for over twenty years.  Many of the civilian populace don't know what to do with themselves, when they no longer have to fear informants, or no longer have a 'caste' to tell them what they should be doing.  In some cases, this means that there is a sense of coming to a state of lawlessness, of anarchy.  I was a Sociologist before Engadine was invaded, they tested me into the Merchant caste because Sociology isn't a science that is militarily useful in their eyes.  Even a very Liberal Clan's culture is, compared to the old Lyran Commonwealth, an authoritarian state of existence-your position in the Clan is paramount, and determined by your relative usefulness, there is no concept of 'savings' in Clan economics outside the Merchant Caste-unspent wages are rolled back into a common pool, and adjusted downward based on 'need' and upward based on 'productivity'.

JD: So, basically, they are communist?

Fritz: It is more complex than that description, but many of the same operating principles apply, including lifting the Collective over the Individual among the non-military sectors of society.  Really the system is, if you want a political science term for it, a dressed up form of Fascism-everything is geared to serve the military, even at the expense of the rest of society.  Most of the time, the needs of the military are not that burdensome, since they make up such a small fraction of the population, but the method of administration, and the way that upward mobility is controlled...Jessica, In MY humble opinion, the kind of freedom you, as a citizen of a non-Clan society are used to, is far too 'free' for most of the people here-they have no experience with the kind of freedom of thought and association that was common in the Lyran Commonwealth of my youth, for instance-it is more akin to the sort of system the Dracs used.  Assimilation is going to be painful for all involved, much moreso than it was to transition from the freedom and risk of Inner Sphere life, to the safe authoritarian structure of Clan life, expect riots, expect looters, expect a spike in violent crime, and expect agitators demanding a return to Clan governance.  After twenty years, the Liberty of your system, especially YOUR system, is going to be seen as threatening, a kind of predatory chaos, by many of the younger generation...

The riot this morning at the Ration centre seems to provide contextual evidence for the, 'Professor's' concerns.  


From the Edge Magazine-Editorial, 24 April, 3091...
Jonah Ahearn, Political Commentator

Does any-ol-body know why we're at war?  Seriously.  Why the fuck should anyone care about the bloody-thrice-cursed Marians, why are we at war?

I've been thinking about this, and a few answers come to mind, and not one of them begins with "Because space romans are kewl".

Bear with me here, I've only had three martinis this morning.

Why are we at war with the Spirit Cats?  Well...know any Rockjacks? Talked to any of 'em lately?  I spent monday night at Boojum with a couple of buddies from my old LCN days.  us Grounders are looking at each other nonplussed, the Rockjacks from Boojum, and a few Spacers out of Inarcs, Neerabup, and Winter systems were celebrating as if they heard news we were kicking the CLP all over again, or maybe as if we struck a blow against old Amaris himself.

It turns out, see, Belters and Rockjacks and Spacers get around, and they keep tabs on each other, and when NIOPS went down, word got out in that community that the Spirit Cats were the ones that burned the domes with nukes, and it's got around that the Clanners then spent a couple years hunting down every burrow in the system, those that didn't submit to being put dirtside in their shiny new Castes were spaced, except the ones that had jumpers and could escape.

Bad scene, man.  Bad-the Cats deny it, and who wouldn't?  but the Jacks an' the Belters believe it, so they have a hate on now.

who should care? You should.  Rockjacs and Spacer-born make up better than forty percent of the Union Navy, and sixty percent of the Coast Guard, they have seats in Congress separate from the normal district seats each world has allotted, and they control better than half our major industries, including most of the Mining and all of the Shipyards.

Lots of influence there, enough, I suspect, that the Archduchess doesn't ignore 'em when it comes to deciding what foreign policy we're all going to have to live with.

The Tail, friends, is waggin' the Dog on this.  So pour yourself another drink, and here's hoping we can survive the backblast from this.


Latest news from TC....

Movement of life begin in Taurian Concordat after the 20 years and 4 months of silence.  After the nuking in home world. The Taurians show some life. Things are looking up in the TC.  Taurians seem to be looking for the future. Rebuilding their way of life from the past. New Taurian leader Darc Venomspirit Brought new ways and boost moral with his new ideas and new blood. Also new generals replace old tactics. With all this going on who know where this change will take the Taurians in the future. At the Speach of election Darc had this to say.........

  " The night is only darkest with the shadows are not seen."