Clan Chatterweb Thread

Started by Daemonknight, April 19, 2011, 12:14:03 PM

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For news articles and general In-Character discussion.

Clan and Independent factions may post to this thread*; Inner Sphere and Independant factions without Clan affiliations must find an intermediary to post their articles on their behalf.

All articles, unless concealed by an intelligence order, must originate from a star system where the originating faction controls territory. The star system of origin must be listed in the post's header.
"My only regret is that I will not be alive in .03 seconds. I would have liked to watch the enemy attempt to vent an omnidirectional thermonuclear blast enveloping their outpost."
-Last thoughts of Maldon, Type XXX Bolo, 3rd Battalion, Dinochrome Brigade

Dave Baughman

Security Police round up Blakist sympathizers on Trondheim
23 December 3090 - ATS (TRONDHEIM)

A representative of the Ministry of State Security confirmed today that a raid by the security police two days earlier lead to the arrest of fifty members of a Blakist cult on Trondheim. The following statement was released to Around The Sphere:

"Despite the end of large-scale conflict, the threat of subversion and acts of terrorism by ComStar and its splinter factions remains an ongoing concern to the Riksäkerhitsministerium. This week's raid, along with a number of other investigations that are nearing conclusion, demonstrates the Dominion's ongoing committment to maintaining its sovereignty against all foreign influences."

Asked what the fate of the arrested cultists would be, the State Security official declined to comment, noting that punitive action against the Blakists would occur through the judicial process. ComStar and the Word of Blake are designated as foreign terrorist organizations by Dominion law, and membership in these groups carries severe legal penalties up to and including lengthy prison terms. If the suspects are convicted of having plotted or actually carried out terrorist acts or other crimes against the state, they could face the death penalty.

According to a recent poll conducted this November of ATS viewers throughout the Dominion, 73% of respondents reported they either supported the current anti-ComStar legislation or wished to see the penalties increased.

Around The Sphere will return after a brief message from our sponsors...
And I looked, and behold a pale horse: and his name that sat on him was Apollyon, and Hell followed with him. And power was given unto them over the fourth part of the earth, to kill with sword, and with hunger, and with death, and with the beasts of the earth.


Ice Hellion News
(Star's End)
December 3080

I have news for whom it may concern:

Khan Raina Montose has stepped down voluntarily from her office. At the age of 59 she is still a Great Warrior, and would have several years to continue, however, she is said to pursue different tasks from now on. Connor Rood is taking over Khanship, and a Clan Council will be held soon to elect a new saKhan.

Dave Baughman

HD Green-Lights VEAR Rally, Castes Threaten Violence
26 December 3090 - ATS (TAMAR)

In a 9-7 ruling, the Högsta Domstolen upheld the right of the Volkslyranische-blodfolken Enade Anti-Rasistiskt Parti (VEAR) to stage a mass demonstration on Skokie opposing employment restrictions on members of protected ethnic groups. Referring to the Ghost Bear Warrior Council's renunciation of the Trial of Annihilation against [censored by Chatterweb moderators], Ordförande Miles Hallen opined, "the purpose of the constitutional protections for minority ethnic groups - including those of [censored] descent - is to promote social harmony and ensure equal justice under the law, not to impose internal exile in place of Annihilation."

Conservative groups within the Dominion were quick to react; at a press conference jointly held by the Snow Raven Labor Caste and the All-Rasalhague Communist Party, Skokie Senior Laborer Alfonso promised, "Many compromises were made when the New Dominion was formed, but just because the Not-Named are permitted to claim perveted pride in the dark deeds of their ancestors in places like Orestes and Alshain, their efforts to undermine the pillars of our society will not be tolerated here on Skokie. I cannot accept responsibility for any spontaneous outbursts of anger if these degenerates attempt to force their obscene lifestyle on the honest laborers of this world."

An official at the Krigsministerium, speaking on condition of anonymity, informed Around The Sphere that several Kungsmarin naval infantry sibkos have been placed on alert for possible riot control duty. The State Security ministry was not available for comment.

In sports news, FK Grumium...
And I looked, and behold a pale horse: and his name that sat on him was Apollyon, and Hell followed with him. And power was given unto them over the fourth part of the earth, to kill with sword, and with hunger, and with death, and with the beasts of the earth.


Kooken's Pleasure Pit

So did you hear already?
It seems the Lyran/Falcons are ready to take on the Star Adders/Lyrans whatever. What do you think will be the outcome?

Personally, I think this is not wise to pursue by either parties, but then what do I know, I am a lowly BattleTech, and on vacancy. (After 6 years! YAY!)



Where did you hear that Hellion? And sandwiched between both states, it is better for your clan; let them beat each other senseless!


(Could be that I jumped the Shark but well, its in the RP thread and soon enough will be in the News Thread, right? Good that I did not put a date on. :P )

Kooken's Pleasure Pit

Greetings Blood. It is all over the news or will be. The speech of Robert seems over the top to me, but well. I am enjoying my time.

You would not believe what some do here. There is a whole branch of Clan-fetish erupting. The Body stockings for Elementals serve a whole other purpose here. Unbelievable! And I know they are outdated.

(Read just Wolfclan sourcebook, where there is a picture. :D )



Honestly, I have no idea what is wrong with these VEAR folks. The way they are act, you would think genetic tests to establish not-named heritage had not been illegal for two decades!

Each of them self-identifies as Blood as a matter of choice, and it is only that identification, and the subversive sentiments it implies, that the law acts against. A simple loyalty oath is enough to get around local labor restrictions.

I mean, unless they really do want to destroy our way of life.

Dave Baughman


Looks like they got what was coming to them!

BREAKING NEWS: Blood in the streets
Kungsmarin troops massacre VEAR as march turns violent

3 January 3091, Orestes Free Press (SKOKIE)

A march by [censored by moderator] sympathizers on the Dominion world of Skokie ended in violence today as infantry and battle armor troops deployed from the nearby Kungsmarin naval infantry school came under fire from terrorists that had infiltrated an anti-racism rally being held by the VEAR party. Following firebomb and small arms attacks that killed or wounded at least twenty Dominion warriors, battle armor units entered the crowd in an effort to apprehend the terrorists. The confrontation quickly escalated into a running street battle between VEAR supporters, Communist Party counter-demonstrators, and Security Police.

At this time, the death toll has exceeded five hundred and is expected to increase further by morning.

A VEAR spokesman interviewed by Orestes Free Press blamed Communist Party agents provocateur for the incident,

"Everyone knows the Communists and the Labor Caste were planning to disrupt our march, but we never suspected their agents would go so far as attacking the police and marin while hiding behind our peaceful protestors. Our party leadership has already contacted the Ministry of State Security and are demanding a full investigation of this detestable act."

In an OFP exclusive, we now bring you the first uncensored video from the scene of the massacre. We caution that this material may be disturbing to sensitive viewers.

[Attachment: SNSlivefeed030191312.vid censored by moderator]
[Attachment: SNSlivefeed030191312.aud censored by moderator]
And I looked, and behold a pale horse: and his name that sat on him was Apollyon, and Hell followed with him. And power was given unto them over the fourth part of the earth, to kill with sword, and with hunger, and with death, and with the beasts of the earth.


SRPheonix@Hellgate: Wow. I do not think there is anything more pathetic than watching your enemy get demoralized by their own Clan's "Victory." You should see the droopy faces on the Vipers here on Hellgate when they watched that vidfeed their people broadcast.

I saw it. Someone should tell them vips that it is not considered being outnumbered when you have warships, and not just any warships, Batlleships! They had two Battleships a Texas AND Mckenna! What else? A Potemkin with full Dropships backing up a five Trinary Cluster of heavy fighters against what? Ten trinaries of light and medium fighters? Some Marines?

The really sad thing is they lost two veteran crews with thier Texas and Potemkin along with their honor in this endeavor to show the Spirit Cats how "superior" they are. Maybe we should go show them how it is done Quiaff?


LittleCatPeon2 (Waypoint):

Indeed, it seems pathetic. However, they eventually overpowered the defenders and netted themself the New Hope. I was never there but it once was made the Capital of the Clan, so I guess they will eventually see some kind of backlash. To lose a Battleship this way is just the start of their problems.


17th running of the Dominion's Niflsmeet starts amidst trying times

Orestes Free Press (ALSHAIN) - 27 Jan 3091

In the year 3068, Clan Snow Raven acquired the planet Timbuktu from Clan Star Adder in a trial with four other worlds because Clan Star Adder did not have the time or assets to invest in the worlds. Soon after others came to challenge Clan Snow Raven's rights to the worlds. With only Local volunteer Militia to garrison the worlds each one was challenged and taken from Clan Snow Raven, all except Timbuktu. In an grand battle, the local militia commander, Star Captain Milos,  a local boy with an old Hunchback, that defeated his Magistracy challenger Captain Adele Benecke in a top of the line Wraith Battlemech. What followed was a string of victories against opponents until New Dominion regular forces landed to garrison the world.

After they solidifying their claim to Timbuktu, it became the New Dominion's diplomatic outpost for the entire region, accepting visitors from the all along the western edge of the Inner Sphere. Many trails, no longer for possessions of the world, have been fought there and acts as a neutral site for trials where no party can agree to a location. Since the arrival of Bergan Industries on the world, other New Dominion businesses have taken up an interest in moving closer to their Non-Dominion customers. Clan Snow Raven has recently completed their Industrial Complex Gamma adding a bigger showcase for new customers.

Then in the year 3074, the New Dominion Garrison put out an open call for others to come and test their might as many did in the years leading up to the Niflsmeet. The interesting event that introduced the rest of the Clans and Inner Sphere to New Dominion Culture and brought possible new buyers to Timbuktu has been running for seventeen years now with the last years champoin being from Clan Ice Hellion. Already some teams have arrived in but so far the event appears to still be scheduled to run despite recent events in the local surrounding area. The prizes are as big as ever and that will draw in the contestants.


"I, Khan Selena Fokker of the noble and proud Clan Spirit Cat, will step back in light of our recent offensive and its essential failure. Also, I did not prepare the Touman enough to face such an enemy resorting to scores of nuclear Weapons. It is likely that our enemy will continue to use those dirty weapons. However, while I still can offer advise to my successors, my failure is too great to continue in my post. I wanted to follow our great Khan's footsteps but I have shown to be unable to.
If not for those stravag Rimworlds, we would be already victorious here and we would still have our Khan. I swear to you my oath: I will not rest until we destroy those Pirates and all who support them. Even if I will be a Warrior only, my skills will serve my Clan."

Dave Baughman

Falcon-Hellion Feud Heats Up
Latest Reports: Intense Fighting on Mellisia

"Hello trial fans, whatever your Clan, this is Thor Olavson bringing you Dominion Trial News for Monday, June 8th, 3091. Leading today's news are reports of a no-holds barred trial for planet Mellisia that occured earlier this month. As you may remember, our analysts speculated that the humilitating treatment shown to the warriors of the 10th Talon Cluster following their defeat on Morges would lead to an escalation by the Falcons, and now we appear to be seeing it. In a show of utter contempt towards the Hellions, Clan Jade Falcon deployed two Provisional Garrison Clusters to conquer Mellisia; according to DTN sources, the Falcons did not issue a batchall as they approached the planet."

Gun-camera footage from a light 'Mech making slashing run-by attacks on a Falcon Hunchback IIC

"Unfortunately for the Falcons, their troops dropped right into the middle of several clusters of Ice Hellion regulars. According to Clan Ice Hellion, over the course of an intense three-day battle, all of the Jade Falcon warriors were killed or captured. Clan Ice Hellion claims to have sustained no significant losses."

Orbital reconnaisance images showing a star of Hellion light 'Mechs swarming a Marauder IIC

"So far, the Jade Falcons have not made any formal announcements regarding this crushing defeat, but our experts agree that we can expect a public confrontation in the Grand Council in the near future. When we return from this message from our sponsors, we'll be bringing you an hour-by-hour analysis of the battle by our award-winning trial commentators."

Picture shifts to a lance of Viking assault 'Mechs shooting at an off-camera target as naval lasers burn down around them from space

When the Star Adders assaulted the Republic, Grumium Creations was there.

Now the camera looks over the shoulder of a Viking III as it blasts a Lobo with PPCs

When our warriors liberated Jabuka, Grumium Creations was there.

A Viking IV seen from low-angle climbs over the smoldering wreck of a Terran Archangel

When the Dominion liberated Orestes, Grumium Creations was there.

Simulated time-lapse shot as the wrecked cityis repaired and the Viking IV is replaced with a war memorial cut from polished metal

Grumium Creations held the line for freedom, and now they want to help you win the battle for your credit account.

Shot transitions to an elegant hovercar gliding along an open road

Introducing the 3091 GC Lion, on sale now at a dealership on your world! Ask our sales agents about our new 0% financing option for registered labor caste members!
And I looked, and behold a pale horse: and his name that sat on him was Apollyon, and Hell followed with him. And power was given unto them over the fourth part of the earth, to kill with sword, and with hunger, and with death, and with the beasts of the earth.

Dave Baughman

From: TequilaTech
Source: Tranquil

I have been hearing rumors all month about nuclear arms being used in the Inner Sphere. Is everyone over there going mad? What is the grand council doing about this?! Can anyone give me information about this? The news here in the Homeworlds is al--------------------

And I looked, and behold a pale horse: and his name that sat on him was Apollyon, and Hell followed with him. And power was given unto them over the fourth part of the earth, to kill with sword, and with hunger, and with death, and with the beasts of the earth.