Started by Deathrider6, April 20, 2011, 12:46:09 AM

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Quote from: Fatebringer on April 24, 2011, 01:48:55 AM
Quote from: Parmenion on April 20, 2011, 11:00:48 AM
And the awesome dudes of the Hell's Alliance

I like how we made you change the name :) When we first heard of the merger and you guys were trying to call it the "Horse Alliance." We were

The a reason for everything...

a.  wanted to see if anyone noticed,
b.  early onset of alzheimers,
c.  just plan forgot which name due to inactivity,
d.  it's only the Hell's Alliance for those living in the Suns or Combine, or
e.  all of the above.


I kinda like it.

I take it though that the Clanners had to have top billing? Otherwise you would have Outworlds Horses.


On Topic:


Spirit Cats
Ice Hellions

And now of olde tales by an olde fella:

There once was a time that the mighty GMs were approached and begged to let Horses and Hellions take over the Outworlds Alliance, but it was not to be.

Harrumph, you there, get off my lawn!!!


I had nice easter days. Very appreciated.


Well, no matter how the Ravens got left out of that pickle. I'd say mostly from a decided lack of knowledge of what led the Ravens to that corner of the universe in the first place, I'm a little bit dissapointed, but considering our status in the New Dominion, I really can't complain at all.

The main reason I still wonder if we should have fought harder for that was a line in one of the JHS books that said there was a promise made to the Ravens regarding Quatre Bell, if I recall correctly, by the founder. In cannon, that place was a heap of space debris and needed more resources and know how to operate an extravagant space center then the OA had to dish out, but in this game it looks like the OA had that project working before the Horses came along. That's a differnce in game system vs cannon and nothing bad against anyone ;)


How come everyone keeps forgetting the FWL when they talk about the Magistracy.

- We made the SL Stop the CoP's War.

- We made the SL make the Terrans release the Magestrix.

- We have had the Battlegroup of Warships there for 10-15 turns over Canopus making the CoP's blink.

Just because our leader isn't bedding one doesn't mean we aren't trying to slowly co-opt their indepdence and turn them into a client state/new Duchy.

Have we been too sneaky?


Quote from: chaosxtreme on April 26, 2011, 12:29:09 AM

- We have had the Battlegroup of Warships there for 10-15 turns over Canopus making the CoP's blink.

I was wondering why we couldn't see the sun over Crimson City  :)



Okay Folks data for the next turn got delayed a bit but here's the deal...Your time jump RP data will be going out this week (early) what your fation gets is NOT tradeable in any way shape or form. The package will be based off of your t46 assets. It will contain the following:

X:Resource points
10 design picks (5 from 3075 and 5 from 3085) these must be faction appropriate.
5 Tokens good for hex improvements

The RP totals will be given via PM and are NOT to be discussed among players. I would have had these out yesterday but real life intervened once again. If you have questions regarding your design picks plese PM your choices to me for assistance.



a.  For some of the smaller factions (ie... the Magistracy and probably the Concordant) their won't be 10 exclusive factional designs available.  Previously when stuff like this has happened, we have been allowed to draw off old Terran Hegemony/SLDF designs and the like (ie...  which is why the Magistracy can build the Royal Ironsides ASF).    Will this be allowed for the jump?   Or could we be allowed to obtain a design off another nationas via a licence?  ie... the Magistracy received a licence from the Federated Suns to build the LGN-2D Legionnaire.  Via GM agreeance of course.

b.  does this 10 designs include dropships and Warships?

Quote from: Deathrider6 on May 02, 2011, 02:46:48 PM
Okay Folks data for the next turn got delayed a bit but here's the deal...Your time jump RP data will be going out this week (early) what your fation gets is NOT tradeable in any way shape or form. The package will be based off of your t46 assets. It will contain the following:

X:Resource points
10 design picks (5 from 3075 and 5 from 3085) these must be faction appropriate.
5 Tokens good for hex improvements

The RP totals will be given via PM and are NOT to be discussed among players. I would have had these out yesterday but real life intervened once again. If you have questions regarding your design picks plese PM your choices to me for assistance.


b.  does this 10 designs include dropships and Warships?

Yeah, and would the Aesir / Vanir count as 1 design? ;) It's kinda like an omni dropper :P


When does the 3090 book come out, anyone know? I remember from the battlechat notes that is supposed to be the last major update in the line before the Dark Ages.

"The next print TRO is slated to have close to 100 designs in it, all in production by or in 3090."

Should even have Protos. ;)


Just a couple of notes to clairify the designs and what a hex improvement is.

Hex improvement includes upgrading from a MW to CW ONLY you must pay for an RCW or NCW all other hex elements are also included (MF,SW,IC,RS,PF etc.).

Variants of current designs are considered to take a slot of your "free" selections. New technologies will be approved/denied on a case by case basis. WARSHIPS are not allowed to be chosen. If a variant of a new design is selected you must select the base design. Variants of older designs may be selected stand alone on a case by case basis.


Okay now for the really important part. To recieve you RP package for the 20 year jump please send me a PM with the subject line "20 year RP Package-prestart (faction Name Here)". This must be done for EACH faction you control. I will respond with the RP total you get to spend pre turn.

  You will be submitting 2 (two) orders sheets this turn one is a prestart to show where all your package points and  the 5 tokens went and then you will submit a regular sheet as per normal. NO exceptions. the prestart sheets will be due May 15th and the regular turn sheets will be due May 22nd. The turn will run through June 30th so we can get back on the standard schedule. The Combat Phase of the turn will last until June 12th the extra time will be for role play and clean up.

The 3091 boards will be open for posting as of May 7th for Pre-start RP.



Warships no. Droppers yes. As for SLDF/TH designs of older vintage They will be approved/denied on a case by case basis.
Quote from: Parmenion on May 02, 2011, 11:34:54 PM


a.  For some of the smaller factions (ie... the Magistracy and probably the Concordant) their won't be 10 exclusive factional designs available.  Previously when stuff like this has happened, we have been allowed to draw off old Terran Hegemony/SLDF designs and the like (ie...  which is why the Magistracy can build the Royal Ironsides ASF).    Will this be allowed for the jump?   Or could we be allowed to obtain a design off another nationas via a licence?  ie... the Magistracy received a licence from the Federated Suns to build the LGN-2D Legionnaire.  Via GM agreeance of course.

b.  does this 10 designs include dropships and Warships?

Quote from: Deathrider6 on May 02, 2011, 02:46:48 PM
Okay Folks data for the next turn got delayed a bit but here's the deal...Your time jump RP data will be going out this week (early) what your fation gets is NOT tradeable in any way shape or form. The package will be based off of your t46 assets. It will contain the following:

X:Resource points
10 design picks (5 from 3075 and 5 from 3085) these must be faction appropriate.
5 Tokens good for hex improvements

The RP totals will be given via PM and are NOT to be discussed among players. I would have had these out yesterday but real life intervened once again. If you have questions regarding your design picks plese PM your choices to me for assistance.


What is with projects that were started before the great Jump?

Are they counted as finished or would they have to be paid as usual?

Also, I would ask, but this could be redundant, what canonically dead factions would do with the TRO stuff (nevermind that the CIH already got several designs from '85 and some question is still unanswered by you, *hint-hint* ;) ) We will see, when I look into it, what the options are.