Started by Deathrider6, April 20, 2011, 12:46:09 AM

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I need to know who is still here and what factions you control (even though I know already) so we can get things set to continue.


GreyJaeger- Draconis Combine


DK checking in for:

Lyran Alliance
Federated Suns
Wolf's Dragoons
Mercs/Dragoons Alpha Command
"My only regret is that I will not be alive in .03 seconds. I would have liked to watch the enemy attempt to vent an omnidirectional thermonuclear blast enveloping their outpost."
-Last thoughts of Maldon, Type XXX Bolo, 3rd Battalion, Dinochrome Brigade


chaosxtreme - Free Worlds League, Clan Steel Viper



Union of Independent Worlds

Cappellan Confederation



Clan Star Adder/Star Adder Commonwealth States

no clue if Im alone or still have a partner



Those cool felines from the Magistracy of Canopus

And the awesome dudes of the Hell's Alliance

Iron Mongoose

I still read the boards, for what that's worth.  But as far as it goes, as long as there's still some faint glimmer of hope that FGC VI may still take place, I've made my commitment to make that my priority.  But if it stalls (more than it has) or if it proves to be less work than anticapated, then I'd be happy to follow through with that this game started five years ago.


Jeyar - Taurian Concordat

Delayed reply due to nasty virus. :-[


Toss me the plans and status for the Sharks and Scorps, see how involved it will be; work has me by the cajones now.


The New Dominion
Fatebringer - Faction Head
Dave Baughman


Quote from: Parmenion on April 20, 2011, 11:00:48 AM
And the awesome dudes of the Hell's Alliance

I like how we made you change the name :) When we first heard of the merger and you guys were trying to call it the "Horse Alliance." We were


It's amusing, really-it almost looks to me like there are only two "Periphery Powers" whom are staunchly independent, and one of them is trying to maintain it by balancing outside influences against each other (the UIW) while the other is the Taurians.

and we're too far apart to be allies, alas...

Everyone else is either rushing to embrace their conquerors, or just being hammered flat.

it's going to be an interesting year.


I don't find it all that amusing CS.  After all, the Archon was a royal wanker to the Magistrix back at the Star League Conference on Tharkad.  Then chucked a hissy fit at the Canopians.  The Terrans had the ol' Marian Hegemony doing the reach around on them at the same time, which went down a real treat on Canopus IV.  The Star Adders have always treated the Magistracy above board, and while the Royal Palace is only too well aware that Addergrad wants to turn the Magistracy into 'CSA Inc', we are still an independent nation.   But owing a far few chits (then again, some owe us as well).

The OWA/CHH merge came about for a number of reasons.  A couple off the top of my head is that it hopefully annoys the heck out of the Draconis Combine.  Second reason is that the GMs at the time wanted it.  You've been a GM in a previous reincarnation of this game I recall (coz I also played in that game).  And while I don't say 'how high' when I GM tells me to jump, I at least listen to them, before I pull out my get out of jail free card ('Sorry, I'm Australian.  You want me to do what exactly?')

I'd like to see a number of independent periphery powers because all too often the IS realms are a bit pedestrian, but what has occured was more so due to past GMs helping their besties.


Quote from: Parmenion on April 24, 2011, 09:07:59 AM
I don't find it all that amusing CS.  After all, the Archon was a royal wanker to the Magistrix back at the Star League Conference on Tharkad.  Then chucked a hissy fit at the Canopians.  The Terrans had the ol' Marian Hegemony doing the reach around on them at the same time, which went down a real treat on Canopus IV.  The Star Adders have always treated the Magistracy above board, and while the Royal Palace is only too well aware that Addergrad wants to turn the Magistracy into 'CSA Inc', we are still an independent nation.   But owing a far few chits (then again, some owe us as well).

The OWA/CHH merge came about for a number of reasons.  A couple off the top of my head is that it hopefully annoys the heck out of the Draconis Combine.  Second reason is that the GMs at the time wanted it.  You've been a GM in a previous reincarnation of this game I recall (coz I also played in that game).  And while I don't say 'how high' when I GM tells me to jump, I at least listen to them, before I pull out my get out of jail free card ('Sorry, I'm Australian.  You want me to do what exactly?')

I'd like to see a number of independent periphery powers because all too often the IS realms are a bit pedestrian, but what has occured was more so due to past GMs helping their besties.

I was commenting on the in-character politics.  Notably, a Magistracy troop might make the same comment about the UIW, given that the Independents are letting a Clan run their main public comms hubs, and a Great House is dumping investment capital into their industrial infrastructure while using their troops as mercenary proxies.  Hell, a Canopian might even dig up slurs about that last bit, since the Independents have also fought as proxy troops for yet another Great House, presumably for some financial gain or another, and come out of THAT conflict with accusations of war-crimes and excessive force (* used against CLP elements on Arc Royal) and rumours of grisly "Trophy taking"  (New Capetown).

The political dynamic is what I was referring to-as in the in-character dynamic.  The MoC hasn't exactly been seen as resisting CSA domination, the OWA has become a wholly-owned subsidiary realm, the MH and NIOPS? Gone, replaced by the Spirit Cats, with Canopian help, Randis as an independent is extinct...The Great Houses and the Clans are ascendant.

From an outside perspective, the only Periph realm that isn't a client/colony to SOMEBODY is the Taurians, how long THAT lasts could be part of what makes this year interesting.