[RP/MM] T39 Clans v's CFM Invasion - Shadow 2438 C *Complete*

Started by Marlin, May 07, 2010, 07:15:18 PM

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If there was a Trial for Possession, the Hellions would take part. Although OOC I must agree with Daemon on this. ;)

I just hope that in the IS, the Wolves do contribute more than now. But this here is not the thread for it.

You gotta write some more PMs. :D All of ye.


Ground Combat figures:

Total Damage dealt to the Multi-Clan Forces: 81FP

Damage Allocation:

CJF: 89.25 - 37.25 = 52FP
CHH: 66.5 - 26.75 = 39.75FP
CIH: 41.75 - 17 = 24.75FP

Salvage Allocation:

CJF: 34.75
CHH: 25
CIH: 15.75

I cannot do the Naval percentages because i dont have the exact figures for who sent what to the interdiction. If you gentlemen would be so kind :) i can get it done and let you get to your book keeping for next turn. I know i have a bit of work to do myself.

For the moment, saKhan Brian Pryde is placing Shadow under complete Martial Law, as the Falcon forces are not leaving the planet this turn. They will be policing their entire enclave for remnants of the conspirators, and ask the other Clans if they have permission to include their areas of Shadow in their operation. The planet will be divided by ground combat percentage, with a single province(hex) being granted the Wolves for their participation in the Naval battle.

Therefore, Shadow now looks like this:
CJF: 9, 1 MF
CHH: 6, 1 MF
CIH: 4
CW: 1 Hex, non-MF

This is untill the respective Khans work out a permenant deal, because i know at the very least, there were considerations about Foster influencing the final disposition here...so these are temporary positions. MF complexes were given to the care of the Falcons and Horses, as the 2 Clans with the highest ground forces percentage. Again, not a permenant state of affairs.
"My only regret is that I will not be alive in .03 seconds. I would have liked to watch the enemy attempt to vent an omnidirectional thermonuclear blast enveloping their outpost."
-Last thoughts of Maldon, Type XXX Bolo, 3rd Battalion, Dinochrome Brigade


Detailing the deal worked out by the CJF-CHH-CIH coalition, CHH forces turn over their territory on Shadow to the Hellions and Falcons equally(Hellions gain the MF hex), and the Falcons and Hellions both relinquish their territory on Foster to the Horses.

So, the split is now:
CJF: 12, 1 MF
CIH: 7, MF
CW: 1, non-MF
"My only regret is that I will not be alive in .03 seconds. I would have liked to watch the enemy attempt to vent an omnidirectional thermonuclear blast enveloping their outpost."
-Last thoughts of Maldon, Type XXX Bolo, 3rd Battalion, Dinochrome Brigade


Hellions sent a 35.75 FP in space.

Could you account for that for damage and salvage please?

Thanks. :)



Naval Combat Figures(apparently by dint of being the guy who started it, I've been appointed the coalition's logistical officer :P):

Total damage dealt to the Multi-Clan forces: 18FP

Damage Allocation(Percentage/FP):

CJF: 57%/10.25FP(122.75 - 10.25 = 112.5FP)

CIH: 17%/3FP(35.75 - 3 = 32.75FP)

CHH: 16%/3FP(36.5 - 3 = 33.5FP)

CW: 10%/1.75FP(20.5 - 1.75 = 18.75FP)

Salvage Allocation:

CJF: 12.75

CIH: 4

CHH: 3.5

CW: 2.25
"My only regret is that I will not be alive in .03 seconds. I would have liked to watch the enemy attempt to vent an omnidirectional thermonuclear blast enveloping their outpost."
-Last thoughts of Maldon, Type XXX Bolo, 3rd Battalion, Dinochrome Brigade


OP Heh, Daemon, yes, so it is. :D

But I think you got the Horses' portion too few. They sent 50.5 FP (correct me if I am wrong) of fighters who also fought the last battle vs the 4.75 Traitor fighters alone..


But if no one protests and we come out on top, that is very good.  :)


well that alters all of the ratios if thats the case, because i was going off of the 215.5FP that took part in the actual naval battle. I guess i dont exactly know how to incorporate that, as it is techniclly a separate thing, and the salvage from that was simply folded into the ground combat salvage, because it took place before i started the naval calculations. Where did those 50FP of fighters come from anyways?
"My only regret is that I will not be alive in .03 seconds. I would have liked to watch the enemy attempt to vent an omnidirectional thermonuclear blast enveloping their outpost."
-Last thoughts of Maldon, Type XXX Bolo, 3rd Battalion, Dinochrome Brigade


That was the stuff for the Invasion, obviously, the ships of the Horses were on Blockade (as I planned for only my ships :P )

Anyway, if no one protests those calcs, I have no problem with moving forward.


(OOC:  Just an FYI that if you guys are going to be trading territory and carving stuff up, it needs to be put in the map thread as well.  Chaos had no idea, until I told him, that you two gave up your Foster territory to the Horses.  Make his job a little easier, guys.)


Well if they were forces from the invasion, then their FP is already calculated in for the ground combat. Even though they took down the fleeing forces, they dont get counted a second time.
"My only regret is that I will not be alive in .03 seconds. I would have liked to watch the enemy attempt to vent an omnidirectional thermonuclear blast enveloping their outpost."
-Last thoughts of Maldon, Type XXX Bolo, 3rd Battalion, Dinochrome Brigade


Of course, Clan Ice Hellion screens the people as well. And interrogation of survivors commence.


Jade Falcons interrogate any and all prisoners recovered from the fighting. Also(before they leave for next turn), will use orbital tracking and sensors to determine if ANY Mandrill escape pods/life boats were launched from the doomed fleet, and will persue those leads(if their tracking leads them into another Clan's enclave, they will request access, and assistance for their forces if present(in the case of the Wolves, simply asking the local commander for access to persue fugitive Mandrill personnel).  Questioning and interrogations will be carried out by the Jade Falon Watch within their Enclave.

(I am going to say that by taking the majority of the northern hexes, CJF claimed the hex where the nuclear stockpile was located, and is therefore in complete control of the facility and severely restricts access untill they can be certin there is no leakage of nuclear radiation...also to ensure no interuptions or prying eyes while they attempt to extract the surviving warheads.) In the north, more severe interrogations are used, considering the intent of the warriors stationed there.

Particular attention is paid to locating the escape pods/life boats, as CJF is hunting down any sign of the ship's Captains or Navigators. In space(again, before the fleet leaves next turn) BA Marines work with Watch operatives to scour every single Mandrill warship, attempting to access their databanks for navigational data(if the computers cannot be accessed, they will remove the memory cores themselves to be accessed on the ground). This includes the Monsoon, because nobody has actually claimed it yet, i think i'm within my rights to search it without censure from the other clans present.

CJF commanders and Watch operatives do not comment on any of these activities if asked at this time, stating they wish to not start any kind of situation by divulging information until it can be sorted and confirmed by alternate sources.

((OOC: Just as a note the Falcons did NOT discuss their operation up north, or before the invasion with any of the other Clans present, and seeing that nobody asked why the 2 warships fired at the planet's surface, I'm going forward that nobody thought enough of it to question the act. Therefore, nobody has been told about the stockpile to the north, or the fact that the nuclear weapons launch was the reason for the orbital strike, or that the strike prevented the nuclear attack. I just wanted to ensure that it was clear, nobody was told about it. In fact, i doubt the ground forces would even have noticed that a Cluster of Falcons wasn't present on the ground, or that an orbital strike took place. At this point, if someone is interested, i would ask that Dave make some kind of die roll to see if their naval assets were in a position to observe the bombardment itself(upto his discretion of course).  Just making sure i am clear on that))
"My only regret is that I will not be alive in .03 seconds. I would have liked to watch the enemy attempt to vent an omnidirectional thermonuclear blast enveloping their outpost."
-Last thoughts of Maldon, Type XXX Bolo, 3rd Battalion, Dinochrome Brigade


saKhan Brian Pryde, as overall commander of the military action at Shadow, states,

"The Wolves should not be allowed to acquire this peice of salvage. Having comitted only the barest possible forces to the reclamation of Shadow, barely even registering as a symbolic show of support, the Wolves should be happy they received a section of territory on the plant. As the overall commander of this military operation, i am putting to the Wolves a choice: the Monsoon-class Battleship, or their combined salvage AND their province on the planet's surface. Trial for the Monsoon and i shall remove all other assets you have gained. I will not allow you to poach valuable resources from the Clans who actually commit forces designed to increase a military action's chances of success. If you choose to Trial for the warship, your territory and salvage shall be split amongst your competitors, which do NOT include the Jade Falcons, to halt any accusations of attempting to gain more than we have ourselves earned."

((OOC: The Trial of Position(if it commences) must be done quickly. So far, the Wolves have declared it and the Hellions have stated their intent to participate. If the Horses would like to take a crack at the ship, please notify us via PM or this thread. We need to finish this before the next turn actually 'starts'. Wolves have the above ultimatum to consider.)
"My only regret is that I will not be alive in .03 seconds. I would have liked to watch the enemy attempt to vent an omnidirectional thermonuclear blast enveloping their outpost."
-Last thoughts of Maldon, Type XXX Bolo, 3rd Battalion, Dinochrome Brigade