Horse Alliance IC Roleplaying Thread

Started by Daemonknight, May 11, 2011, 06:07:11 PM

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Faction Roleplaying Thread
"My only regret is that I will not be alive in .03 seconds. I would have liked to watch the enemy attempt to vent an omnidirectional thermonuclear blast enveloping their outpost."
-Last thoughts of Maldon, Type XXX Bolo, 3rd Battalion, Dinochrome Brigade


Bannerholt, Trader's Domain Province

Horse Alliance

Feb 3091

"Michel.  I want you to move half the herd up to the high paddock tomorrow.  Take two of the two mutts with you and the shortwave.   Leave one of them there, but be back by sundown, do you hear?"

"Yeah dad.  It'll be Magic of course, and Dasher.  I'll leave Dasher."

Michel Lagrange had paused in eating his dinner to answer his dad and now thought over what he needed to take on the morrow.  Taking a hundred cattle ten kilometres up stream wasn't going to be hard, but it certainly wouldn't be easy if he didn't prepare his kit.  Not the least being his rifle and knife.  The knife to hopefully skin dinner for the pot tomorrow night, and the rifle to ensure that he made it there and back.  For sure it should be safe enough, with the last of the regions wild dogs shot out a year ago, but it was a fool that went outside without a gun.

Bannerholt had been first settled over four hundred years ago, but with the collapse of the Star League and the gradual decline in technology, had been offically abandoned in the mid 30th century.  Unfortunately at the time the last people left, they let loose a considerable number of non-native animals into the wild.  Some species had died rather quickly from what evidence had been gathered, but others, such as generic canines had not only thrived, but become larger.  So much so that when Bannerholt was reestablished six years ago, the Alliance soldiers had had to come in and do a number of killing sweeps.  Some with their toad armour.  They had more or less cleared the continent of Gen-Kri (where his dad's farm was located) in the intervening period, however too much livestock kept disappearing to place much reliance that it remained that clear.  Two of the other continents still contained significant numbers of the vermin though.  Especially Fanglan.  He had it from one of the soldiers that they didn't mind that because it gave the army good practise for their recruits.  Something about focusing their concentration lest they get their head ripped off.  He had heard also that some of the big men from the Clan worlds had taken to fighting the vermin unarmed.  He had thought that a stupid idea until he had seen one of the Elemental men stripped to the waist. 'Might have a good chance and all,' he had thought to himself.     


HPG Message
From: CIH Loremaster's Office
To: Horse Alliance High Command, President Avellar (or what the appropriate title is)

It has been decided to send Star Colonel Grace Lienet as an IlChi to your realm. Attached you will find the codex of her and her staff as well as her ship that will be staying with her in her duty. It presents no threat to you. The journey will take a while unless you demand her appearance sooner so she will have to move in advance.

I hope this marks the continuation of our former good ties and the beginning of good relations between our two realms.

Loremaster Philippe Lienet

Personal Data.cihx.chhx
Hardware Data.cihx.chhx


Atlas of the Outworlds, 4th Edition, 3089
Gaeri, Onverwacht Province
Originally discovered in 2642, Gaeri was first settled in 2649 by a group of Federated Suns refugees fleeing a repressive local government.  Financially assisted by Alpheratz, the colony survived the first formative years and even escaped the ravages of various Star League punitive expeditions.  The loss of technologies brought about by the Succession Wars couldn't be halted though, and with the contraction of Outworlds government control starting in the early part of the 30th century, the planet was formerly abandoned in 2932.

With the formation of the Horse Alliance in 3069, one of the priorities of the new leadership was the reclamation of the many worlds abandoned in the Outworlds region over the last one hundred and fifty years.  The former Onverwacht province region was decided upon as the first area to be reclaimed, with Onverwacht itself colonised for the second time in 3069.  Gaeri itself was rediscovered from former Outworlds and Star League maps in early 3072 with the first wave of Clan lower caste arriving from the Clan Homeworlds aboard the Potemkin class vessel Blood Horse in 3073.  A second wave of Clan personnel arrived on board the warship Quatre Belle in 3074.  Transported directly from the Clan Homeworld of Tranquil, this second wave were predominately former Clan Wolf lower caste in makeup. 

With access to the world confined to the planetary capital of Edoras, population distribution is largely unknown, with the exception that it is known that a significant percentage of the former Clan Wolf lower castes established their own settlement on the continent of Otago.  Edoras itslef is predominately Clan in nature, with few native Outworlders allowed.  In fact, Gaeri is one of three worlds within Onverwacht that is closed to general interaction but especially tourism.  Horse Alliance naval patrols enforce this policy.

Of interest, is that when the first Clan Hell's Horses migration fleet left from Tranquil, it carried with them at least two packs of wolves.  These animals were sighted on an irregular basis on the planet of Onverwacht, but their last sighting was in 3079.  Speculation of their relocation to Gaeri is rife, but unconfirmed.       


Clan Homeworlds

56th Battle Cluster

Galaxy Commander Stephen Clearwater looked up to the heavens as if searching for an answer. Looking at the stars for over a minute brought him to startling relevation of what was occuring, but only with himself nearing sixty years of age, he was getting too old.  For everything.

A Horseman for nearly twentyfive years, he had been the CO of the 58th Battle when the Coyotes had been abjured from the Clan Homeworlds.  His Khan at the time had decided that it would be his command which stayed behind as part of the Horse Touman, to do what they could to ensure that the Coyote traditions and history were not forgotten. 

He had looked on with pride as the Coyote fleet had destroyed those ships of the Cloud Cobras in their attempt to derail the Coyote departure.  And had been honoured to see that his new Clan had escorted the Coyote fleet out of the Homeworlds to cover them from any further predation.

He had been further surprised at how liberal the Horses had been in their touch upon Tamaron.  He had heard that those Coyote clansmen, lower caste of course, on Delios, Foster, Londerholm, and all the other enclaves, had had their Coyote essence squeezed out of them with a vice.   Here, on the capital of the old Clan, some traditions had been erased, however most of the important ones had remained.   

And here he was now.  Commander of a Galaxy, mostly made of warriors from Tamaron.  The Horses had made good their promise to look after the Coyotes after all, and those that had resettled in New Tamaron in the far off new territories were also allowed to honour the old traditions.  They may be Horsemen, but by combining the best of two Clans long allied, any enemy did not have to look far to discover the best.


QuotePriority Alpha Flass Message to New Caledonia, Clan Snow Raven

To:       Khan Keigan Magnus, Clan Snow Raven
From:    saKhan Tanya DeLaurel, Horse Alliance, Onverwacht

"Khan Magnus.  The continued outage of communications from the Homeworlds is the reason for this message.  Khan Dudzinsky is on Strana Mechty as you would know, however in his 'absence', I am dispatching a force here from the Outworlds region and elsewhere to investigate.  If you have any information on the situation that you are able to share it would be welcoming.  Or do you to intend to dispatch your own force to determine what is happening?"

To:    saKhan Tanya DeLaurel, Horse Alliance, Onverwacht
From:       Khan Keigan Magnus, Clan Snow Raven, Icars

Khan DeLaurel,

The New Dominion has recieved has tried to pass word thru New Hope station to the Grand Council regarding what we know of the situation in the Homewolds. However it seems the political arena is taking precedence. Khan Tseng has taken action to cut thru the tape and push for an ilKhan. We may have no love for the Vipers, but in this time of turbulance, we must pus aside our quarrels with them for the good of the Clans. The first facts about what happened to the Chatterweb came from the Vippers, their forces that have been harrassing every clan along the Exodus road are also the closest to the Homeworlds in terms of support. For polical reasons I can not be the one to second Khan Tseng's nomination, but should it come to a vote, Clan Snow Raven will not interfere with progress if it can get us answers.

In my opinion, the Inter-Clan Watch which did not forsee these events should be placed under direct control of an ilKhan immediately to get results. Our own information regarding the Bio Weapons and Nuclear Strikes at Lum have yet to materialize an actual invasion threat at this time. However, most of the Lum Garrison Fleet as well as several other strong vessels stand ready to repel any unclanlike invasions.

We have no watch teams in the area other than what we gave to the ICW, but we have some Vessels at Transfer Station P9 that will be made available to any coordinated efforts of the Grand Council to discern what is going on beyond the Caliban Nebuela. In these trying times, we need to establish order quickly before the House Lords discern the state of Clan Affairs and push their false Star League into unwise action that would force us to retaliate.


Khan Keigan Magnus
Clan Snow Raven
New Dominion
Raven Protectorate

OOC: We were planning on getting our info out there thru the New Hope thread regarding what we found out at Lum and the Blood Spirits at York, but the thread was stallled because the Diamond Shark player has been inactive. Please consider this information as though it was disseminated on Turn 4. Clan Blood Spirit's claim York was attacked by Star Adders, Snow Ravens report Bio-Agent that infected Diamond Shark vessel and much of their Shipyards. Just before the two raven ships left the system to forward the info on from New Hope, there was a Nuclear attack on the Blood Spirit Shipyard... that is all we have. At the time the message was sent, the Khan was on Icars.