Clan Blood Spirit IC Roleplaying Thread

Started by Daemonknight, May 11, 2011, 06:08:58 PM

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"My only regret is that I will not be alive in .03 seconds. I would have liked to watch the enemy attempt to vent an omnidirectional thermonuclear blast enveloping their outpost."
-Last thoughts of Maldon, Type XXX Bolo, 3rd Battalion, Dinochrome Brigade


Enclave 42, Planet Leon
Sector 1206, Nuevo Castile
6 APR 3091

"PATHETIC!" Star Captain Mail looked at the laborers and wondered why did these people have to be so stupid. It was no wonder the Blood Spirits were easily able to claim dominance. Now under his charge, the report his techs sent him notified him that there was a Battlemech producing faciltiy on planet! But these backwater yokels had turned it into an industrial mech facility since they were too dim witted to fix it.

Mail snapped his arm out and pointed at one of the faceless laborers. "I want to see Technician Samuel in my ready room in three minutes! If he is one minute late, I am holding you personally responsible! NOW MOVE!" Luckily for him, the smaller man was quick and smart enough to use the intercom to locate Samuel.

At about two minutes, Technician Samuel walked in with his datapad. "You summoned me Star Captain?" Mail looked up at the man from his chair. "Aff Samuel, why am I reading about this factory in a report? Do you know what it is like to deal with incompetance? I have a poorly educated work force under my chief laborer, I have a limited amount of competant people working under me and until now I counted on you as one of them. We have parts shortages and other Clans leering over our holdings like hungry vultures. One thing we cannot afford to be in our duties is to be apathetic!"

Mail took in a deep breath and focused his gaze on Samuel, "The notification that a facility on this planet could be refitted to at least produce Star League quality machines in such short notice should be High Priority. I need a list of parts that are required to bring this facility up to that mark and I need them six hours ago when you sent this to me instead. Then, we can get some decent quality machines ready for the move against the Hanseatic League. The sooner we are ready to march, the sooner I can get back into the action. Now Samuel, you get me that list, and I will make it happen. Do you want to be stuck here forever? Or do you want to be useful to the future of this clan?"

Samuel was a salty old man who took the berating personally, but knew enough of Star Captain Mail to know that if he were to point out that he'd spent the past 6 hours compiling that information for him, that he'd find someway to torment him for "insubordination." As Mail's personal tech, he knew the warrior still had some years left in him as a front liner and that's where Sam wanted to be. Fixing battle damage and pulling salvage. Quitely and deliberately he handed the data pad over to Mail. "Here is your list Star Captain."

Mail, grabbed the pad and quickly looked at it. With only a basic understanding of the ordeal that would be needed to acquire the parts, "Excellent work Samuel, you will have these parts within a fortnight and we will be on our way." Mail added a high priority order to the document and handed it back to Samuel who turned and left the room. Samuel knew Mail well enough to know the shouting was for emphasis, but it felt good when Mail recognized that he was no slacker. He said "we" would be on our way, that was a good sign. Samuel made his way quickly to the comms room to have the request form dispatched. A few more months of hard work and they could be on their way before this years winter set in.


Field HQ

In the cramped Mobile HQ, the Spirit Khan paced and adressed Alpha Galaxy's commander Jesse Keller, "Without communications to the Loremaster, I need you to issue orders to the Watch teams. We need one of the teams to investigate the signal and have a back up unit ready to assist them if needed." she said pointing to the temperate region of Nantwich on the holomap where there was unmolested signal broadcasting. "The other should move ahead to Bremen. If we are indeed facing the dezgra Scorpions, we need to know what units are waiting for us as we move forward."

"Aff my Khan." Jesse was not as bothered by the cramped conditions as he took note, but after he was done he went back to focusing on his own report for the Khan and the regional systems map. "Several units met resistance trying to land that should have been all too easy to avoid had there been nothing but spheroids to contend with. I feel a restructuring of forces is necassary for upcoming operations."

Arianna was not surprised by the request. "Aff, I shall contact Wensicia Church and task her with reorganizing the Red Wings for the next phase of the battle. Each unit WILL have proper air cover. She will have direct control over Gamma while Sigma will continue to serve as our Naval Escort while we consolidate and push forward for Bremen. All plans should make stipulations for encounting enemy naval assets from here on out. Especially on Bremen, we cannot launch an operation without intel. The Edinbrurgh will be vitally important there so recall the other task force and cancel their orders for Gateway."

"I think I know the answer," Jesse said, "But what if we are officially challenged by any of these forces?"

The old Khan whirled around on him in the confined space, "Then you rip out their vocal cords for daring to ask for the honor! These Dezgra Scientists are no longer Clan! And they are not Warriors either! We hit them hard and offer them no mercy!" She looked back at the map. "There are serious questions we must ask. Was this a base of operation or merely a waypoint for them? Where is their Fleet? Are they responsible for the communications being cut to the Homeworlds? ... The answers, we must find!" Jesse looked determine "Seyla." With that he moved to carry our the orders.


"My Khan, the report you requested from the Raven's at Transfer Station P9." Galaxy Commander Wescencia Church said as he handed the datapad to Arriana. "It is as bad as we feared. While they did not have specifics on their fighter and dropship compelations, they have the list of last known Warships in the Goliath Scorpion's possession from when they dissapeared."

QuoteCGSS Corona Austrina (Aegis)
CGSS Corona Borealis (Aegis)
CGSS St. Gregory Nazianzus (Bonaventure)
CGSS Hephaestus (Cameron)
CGSS Collrane (Carrack)
CGSS Berland (Congress)
CGSS Garlon (Congress)
CGSS Quicksilver Mongoose (Du Shi Wang)
CGSS Orpheus (Essex)
CGSS Sowershennij (Liberator)
CGSS Ayanami (Lola I)
CGSS Horizon (Lola II)
CGSS Auriga (Lola III)
CGSS Sagitta (Lola III)
CGSS Lei Kung (McKenna)
CGSS Richelie (Monsoon)
CGSS Refuge (Newgrange)
CGSS Atropos (Nightlord)
CGSS Sojuz (Nightlord)
CGSS Enceladas (Potempkin)
CGSS Karttikeya (Potempkin)
CGSS Prometheus (Potempkin)
CGSS McCawley (Robinson I)
CGSS Akagi (Samarkand I)
CGSS Serket (Sovetskii Soyuz)
CGSS Hilton (Sylvester)
CGSS Tears of Moreau (Tatsumaki)
CGSS Devil (Vincent Mk 39)
CGSS Andromeda (Volga)
CGSS Remington (Winchester)

Reading over the report Arriana got a sick feeling. "Stravag! A Trinay of Warships and who knows what else they have managed to cobble together here. The sooner we take Bremen, the sooner we will know the extent of the situation. We must continue the assault!" Wescencia tilted her head to the side, as was her habit when she was deep in though.

Arriana hoped there might be something the crafy commander had up her sleeve. "There is no way we can get back to York in time and our forces here are already being taxed beyond what we had planned just to keep up with the Scorpions here. But just maybe... they were not expecting this assault? What if they sent everything they had at the homeworlds. The reports we received say that Lum was under attack, Quiaff?" Arriana gave a curt nod. "Aff. With possible nuclear exchange." Wescencia grinned. "Excellent! My Khan, you know as well as I do why we never station any Naval Assets at Lum, because the Ravens keep three of their best Naval Stars on station at all times. I have long suspected that that ancient Texas of theirs held a cache of nuclear warhead, although they would never admit it, but no matter what, any fleet that heads there would need every vessel at their disposal to have a chance at cracking it's defenses and is bound to be devastated. We just have to ensure we get people there and find the truth of the situation as soon as possible."

The nerves in Arriana's stomach began to unclench. "I see. Still, we will must send something ahead to scout the system before the invasion begins. Not fighting blind has been the key to our success so far. I want messages sent to the Diamond Shark and Steel Viper ilChi's at once. And select someone to send to the Ravens. We do not need them to be allies, but they know things. We shall need their intelligence."

Dave Baughman

Executive Office Suite, Hyperpulse Cathedral
3km North of Pamplona
Planet Navarre, Nueva Sangria
24 August 3091

"ovKhan Omicron," the young Adept - dressed in the flowing crimson robes of a Star Captain of the Knights Sanguine - adopted a grim expression, "the reports from York are grim, and operations in the Hanseatic League are yielding... unexpected results. I believe we have a new enemy, one that poses a true threat to the Clan."

An office suite in name only, the small palace adjoining the main array of the Hyperpulse Cathedral was built along the lines of a classical roman villa. A cool breeze swept through the meeting room, rustling Mary Durant's pale red hijab. She supposed her choice of dress said a lot about the degree to which the old hatreds had simmered down - this year, arabesque clothing was the big fall fashion trend on Castillian Navarre.

"I agree," she said simply, "you must call upon all those who hear the Word to stand strong in these times of tribulation. Forget not what the Fall of Apollyon cost us, and do not give in to the tempetation for power. The Word brought peace to these worlds twenty years ago, and now it is the purpose of the Word to unite them against the coming darkness."

"Hail Mary, full of grace, Blake is with you," murmurred one of the junior warriors present.

Durant glared at him, "Star Commander Tomas, I will not tolerate such utterances. I am not Apollyon, and I am no saint and no goddess. I am only a woman, as you are only a man in the eyes of the Blessed Blake. Such superstition is dangerously close to heresy."

Tomas blushed and bowed his head sheepishly, "Aff, ovKhan Omicron, I beg surkai."

"You are forgiven, Tomas. Now, let us discuss how we shall prepare Nueva Sangria for the coming storm..."
And I looked, and behold a pale horse: and his name that sat on him was Apollyon, and Hell followed with him. And power was given unto them over the fourth part of the earth, to kill with sword, and with hunger, and with death, and with the beasts of the earth.


Leon, Nueva Sangria, Iota Galaxy Field HQ.

  Dejavan Boques tossed her towel into a hamper next to her bunk. Paperwork, my Galaxy slides on a sea of paperwork. She zipped her issue jumpsuit and looked into the mirror. Time to get to work. She then stepped into her boots and walked out into the Tactical Operations Center and looked at her aide. "Report, Star Captain. Is there anything pressing I must attend to, quiaff?"



"Aff, Galaxy Commander. There is still no data coming from the Homeworlds. saKhan Yanez has not reported. We have been instructed to gather all bloodnamed warriors for a Clan Council. Real time video is authorized due to the current state of affairs Khan Schmitt will give us sufficent notice to gather our warriors. I have ensured that the brifing room is prepared."



   "I am honored to report that all units are at full readiness, Galaxy Commander. Full reconnaissance patrols are in progress."
Dejavan nodded. "Excellent. In the future you do not need to report routine matters just ensure that that data is uploaded to my perscomp."



After finding a Covert Repair Station, a team of Blood Spirit Warriors engage in a quick strike raid, several Science Caste combatants were cornered but most of them committed suicide before the team could find out what they knew. However, one of them claiming to be the Scientist-General in charge of the system offered to cooperate in exchange for guaranteeing his safety. While Star Captain Hernando weighed the options there were sudden and uninvited visitors.

A point of musclebound elementals burst into the room. The lead man, obviously the point commander cried out as he drew a wicked looking knife "I WANT HIS HEAD!" Hernando quickly reacted to the charging bull of a man extending his arm across and chopped the man in the throat staggering him before grabbing his shoulders and thrusting his boot into the man's solar plexus. Despite the size disadvantage, the blow sent the larger man's lower half in the air before yanking his head down by his hair and slamming the elemental's face into his knee.

Hernando turned on the rest of them, "Curb your blood lust, ALL OF YOU! I have more use for this renegade scientist then for Warriors that do not obey orders!" Once they backed off, he resumed his discussion with the other people in the room. "Now, strip the man. Have him examined inside and out by a med tech and give him one of our jumpsuits."

The point commander was just beginning to recover as he turned to his men. "I heard what happened on Nantwich. I know! It was Alpha! The keepers of nearly half of our blood named warriors and now there are only a handful of them left. Who wants to stand idle while the worthy are being denied their place in the legacy?"

"No one Point Commander." Hernado continued to stare them down, "the Galaxy Commander has a need to know about what is happening far more petty vengeance. If there is someone who might be able to tell us what awaits us on Bremen, or what is happening back home, it is, that man. So, you and your men will go back outside that door and make sure we remain, uninterupted, Quiaff?"

Dave Baughman

Still smarting from the none-too-gentle cavity search he had been subjected to, the Scientist looked cooly at his Blood Spirit captors.

"Well, now that you all have had your fun, its time to make a decision. Do you want, as your subordinate so eloquently stated, my head, or do you want what is inside my head? My demands are simple: my life, and either safe passage to a destination of my choosing or a place in your own Science Caste. I assure you, if what I think happened on Nantwhich has come to pass, you will need me far more than your warriors need their petty revenge."
And I looked, and behold a pale horse: and his name that sat on him was Apollyon, and Hell followed with him. And power was given unto them over the fourth part of the earth, to kill with sword, and with hunger, and with death, and with the beasts of the earth.


"I shall return." Star Captain Hernando walked out of the room, his guards marked his presence but did not glare as if they would disembowl him when their commander was out.

Three hours later, Hernando returned and sat across from the Scientist. "Those of the Blood Spirits have an impassioned heart for those that have wronged us but our desire to continue to exist is bred into the fiber of every Blood Spirit Warrior and passed down by the air we exhale to be breathed in by even the lowest caste.

I have spoken to our Galaxy Commander and he has allowed us to offer you the following terms. Your safety is gauranteed in exchange for information that will help us secure the facilities on this world without incident.

We will provide free passage to a destination of your choosing for information about what else awaits us on Hanseatic worlds that can aid us in our efforts to secure the rest of the League worlds. We would also require any knowledge you have of what is going on or planned for the Homeworlds.

Finally, You shall have a place in our Scientist Caste, not as a prisoner given the trappings of a scientist, but as a real Blood Spirit with actual facilities if you can provide the cure to the poisons that have infected us and those we may yet encounter."

Dave Baughman

"I am glad your superiors were able to see sense, Star Captain, though I am tempted to dispute who wronged who. After all, it was your forces who invaded our space, disrupted our experiment, and breached our quarantine zones. Two decades of work has been lost because of your Clan's interference... but there is no purpose served in complaining about events that have already come to pass."

"In terms of your first demand, I can fulfill it easily. Provide me with access to maps and I will show you where the supply caches and fallback points are. Your forces should be able to end resistance in short order."

(OOC: You may use this information to re-roll your Falsterbo GW roll for this turn, applying a +6 modifier)

"The answer to your second request is somewhat more complicated. After the Grand Council destroyed Peripatos in 3074, the Society's remaining projects were reorganized to reduce our vulnerability. You are contending now with the Ectopia Cell, which has controlled and administered the former Hanseatic League for almost twenty years. Our mission was to explore and stimulate human evolution by returning a large population to a primitive state, where modern medicine and technology would not interfere with natural selection. It was an experiment that promised to revolutionize our breeding programs - until you ruined it."

"Unfortunately, you seem to have encountered the other legacy of the Hanseatic League, which is the Recombinant 21B-VII virus. The virus is endemic in the local population - except for our control groups, that is - as our experimental groups were formed from the small percentage of the population with natural resistance. If you have an outbreach on Nantwhich, I can only assume that you breached the quarantine barriers in a misguided attempt to bring aid to the local population. That was a serious error, and from what I have heard your warriors are now paying hte price for their lack of caution."

"But I digress. You wanted to know what awaits you in the League? If I correctly estimate the scale of your assault, you have probably already smashed much of the Ectopia Cell's military. Our forces were concentrated on the northern border to repel potential raiders from Nueva Castille. Most of the other worlds have either a Septiplex or a Centerplex, though we have several Centerplexes in reserve at Bremen. The Bremen garrison is somewhat better equipped than the other forces in the region, though delivery times and communications delays have prevented us from receiving the newest equipment from the Cortex Cell - no doubt to their great dismay now."

"As to a cure... well, the truth is we never went out of our way to develop a cure. The continued presence of the virus in the population ensures that the non-imune phenotypes continue to be selected out of the population and gives our own personnel a good reason to maintain strict laboratory safety procedures. If you are interested in neutralizing the virus, I can be of some assistance, but I cannot snap my fingers and make your problems go away. Next time you invade one of our worlds, consider being a little more cautious with our experimental groups."
And I looked, and behold a pale horse: and his name that sat on him was Apollyon, and Hell followed with him. And power was given unto them over the fourth part of the earth, to kill with sword, and with hunger, and with death, and with the beasts of the earth.


The whole conversation was recorded for posterity, but the relevant bits were shrouded with terms Star Captain Hernando was unfamiliar with.

"I am unfamiliar with this 'Society' you speak of. But from what it sounds like, it is the evolution of what happened with the renegade Scientist Castes. We can talk about the manifesto of your Society later, for now I need facts. You mentioned Centerplexes and Septiplexes. What is the differnence in these facility types? Which type of facility is this? And do they have the same design on other worlds?"

Dave Baughman

Scientist-General Gamal (Glauber) leaned back, crossing his legs nonchalantly, "Your surmise is not far from the truth. The Society has existed long before what the Grand Council regards as the uprising of the Science Caste in the '60s and '70s. In fact, we have worked secretly since almost the founding of the Clans to promote the proper advancement of Clan society and the realization of Kerensky's vision."

He paused, "But you do not want the manifesto, so I will not recite it. A Septiplex is a military unit consisting of seven septs, each of which consists of seven points; forty-nine tactical units. A Centerplex is two Septiplexes plus a command point for each Septiplex; one hundred tactical units. The Society has been developing these formations as a more efficient alternative to the warrior caste's Trinary, Cluster, and Galaxy structures. I suppose you could equate a Centerplex with a Cluster or an Inner Sphere Regiment. The composition varies of course by the types of Septs that make them up, but the organizational structure is constant."

And I looked, and behold a pale horse: and his name that sat on him was Apollyon, and Hell followed with him. And power was given unto them over the fourth part of the earth, to kill with sword, and with hunger, and with death, and with the beasts of the earth.



   Dejavan read the flimsies and shook her head. Filthy stavags, this changes things. She called for her aide. "Star Captain! Notify all Iota Commands to use caution when engaging the enemy forces. It appears that we will need to do more intellegence gathering. Ensure that the Khans are notified. I will be waiting for a reply from them as well."