Clan Blood Spirit IC Roleplaying Thread

Started by Daemonknight, May 11, 2011, 06:08:58 PM

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  Sandra Jiminez sighed as she read the latest lab results. This is not good. The tests inticate an exeptional mortality rate and the damn thing is a weponized pathogen. I will need to consult the military on this at once. She opened her e-mail client and compsed a brief message and attached a summary of the lab results to send to the military commander on planet.


Leon, Office of the Military Governor.

 The term military governor is something of a misnomer as far as Nueva Sangria is concerned due to the fact that the senior military officer on planet just happened to be the commander of Clan Blood Spirit's Iota Galaxy. The term was more of a sop to the"native" population so was grudgingly accepted by the clan.


To: Galaxy Commander Dejavan Boques

CC: (information only) Khan and saKhan , Scientist General.

RE: Current progress of investigation.


It appears that the agent in question is a weaponized virus. Initial results of tests indicate that it is outwardly similar to the "Arluna Flu" as described in public records on the chatterweb. Officially the virus has been identified as Recombiant DB-21VII. It is my duty to recommend the following (see below)

 1. Increased MOPP posture for all personnel currently paricipating in operations within Hansa space.

  2. Isolation protocols for any and all casualties of above.

 3. Accelerated Research into an antidote and or vaccine as well as research in to decreasing the mortality rate of infected personnel.

  It appears that the virus vetor for infection is by both airborne and via fluid tranfer which makes this agent particularly hard to deal with. Mortality rate with out treatment is nearly complete (95%), Treatment at this point does not significantly decrease mortality rate but in concert with established quarantine and CBR procedures as well as heighted sanitation spread can be limited.


Scientist Sandra (Jiminez), Field research facility Alpha.


December 3091, Bremen

   Galaxy Commander Dejavan Boques watched the Battle-rom footage with an air of sullen detachment as she watched her Khan's Blood Kite vaporize from the storm of fire. She also knew her future was assured since her counter attack had crushed the Society forces on planet. Khan Schmitt's genes would enter the gene pool rapidly but there was business to attend to.