Magistracy of Canopus IC Roleplaying Thread

Started by Daemonknight, May 11, 2011, 06:10:11 PM

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"My only regret is that I will not be alive in .03 seconds. I would have liked to watch the enemy attempt to vent an omnidirectional thermonuclear blast enveloping their outpost."
-Last thoughts of Maldon, Type XXX Bolo, 3rd Battalion, Dinochrome Brigade



Magistracy Armed Forces

Senior General Kit deSummersVille, Commanding General of the Magistracy Armed Forces

General Samuel Gregan, Commanding Officer, 1st Canopian Grenaiders RCT

General Jenny Rochefort, former CO of the 242nd Hussars.  Wife of Senior General Hadji Doru.

Ethan Harrison, Commander, MAF Engineering Corp
Rhia Sung-Harrison, Captain, MAF Logistic Corp
Sabine Harrison, Eldest Daughter to Rhia and Ethan Harrison, currently attending MAF School of Military Engineering

Canopian Navy
First Sea Lord Marian Alston

Rear Admiral Waller, Flying his Flag in HMS Bellerophon

Rear Admiral Koo Stark, CO of 111th Naval Fighter Group

Commodore Montana Cox, Flying her Flag in HMS Vimerio

Commodore Lindsay Rodriguez, CO Frontier Fleet

Colonel Herman Quint, Commanding Officer, Quint's Olympian Groundpounders

Senior General Hadji Doru, Ret'd.
Lily Doru, daughter of Senior General Doru and General Rochefort.  Attending CIW as at 3091.

Countess Arianell, Governor Fanardir


Admiralty House
Canopus IV

Aug 3090

First Sea Lord Marian Alston closed down the file on her computer and sat back in her chair, her right hand pinching the bridge of her nose in an effort to alleviate some of the strain too much reading induced.

Eventually she dropped her hand and considered the latest news from Rear Admiral Waller in the Dalton system.  Simply put, the work up trials were proceeding on track for the ship itself, however the embarked air groups were having a few cohesion problems considering the huge numbers of aerospace assets that could be launched.  Full acceptance trials, complete with a brace of battle runs in conjunction with elements of the Free Worlds Navy should iron out the problems.  And if it didn't then perhaps it might be time to rethink some of the embarked air group commanders.  One in particular, she thought with a grimace of distaste, remembering where exactly Commander Lin Priest got her patronage from.

Sitting forward again, she called up the current deployment schedule for the Iron Duke.  Dunianshire via Trip, then a quick trip to Canopus IV.  'Still on track', she thought to herself as she checked the dates.  A fortnight's shore leave, then the tin can can be off to Dalton as the escort home.


Upper Drangosh Military Reserve


Dec 3090

"Sir.  I'm honoured that you have come.  Is there anything that you need?"

"No. No.  Colonel.  I'm fine.  And to be truthful, I'm happy to be away from that damned hospital.  Hate the places at the best of times!"

Hadji Doru, formerly the Senior General of the Magistracy Armed Forces, and even if he had finally retired nearly a decade ago, still recognised as one of the most influential men in the entire Magistracy, leaned on his cane and looked across the field to the waiting line of 'Mechs.  Accepting the invitation from Colonel Herman Quint wasn't that much of a burden, as his comments to the mercenary officer held more than a hint of truth.  With Jenny receiving treatment for cancer at one of Luxen's best hospitals, he had entirely too much free time on his hands.  Moreso since young Lily had just shipped off to the Institute of War.   

"You're right there, General.  I trust General Rochefort improving?" 

"The doctors say the worst has past, although it's going to be months until she makes a full recovery.  Even than, I'm going to tie her down to a teaching job at the CIW.  Even if I have to get the entire 242nd to help me."

Both men smiled at the last, especially since the Hussars were in many ways her personal regiment.  Raised from the remnant of the old 242nd Hussars that had been folded into the Arms of Thor mercenary command after the Marian invasion of the old Lothian League, she had arrived in the Magistracy with the tattered remnants of the Thors, after that command had come out on the losing end of the Marian's subsequent invasion of the Palatinate.   Offered a chance to reform the 242nd as a Canopian line regiment by Doru himself, she had commanded the regiment in the '68 defence of Marantha, then led it in the campaign to return the worlds lost to the CPS.  Finally levered out of direct command of the 242nd only by the route of promoting her to General of the Hussar formation, she had pushed hard for more unit to be added to the Hussars.  And along the way, somewhere they had both found time to get married.   

"But enough of that Colonel.  I'm very eager to take a look at how your regiment is forming up.  I know you have some old 'Mechs out there, even if they are the best of what had equipped the MAF, but I've been asked by General DeSummersVille to inform you quietly that your request to trade up for some advanced tech has been approved."


Dunianshire Zenith Jumppoint

December 3090

"Ma'am.  Alacrity reports that all her supplies have been transferred across and that the shuttle has detached."

"Very well.  Inform the respective commanders that we are departing on schedule."

"Aye aye, Ma'am."

Commodore, or CompCapt as she still liked to be called, Lindsay Rodriguez sat on her bridge command chair reviewing the status of her vessels.  Frontier Fleet hadn't grown by even one shuttle, and rather than the combat others had seen, had spent nigh on the last twenty years undertaking exploration and surveying work.  Granted her unit, with it four Seeker class jumpships included, was one of the best placed of the old flotillas to carry out this type of mission, but sometimes even her own people forgot that they were Navy first.  What made it worse were the damn politicians that trooped out every year or so to grandstand and tell them that they were all doing important work for the Canopian Astrogation Service. 

This time though, she had pushed up the deployment schedule by two weeks, and with the maintenance workers on-side, was now ready to go before the expected arrival of another batch of pollies.  The CAS had proven reliable this time in coming through with some ancient surveys undertaken by both the old Star League and the Magistracy itself.  Armed with these, she hope the next twelve month deployment would see several more worlds re-discovered and suitable for colonization.


School of Military Engineering

Canopus IV

Jan 3091

Sabine Harrison hurried into her room, kicking shut the door on the way to her hologram pod.  Having only just received a chip from Remagen in the Federated Suns from her parents, who were visiting her fathers relatives, she was impatient to find out what had been happening.  She of course had wanted to go herself, but as a second year engineering officer cadet, it had been impossible, even if dad had been the School Commandant for nearly twenty years.   What had made it worse was that those two monkey's that purportedly were her twin younger brothers, had wrangled half a year off school to accompany their parents.  And who were no doubt getting 110% excitement every day!

As the hologram came up Sabine's first thought was that the holiday was certainly doing her father some good.  He actually looked younger (or was that just her mother's nagging him to look after himself better?) and a lot more relaxed.  His eyes still held depths though, a legacy of a distant time when her dad had been an AFFS officer and had come up against the Clans. 

"Hello Sabine.  If I remember correctly, you will be deploying into the field shortly for your mid-term assessment.  Good luck with that, although I know you won't be needing it, especially if Master Sergeant Villegraz has been riding your arse.  Speaking of which, say hello to him from us if you would.  Tell him that I've been able to check out some new equipment since arriving.  Rand-Caterpillar has bought out a new heavy grade constructor which looks to suit our construction squadron requirements very well."


On the sound of that single word Sabine smiled broadly as her mother moved into view.  A native Canopian, Rhia Sung-Harrison had lost none of her beauty, even after marriage, children and over twenty years of service in the Canopian Logistics Command.  "Sorry dear.  I told your father before we started that he wasn't allowed to talk shop.  And what did he do within ten seconds?  So anyway, we met up with your grandparents over the last week.  Both are well, although Grandpa Max has a bruised shoulder.  Like he should be doing abseiling at his age!!  But other than that, everyone is well, and all your cousins..."



Schmitt, Magistracy of Canopus

Jan 3091

Since re-colonization in 3085, Schmitt had seen the arrival of a number of troopships carrying new settlers from the more central worlds of the Magistracy.  The promise of low taxes for the first arrivals, coupled with financial incentives to allow local agricultural and mining operations to begin, had resulted in a steady increase to the population base of Schmitt.

Today though, at the still dirt landing dock, a large number of construction and engineering vehicles were being unloaded from a trio of Elephant class dropships.  For Schmitt was not only part of the new frontier of the Magistracy, but as a border world opposite the oppressive Marian Hegemony, the planet would eventually be one of a number of worlds built up for defence.  The Construction Squadrons disembarking, would be immediately undertaking a number of works including the establishment of a planetary command centre, defence works, hidden cache dumps and  a new spaceport.  Others, mostly civilian companies under contract, would come later to flesh out the work, especially in regards the high tech communication requirements, but for now it was up to the MAF engineers.


Grove of Reflection

Durabon, Magistracy of Canopus

Jan 3091

Talking to one of her aides about matters from Fanardir, Countess Arianell, now Planetary Ruler of the aforementioned world, still kept a close eye on proceedings as the grove began to fill.   For this evening was an auspicious occasion for those present, especially for those that had settled on the world.

For Durabon was a forested world.  For sure, there were pockets on the main continents that were either almost desert in appearance and form, or were too cold to sustain any sort of vegetation, but the majority of the world was covered in huge forests.  It had been a cruel blow to the Magistracy when the last of the orginal inhabitants had been forced to leave back in 2940.  But economic conditions at the time, coupled with an inability to protect such a large frontier from the marauding pirate bands, had made the decision to leave a permanent one. 

Now though, with the backing of her world and that of their sisters and brothers from Alfarsin, the third world of their calling had returned.  Wicca worlds, officially.  Unoffically, the peoples of Fanardir and Alfarsin held many similar features and followed ways not mainstream.  Some, many, would say they were Elven, although officially she would not say this.  Unofficially, the changes to the inhabitants of those two worlds over the centuries through adaptation to the planetary environs, plus a certain amount of genetic modification, had led to a reasonably acquaintance to what many would deem an Elven people.  Let outsiders think what they like, she often thought, even if one of the official languages on those worlds was Sindarin.

Tonight was all about Durabon though.  Following it's re-discovery in 3082, vast sums of money had been raised to finance fleets of colonists eager to make the world their own.  Calling in more favours than she cared to admit with the Centralla's, Arianell had managed to ensure the overwhelming percentage of new arrivals were from her world and from Afarsin.  It had helped that she had finally been able to pin down that scum of an ex-Governor on taking bribes.  Emma Centralla had appointed him as a favour to his mother, and it had been one of the few mistakes in her life, for the vermin had milked the system for all that it was worth.  Not to mention his active assistance to the Marian occupation forces.  Following that, she had been given the Governership of Fanardir, and had set about righting the wrong.  It had taken years and only now had they had the opportunity to finally come together for the ceremony.  And speaking of which, she thought to herself, as the inflow of personnel slowed to a trickle, and many of those present took up their seat.  And with that, she moved out and down into the central arena to begin proceedings.

"Le hannon a tholel.  Gîl síla na lû govaded."


Briefing Room A, Royal Palace, Crimson City

Canopus IV

Feb 3091

"... and in closing Ma'am, it is a certainty that the Star Adders won't take this lying down.  We believe that even as the Lyrans continue their offensive, the Star Adders will launch their own.  And if they both stick to Clan rules of engagement, then it's likely that the whole border will become a bog, as star systems are taken and retaken in turn."

"Thank you, Colonel."  Naomi Centralla looked over her assembled advisors.  In this case mostly military, however several of her senior ministers were present as well.  "Anyone care to start?"

General Padrig Dinsmore, stirred in his chair.  "Not having faced off against the Clans, but if this ain't a joint offensive, then I don't know what is.  Then again, I always thought the Falcons one of the more traditional Clans.  The way they are acting with the Lyrans, they're likely to give normal mercs a run for their money.  What do you think Bill?"

William Sangrey, former commander of the 3rd Canopian Fusiliers, sucked in his breadth before replying.  "Twenty odd years ago, the Falcons under Khan Martha Pryde were a terror.  If they turned up on your doorstep, you just knew you were going to take your lumps, with or without a Clan batchall.  Every day on Blackjack, knowing the Falcons were across the border, made you focus.  Now though, the way they are acting, it is as what one of my aides said to me on the way in here.  That the Falcons could give the girls and boys on Mindstar's pleasure cruisers, tips about their job. Mind you, it might not be quite that bad, but the name Jade Falcon certainly is not what it used to be."

"Thank you General Sangrey.  I share your sentiments about Blackjack, and my mother told me that when she went to Malibu to meet the Falcons as part of the Pasig Accords, they were relentless.  Still, that was over twenty years ago," and here she paused for a moment to look across at her Senior General. "and while I think we need more intelligence from Khan N'Buta and his staff, would you draw up three contingency plans General DeSummersVille, one being the deployment of forces from the Magistracy itself."

"Certainly Ma'am."


Briefing Room A, Royal Palace, Crimson City

Canopus IV

Aug 3091

"Ladies and gentlemen of the press.  Thank you for your time today."  At that, Magistrix Naomi Centralla paused whilst the last journalist scuttled in through a side entrance and took his seat.

"After recent Taurian Concordant attacks on Magistracy systems, I ordered our military to engage the Taurian military in a measured response.  This they have done so, and I can report that the Magistracy Armed Forces have carried out their orders."

"I said at the time that the Magistracy does not see this response as an opportunity for territorial expansion.  In this instance, the mission was Fronc and with the defeat of the Taurian occupiers I am happy to announce that an interim planetary government has been established and that Fronc is now an independent world."

"Given the Taurian history of aggression we would hope that our response has provided a salulatory lesson to their leadership and I would call on said leadership to pull back their remaining Corps from the frontier and into their traditional garrison posts of New Vandenburg, Brisbane and Laconis.  Give up those territories you currently occupy, allow them to join with Fronc, and bring peace to the region."


Shoalwater Bay Training Area
Marantha, Magistracy of Canopus

early Jul 3091

"Are you in the mercenary business these days, General?"

Samuel Gregan, commander of the 1st Grenaiders RCT, smiled at Senior General's comment before responding.  "Why would you think that, Sir?"

"Well now, let's see.  For starters, I can see at least a dozen Night Gyr Heavy Omnimechs, not to mention almost a company's worth of Black Lanner Omni.  Then if my eyesight isn't failing me, isn't that a half a dozen Turkina assault mechs intermixed in that assault company waiting in reserve?  Including those souped up variants.  Tried one of those a couple of months ago.  Very impressive."  Pausing for a moment, he raised his laser binoculars to his eyes and rescanned an omnimech company that was presently deploying across the open valley. "And to top it all off, I'm sure that's an entire binary of Ironhold battlearmour attached to that mech company with those Flamberge Omnis."

General Gregan laughed.  "You have me Sir.  As you know, my predecessor, General Dinsmore, wanted the 1st to be an OPFOR unit for our people to train in Clan ways.  He angled to get equipment of Jade Falcon usage, and it just so happens that over the years, we have bargained and swapped for additional Falcon stuff.  Which is why you see what we have today."

The MAF's Senior General responded with a short laugh of his own before continuing.  "Hell, I knew all about that years ago.  Padraig was pleased as punch when the first Night Gyr heavies arrived.  What I'm laughing about now is that you should get a job with the Falcons.  They've spread their legs to accommodate the Lyrans so much they give mercenaries a run for their money.   You'd get get rich impersonating them."  At that, the two Generals laughed as the rolling exercise continued on in the wide valley below.