Tech Availabilty.

Started by Deathrider6, May 19, 2011, 12:09:36 AM

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Iron Mongoose

Hugin was pretty clear that we were pretty well off in the OA while I was a member, and a copy I have of orders that were to have been submitted clearly lists the Firebee 3D, along with the Royal Rifleman, Crab and Trident fighter, and the Helepolis 3H, Guillotine 8D (with its TC) and a host of other top of the line units.  I wasn't around when these units were got, but the list was given as part of the OA orders to the GMs, so if they reviewed them or if they didn't, Hugin and I had a good faith reason to belive we were aproved to use them.

That said, the Firebee 3E is the only unit that takes things quite so far.  There is the Pilliger 3Z, but not the 4Z, for example.  So if the modern GMs want to put that down to an oversight and make a correction, it wouldn't be the end of the world, perhaps.


I can vouch for the Wolves having the Streak LRM's nva used them against me.

He mentioned the Ghost Bears/RD having them on their Viking Mech as well.


The way Hugin told me how they did it, is because the OWA has a shed full of MPs (probably two sheds full in the scheme of things).  Instead of other factions buying MPs from the OWA using RP to make up for their troop lift limitations, Hugin would look at designs and trade those designs for his MPs.  He obtained a truely substantial listing of designs.  He had a further swag (ie... a lot) marked in his tech page, but since he didn't have any confirmation that the tech transfer was completed, i never used them. 

He especially liked quad mechs I recall.  Kept on asking me to trade him the Thunder Stallion!  But also like a lot of the IS BA.  And heaps of droppers, jumpships and Warships.

Quote from: Dave Baughman on May 24, 2011, 05:23:27 AM
Part of the problem may have been that at the time the GM team didn't go out of their way to check the designs for adhering to the 'no new tech' rule. I originally requested the PXH-1c for RD and it was initially approved. It was subsequently disapproved after I (being a nice guy) double-checked specifically about the snubby. I'm not neccessarily suggesting anyone pulled a fast one, just that stuff got approved when it might not have been meant to (frankly, I always wondered how OWA got all that stuff...)


Quote from: chaosxtreme on May 24, 2011, 11:35:46 AM
I can vouch for the Wolves having the Streak LRM's nva used them against me.

He mentioned the Ghost Bears/RD having them on their Viking Mech as well.

no.  Wolves had a viking slrm mech.  Rd did not have slrms


Sheesh wish I had known. I had been giving away MP for "good will" or a few RP. Now I know and knowing is half the swindling.

Quote from: Parmenion on May 24, 2011, 12:06:48 PM

The way Hugin told me how they did it, is because the OWA has a shed full of MPs (probably two sheds full in the scheme of things).  Instead of other factions buying MPs from the OWA using RP to make up for their troop lift limitations, Hugin would look at designs and trade those designs for his MPs.  He obtained a truely substantial listing of designs.  He had a further swag (ie... a lot) marked in his tech page, but since he didn't have any confirmation that the tech transfer was completed, i never used them. 

He especially liked quad mechs I recall.  Kept on asking me to trade him the Thunder Stallion!  But also like a lot of the IS BA.  And heaps of droppers, jumpships and Warships.

Quote from: Dave Baughman on May 24, 2011, 05:23:27 AM
Part of the problem may have been that at the time the GM team didn't go out of their way to check the designs for adhering to the 'no new tech' rule. I originally requested the PXH-1c for RD and it was initially approved. It was subsequently disapproved after I (being a nice guy) double-checked specifically about the snubby. I'm not neccessarily suggesting anyone pulled a fast one, just that stuff got approved when it might not have been meant to (frankly, I always wondered how OWA got all that stuff...)


I think in some ways, that represents what is 'broken' with the game.  Broken as in this is not a game of Battletech.  More, it's a strategic game of naval combat, punctuated by moments of ground combat.  You can have a top-notch army in this game, but unless you also have a beast of a navy, it can't move, nor can it protect itself.  So in this case, the OWA, as a periphery minnow, became a shark with the ASF allocations given to it (especially in regards to all those Elite flotillas it had).  Able to trade off it's MP for topnotch designs, ranging from battlearnour to warships.

Quote from: chaosxtreme on May 24, 2011, 01:04:22 PM
Sheesh wish I had known. I had been giving away MP for "good will" or a few RP. Now I know and knowing is half the swindling.

Quote from: Parmenion on May 24, 2011, 12:06:48 PM

The way Hugin told me how they did it, is because the OWA has a shed full of MPs (probably two sheds full in the scheme of things).  Instead of other factions buying MPs from the OWA using RP to make up for their troop lift limitations, Hugin would look at designs and trade those designs for his MPs.  He obtained a truely substantial listing of designs.  He had a further swag (ie... a lot) marked in his tech page, but since he didn't have any confirmation that the tech transfer was completed, i never used them. 

He especially liked quad mechs I recall.  Kept on asking me to trade him the Thunder Stallion!  But also like a lot of the IS BA.  And heaps of droppers, jumpships and Warships.

Quote from: Dave Baughman on May 24, 2011, 05:23:27 AM
Part of the problem may have been that at the time the GM team didn't go out of their way to check the designs for adhering to the 'no new tech' rule. I originally requested the PXH-1c for RD and it was initially approved. It was subsequently disapproved after I (being a nice guy) double-checked specifically about the snubby. I'm not neccessarily suggesting anyone pulled a fast one, just that stuff got approved when it might not have been meant to (frankly, I always wondered how OWA got all that stuff...)


At least he answered the PMs sent to him.  Unlike certain other who sat above him  >:(

Quote from: GreyJaeger on May 24, 2011, 02:57:42 AM
I think I have found the issue.

Quote from: Parmenion on May 24, 2011, 12:55:01 AM
Yeah... same here.  Oliveash[/u] only allowed the MoC and CHH stuff we already had (which was why we were not allowed to get the Balius-A with the HAG).

Could be that Hugin slipped one passed the GMs at the time.  Maybe they only looked at the FRB-2E main design, which is OK for a level 1 light mech, but nothing to write home about.

Quote from: Holt on May 24, 2011, 12:35:41 AM
I was told 'No designs with tech you don't already posses.' But maybe it was just for me and my factions.....

Quote from: Parmenion on May 24, 2011, 12:25:38 AM
OK... here's one.  Under Hugin, the OWA was allowed the FRB-3E Firebee quite a number of cycles ago (if folk recall, when we had a one off 'bonus' of being able to choose 5 designs from your respective factions future designs.  For the periphery nations, since they didn't usually have five designs, they were allowed to poke into the TRO3075 for designs.  Hugin picked the aforementioned Firebee variant as one of his designs.

It comes complete with:

stealth armour
plasma rifle
XL gyro
small cockpit

Does this mean that the Horse Alliance has the tech designs for the five components above?

Iron Mongoose

Hey, when it works, a bit of good will can go a hell of a long way, while stealth armor is really only good if you can find an MM opponent, and its still beatable even then.  At coventry, the Adders had a few stealth mechs; the FWL had a few friends along...

But yeah, the game has always been too much about air combat, espcealy as people more and more came to see it as key, and it sort of reenforced its self.  And the notion that moble force points should make a lot of MP, that a jumpship full of fighters can somehow generate the ability to lift a bunch of mechs, has always been problematic at the best of times.  But Hugin and the OA players, and the FWL team and most everyone else who benifited from thouse rules over the years (its equaly silly how many MPs you get from a loaded Thera, which by all rights should have such a giant logistical tail from keeping thouse fighters gassed up that it should take away MPs) didn't make the rules.  They were made, and we all had the same rules, and factions that were heavy into air power were all able to get the same MP bonuses.  Its just a qustion of what we each did with them.

Iron Mongoose

As for Olive, I always liked him the best.  We argued our share, and he made some crazy rulings and rules.  But, when it was clear that something was wrong, it got fixed.  All thouse crazy battle resolutions that I railed on him for, which often times screwed me over quite baddly, never were used again after.  I think that counts for something.

Dave Baughman

Its probably pertinent to note that the whole "let me trade MP for designs scheme" actually got the OWA in pretty hot water with the GMs at one point because OWA was not following the tech transfer rules (i.e. not paying their 10+ RP and waiting 2d6 turns before putting the designs into use). I'm not certain how it was resolved, as I wasn't on the GM team at the time, but Olive gave me the impression that the actual "corrected" OWA tech list was substantially shorter than it was at the height of the tech trading scheme's operation.

Quote from: Parmenion on May 24, 2011, 12:06:48 PM

The way Hugin told me how they did it, is because the OWA has a shed full of MPs (probably two sheds full in the scheme of things).  Instead of other factions buying MPs from the OWA using RP to make up for their troop lift limitations, Hugin would look at designs and trade those designs for his MPs.  He obtained a truely substantial listing of designs.  He had a further swag (ie... a lot) marked in his tech page, but since he didn't have any confirmation that the tech transfer was completed, i never used them.  

He especially liked quad mechs I recall.  Kept on asking me to trade him the Thunder Stallion!  But also like a lot of the IS BA.  And heaps of droppers, jumpships and Warships.

Quote from: Dave Baughman on May 24, 2011, 05:23:27 AM
Part of the problem may have been that at the time the GM team didn't go out of their way to check the designs for adhering to the 'no new tech' rule. I originally requested the PXH-1c for RD and it was initially approved. It was subsequently disapproved after I (being a nice guy) double-checked specifically about the snubby. I'm not neccessarily suggesting anyone pulled a fast one, just that stuff got approved when it might not have been meant to (frankly, I always wondered how OWA got all that stuff...)

And I looked, and behold a pale horse: and his name that sat on him was Apollyon, and Hell followed with him. And power was given unto them over the fourth part of the earth, to kill with sword, and with hunger, and with death, and with the beasts of the earth.


Quote from: chaosxtreme on May 24, 2011, 11:35:46 AM
I can vouch for the Wolves having the Streak LRM's nva used them against me.

He mentioned the Ghost Bears/RD having them on their Viking Mech as well.

Aff, I verified that none of the RD Vikings have S-LRMs. They're still damn nice though ;)

Quote from: Dave Baughman on May 24, 2011, 02:36:54 PM
Its probably pertinent to note that the whole "let me trade MP for designs scheme" actually got the OWA in pretty hot water with the GMs at one point because OWA was not following the tech transfer rules (i.e. not paying their 10+ RP and waiting 2d6 turns before putting the designs into use). I'm not certain how it was resolved, as I wasn't on the GM team at the time, but Olive gave me the impression that the actual "corrected" OWA tech list was substantially shorter than it was at the height of the tech trading scheme's operation.

I think this is funny, because he made sure I knew how much I had to pay when I got designs from him :P


Well, I know that when I ran the Vipers, I was selling some designs for cash, I made sure the purchaser knew exactly what had to happen.// Man was I selling stuff cheap. lol


The Spirit Cats and Ravens had a nice little tech exchange. 2 Battle Armor suits for 2 Battle Armor suits with a "Do Not Trade" clause, and we essentially got the Nova Cat Omni in exchange for a Cluster Commander... :P Marlin's been told, when she passes, he doesn't have the rights to her genes, they must come back to our repository ;)


Fate, thats really way too low level for me. As it is, I hope that some day, a knight in shiny white armor cometh and takes the Spirit Cats to fulfill their fate. I know I am far too nice as a player. :P

Anyway, as Dave reposted the Tech rules as I understood them, I am thankful I did not get it wrong. *phew*

Btw, the issue with the Viking 4 was never cleared up for real, once it was said they had streak LRMs, when I finally got some data, I was rather unimpressed. :P

Any chance the Streak LRM was left by the Exiles at WOlfsbaum Station?


Nope.  :)

Exiles were VERY protective of the SLRMs.  And, it is the Viking IIc that has Streak LRMs.