Tech Availabilty.

Started by Deathrider6, May 19, 2011, 12:09:36 AM

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You can keep those suckers ;P Give me the eLRMs instead XD, I built a Naginata once that used those and housed the C3 master. ;) It was a glorious thing to behold. :)

Dave Baughman

Quote from: Marlin on May 24, 2011, 05:50:21 PM
Btw, the issue with the Viking 4 was never cleared up for real, once it was said they had streak LRMs, when I finally got some data, I was rather unimpressed. :P

Its probably pertinent to note that there are two different Viking IV designs. The VKG-4F, a.k.a. Viking IIC, is the original design that was co-developed with the Exiles. That version had Streak LRMs and some other fun stuff and was a real monster (2x ERLL, 4x SLRM-15 if I recall correctly). The VKG-4O, which the Dominion uses, doesn't have as much advanced technology (no streak LRMs for example), but its faster (4/6 vs. 3/5) and its an omni.
And I looked, and behold a pale horse: and his name that sat on him was Apollyon, and Hell followed with him. And power was given unto them over the fourth part of the earth, to kill with sword, and with hunger, and with death, and with the beasts of the earth.


*scratches head* And which version then was found on Strana Mechty?

Dave Baughman

Quote from: Marlin on May 24, 2011, 06:48:06 PM
*scratches head* And which version then was found on Strana Mechty?

They were the mass-production Omni versions, though some of them were fitted out in non-standard configurations. Most of the experimental gear, however, was wired to self destruct when the 'mechs went down, preventing the recovery of significant amounts.
And I looked, and behold a pale horse: and his name that sat on him was Apollyon, and Hell followed with him. And power was given unto them over the fourth part of the earth, to kill with sword, and with hunger, and with death, and with the beasts of the earth.

GI Journalist

Remind me. When obtaining new designs as part of diplomacy, what are the rules for actually putting them into production? Does it require any additional R&D or reverse engineering?


Flat 10RP for Mech, BA, ASF designs. Also requires a 2d6 roll to see how many turns it will take.


its 10x of production cost, or 10RP, whichever is greater. So as Holt said, ASF, Mechs, Tanks, BA and Dropships will all be 10rp, because nothing there is more expensive than 1fp(maybe a few dropships will come out to 12.5 or something).

Warships are usuall very expensive. You have to take the FP, multiply it by the normal Mobile or LFB mobile modifer for the production cost, then multiply THAT by 10 for the reverse engineering cost. An example cuts the costs in half

Example, a Fox-class Corvette. A Fox is 2.5 FP, and is LFB Mobile. So, 2.5 * 10(LF) = 25rp to build a Fox. Now to reverse engineer that Fox, you take 25 *10 = 250rp to reverse engineer it and add it to your list of designs. If you get a Fox from somewhere and sacrifice it, you cut the cost in half(or 125). But you still need to wait the 2d6 turns before u get it, even if u pay it all off on the first turn.
"My only regret is that I will not be alive in .03 seconds. I would have liked to watch the enemy attempt to vent an omnidirectional thermonuclear blast enveloping their outpost."
-Last thoughts of Maldon, Type XXX Bolo, 3rd Battalion, Dinochrome Brigade


Quote from: Parmenion on May 24, 2011, 01:29:03 PM
I think in some ways, that represents what is 'broken' with the game.  Broken as in this is not a game of Battletech.  More, it's a strategic game of naval combat, punctuated by moments of ground combat.

It's Battletech at the Grand Strategy level, with elements of politics, strategy, and logistics. That doesn't make it broken.

Quote from: Parmenion on May 24, 2011, 01:29:03 PM
 You can have a top-notch army in this game, but unless you also have a beast of a navy, it can't move, nor can it protect itself.

Heavy-Lift capability is a serious issue in the canon universe. It does tend to get glossed over, but it's very much there. There's a reason borders don't move much in canon. There are ways around naval dominance in this game, and naval dominance itself is very hard to achieve.

Quote from: Parmenion on May 24, 2011, 01:29:03 PM
 So in this case, the OWA, as a periphery minnow, became a shark with the ASF allocations given to it (especially in regards to all those Elite flotillas it had).

Hold one second here. The OWA was in a terrible spot at the beginning of the game. It had virtually no territory and no resources, was dependent on a foreign power for most of its budget, and had no factories, technology, or army to speak of, and a third-rate navy comprised of a handful of jumpships, one decent dropship (also, some Leopards,) and some fighters.

The navy the OWA had when it ran out of players was the result of player effort, not simply handed to it.

Quote from: chaosxtreme on May 24, 2011, 01:04:22 PM
Sheesh wish I had known. I had been giving away MP for "good will" or a few RP. Now I know and knowing is half the swindling.

Usually, I'd rather have the goodwill or the RPs. Of course, the Dominion is hardly hurting in terms of its design library.

Quote from: Parmenion on May 24, 2011, 12:06:48 PM
Instead of other factions buying MPs from the OWA using RP to make up for their troop lift limitations, Hugin would look at designs and trade those designs for his MPs.  

The old OWA leadership had a term for that kind of dealing -- "disastrous mismanagement." Of course, we were a little funny in the head by most accounts.

GI Journalist

Aha. I see now why most Periphery States don't have any WarShips to speak of, and why these rules are under the "Economics" section.


At least I kept the Raven MP deals consistent. Before the Ravens came into the Dominion, they had the same transportation issues as everyone else. Sure they had a few Clan Warships, but their ground forces vastly exceeded the need to move with that pool.  I thought the In-Game costs for MP was ridiculously high so I set a "Standard" rate for trading MP at 50 MP per 1 RP and left the option to trail for a better deal with the knowledge that trialing for a better rate came with a standard counter-bid for a more expensive rate. So, you could trail for 100 MP per 1 RP, but I would normally counter with the 25 MP per 1 RP and that both sides trialing had to agree to the amount of MP the trial would be worth ahead of time. The only thing that usually augmented the starting price was whether or not you were an Ally or Enemy. This either started the starting costs up or down one category, or we bid more or less aggressively, but no Trial for MP was ever refused. :) Those that fought against for for bits of Tranquil found out that. The horses I underbid by .25 (CSR: 1.75 vs CHH: 2), but the Spirits as allies I underbid by .5 (CSR:1.5 vs CBS: 2)

As a "Merchant Power" the Ravens try to offer trails to negotiate prices. Sometimes with token trials. I use them a lot to finish simple deals, Any who, This thread was once about Tech Availability :P I didn't go back far enough to see all of the discussion :P