Master Technology List Project.

Started by Deathrider6, June 13, 2011, 03:09:05 AM

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I am in the process of trying to corral all the information I need and place it where it can be easily accessed so I can answer questions and ensure that proxies know what they can and cannot field. This also will allow me to track who has what for tech purchases/transfers. Witht hat what I need from you is a list of all technology each faction you control MANUFACTURES. This includes weapon and defensive systems as well as equipment designs. Once this is completed it will allow me to track transfers and trades this will also prevent factions who do not have designs from using them beyond captured or accquired stocks. In a nutshell this is basicly an FC MUL. There is not a huge hurry but any data presented will take the guess work out of who has what. Thanks in advance for your co-operation.


Just send a plain Excel or ODS sheet to the GM account.