[RP/MM] Turn 39: The Dark vs. TC Invasion Erod's Escap 4544 *Complete*

Started by LittleH13, May 10, 2010, 02:44:40 AM

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The Dark are invading..................................

Eclipse Galaxy   Brown Keshik   Elite   Fanatical   Mech Cluster   15
Eclipse Galaxy   301 Swarm Cluster   Veteran   Fanatical   Mech Cluster   14.5
Eclipse Galaxy   302 Swarm Cluster   Regular   Fanatical   Mech Cluster   18.75
Eclipse Galaxy   303 Swarm Cluster   Regular   Fanatical   Mech Cluster   14.25
Eclipse Galaxy   304 Swarm Cluster   Regular   Fanatical   Mech Cluster   13
Eclipse Galaxy   305 Swarm Cluster   Regular   Fanatical   Mech Cluster   10.25
Eclipse Galaxy   306 Swarm Cluster   Regular   Fanatical   Mech Cluster   21.75
Eclipse Galaxy   307 Swarm Cluster   Regular   Fanatical   Mech Cluster   9
Eclipse Galaxy   308 Swarm Cluster   Regular   Fanatical   Mech Cluster   14.25
Eclipse Galaxy   309 Swarm Cluster   Regular   Fanatical   Mech Cluster   13.5
Eclipse Galaxy   310 Swarm Cluster   Regular   Fanatical   Mech Cluster   17.25

A Naval Star   Honesty (SL Congress)   SL Congress   Regular   Fanatical      10 FP
A Naval Star   Pride (SL Congress)   SL Congress   Regular   Fanatical      10 FP
A Naval Star   Hell (SL Congress)   SL Congress   Regular   Fanatical                   10 FP
A Naval Star   Hole (SL Congress)   SL Congress   Regular   Fanatical                   10 FP


What phase are they attacking at?

I have forces moving around and leaving this planet, so different phase results in different force amounts. It DOES make a fairly large delta... :-[

This is what is in system no matter what phase they attack. Also, are you SURE that you don't want to rename these forces as Fed Suns forces? I actually had IC reasons to not attack the FS so far (mainly positioning and timing) but the TC... MIGHT get confused if we know that the Dark are attacking in such numbers with such forces...

Also, I'd like to deal with the Space portion of the attack before getting involved with the ground forces, just in case you are all salvage before then.  ;D

13th Periphery Defense Reg Rel Aerospace 10.0
14th Periphery Defense Reg Rel Aerospace 10.0
19th Periphery Defense Reg Rel Aerospace 10.0
21st Periphery Defense Reg Rel Aerospace 10.0
22nd Periphery Denfense Reg Rel Aerospace 10.0
Far Looker Defender's 1st Reg Rel 8.5 (minimum present)

Also, it is unlikely, but did you check with the GM to make sure you didn't sprint into my big force that is out there? I'd rather play farther from TC territory if at all possible...

Lastly, I'm thinking this didn't use a pirate insertion roll, so I'd almost ask if I can have an "outer wall" and an "inner wall" for IC reasons (what I've posted then would be outer).


Jeyar....They are attacking in phase 1....the forces are entering from hex 4643...if you have forces leaving then we both need an init roll if you win your forces exit before The Dark arrive, if I win the forces are still there.

Here is a link to The Darks init roll.


Quote from: Jeyar on May 10, 2010, 02:08:49 PM
What phase are they attacking at?

I have forces moving around and leaving this planet, so different phase results in different force amounts. It DOES make a fairly large delta... :-[

This is what is in system no matter what phase they attack. Also, are you SURE that you don't want to rename these forces as Fed Suns forces? I actually had IC reasons to not attack the FS so far (mainly positioning and timing) but the TC... MIGHT get confused if we know that the Dark are attacking in such numbers with such forces...

Also, I'd like to deal with the Space portion of the attack before getting involved with the ground forces, just in case you are all salvage before then.  ;D

13th Periphery Defense Reg Rel Aerospace 10.0
14th Periphery Defense Reg Rel Aerospace 10.0
19th Periphery Defense Reg Rel Aerospace 10.0
21st Periphery Defense Reg Rel Aerospace 10.0
22nd Periphery Denfense Reg Rel Aerospace 10.0
Far Looker Defender's 1st Reg Rel 8.5 (minimum present)

Also, it is unlikely, but did you check with the GM to make sure you didn't sprint into my big force that is out there? I'd rather play farther from TC territory if at all possible...

Lastly, I'm thinking this didn't use a pirate insertion roll, so I'd almost ask if I can have an "outer wall" and an "inner wall" for IC reasons (what I've posted then would be outer).


Okay, since I won init (same thread, but it took me a few posts to get it right - lol), it seems some of my forces left, but others are here. So, to the best of my understanding of the rules (and my orders intent), here's what I have still in system that I didn't post before... There is another 8FP that I could be wrong about but I noted in my orders what I MEANT for them to do, but they would only help me if they were here (just in case I have the rules wrong - and I noted this question to the GM in the orders, plus sent another after), so without GM saying so, it is probably best guess they are gone too.

23rd Periphery Denfense Reg Rel Aerospace 10.0
24th Periphery Denfense Reg Rel Aerospace 10.0
25th Periphery Denfense Reg Rel Aerospace 10.0
Far Looker Defender's 1st Reg Rel 1.5 (so all 10 of that force is in system)

So, that looks like 90 FP for the space portion for the TC.
58.5 FP + 31.5 FP

Do you want to battle this out, or (gulp) another simple resolution? If we battle this out, what version do we use for the game, and when are you around?

Dave Baughman

I'm confused, but maybe its just because my brain is melting from work fun...

Did the 58.5 leave the hex on their movement orders? That seems to be what occured, so I'm confused why later you said the full 90 is present.

Just trying to make sure I understand what is going on here.
And I looked, and behold a pale horse: and his name that sat on him was Apollyon, and Hell followed with him. And power was given unto them over the fourth part of the earth, to kill with sword, and with hunger, and with death, and with the beasts of the earth.


No, the 58.5 were defending no matter what. Since he is attacking in phase 1 there are 31.5 more present, plus a final 10 that COULD have been present. Since I won the roll, it seems they leave per LittleH13's post. 58.5 + 31.5 = 90 FP present.


Edit: Okay, it seems like I misunderstood the rules in every way possible, which includes the 8 FP that I was sending out at later phases (2 each at 3, 5, 7 and 9). However in spite of that there is still 58.5 FP of defenders to stop landfall. The other questions still apply (simple or MM, if MM which version and when).


Just to do a singular post that is all cleaned up:

TC only has
13th Periphery Defense Reg Rel Aerospace 10.0
14th Periphery Defense Reg Rel Aerospace 10.0
19th Periphery Defense Reg Rel Aerospace 10.0
21st Periphery Defense Reg Rel Aerospace 10.0
22nd Periphery Denfense Reg Rel Aerospace 10.0
Far Looker Defender's 1st Reg Rel 8.5

To stop the attackers reaching the planet. Looking to whomever is in charge of deciding these things if this is: simpres or played out, and if played out what version is needed and what time is open. If it is to be played out and proxies are needed, indicating that would be great too.

Thanks! ;D


Per the reply referenced below, I think I will ask for people willing to Proxy for the Dark.

Just think, this is your chance to be part of the Darkside, and still help the game move along.  ;D


For those willing, please tell me which version you use and when you are avalible... :D


Please hold off of the Naval portion of this Dave has something that he is going to do for this.....So NO proxying the NAVAL portion of this battle. Which means no proxying until Dave does what he needs to do.


Quote from: Jeyar on May 13, 2010, 03:47:08 AM
Per the reply referenced below, I think I will ask for people willing to Proxy for the Dark.

Just think, this is your chance to be part of the Darkside, and still help the game move along.  ;D


For those willing, please tell me which version you use and when you are avalible... :D

Dave Baughman

Just to clarify, the reason this one can't have the naval proxied is because the Dark will be using Break Interdiction orders, which doesn't currently have a way to translate into a megamek game. Otherwise I'd be all for it, but its just a system limitation :(

The ground battle and any subsequent naval engagements on the other hand are fair game.
And I looked, and behold a pale horse: and his name that sat on him was Apollyon, and Hell followed with him. And power was given unto them over the fourth part of the earth, to kill with sword, and with hunger, and with death, and with the beasts of the earth.


A quick note on the other 5 battles that I posted (on their forces and make-up of the dark on those worlds) and I'll have plenty on my plate before getting back to this world.  ;D


Quote from: Dave Baughman on May 13, 2010, 06:07:01 PM
Just to clarify, the reason this one can't have the naval proxied is because the Dark will be using Break Interdiction orders, which doesn't currently have a way to translate into a megamek game. Otherwise I'd be all for it, but its just a system limitation :(

The ground battle and any subsequent naval engagements on the other hand are fair game.

*look of confusion* Doesn't the rule for Break Interdiction require first there to be no dedicated naval/aero forces before that is attempted? I know that is what I had assumed, but I've been wildly wrong before to my pain... If I'm correct, can we first to the naval battle, and should I win then we deal with the Break Interdiction orders? I'd rather do the other 5 battles first in any case, but I am looking for (positive for me) situation evolution...  ;D



[blockquote]Rolled 2d6 : 1, 4, total 5[/blockquote]


So I subtract 2 and get a 3, so that is 40% damage?

Is that 40% of mine, or theirs - if theirs that would be 80.6 FP or so (I think that is the case, as the grammar is different from the other charts), so I am guessing this makes a big delta?

I'm not sure I am doing this right...  ???

Dave Baughman

Good call, Jeyar, I managed to forget the text of my own rule :X

If you had a proxy lined up, given this development feel free to play out the Dark vs. TC naval engagement vis-a-vis your interdiction line.

If not, let me know and I will roll simple res.

+1 for paying close attention to the rules  :D
And I looked, and behold a pale horse: and his name that sat on him was Apollyon, and Hell followed with him. And power was given unto them over the fourth part of the earth, to kill with sword, and with hunger, and with death, and with the beasts of the earth.