[RP-MM] Turn 2 CSC vs MH – 532 Lothario Blockade/Pirate Hunting

Started by Marlin, July 16, 2011, 07:34:34 AM

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Lothario was a difficult task for the Spirit Cats. They had to ease it for the populace, at least those who were cooperating, hunt down the last of the Pirates and not resort to scorched earth tactics while doing this. But they should be brought low...


See if the Cats can catch those at large:

[blockquote]Rolled 2d6 : 1, 6, total 7[/blockquote]


The Pirates still manage to keep their heads low.

Guerilla losses as the iron grip tightens, or at least the Cats try:

[blockquote]Rolled 2d6 : 4, 6, total 10[/blockquote]


The Marians manage to escape all traps and the Heir keeps his troop together.

(0 % losses to Guerilla)

GI Journalist

The Marian Hegemony rallies its fleet and launches to retake Lothario!

Pirate Transit: [blockquote]Rolled 2d6 : 1, 1, total 2[/blockquote]

GI Journalist

Sulla Alastar O'Reilly looked to the skies. He looked to the skies for relief, but now a feeling of dread took him. He'd kept his forces together, but how long could they last against the Clan Spirit Cat juggernaut?

"Trierarchos Magdalyna should have been here by now. I fear he may not be coming."


Some days before, Zenith Jump Point:

"Star Admiral, we have several contacts and counting. At least one definitely is a massive Warship!"

"What? Where?" "It is a pirate point between us and the planet, we could intercept in a few days." "Get message out to the 'Promise' we must be ready. They will likely deploy more Ns."

"Aye, sir. IR signatures growing, that must have been a long jump. Still adding more."

Some seconds there was silence on the bridge, it was clear that the Spirit Cats would be outnumbered at least in the skies, and with a mad people throwing around nukes like candy, that would mean likely death. The Star Admiral grew restless and she asked again. What is it now, prepare for attack vector! I want to be as close as I can get!"


"Do you hear me, mate, quiaff?" The Radarman looked confused at her, dumbfounded, checked his instruments again and tried to speak.
Like a fish he opened his mouth. "Star Admiral Leroux, they are gone." "What, you freebirth scum! Do not joke about this! Check the IR and show me!"

She saw nothing more as well. The IR waves abruptly stopped. That could mean either the fleet did not jump at the last possible moment or.. they were just gone.

She just stood there. And stared into the bridge. As perverted their Pirate culture was, such a fate was..

One bridgemember seemingly could not hold his food down at the thought. There were things worse than death.