Invasion: Hex 815 (Issaba) UIW vs. CSC [UIW Victory-Closed]

Started by Cannonshop, July 20, 2011, 07:31:37 PM

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From here A heat-rash of IR pulses erupted after the small naval-recon ships departed, resolving into a small, massed formation of ships.

TF A-2
UIS Bathurst (Vincent Mk39)2
UIS St. Augustine (Bonaventure)1.25
UIS Arluna (Fox)8
UIS Shelly (explorer)0(4pt. space marine)
UIS Phoenix Bay River (Quetzcoatl)1.5
UIS Gloria Jane Cohen(Star Lord)3.25
UIS Carlotta Hewitt(Tramp)2.5
UIS Derbyshire Runner(Tramp)2.5
UIS Donegal Shephard(Merchant)1
UIS New Seoul(Merchant)1.25
UIS Aqualung Dancer(invader)2

The task force spread out into combat formation, assault and Patrol dropships kicked free and the pre-landing attack phase began.

Ground forces arrival:
3rd BDE 3rd Division, UIW Marine Corps

Phase 1: Naval forces move to establish a cordon and engage any defending aerospace or naval forces ahead of the ground-attack, which will begin landings in phase 3.


Where did they come from. If they went to enemy territory first, then the same issue applies as to Main Street.

If DR6 oks such movement, then there is a whole new bunch of Opportunities for any invasion there.

I just dont think so. yet.


ooc knowledge only!: You didn't run many intel ops, did you?  look upon the map, ye.  See that blue thing down there, marked "Caldarium"?  In Turn 1 those forces were located in that system.  Notice the big, white empty between Caldarium and Issaba.  That whole zone is wide open from the Periphery side.  I don't need to move SHIT through ANYBODY's territory to hit it.


OOC: ouch.
The raid would have to end first, would it not? then the few survivors against your onslaught.


Quote from: Marlin on July 21, 2011, 06:48:30 PM
OOC: ouch.
The raid would have to end first, would it not? then the few survivors against your onslaught.

Lemme check my notes...I don't see a raid on Issaba, and the waypoint operation's a separate op. (there IS a raid there), as is the Mainstreet/New Kerensky/Death of Adrian and others.  The Commerce Disruption's an ongoing mission, so it's separate too, and didn't net anything this turn.

Nope, pretty much a clear calendar for Issaba.


OOC: then let us start the slaughter of innocent Catgirls err, Warriors.
"Verfluchte Feiglinge! Schlimm genug, dass wir hier festsitzen, jetzt verraten sie uns auch noch!" [Damned cowards! Bad enough that we are stuck here, to make matters worse, now they betray us.]

"Shut up, Star Commander Thomas, prepare your unit and let us go out as Warriors, not as whining Falcons."

"Yessir. Bin unterwegs." [On my way.]

Catvenom Galaxy's 1st Den Cluster readies up for battle. I suppose it is Battle Armor heavy.

3.75 FP.


[blockquote]Rolled 2d6 : 2, 3, total 5[/blockquote]


[blockquote]Rolled 2d6 : 5, 3, total 8[/blockquote]


[blockquote]Rolled 2d6 : 6, 1, total 7[/blockquote]



Marlin if you have not done so already the German language posts are great but could ya give me an english translation? Not required but would be GREATLY appreciated. Knowing what was said helps me enjoy the RP just a little more.


"damn good troops."  Major Cham Phuong said quietly, "This is everyone who was defending?"  for a man born on Kowloon, to see an entire defense force for a major world with less raw manpower than the local police at home was an eye-opener.

"Sir?"  Gunny Lois Juarez looked over at the Infantry commander.

"Either the Cats are in serious trouble-serious enough to strip their defenses and leave these people unprotected, or their tactical leaders just don't give a shit." Phuong said, looking at the Arluna native,  "There should be a hell of a lot more troops here than they have, even if they ARE invading somewhere else."  

"Then we got lucky." Gunny Juarez said.

"Yeah.  That kind of luck makes me nervous-any live captures?" he asked.

"There were some prisoners taken." she answered.

"I take it nobody captured was in good health when they were..." He noted.

"No sir.  Fought to the bitter end most of them."  She said.

"Put a suicide watch on the survivors, tell 'em that we're going to send 'em back to their clan alive and well in a few months unless they want to stay."  the Major said, "Orders from the General Staff, we don't interrogate the prisoners, we don't rough 'em up, we're just gonna hold 'em until they can be repatriated."

"Aye-aye sir."


Updated with German. Its not much but fun enough to use a few times, eh?