[RP/MM] Turn 39: CIH vs LC Invasion Melissia 1513 [Completed] CIH win

Started by Marlin, May 10, 2010, 04:56:08 PM

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[Its the Lyrans court here so its their roll.]


Quote from: Holt on May 15, 2010, 03:47:17 PM
[Its the Lyrans court here so its their roll.]

[blockquote]Rolled 2d6 : 2, 4, total 6[/blockquote]


Lyran and Combine forces deal 40% FP to attackers 5.8 FP - Rounds to 5.75


The Interdiction is destroyed. Hellion forces make landfall in the Loveless valley, north of the Broad Run Delta, where the spaceport and the planetary capital is located.

They prepare for the inevitable.

"Lyran and Draconian soldiers, you will die here. Your corrupt rule is coming to an end. This is the last chance to preserve the waste of your senseless deaths."

With that, Philippe inspected his troops a final time and they swarmed out like a host of Ants looking for food.

When they would meet resistance, they would kill them.

Ship Survival roll: [blockquote]Rolled 2d6 : 5, 1, total 6[/blockquote]

Damage control is 0.5 FP.


[Attacker usually posts first, for ground combat.]


OP: If you want to do joint defense, then the ball is in your court. If not, then I will post.


DC Defenders under Lyran command:

Genyosha   1st   Elite   Fanatical   70.5
Sun Zhang Cadre   5th   Veteran   Fanatical   33.25
1st Genyosha      Regular   Reliable   5 (ASF on Ground Support)


Quote from: Holt on May 16, 2010, 05:00:22 PM
DC Defenders under Lyran command:

Genyosha   1st   Elite   Fanatical   70.5
Sun Zhang Cadre   5th   Veteran   Fanatical   33.25
1st Genyosha      Regular   Reliable   5 (ASF on Ground Support)

Lyran defenders:

4th Lyran Regulars Regular/Reliable
22.75 FP


OP: 124 FP of Gamma and Delta Galaxies, 10 FP of Beta Aero, 36 FP fighters from the Vigilant Spirit, Taney, Sóryú, Cold Hunter and Impaler.

170 FP

VIP: Loremaster Philippe Lienet

IP: The recon Elements of both Galaxies and the fighters had found them. They seemed to form up to present a unified front. And it seemed they were innummerable.

Philippe gripped the controls of his Stormcrow tight. This would be the hardest battle in his whole life. A short moment he thought of all the other units now fighting against the Lyrans and their lackeys, especially Khan Raina and Connor. With steadfast voice he cheered up his warriors once more. Then they stormed at the enemy, while the fighters and even some Dropships attacked the enemy with all their might.


OP And now to the roll. [blockquote]Rolled 2d6 : 4, 1, total 5[/blockquote]


OP: seems the luck from Morges is gone. 45 % damage on the even chart. 76.5 FP damage to you both.


Quote from: Marlin on May 16, 2010, 06:26:50 PM
OP: seems the luck from Morges is gone. 45 % damage on the even chart. 76.5 FP damage to you both.

You mean, 76.5 FP combined damage total?

Defender's roll

[blockquote]Rolled 2d6 : 1, 4, total 5[/blockquote]


0.45 * 131.5 = 59.175 FP --> Rounds to 59.25 FP damage dealt to CIH forces


OP: Yes, to both.

Damage control for Ice Hellions: 5,925 = 6 FP after rounding. New FP: 116,75


7.65 FP damage control --> Rounds to 7.75 FP

Combined Lyran/DC force now at:

131.5 - 76.5 + 7.75 = 62.75 FP

Proportionately: 10.855 FP Lyran, 51.89 FP DC

Rounding to 10.75 FP Lyran, 52 FP DC