[RP-Combat Ops] Turn 3 LA vs CSA - 1519 Vorzel, Trial[Complete]

Started by Daemonknight, August 14, 2011, 06:05:12 AM

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Warship side is done for Vorzel - Round 1

Aero Units remaining

CSA: 334.5


CSA Combat Roll:
[blockquote]Rolled 2d6 : 1, 2, total 3[/blockquote]

Alliance Combat Roll:
[blockquote]Rolled 2d6 : 4, 5, total 9[/blockquote]
"My only regret is that I will not be alive in .03 seconds. I would have liked to watch the enemy attempt to vent an omnidirectional thermonuclear blast enveloping their outpost."
-Last thoughts of Maldon, Type XXX Bolo, 3rd Battalion, Dinochrome Brigade


Alliance Critical Chance:
[blockquote]Rolled 2d6 : 5, 6, total 11[/blockquote]
"My only regret is that I will not be alive in .03 seconds. I would have liked to watch the enemy attempt to vent an omnidirectional thermonuclear blast enveloping their outpost."
-Last thoughts of Maldon, Type XXX Bolo, 3rd Battalion, Dinochrome Brigade


2 crits:
[blockquote]Rolled 2d6 : 2, 1, total 3[/blockquote]

[blockquote]Rolled 2d6 : 3, 3, total 6[/blockquote]
"My only regret is that I will not be alive in .03 seconds. I would have liked to watch the enemy attempt to vent an omnidirectional thermonuclear blast enveloping their outpost."
-Last thoughts of Maldon, Type XXX Bolo, 3rd Battalion, Dinochrome Brigade


**Should've noted, the above rolls are for the aerospace fighters/dropships that went unrepresented in the MegaAero games**

CSA damage is negated by Alliance criticals

Alliance damage:
549.5 * 65% = 357.25 FP damage

CSA aerospace cover is annihilated by the Alliance aerospace forces. Because 25% damage was not inflicted upon the Alliance's blockade, it remains in place, and all CSA forces are prevented from moving on to Tharkad.

Battlefield repair: none
"My only regret is that I will not be alive in .03 seconds. I would have liked to watch the enemy attempt to vent an omnidirectional thermonuclear blast enveloping their outpost."
-Last thoughts of Maldon, Type XXX Bolo, 3rd Battalion, Dinochrome Brigade


Round 1 Post Mortem:

Surviving CSA Warships:
CSAS Heirophant(Mjolnir) - 16.5
CSAS Morrigu(Potemkin) - 4.75
CSAS Jungle Heat(Potemkin) - 6.5
CSAS Bigid(Potemkin) - 6.6

Surviving Alliance Warships:
LAS Tharkad(Tharkad) - 18
LAS Justiz Geschechen(Mjolnir) - 33.25
LAS Robert Kelswa-Steiner(Mjolnir) - 33.25
LAS Yggdrasil(Mjolnir) - 33.25
LAS Melissa Steiner(Fox) - 2.5
LAS Arthur Steiner-Davion(Fox) - 1.25
LAS Katherine Steiner(Fox) - 3.5
LAS Donegal(Fox) - 3.5
LAS Sudeten(Fox) - 2.5
CJFS Jade Aerie(Black Lion) - 29
CJFS Jade Vengeance(Conqueror) - 18
CJFS Red Talon(Aegis) - 11.25
CJFS Black Talon(Aegis) - 11.25
CWS Implacable(Black Lion) - 23
CWS Bloody Fang(Cameron) - 10.5
CWS Dire Wolf(Sovietskii Soyuz) - 6.25

Salvageable warships:
LAS Invincible(Tharkad)
CWS Ulric Kerensky(Cameron)
CJFS Janice Hazen(Aegis)
LAS Apollo(Fox)
CSAS Renown(Potemkin)
CSAS Fire Mandrill(Texas)
CSAS Arcadian Star(York)
CSAS Tathis Star(York)
CSAS Cosmic Sentry(York
CSAS Chimera(York)
CSAS Larry(York)
CSAS Moe(York)
CSAS Curly(York)
CSAS Mahan(Tracker)
CSAS Salissa(Tracker)
CSAS Walker(Tracker)
"My only regret is that I will not be alive in .03 seconds. I would have liked to watch the enemy attempt to vent an omnidirectional thermonuclear blast enveloping their outpost."
-Last thoughts of Maldon, Type XXX Bolo, 3rd Battalion, Dinochrome Brigade


Round 2

CSA Initiative
[blockquote]Rolled 2d6 : 2, 4, total 6[/blockquote]

Alliance Initiative
[blockquote]Rolled 2d6 : 6, 4, total 10[/blockquote]
"My only regret is that I will not be alive in .03 seconds. I would have liked to watch the enemy attempt to vent an omnidirectional thermonuclear blast enveloping their outpost."
-Last thoughts of Maldon, Type XXX Bolo, 3rd Battalion, Dinochrome Brigade


(ouch) Alliance aerospace forces engage the remaining CSA warships, while the Alliance warships hang back to maintain the blockade

CSA Combat roll
[blockquote]Rolled 2d6 : 1, 1, total 2[/blockquote]

Alliance Combat roll
[blockquote]Rolled 2d6 : 5, 2, total 7[/blockquote]
"My only regret is that I will not be alive in .03 seconds. I would have liked to watch the enemy attempt to vent an omnidirectional thermonuclear blast enveloping their outpost."
-Last thoughts of Maldon, Type XXX Bolo, 3rd Battalion, Dinochrome Brigade



Alliance crit check
[blockquote]Rolled 2d6 : 1, 1, total 2[/blockquote]
"My only regret is that I will not be alive in .03 seconds. I would have liked to watch the enemy attempt to vent an omnidirectional thermonuclear blast enveloping their outpost."
-Last thoughts of Maldon, Type XXX Bolo, 3rd Battalion, Dinochrome Brigade


no crits

CSA damage:
42.25 * 10% = 4.25 FP damage

Alliance damage:
549.5 * 40% = 219.75

CSA fleet is annhilated, the ships all taking critical damage to their jump drives, rendering them unsalvageable due to the massive ammounts of damage sustained.

Alliance battlefield repairs:
.5 FP repaired

Round 2 Post Mortem:

CSA forces wiped out

Alliance Aerospace forces:
549.5 - 4.25 = 545.25 + .5 = 545.75 FP remaining

Total salvage availible:
[blockquote]Rolled 2d6+15 : 5, 1 + 15, total 21[/blockquote]
"My only regret is that I will not be alive in .03 seconds. I would have liked to watch the enemy attempt to vent an omnidirectional thermonuclear blast enveloping their outpost."
-Last thoughts of Maldon, Type XXX Bolo, 3rd Battalion, Dinochrome Brigade


"My only regret is that I will not be alive in .03 seconds. I would have liked to watch the enemy attempt to vent an omnidirectional thermonuclear blast enveloping their outpost."
-Last thoughts of Maldon, Type XXX Bolo, 3rd Battalion, Dinochrome Brigade


2 Nuclear weapons discharged, rolling for Nuclear Terror:

[blockquote]Rolled 2d6+2 : 5, 5 + 2, total 12[/blockquote]
"My only regret is that I will not be alive in .03 seconds. I would have liked to watch the enemy attempt to vent an omnidirectional thermonuclear blast enveloping their outpost."
-Last thoughts of Maldon, Type XXX Bolo, 3rd Battalion, Dinochrome Brigade


"My only regret is that I will not be alive in .03 seconds. I would have liked to watch the enemy attempt to vent an omnidirectional thermonuclear blast enveloping their outpost."
-Last thoughts of Maldon, Type XXX Bolo, 3rd Battalion, Dinochrome Brigade


CJFS Jade Aerie
Jade Falcon Flagship, CIC

Star Admiral Johann Folkner was angrier than Star Captain Joshua Visla had ever seen him, and as XO for one of the most powerful warships in the Jade Falcon touman, Visla had seen his Star Admiral quite angry on several occasions. He cleared his throat and confirmed the report.

"Aff, Star Admiral it was confirmed. 2 nuclear detonations, registering at approximately 500 kilotons each, Peacemakers. Per your last orders before our battlegroups engaged, we are attempting to re-establish our blockade, but it seems that portions of the Star Adder ground forces have fled while our aerospace fighters moved in to finish off their fleet." Folkner slammed his fist onto the arm of his command chair, which he been strapped into for the majority of the engagement.

"Damn their mechjocks Joshua! What is wrong with those freebirths? Are they trying to bring the whole Grand Council down on our heads?" Joshua knew that the Admiral meants more than just the Grand Council, but few among the Clan were really worried about the other Inner Sphere powers. The Combine, Federated Suns and Capellans were all far enough away not to be threatening. But the FWL, or the Dominion, could still make life difficult for the Lyrans and the Falcons.

"Star Admiral, do you have orders for the fleet? Fleet Admiral Steiner has ordered the remaining Lyran vessels to reform their blockade formations." Johann pressed the bridge of his nose with thumb and forefinger before he heard the slight beeping noise that alerted him a priority channel was being hailed.

"Star Admiral, Star Captain Devon Binetti is hailing us."

"Put her through." The tech hit a few buttons and after a moment's pause(at these distances, radio transmissions took about 2 seconds to travel the distances between the massed warship fleet).

"Star Admiral, our sensors have detected the detonation if two nuclear warheads! Are we to just sit here and allow those stravag Adders to laun-"

"They were launched by the Lyran fleet, Star Captain." Binetti was thought by many to be a beautiful woman, though never out loud on her ship, or nearby if she was in dock. It was rumored that her beauty was matched only by her temper, and Johann knew from experiance that her temper was far more deadly than any weapon on her warship.

"And we are just going to sit by while they annhilate good warriors? They might be Adder scum, but they are still Clan, Star Admiral. What are we to do about this?" Johann frowned at the screen, his icy glare felt even through the slight time lag. Binetti drew back somewhat and swallowed hard when Johann didn't speak for a few seconds.

"We will do nothing for now, Star Captain. Fall into formation, we will begin searching for salvageable hulls to be tended to by the yardships." Binetti was still fuming, but she had her orders.

"Aye aye Star Admiral."

((OOC: CSA ground forces manage to retreat during the confusion following the massive naval battle. The LA/CJF blockade is re-established soon after they depart))
"My only regret is that I will not be alive in .03 seconds. I would have liked to watch the enemy attempt to vent an omnidirectional thermonuclear blast enveloping their outpost."
-Last thoughts of Maldon, Type XXX Bolo, 3rd Battalion, Dinochrome Brigade