[RP/MM] Turn 39: CBS vs CGS ToP Huntress HW2718 HW2818 *Complete*

Started by chaosxtreme, May 13, 2010, 12:31:52 AM

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"Goliath Scorpions! Show the other clans you still know honor. Let us cutdown this engagement, so that all the Clans may know the spirit still resides in your blood! I have brought clusters of my Delta Galaxy to test themselves here on Huntress we await your counterbid!"

Elements of Delta Galaxy Galaxy Commander Xysia Boques
FP:20 FP (prepared to cutdown further if the Goliath Scorpions are prepared for single,star, or trinary combat)


OOC: Sorry its a Trial of Position for the two HW hex's HW2718 and HW2818 on Huntress


"Galaxy Commander Boques, if you wish to challenge for our holding at Dagda please go there and issue a trial for it, as for the defense of our Huntress enclave i bid *5FP* worth of clan warriors. If we defend against your claim we require part of your enclave on the world of Lum 5118 my clan will reimburse you the for the lost shipyard, so no need to worry about its lost."

CGS bid is 5FP, refusing the bid against Dagda, counterbid is hex 5118 on the world of Lum.


As you do not stand on Dagda I do not stand on Lum.

I will match your 5FP but the land we fight for are your Enclaves here on Huntress. Quaiff?


I'd like to do this Mega Mek if thats fine by you.


[Mmmk so Dagda was a typo, i wouldnt have mentioned Dagda in my bid if you hadnt.]

"Well Galaxy Commander you ask for a counterbid, yet hold no territory on Huntress so how can i accurately counterbid when you have nothing comparable to what you ask? May i take it your original batchall to be wrong?"


"You bargain like a merchant Scorpion. Very well we offer you this should you be victorious for 4 months hence we Blood Spirits will make no trials against your holdings on Huntress. If you or your Khan think you can take our holdings at Lum away from us you are more then welcome to go there and try as we have here at Huntress. This is the way of the Clans Quiaff?"

OOC: not really following what your getting at on the counter-bid normally. Side A shows up and declares they are attacking to take item/land/technology X. The other side has B defenders defending item/land/technology X. Both declare initial bids and then sub-commanders cut-down from there to take item/land/technology X with the fewest amount of casualties.

I admit I originally responded with Dagda because I was typing up the Dagda when I saw your response and got confused on which window I was in. Sorry about that.


[A counterbid is when you trial for X and i ask for Y in return. Bid down only occurs by you to match my bid, or go below it for honor. So you were just asking me for my bid, not my counterbid.]



[Dont worry, take out all the counterbid stuff you and i said, so bid is 5FP.]


[So its 5FP vs 5FP, because of the amount of pending stuff i have gonna have to simple res this fight.]

CGS roll:
[blockquote]Rolled 2d6 : 5, 6, total 11[/blockquote]


5FP * 80% = 4FP Damage, possible crit.

[blockquote]Rolled 2d6 : 4, 3, total 7[/blockquote]


OOC:Well I would prefer MM but I have no way to force it.

Are we not rolling for init? Well nevermind.

[blockquote]Rolled 2d6 : 6, 3, total 9[/blockquote]


5FP*70%=3.5FP possible crit

[blockquote]Rolled 2d6 : 2, 2, total 4[/blockquote]


OOC: Do we roll for init for a Round 2 Since we both have forces?

IC: " Warriors of the Goliath Scorpion's here me. These enclave's will belong to the Blood Spirits. I will grant you hegira if you wish it but you shall not drive us from this field."