[RP/MM Turn 4: FWL vs Rebels Hex 836 Alphard [COMPLETE]

Started by chaosxtreme, September 10, 2011, 08:06:30 AM

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Dave Baughman

OOC: I've trimmed most of the OOC discussion out of this thread. Where we stand right now is that the SLDF force (both the mainline SLDF troops and the FS JCA troops operating with them) has landed peacefully, despite their less-than-polite salutations. The Joint Command Authority troops under FWL control have been less than forthcoming in handing over the keys to the planet, leaving matters at an impasse. At which point...

Federated Suns Encampment
Planet Alphard
9 August 3091

Major General Borodin seemed less than thrilled with the Leaguers' response to Lupin's announcement, "General Nostra, I don't suppose you think I am in error when I suspect this is a land grab shamelessly disguised under the Star League colors, do you?"

Boris Nostra, currently wearing the hat of a General in the Star League Defense Force, was also known from time to time to be the saKhan of Clan Nova Cat in Exile. His smirk said a lot even before the words came out, "Oh, Alexi Nikolaievich, perish the thought. Such an act would bring shame and dishonor to the colors we love so dearly."

"Yes, that's what I thought as well," Borodin grumbled, "and something tells me if we bring this to the Council's attention, we'll be in for another course or two of the Red Tape Runaround. By the time they make a decision, I'll be up for retirement."

"Perhaps just as well, you will not have to deal with the final decision, which shall no doubt involve cutting the planet in half and ordering Marik and Caesar to share the resulting asteroid field."

Borodin just shook his head.

A few hours later, a new tight-beam transmission is sent to the FWL command post...

"General, we could go back and forth exchanging witty remarks but I have a mission and I intend to carry it out. My command is here on council authority to return this planet to the Marian Hegemony. As much as your heavy-handed treatment of this world leaves me skeptical, I'm willing to work with you in the interests of expediency if nothing else. However, lets be clear: I want the Marian flag flying over this planet by the end of August and I want Marian representatives running the administration. I didn't come all the way out here to see one set of quislings replaced with another - no matter how much more palatable they are then the last set."

"So here is what I propose: you give this system back to the Marians without a fuss. Go ahead and say it was your idea all along and take the credit; go ahead and couch it in patriotic Free Worlder ra-ra. Even leave behind some of your nominally JCA troops to show the flag, but do not dick me around any more. I'm here to do a job for the council, and its a job I'd rather do with you then against you, but I'm going to do it one way or another."

"Now, I'm not so ignorant to believe that you won't do this without some sort of quid-pro-quo, and we'll discuss any reasonable request from your side, but let me be clear, my deadline is August 31st. If midnight rolls over into September and the Marian flag isn't flying free over this world, we are going to do something to rectify the situation. We'll try to be gentle, but I don't guarantee no one will get hurt."
And I looked, and behold a pale horse: and his name that sat on him was Apollyon, and Hell followed with him. And power was given unto them over the fourth part of the earth, to kill with sword, and with hunger, and with death, and with the beasts of the earth.


Provisional Government Compount
Planet Alphard
9 August 3091

Take a memo.

"To my esteemed colleague commanding JCA Federated Sun's forces.

I have yet to receive a formal request from the Marian government.

As soon as they get around to formally POLITELY requesting I would be more then happy to hand over this miserable peripherant dustball of a canker sore of a world.

To be blunt sir I am a mercenary. Garrison duty pay's worse then active combat. I would much rather move on to more lucrative offer's.

I have not seen the council order's you claim to have but to be honest I will not call an officer of the Star League a liar.

Do be so good as to to inform your Marian friends that as soon as he or his Ceaser can provide me with a formal polite request I can arrange for the hand over of this world.

But my order's do  necessitate a polite request. No more of these nonsensical threat's or grand standing's. We have cleared up this Spirit Cat problem as they have requested and the grimy little Piratical bastard's are going to have to thank us for it.

I can't imagine being clearer then that."

Quote from: Dave Baughman on September 21, 2011, 06:22:51 AM
OOC: I've trimmed most of the OOC discussion out of this thread. Where we stand right now is that the SLDF force (both the mainline SLDF troops and the FS JCA troops operating with them) has landed peacefully, despite their less-than-polite salutations. The Joint Command Authority troops under FWL control have been less than forthcoming in handing over the keys to the planet, leaving matters at an impasse. At which point...

Federated Suns Encampment
Planet Alphard
9 August 3091

Major General Borodin seemed less than thrilled with the Leaguers' response to Lupin's announcement, "General Nostra, I don't suppose you think I am in error when I suspect this is a land grab shamelessly disguised under the Star League colors, do you?"

Boris Nostra, currently wearing the hat of a General in the Star League Defense Force, was also known from time to time to be the saKhan of Clan Nova Cat in Exile. His smirk said a lot even before the words came out, "Oh, Alexi Nikolaievich, perish the thought. Such an act would bring shame and dishonor to the colors we love so dearly."

"Yes, that's what I thought as well," Borodin grumbled, "and something tells me if we bring this to the Council's attention, we'll be in for another course or two of the Red Tape Runaround. By the time they make a decision, I'll be up for retirement."

"Perhaps just as well, you will not have to deal with the final decision, which shall no doubt involve cutting the planet in half and ordering Marik and Caesar to share the resulting asteroid field."

Borodin just shook his head.

A few hours later, a new tight-beam transmission is sent to the FWL command post...

"General, we could go back and forth exchanging witty remarks but I have a mission and I intend to carry it out. My command is here on council authority to return this planet to the Marian Hegemony. As much as your heavy-handed treatment of this world leaves me skeptical, I'm willing to work with you in the interests of expediency if nothing else. However, lets be clear: I want the Marian flag flying over this planet by the end of August and I want Marian representatives running the administration. I didn't come all the way out here to see one set of quislings replaced with another - no matter how much more palatable they are then the last set."

"So here is what I propose: you give this system back to the Marians without a fuss. Go ahead and say it was your idea all along and take the credit; go ahead and couch it in patriotic Free Worlder ra-ra. Even leave behind some of your nominally JCA troops to show the flag, but do not dick me around any more. I'm here to do a job for the council, and its a job I'd rather do with you then against you, but I'm going to do it one way or another."

"Now, I'm not so ignorant to believe that you won't do this without some sort of quid-pro-quo, and we'll discuss any reasonable request from your side, but let me be clear, my deadline is August 31st. If midnight rolls over into September and the Marian flag isn't flying free over this world, we are going to do something to rectify the situation. We'll try to be gentle, but I don't guarantee no one will get hurt."

GI Journalist

To the commander of Battle Magic and all mercenary ground forces:

"Sir, I am Hadrian McGary, Vice-President of the Alphard Trading Corporation and currently serving as the Marian Legion's liason officer to the SLDF. First and foremost, please let me thank you on the behalf of the Marian Hegemony for your attempts to aid us in reestablishing the seat of our government. Communications have been extremely difficult, especially as the Spirit Cats targeted our Hyper Pulse Generators on each of the worlds that they invaded. We are still trying to determine the extent of the damage to equipment and loss of personnel. Your confusion as to the disposition of Alphard's government was understandable, even if your initial reaction was unfortunate.

Please understand that ComStar Precentor Lupin is not a part of the Marian government, and does not represent us. However, the news that Caesar's heir, Sulla O'Reilly, is on his way to Alphard, is a welcome message. I would very much like to welcome him home with Alphard under a Marian flag. The Star League Defense Force has several of the Marian Legions present here under its flag, and I assure you those forces will follow Sulla when he arrives.

Therefore, I ask that you please acknowledge the Star League Defense Force that has come here as peacekeepers, at the request of Counselor Oswalt. If you intend to remain, I humbly suggest that it should either be under their command or under a Marian Hegemony contract. As vice-president of ATC, I can offer you some very choice opportunities, especially to a unit of your technical know-how. Caesar's pockets still run very deep. Either of these solutions will permit you to fulfill your current contract and help avoid the kind of tragic confusion that led to the destruction of the planetary militia.

Please, let us resolve this misunderstanding as soon as possible, so I can communicate the speedy resolution of this dispute to Sulla, the Marian people, and our representative on the Star League High Council."


"Well I choose to interpret your meaning Vice-President as when our contract with the Free World's completed you wish to be considered seriously as an employer."

"No serious contender for an Employer of my Battle Magic would ever attempt to convince us to break contract. Correct Mr. Vice-President?"

"Now that being clarified my order's from the Captain-General are clear. You have graciously thanked the Free Worlds League flagged Star Leagued Flagged force's for our assistance in liberating the Marian Hegemony Capital."

"Your question as to command should be directed to the Captain-General or the High Council rather then myself but it is irrelevant as I have no intention of remaining."

"The Captain-General was most put off after he had so quickly responded to Marian request for Succor in the Star League council. Arranging  a trial of posession on Atreus and defeating the spirit cat's the source of their withdrawl. Then to have not a word of thanks for the Marian Hegemony."

"It was most curious. But given your loss of your capital and the disruption of your economy that has entailed it is of no consequence. My order's are clear upon the establishment of Marian Governance on Alphard I am authorized to withdraw back to the Free Worlds League."

" I apologize that I will not be able to lead the fight against the Spirit Cat's on Niop's the Captain-General has need of us to deal with the rebellion which has once more flared up."

"Domestic enemy taking precedence you understand.

Oh and Mr. Vice-President I wish you well in holding your capital. Do remind the young Ceaser who won it back for him, and how swiftly we can return if there is a need...as friends, of course."


OOC: In case it is unclear FWL SLDF force's are leaving having secured a statement of Marian Gratitude (In their eye's at least)

Dave Baughman

Twenty minutes after the meeting...

Alexi Borodin looked like he had a slightly sour stomache but he nodded appreciatively when he caught sight of McGrady, "Mister McGrady, it looks like your discussions have paid off. The Free Worlds troops are getting ready to pull out."

He paused and shook his head, "You know, I was just about ready to kick that smug ass's teeth in, but in the end what you did saved a lot of lives. I know that was probably pretty humiliating to have to kowtow to those League bastards, but at least now they're gone. Why don't you come back to my command post - the Nova Cats have some truly outstanding vodka in stock, the real stuff from Terra. After all, I owe you a drink."
And I looked, and behold a pale horse: and his name that sat on him was Apollyon, and Hell followed with him. And power was given unto them over the fourth part of the earth, to kill with sword, and with hunger, and with death, and with the beasts of the earth.