MRBC Registered Commands - Status

Started by Dave Baughman, October 02, 2011, 09:51:53 PM

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Dave Baughman

This thread lists the current status of MRBC registered mercenary commands. Actual offers should be posted in the pertinent hiring thread.

Commands Available for Contract

Always Faithful
BattleMech Regiment (R/R) - 10.75 FP
Currently on Outreach

1st Dismal Disinherited
Combined Arms Brigade (V/F) - 21.50 FP
Aerospace Wing (E/F) - 2.75 FP
Total FP: 24.25 FP
Currently on Outreach

2nd Dismal Disinherited
Combined Arms Brigade (R/R) - 23.00 FP
Aerospace Wing (E/F) - 2.75 FP
Total FP: 25.75 FP
Currently on Outreach

BattleMech Regiment (V/R) - 10.75 FP
Currently on Outreach

Handmaidens of the Mother
DropShip fleet with extensive aerospace support (R/R) - 29.25 FP
Current in deep space (IS hex 2041)

1st McCarron's Armored Cavalry
Combined Arms Brigade (R/R) - 27.25 FP
Aerospace Wing (R/R) - 4.00 FP
Total FP: 36.75 FP
Currently on Sarna

2nd McCarron's Armored Cavalry
Combined Arms Brigade (E/R) - 47.00 FP
Currently on Capella

3rd McCarron's Armored Cavalry
Combined Arms Brigade (R/R) - 27.00 FP
Aerospace Wing (V/R) - 4.00 FP
Total FP: 31.00 FP
Currently on Necromo

4th McCarron's Armored Cavalry
Combined Arms Brigade (V/R) - 22.50 FP
Aerospace Wing (V/R) - 2.50 FP
Total FP: 25.00
Currently on Ares

5th McCarron's Armored Cavalry
Combined Arms Brigade (R/R) - 39.50 FP
Aerospace Wing (R/R) - 3.75 FP
Total FP: 43.25 FP
Currently on Menke

15th Dracon
Combined Arms Brigade (R/R) - 16.00 FP
Aerospace Wing (R/R) 3.50 FP
Total FP: 19.50 FP
Currently on Grand Base

Shin Legion
Combined Arms Brigade (V/R) - 25.50 FP
Aerospace Wing (R/R) - 3.50 FP
Total FP: 29.00 FP
Currently on Betelgeuse

Little Richard's Panzer Brigade
Combined Arms Brigade (R/R) - 15.50 FP
Currently on Highspire

Gregg's Long Striders
BattleMech Regiment (R/R) - 10.00 FP
Currently on Styk

8th Kell Hounds
BattleMech Regiment (R/R) - 13.00 FP
Currently on Highspire

Crater Cobras
BattleMech Regiment (V/R) - 12.25 FP
Currently on Outreach

Dragon's Breath
BattleMech Regiment (R/R) - 8.25 FP
Currently on Outreach

Lone Wolves
BattleMech Regiment (R/Q) - 8.00 FP
Currently on Outreach

Smithson's Chinese Bandits
BattleMech Regiment (V/Q) - 13.25 FP
Currently on Outreach

Knights of St Cameron
BattleMech Regiment (R/R) - 9.75 FP
Currently on Outreach

Legion of the Rising Sun
BattleMech Regiment (V/R) - 13.25 FP
Currently on Outreach

Narhl's Raiders
BattleMech Regiment (R/R) - 8.75 FP
Currently on Outreach

Tooth of Ymir
Combined Arms Brigade (V/R) - 25.25 FP
Currently on Outreach

Simpson's Cutthroats
BattleMech Regiment (V/Q) - 9.25 FP
Currently on Outreach

Dietrich's Demons
Combined Arms Regiment (V/R) - 4.75 FP
Currently on Outreach

Group W
Combined Arms Brigade (V/R) - 15.75 FP
Currently on Outreach

Black Omen
BattleMech Battalion (V/Q) - 3.75 FP
Currently on Outreach

Black Thorn
BattleMech Company (V/Q) - 1.50 FP
Currently on Outreach

Camancho's Caballeros
BattleMech Regiment (E/R) - 15.50 FP
Currently on Outreach

Barret's Fusiliers
Combined Arms Brigade (V/R) - 14.00 FP
Currently on Outreach

*Note: Units not under contract will move towards Outreach each turn and may not be on their current location when the contract is finalized.

Commands Under Contract
Note: Details of units under contract are classified.

Magistracy of Canopus
Avanti's Avengers -- expires turn 7
Arms of Thor -- expires turn 6
The Black Outlaws -- expires turn 6
Caesar's Cohorts -- expires turn 7
Canopian Highlanders -- expires turn 7
Green Mountain Boys -- expires turn 7
Harcourts Destructors -- expires turn 6
Langendorf Lancers -- expires turn 8
Quints Olympians -- expires turn 7
Ramilie's Raiders -- expires turn 8

Free Worlds League
3rd Snord Strikers Cluster -- expires turn 8
8th Snord Regulars Cluster -- expires turn 7
5th Snord Striker Cluster -- expires turn 6
1st Snord Recon Cluster -- expires turn 7
Clan Snord Naval Reserve -- expires turn 7
Gray Death Legion -- expires turn 7
Breskin's Pegasii AeroSpace Brigade -- expires turn 7
Iron Fist Irregulars  -- expires turn 8
7th Tamar Cavaliers -- expires turn 6
1st Brions Legion -- expires turn 6
2nd Brions Legion -- expires turn 7

Terran Hegemony
Wolf Dragoons Alpha -- expires turn 6
Wolf Dragoons Beta -- expires turn 6
Wolf Dragoons Gamma -- expires turn 6
Wolf Dragoons Delta -- expires turn 6
Wolf Dragoons Epsilon -- expires turn 6
Broadsword Legion -- expires turn 7
1st Arizona Chasseurs -- expires turn 8
Martian Cuirassiers -- expires turn 7

And I looked, and behold a pale horse: and his name that sat on him was Apollyon, and Hell followed with him. And power was given unto them over the fourth part of the earth, to kill with sword, and with hunger, and with death, and with the beasts of the earth.


Q.  Is it going to be one hiring thread for each separate command, or will there be a factional thread (ie... a FWL thread for those merc commands coming up for rehire and that are currently still hired by the Eagles?)

Is there any way to obtain more information about those command available for hire?  Like their current experience, strength, equipment? 

And I have never heard of the following:
Handmaidens of the Mother

(is the last genetic clones of Martha Stewart???)

Dave Baughman

Kokuryu-no-Kishi ("Knights of the Black Dragon") was founded by a pair of Draconis Combine nobles who got run out of town after ending up on the wrong side of a political fracas. They are a 'Mech regiment using mostly DCMS equipment

The Handmaidens are an aerospace unit of fanatical thuggee cultists who were on some sort of special mission out in the periphery when the CC surrendered to the Sharks. Rather than return home, they registered as a mercenary unit and are soliciting contracts.

To answer your first question, I have not 100% decided. I'm leaning towards at first trying it with just a single hiring thread, but if clutter gets out of control I'll break it into multiple threads.
And I looked, and behold a pale horse: and his name that sat on him was Apollyon, and Hell followed with him. And power was given unto them over the fourth part of the earth, to kill with sword, and with hunger, and with death, and with the beasts of the earth.


Of note... the unit 'Old Man of the Mountain' is the infantry component of the Green Mountain Boys merc unit.


Meh don't see the point. A couple of my merc unit's are listed as free regiment's now and are already broken out. Why make the GM's go back through the already available and split them up by successor state?

Can we assume merc unit's not mentioned are now House unit's?

Dave Baughman

Quote from: Parmenion on October 03, 2011, 12:40:20 PM
Of note... the unit 'Old Man of the Mountain' is the infantry component of the Green Mountain Boys merc unit.

Good catch. I will update the list. I thought the name seemed thematically similar.
And I looked, and behold a pale horse: and his name that sat on him was Apollyon, and Hell followed with him. And power was given unto them over the fourth part of the earth, to kill with sword, and with hunger, and with death, and with the beasts of the earth.