Coalition of Periphery States IC Roleplaying Thread

Started by LittleH13, May 19, 2010, 03:18:49 AM

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This is for the RP of the CPS.


CoPS Space Station (To be named at completion ceremony)
Region -18, 8
Deep Periphery

Inspector Mash Franklin-Xen was moderately impressed with the space station. Shiny and new, with a few crews making sure bit by bit the thing was build to last (hopefully). Even with modified eyesight, it was hard to really see things, but while it wasn't the frenzied work Mash had seen other places, but it didn't seem anywhere near puttering out.

Walking around a bit more, a few changes to Mash's normal clothing didn't do much to mask the newcomers appearance those that knew the Inspector. Bigger than normal boots, a curious set of what seemed like earphones, and a curious mask that seemed bolted into the mouth of the Inspector which also covered the nose. Plus the common brown cloak was bunched up at the thighs due to static electricity.

Which was both understandable and alarming to the others. Understandable as there was no gravity out here, the armor the Inspector was standing on was effectively stationary (which was good, the magnets in the boots weren't that strong). Alarming as the Inspector was standing on the OUTER surface of the station's armor, with no suit of any kind between the Inspector and the near vacuum of space - for over 3 minutes now. If not for the careful and controlled movements, which called to mind thoughts of a robot (an image that would be either over or under half wrong, depending if one was thinking in terms of volume or mass), one would assume the crazy person was dead or dying. Even so, when the cursory (if slow) general outer surface inspection was done, those with the Taurian were happy when they were all waved back inside.

The Inspector waited for them all to enter before using a smooth side shuffle on the doors edge to result in rotating into the airlock, which was reasonable, as the others were all in multi-hundred kilogram spacesuits, and by being the odd one out was at risk of being accidentally crushed. The air rushed in once the airlock cycled shut and gave the all clear, the result being that Mash's robe and hair whipped around wildly, only the belt around the robe stopping it from becoming a problem (the suits, being hardened, sturdy constructs, gave no evidence of the wind rushing into the small room). However the air must have been pretty humid, as it only took only seconds for the static induced wrinkles to more or less go away. When the winds died down, but before the green light showing it being safe, the Inspector pulled off the mask, it seeming to unlock from teeth (from the sound ones could here with the air now present) from what the others could fit together, and inserted it into a small sac inside the robe. Working the jaw, the Inspector nodded to the other 2 and said: "Well, things seem to be going smoothly from a first impression standpoint, both from the bay to here and what I could see outside. How would you characterize things so far?"

The other 2, still in their CoPS spacesuits, looked at one another. One nodded to the other, and that one, the Captain of the station (which only sort of existed) spoke up: "I would also say things have gone smoothly. We are still concerned about MoC interference, but since one could say that they are part of why we are building this station, that would almost be stating the obvious. We'd like to speed up the construction, as we are still effectively sitting ducks for now, but if I'd have to pick either keeping things secret or having construction move faster, I'd pick the first one – our best defense is that we're not exactly where one would expect to find a space based staging point." Nodding to the person in the other suit, just as the light changed to green and the door opened, the speaker continued: "Doremi Noir and her team have done an excellent job, and while we've tried to stay out of their way, they've made doing so easy, plus they've been willing to give my troops and I small easy jobs so we don't go stir crazy, an important part out here in the middle of nowhere".

Doremi Noir popped the helmet and with a quick look at her effective co-commander, at least while construction was ongoing, then jumped in: "I would agree with that, however point out that those so-called "simple jobs" really free up my people to do a lot of other things, and so far I haven't heard a word of complaint. Well, other than even my crew would like a bit more supplies in order to get things done. They are all security cleared and bonded and contracted carefully for this mission, but even so, they are looking at being away from their families for another half year before everything is put in – however that last part doesn't really impact the military aspect of the structure I believe". With a wave of her hand (now ungloved) she pointed to the first speaker: "Lee Mastaff's people will then have the structure to themselves, but at least with the rotation schedule starting up once the station goes online means that they will then soon afterward be able to go home as well – as it is, shared misery seems to have resulted in few knocked heads, at least intentional ones. However even accidents are low for this type of construction I'd say, and that is probably one of the good things with the slow rate of the build". The other 2 put away their suits (Mash stepped forward to help, and once again the other 2 were of a mind of a robot – there was no gravity, but there was inertia, and once Mash braced, the suits were secured in short order), and began their float up to the bridge, Lee leading the way: "So inspector, as you can see, the halls are fully done all within all the main pathways...."


To: All members of CoPS
From: Protector Grover Shraplen
Reason: Emergency Meeting and Vote

Allies, I am hoping we can call a meeting of CoPS representatives in order to deal with emergency situation that impact potentially a majority of us. This faction called the "Dark" are directly attacking and killing millions of Taurians, plus pretty directly threatens Randis. In addition, the implication is that they are running supply lines near either Outworlds Alliance Space or less likely the Marian Hegemony. However while the path past the Hegemony is less likely, it is possible they are the ones that destroyed the Taurian Warship a few months ago and framed the Marians or Magistracy of even Canopus.

For all we know, most of the negative things attributed to the clans as a whole may be in fact due to these "Dark" that the clans seem so ashamed about to the point of ignoring them. On the other hand, there is the chance that these clans are using the Dark and their atrocities to soften us up. I and the Concordat as a whole don't know, and need to look to our allies for a bit of consensus.

In any case, the Concordat is at war. We need help, but don't wish to weaken our allies, in fact their being stronger would be to all our benefit. However for all that, we have items that need to be voted on, the sooner the better.

Please, let us work together to end this blight.

GI Journalist

To the Honorable Protector Grover Shraplen,

The Taurian Concordat has the sincere sympathy of the Marian people. The Hegemony will do what it can to provide aid and relief to the victims of these crimes against humanity. However, while I am deeply concerned by these reports, I find it beyond belief that the Magestrix could consent to such atrocities nor likely that the Star Adder Khan could crawl so low. Such abominable acts could only bring the wrath of the Inner Sphere to a degree unseen since the fall of Clan Smoke Jaguar. Furthermore, the Marian Hegemony will not consent to another attack in defense of the Concordat, only to be basely accused of having beat the war drums when the war ceases to be politically expedient for the Coalition of Periphery States. This time we must see justice done, and see it through to the end.

Therefore, I suggest a superior course of action. Empress Elena has reopened diplomatic relations with Emma Centrella. Given the dire nature of the threat that all member of the Periphery may soon face, I feel we should reconcile with the Magistracy of Canopus immediately. The Magestrix is certain to recognize the tragedy that has befallen your citizens could just as easily befall the Canopians next. To these ends I am prepared to offer them the return of their Spinward worlds which are currently under Marian administration as a sign of good faith. I feel the clear and present danger of the "Dark" surpasses any of our earlier concerns, and I am prepared to bury our differences for the greater good, if they are willing to do the same.

Mind you, I would prefer to retain the industries on Dunianshire in order to reinforce coalition forces in the region. It remains a superior location to supply the Coalition front, despite the change in direction from which the enemy comes. For that reason, I have to question the decision of the Outworlds Alliance to remove their newly acquired facilities from the planet and their commitment to the Coalition. While I'm awaiting an answer, this act closely resembles looting or pillage, rather than the action of a just war. Behavior like this calls the purpose of the Coalition into question, and I find it difficult to associate with a nation that would condone it.

Nonetheless, I hope this is a misunderstanding. I hope to hear that the Outworlds Alliance stands ready to help us repel this threat. I hope the Niops Association is through accusing me of deception and belligerence. And I hope to hear anything at all from the Fiefdom of Randis.

Once again, the hearts of Marians everywhere ache for the victims of these atrocities. We will do whatever we can to aid them. I pledge that the Marian Hegemony will seek justice for these crimes. 

Curate ut valeatis. Take care that you and your nation stay well.

Caesar Julius O'Reilly


To Caesar Julius O'Reilly

I am worried. I haven't heard any commentary from any nation that yours has done anything untoward. The media has with the help a few government workers, but that is their purpose, plus we may now have evidence that these "Dark" somehow are good at manipulating Intel – very good. Also please remember, those worlds you are considering giving back to the MoC are worlds held at the behest of the CoPS agreements and would involve directly betraying the Niops, Outworlds Alliance and Randis governments, plus put the Concordat in an uncomfortable position – both politically and militarily – at a time you are claiming to wish us well. Also don't forget that your nation REQUESTED those worlds in order to prevent being caught in a general communications blackout and the attendant impact that would have to your economy. I could see Fanardir, as that could look to the MoC like a knife to the neck (in spite of being as you and I know at most a pencil held poorly), but that too should be determined via a vote of the CoPS members.

Also keep in mind the Hegemony WAS instrumental in bringing the CoPS into war with the MoC and their allies, and there is no shame in that, at the time it looked like they were up to no good, plus we know as FACTS that they had at least done a few actions that would have justified a war. In addition, both your nation and the MoC are imperialistic in their history, so no one can gainsay your past enmity. Your nation has however recently had some remarkable transformations, I suppose this could be part of that transformation.

That said, I no longer trust the MoC, but once the one time NCR was liberated from them, I frankly just wanted them to not bother us. Yet the MoC has conquered the NCR region once before. If Addasar had fallen, the solution would have been easy - make it the local capitol of a new nation with worlds around it, give them a military that was defensive in posture and let them go. Similar situation with Marantha. If the MoC was willing to have peace with those terms, then they would be welcomed. However as it stands, they likely want not only their territory back, but they want revenge, and I don't want any solution considered that allows them that as a viable, or at least easy, option.

You may feel that the MoC wouldn't stoop so low, nor the Star Adders, but I feel that the MoC just hasn't had a reasonable chance to show just how low they'd go, and the Star Adders are part of a social system that would make sinking so low publicly foolish in the extreme, a social system their own communications could be interpreted as suggesting they want to no longer be limited by.

I didn't know about the Outworlds Alliances actions in regards to that factory, and that is another reason to have representatives go to a summit: again, to air out our collective issues. In addition, you will be assured to having a Randis representative there.

I agree that the Dark is the present greatest concern in the region, which is why I requested we get together. I also think that it is SO great a threat we have to put aside minor grievances – air out our problems and try to work on them, but not make them the focus. I look forward to your agreement to such.

Protector Grover Shraplen

GI Journalist

Honorable Protector Grover Shraplen,

I see wisdom in your proposal. An independent state would end the conflict and serve as a buffer between the Taurian Concordat and the Magistracy of Canopus. Just as importantly, it could be a place for the entire Periphery to rally against the threat from the Dark. Its creation would be easier with the cooperation of the Magistracy, but if necessary, Coalition forces could protect the sovereignty of the fledgling nation.

I am willing to offer the Magistracy an olive branch in order to bring them to the peace table, so that they might recognize this new endeavor. Their acceptance might indicate a change in attitude that could unite the Periphery in this time of danger, rather than drive us apart. Conversely, should they reject our offer and refuse to negotiate, then we will have a clear vision of where they stand, and we can deal with them accordingly. For this purposes, the world of Krimari makes a suitable peace offering. As for Fanardir, you may recall that the Marian stylus serves as both pen and dagger. However weak our grip, I intend to hold it until it is clear whether it is to be used as a bargaining chip or a weapon.

The summit you are preparing to host ought to be held on neutral ground. I will send a delegate invested with my authority to Fronc. The planet is central to the Periphery, and its recent history as a New Colony Region world means it lacks symbolic ties that might detract from our discussion. I fully intend for the Marian Hegemony to reach an accord with the Periphery representatives present.

Di vos incolumes custodiant. May the gods guard the safety of you and your nation.

Caesar Julius O'Reilly


[OOC] This is partially homage to the history of Vermont and how it formed its government. Which is why I'm not using the "better" facilities that may or may not exist at this time on the planet. I was a little "off" because Fronc was picked and it has possible ties to certain bad things in history which may or may not be what the planet is named for. Oh well. [/OOC]

Elijah South's Rocksor Tavern
Taurian Concordat

Grover had found the largest building that was clean, had modern conveniences and was available for an impromptu conference. The good news was: it really was a well built building, updated to include its very own fusion power generator, every room had direct connection to the planet's internet and entertainment hub (which was underground, right next door), plus had a rooftop mounted AC2 just in case invaders came – it even came with catering potential. The bad news was: the building was a tavern, and there was no way to hide it.

Well, Grover was here, and he was the host, so he might as well get ready for the others to show up. He'd have to face the shame for not providing a better location by proactively thinking of ways to deflect it. He'd get his secretary looking up possible reasons they SHOULD use a tavern when getting back from the negotiations with the stonemason's guild. He'd had to promise to have built for the Tavern's owner a second, just out of town tavern as future payment (almost a franchise) for the use of the one that existed now, and he'd wanted THAT made out of 2 meters of interlocked stone as well...


[OOC] Have your character (shorn of excessive weaponry) come in and grab their favorite drink. Open bar to all head reps (so long as they stay sufficiently awake to vote). [/OOC]

Iron Mongoose

The Knights of Randis had few members, but with a taskforce of them having helped in the war with the MoC, one was on hand to attend the Coaltion's meeting, and Brother Enzo had drawn the short straw.  Its not, of course, he reminded himself, that there is any perticular shame in these things, in politics and meetings and what have you.  It was more a case that there was a greater honor in the mechwarrior's calling, in war, in directness of action, in honesty and in other such things, and politics often detracted from that.  Even the Grand Knights felt that way most of the time, he knew.  Lucas Beckett knew how to swim in political waters, and from his experiance in cloister and blood house politics he did it well, but if he could avoid it, he did.

So Enzo foundhimself on Fronc, to see the leaders of the other CPS nations, in Beckett's place.  Obstenably, Randis coundn't spare him because of the Dark.  Perhaps that was true.  Perhaps not.

"Protector Shraplen," he addressed his host. "I am Brother Enzo, on behalf of the Knights of Randis.  The Grand Knight has briefed me, and so I can speak for our order in these matters."  After getting pleasentries out of the way, he followed his host's advice and got himself a very large, very strong drink, and got to it.  He'd be fine untill his fourth, he knew.  Knights who had passed the old rituals could hold their drink.


Elena's appearance was entirely unexpected.  Not that it should have been unexpected.  Nobody, even most of the Marian Hegemony was unsure of where exactly she had been the past several months.  If anybody knew, they weren't telling, not even the temporary Marian delegate, Prefect Bret Hedican.

As befitting her character, Elena made a simple, yet very elegant entrance.  She paid no attention to the shocked looks as she simply announced her arrival by arriving.  She was not here to drink or party, she was here on business and her mission was clear.  Elena knew well the stakes and the positions of all the players.  With her two aides behind her, she nodded to Prefect Bret Hedican who was daftly speaking nonsense to a representative of some trade union from the Taurian Concordat complaining about some aspect of the Gladius.  He excused himself and joined Elena.

"Empress."  He bowed courteously, but not very formally, they were in a periphery tavern after all.

"Prefect.  Your resumé comes highly regarded.  I can see how you handled the Taurian that it was not indeed exaggerated.  So tell me Prefect, has the Ordo Vigilis tasked you with assisting me, babysitting me, or protecting me?"  Without missing a beat, he answered her.

"Yes Empress."  It was the best answer he could give.  Elena gave a genuine smile.

"Very good Prefect.  Very good.  Now let's get to business."  Elena and her entourage commandeered one of the bar tables.  With a perfection born of years of service to elitist patricians, the aides rolled out a tablecloth of Marian purple, adorned with the crest of the Hegemony.  Within minutes, Elena and her two aides had made a corner of the tavern into an impromptu sitting room, replete with appropriate Marian decor.  Various computers, papers, and charts were carefully set in neat stacks within arms' reach of Elena's chair.  The two aides then went to the bar and returned with a pitcher of the local brew.

The Empress was available.

GI Journalist

Prefect Bret Hedican examined the heavy set stone walls of the tavern with satisfaction. Protector Shraplen had chosen the location well.  What the pub lacked in niceties, it made up for in its exceptional construction. Not only could a small group hold the position, but available escape routes readily presented themselves. Fronc, recently colonized, had a rustic charm, but that couldn't fully disguise their practical approach to defense.

"I believe Caesar had just such a setting in mind when he gave his Frontiers speech to the Senate," Hedican remarked. The Marian delegation had seemed quite large in comparison to those already present. Fortunately, a few of them had been inclined to investigate the entertainment hub on arrival, so they managed not to crowd the bar.

The prefect had opted to wear his grey tunic and trousers, the golden triangle and eagle of his rank emblazoned on the left shoulder of his dress uniform and quite prominent as he turned to address the remaining Marian retinue. "The Outworlds and Niops representatives have yet to arrive. Nonetheless, we do have a quorum. Finish refreshing yourselves and prepare for the proceedings."

The orders were superfluous. Empress Elena's staff seemed prepared to hold court anywhere, and the delegation had followed suit. Hedican expected the atmosphere of the tavern would soon be as politically charged as the Marian Senate floor. He took a drink, toasting the Empress's health and comforted himself with a thought.

At least, the beer is good. 


Inspector Mash Franklin-Xen noticed the entrance of both the representative from Randis, and the Empress from the Hegemony. The Protector was happily making sure that Brother Enzo had his drink, yet had somehow managed to miss the production which was the Empress setting up court. Mash had triple duty at this meeting. One was to report if certain questions came up – as the only direct witness of certain efforts in the room, that was potentially important. The second was to be the obvious bodyguard for the Protector – the obvious part hadn't been completed, but it was early still. The third thing was to aid the Protector move things along, even when the man was distracted. The Taurian Concordat was under the gun.

Wearing bigger than normal boots, a curious set of what seemed like earphones, a common brown cloak and a thick set of what looked like sunglasses made up Mash's clothing, but a set of gills could be seen if one knew where to look along the neck – a set more subtle than most. Moving away from the wall, Mash walked over to the Protector and caught his attention: "A third member of the CoPS is present, the Empress Elena of the Marian Hegemony. You said you wanted to..." The Protector waved the Inspector to silence and walked over to the Empress: "Greetings Empress Elena. Would it be acceptable if we pulled up a pair of tables and formed a bit of a semicircle? I want to leave spaces for the other representatives when they show, but I feel that time is of the essence." With her gracious nod, the Protector signaled Mash, who decided this was a perfect time to become the obvious bodyguard. Grabbing 2 of the hefty tables, one in each hand, Mash transported them over to where the Empress set up and set them down with a bit of space between them and an obvious space for later representatives. Brother Enzo followed behind.

Grover meanwhile had continued: "If it would please those present, I'd like to begin recording these procedures so that those that come later will be able to not only observe everything, but verify that everything being done is above board. In addition I'd like to institute a two modification rule to anything that we'd like to vote on, more changes would be unfair to those not present as the deal can be made into what amounts to a sweet deal otherwise. Lastly, I'd like to point out that only items that get all three representatives voting agreement will pass until additional members show up, and even then it requires three votes to carry a measure." With a few more nods (if a little confusion at the oddness of the request, Grover slid over a chair to the table Mash put down and said: "Well, in that case, I'd like to open the floor to suggestions for business. If there isn't anything up from your nations, I will then jump in with some issues that I must admit I feel is critical to my nation."


He is quite the politician.

"Protector, that's quite the opening statement from you.  First of all, let me respond by stating that I hardly think it fair that we begin proceedings the moment you arrive.  We are short representatives of the Outworlds Alliance, and I daresay their involvement is quite crucial to any resolution we come to.  While it is nice for us to record the proceedings, our fellow states would not appreciate being screwed over regardless of whether or not we present them with a video recording of it or not."  Grover did not appear to like that statement from her.

"Furthermore, the two modification rule could use some clarification.  I'm not sure how two modifications is fair to those not present, but three isn't?  Anything decided upon here is not fair to those not present.  And nevermind the difficulty that the three of us will have in agreeing on important issues.  Unanimity is a hard thing to come by, more so when you have three state of such differing compositions as us here."  Elena raised her hand to forestall the criticism that she knew would be inbound.

"But if there is to be a meeting, I wish to be a part of it.  And if we are to attempt to resolve any issues, let it be to start with the one most pressing to my nation.  The MHS Carausius resides in the possession of an incompetent Coalition Admiral.  The ship, the pride of our fleet was captured fighting the Adders.  We were the only nation to commit our own naval resources to crushing the Adders, and yet after we shed our blood and tears, the Coalition seeks to reclaim the ship not for us, but for itself.  Beyond that, the ship is a wreck and yet there has been no effort to move it to a nearby shipyard for repairs.  She cannot do anything to serve the Coalition or Hegemony in the state she is in now.

So the Marian Hegemony, in recognition of the blood, toil, tears, and sweat that we have shed, demand that the Carausius be returned to her rightful owners.  There are many other issues that I would like to bring up, but in fairness to the other states, the ship is the first issue we would like to consider, and the Protector, I would like to hear your issues."


"Well, my understanding on that matter can be put into two categories. The first is that it is my belief that the unit is seriously damaged, and it was hoped to be repaired before it was moved. Towing as a whole is not an option I thought as the jump cores would interact and destroy both vessels, however piecemeal transport is an option - which is a waste in this case as the ship, while damaged, is still able to fight. My second bit on the matter is that the forces in the region of that warship are thin, and they are protecting an important CoPS asset, an asset that we cannot send support to in a short time. That asset, if you will remember, is planned on being completed around 4 months unless more funds are directed their way. The next step of the plan was that repair facilities would then be added to that asset and then in turn begin the repair of the Carausius.

Now to proceed beyond my intel and going into the warship's disposition, I myself would think that a reasonable contribution to the CoPS general fund in order to allow it to replace the hole generated by the loss of the Carausius would be extremely fair to all members if immediate transition was required, but I would like it seen what evidence we have before calling the commander of that ship such career damaging things is in order. The Warship has importance to the Hegemony, and it would get it back. The CoPS would get funds to replace losses in its order of battle. On the other hand, if we waited until the warship wasn't as critical to the defense of the CoPS assets, I think that a thankful turnover of the warship would be acceptable as well. I suppose that I would prefer your people accepted a wait, but that is more a call you will have to make. Here, let me check..." After fumbling with the computer, the Protector came up with some large projected numbers.

[OOC] I think it is "directly worth" 24 RP right now, which is pretty hefty, but I'm pretty sure it is a bargain compared to what it can be repaired up to. If what I have on file is correct, that would mean the "real" value once it was repaired of a bit of damage would mean it was worth a whopping 171 RP (146.5 value now that way of thinking). Not sure my file is correct of course (or that I am reading it right), but that is what I have as an understanding. [/OOC]

Iron Mongoose

Brother Enzo sipped his drink and listened.  He knew little enough about warships to be able to speak to that, he knew, but he had ought to say something.  "I think that the Protector's compermise is not totaly off base in this matter, but I think perhaps he over states things. Speaking as a member of this coalition, we surely will all incur losses over time, and it should be our policy to do what we can to make amends for thouse losses, so that all of us will be willing to risk them in the future.  I do not think our Brotherhood would risk our own warship assets if we felt they would likely pass out of our hands, but I think we gladly would if we were confident that they would be retured to us.

"But, we must insure that this coalition does not simply become a tool of property recovery.  The action that recovered the ship was one undertaken for all the member nations against our mutual enemy, after all, and one would imagine that all the verious members would wish to see a share of the gain from that action, rather than seeing it devolve to a single member, however wronged that member was in the past.

"I think a small contribution to the coaltion, to alow it to expand its air corps, might not be out of place, perhaps as a show of gratitude, a donation to the force that was able to right the wrong done unto the Marians by the Star Adders.  But, I know little of the matters of warships, and so I would leave the details to you."

Pausing to think, Enzo went on.  "When it comes to the missing nations, I think we must do as we will in their absance.  Yes, we should have our brothers in our minds in these matters, and endevour to do what is best for all our nations, present and absant, but for the nation with such a great mastery of the stars to be absant, one must imagine is it not because they lack the capabilities.  It is my hope that the Outworlds Alliance does attend this meeting, but if they do not then I would imagine that it would be by their own action, and let them live with what comes of that."