Coalition of Periphery States IC Roleplaying Thread

Started by LittleH13, May 19, 2010, 03:18:49 AM

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As Elena listened to the Protector speak, irritation flashed over face.  The man was playing with facts looser than a Canopian Pleasure Circus was with their pants.  She pulled out several of her own papers and glanced them over, still listening to the Protector and Brother Enzo.

"Protector, the ship is seriously damaged.  However, where you get idea that it could be repaired in deep space is beyond me.  The ship is jump capable.  There is no need to scrap her in place and reassemble her elsewhere.  There are shipyards but a few jumps away.  The asset that you claim is only four months away, is over a year away in my government's most optimistic planning estimations.

Furthermore, my government is routing all available resources into that sector, and we are aware of several nearby CPS assets, contrary to your assertion Protector, whose combat effectiveness far outstrips that of a shattered and barely functional warship.  Let us nevermind the fact that the ship has been there for over six months and yet still remains completely combat ineffective.  She could have been to Lothario or New Venice, been repaired, and been back on duty by now protecting those resources."  Elena turned to Brother Enzo next and resumed speaking.

"Brother Enzo, you speculate on why the Alliance is missing.  Speculation has its' place.  Interstellar diplomacy dealing with vast sums of money, lives, and resources is hardly the place for that.  You speak of the CPS being for the benefit of all the member states on the one hand and then cast off those same states on the other.  Such transparent political efforts do not benefit this Coalition."


Grover was slightly surprised at the tongue lashing including Brother Enzo: "Empress, I can't see where your people are getting their numbers, as I disagree with them, but in order to move to what I am guessing is the crux of the problem, let's put that aside. I think what you are saying is you and your nation is willing to: take the Warship, repair it themselves at their own expense, then return it to the same location in a relatively short time to protect the main asset there until that asset is at least moderately ready to do so itself? If that is the case, while I would want some hard dates before doing so, I can definitely see myself voting for that type of resolution." Nodding towards Brother Enzo: "However I do ask that you keep in mind what one COULD consider a political effort is instead a first attempt at a conciliatory gesture that went awry a bit. Just a request."

Edit: [OOC] BTW GreyWolfActual, I really was thinking that I was reading the numbers right - if I am in error please let me know how, as I'm actually trying to have Grover be moderately qualified to run the TC right now (roll of 10 oo 2d6), and then for ME to mess up when he's supposed to be doing so well....  :'( [/OOC]

Iron Mongoose

"Money is money, resorces are resorces," Enzo replied.  "But as you say, the very lives of our people are at stake.  That warship, if used correctly, could shield a world or many worlds from attack.  The many warships of the Outworlds Alliance could do this as well, while the mechs and tanks of Randis and Taurus and Marius could protect them.  Conversly, the money and resorces and technology of our nationed could makes the lives of our many people better, prevent hunger, illness, promote education. That is why we do this, is it not?

"And yet our brothers are absant.  What can we make of this?  As you correctly say, it is wrong to speculate, what ever ideas I may have about them, or you may.  But I have no political agenda, asside from the betterment of all of our people.  And can I do that when this body's decision making is being posponed, prevented, by the absance of our brothers?

"I do not propose that we should try and do ill to any one, save for our enemies, who would do ill to us.  We should not cast off our brothers.  But let us speak for a moment of other things, of the Dark, of the war with Canopus and with the Adders, of our on going reserch efforts, of all of these things.  For the good of our own people, and for the good of the people of the Outworlds, we must move foward.  We have to do something, what ever that is.

"If you are worried that we will do harm to the Outworlds in this matter, let me speak for them.  I lived there for several years; I can not speak for what they would want, but I can speak for what they would not want.  Perhaps that would asuage your aprehension.  I know not what else we can do."


Grover seemed to take the speech by the Brother Enzo as an incomplete comment: "Be that as it may, can I take it that, in general, since this was the first issue brought up, you would be happy with my interpretation of the Hegemony's proposal? Such as if they provide acceptable dates and such you would vote for it?"

[OOC] Cool staying IC! [/OOC]

GI Journalist

Prefect Bret Hedican looked up from where a Marian scribe was taking notes with a stylus on a flat electronic tablet.

"Empress, if I may."

Elena gave him a curt nod of permission. Clearly, Protector Shraplen's ignorance of the facts still had her fuming.

"The Protector has called this meeting to order. It is being diligently recorded for the benefit of our allies, but the fact remains. We have a quorum. There is nothing stopping this august body from doing what needs to be done, provided all present agree on the terms. In the absence of their participation, our allies have to trust our judgment. We may hear from them later, but we are obliged to act now.

"The first proposal on the table is the rest and refit of the MHS Carausius. The Protector has suggested its return to Marian Hegemony, so that we can rebuild the ship. This is not a mere salvage mission but the return of a national treasure. I assure you that the return of the Carausius will be hailed by the Marian people as a symbol of the strength of the Coalition of Periphery States and only further the bond between us.

"Meanwhile, we will assign Marian Navy assets to protect the Coalition's investment. While our analysts have calculated it will take longer than the Concordat's experts initially projected, rest assured, Honorable Protector, that the project still has our support. Furthermore, Brother Enzo, as you will see from these Coalition reports, we all stand to benefit." Hedican's aide passed out copies of the reports, including the Marian projections for completion of the station, for each party to review.

As the representatives took and reviewed the papers, Hedican added a final caveat. "This effort is best supported by the return of the Carausius. However, I would caution the delegates against setting specific dates in the interests of security, and request that we leave the finer details to the military commanders. If we might settle this issue, it would go far towards us making progress on darker matters"

Then he turned to Brother Enzo, calling for his vote.

"Are we in agreement?"

Iron Mongoose

Brother Enzo was thoughtful.  He was, after all, a mechwarrior more than anything else, so it was not easy to think about the valueation of something like a warship.  The eyes of the others were on him, and he felt the pressure to offer some answer.

"As I have said, it is alawys our desire to do what is best for all of us, rather than what is best for just one or two of us..." Enzo paused as he saw another Brother enter the room, his face ashen. 

"Forgive me, brothers and sisters," the newcommer said, before whispering in Enzo's ear.

"Are you sure of this?" Enzo asked, his face two quickly draining of color.  "Very well.

"Randis gives its support to the Marian plan, because we feel it will alow the quickest compleation of the projects at hand, and alow the most rapid augmentation of the navies of this Coaltion and its members.

"And this is the time for it, it seems.  My Brother informes me that the Dark have struck at our homeworld in irresistable strength.  We will do our best to protect our citizens and delay their progress as long as possible, but I do not belive the final outcome is in doubt, unless this body, and more likely all the nations of this newest Star League, can act quickly.  It may be fine and well that the Federated Suns sacrafice world after world, and the Taurians' own counterattack seems to be making headway, even as my own task force moves into position to join it, but for us we can hardly afford to wait.  They have come in force here, and the capture of our factories and ship yards will streamline their logistics, making them a more formidable enemy than even before.  I belive that we must cometogether and act in this matter, as we did before against the Adder threat."


[OOC] Hope I roll a 9 or higher if the GM's agree to it... [/OOC]


Elena nodded at the comments now being made.  Rationality was coming through to the discussion at last.  Brother Enzo, however, brought up a disturbing point about the Dark.

"The Dark pose a serious threat to one of our member states.  It is with that in mind that I would like to present a new member of the Marian delegation.  He is here at our behest, as both a full member of our delegation, and a representative in his own right from his own state."  That last remark would no doubt have set off warning bells in the heads of the other delegates assembled.  One of Elena's aids stepped away at this time, going out of the tavern to, presumably, retrieve this new member.  "He is also unqiuely qualified to speak to us about the clan threat, both in his home state, and within the reach of the Taurian Concordat.  May I present to you Marshal Hadji Doru."  Elena stood as the good Marshal was escorted into the tavern.


Having been escorted inside by one of the Empresses aides, Hadji Doru, dressed in civilian attire more common twentyfive years ago, first noticed Elena Logan-O'Reilly standing.  Swiftly casting a glance at those others present, his gazed paused briefly on each of the delegation heads, before settling on the residing host.

"Protector Shraplen.  A pleasure to see you once again.  It has been some time since we last meet.  How is the Land?  It must be what, late spring there?"


Grover was a bit shocked when he said :"Yes, either that or early summer if you'd want to call it that. So, who are you here as?"


"As the Senior General of the Magistracy Armed Forces, Protector."


[OOC] It is obvious to those there that Grover isn't going to take the lead now (shock), so it will have to be someone else that steps forward to make a post - figured I should mention that so we can all proceed IC. [/OOC]


Elena inwardly smiled at the Protector's total confusion.  Negating the Protector made life so much easier.  She turned to Brother Enzo and spoke.

"Brother Enzo, I thank you for your support on the matter of the Carausius."  She turned back to Grover and then spoke to him.  "Protector, do you have any issue with what Prefect Hedican proposed on this state's behalf?   Obviously the Hegemony is in support of its' own idea.  If there are no objections to it, I would suggest that we deal with the Dark and their threat to the Brotherhood of Randis."  Elena, who had risen to her feet upon Marshal Doru's entrance, retook her seat.

"Now I brought Marshal Doru because, as I said, he not only can provide the Magistracy of Canopus with a voice that I truly feel should be listened to, but also brings with him considerable military experience with, and against the clans, and still more knowledge of this region of space.  If we are to deal with them militarily as a coalition, the Marshal may be able to provide valuable insight into the manner in which we go about that."


Grover nodded to the first part of the Empress request, and just sort of had an expression that could be likened to a computer rebooting after that...


Entering quietly, but moving with great determination, the communications officer went up to one of Protector Shraplen's advisors and handed him a Comstar package while whispering in his ear.  Following that, his presence in the room now unwarranted, he slipped away into obscurity.  In turn though, as a more suitable moment presented itself, the advisor moved across and informed the leader of the Concordat, that a missive had been received from the Outworlds Alliance and should he put it up on the screen?