Coalition of Periphery States IC Roleplaying Thread

Started by LittleH13, May 19, 2010, 03:18:49 AM

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Grover, having just completed his internal reordering, checked to see if there was anything that he would be interrupting. Making sure that his nod on the Warship issue had been an ascent (but not terribly worried about the matter, the timing was being moved up, but then again the Hegemony was footing the bill now), assuming that is that the Empress was willing to allow that she WAS infact willing to deal with CoPS matters at this time, Grover then motioned for Mash to aid setting things up so the missive was put it up for everyone to see.

Grover then said: "We seem to have a communications from the Alliance here, hopefully we'll see it soon..."


Darkness filled the screen for several seconds, before a Comstar broadcast logo came up.  Moments later, the logo was replaced with Mitchell Avellar, head of the Outworlds Alliance.

"A short time ago I presented two bills to the Executive Parliament for ratification.  Despite intensive debate, particularly in regards the second bill, both were passed into law."

"I draw your attention to the minutes of the Coalition meeting in regards the decision to go to war against the Magistracy of Canopus.

"Gentlemen, all of you have been briefed on the destruction of the Taurian-crewed destroyer Maine by what appeared to be Magistracy of Canopus hired mercenary units. Given the identity of the unit that destroyed the ship, as given by the sensor logs of the transport Mississippi, the chances of the Canopians being unaware of what their mercs were up to is remote at best."

"This clearly falls within the boundaries of Founding Resolution One of the Coalition of Periphery States. Therefore, under the provisions of Founding Resolution Seven, I call for a vote for the release of the Militia for use by the Chancellor to deal with this clear and present danger to the safety of multiple Coalition nations."

"The first bill dealt with the withdrawal of the Outworlds Alliance from the Coalition of Periphery Stats.   That the ideals of the coalition upon which we joined were caste aside by those within who decided that the murder of our own people to create a fait accompli is unacceptable.  And shows what little regard we the leaders of the Coalition, hold our people in."

"On record is that this nation did not vote yes for war on the Magistracy of Canopus.  Instead, we abstained.  However the hawks within the Coalition prevailed, and to war we went.  Ostensibly to punish the Magistracy and to teach them the error of their ways in killing our servicemen and women.  This action was successfully accomplished, yet now we see the action as merely as one of conquest, especially as those to profit most from the action were those involved in the destruction of the destroyer Maine."

"We were lied to.  Tens of thousands of people died because of greed."

"As such, we renounce our position in regards to Dainmar Majoris and hereby return the system to Magistracy of Canopus control.   All Outworlds Alliance units and ships incorporated into the CPS Militia are ordered to return to Alliance space forthwith.  All Alliance assets currently in the New Colony Region have already been sent reassignment orders and are even now departing."

"It concerns me that the Fiefdom of Randis is under attack from the Dark.  I have ordered units under my command into the area, and they will be operating to defeat the Dark in order to realise the recapture of the Fiefdom as soon as is possible."   

GI Journalist


Prefect Bret Hedican watched the verigraphed transmission without a trace of surprise. When President Avellar's message was complete Bret attempted to dispel the clamor that arose.  Raising his hands as well as his voice, he addressed the entire audience. "Ladies and gentlemen! Ladies and gentlemen, this only confirms what we already suspected. Ordo Vigilis has been watching the Outworlds preparations to depart Dunianshire for weeks, and despite President Avellar's empty words, their withdrawal was not out of sympathy for the Magistracy."

Hedican looked to Senior General Hadji Doru. "Unless I miss my mark, the Outworlds Alliance has made no plans to deliver the manufacturing equipment they have pillaged from Dunianshire back to the Magistracy, nor have they engaged in peace talks. They have simply made their excuses to withdraw from the Coalition and gone home. The Outworlds Alliance has chosen to abandon us, leaving us with little more than a faint promise of assistance in the form of recapturing Randis."

Hedican's next words were as dry and bitter as the sands of Astrokaszy. "The Outworlds navy may fly home via Randis, but I'm concerned that the next set of wings that the people of the Fiefdom see in their skies will be that of vultures instead of allies."

He opened a map of star systems across the table, showing a swath of darkened Periphery worlds. "While the Star League may fly to the defense of the Federated Suns, the men and women of the Periphery must fend for themselves. We can not delude ourselves into believing that the Great Houses of the Successor States care about our fate. But together, the nations of the Periphery can defend against this threat. Alone, we perish. We can either pool our resources or we will be picked off one by one. The Outworlds Alliance has made its choice. Now it is in your hands to come to an accord that will ensure our survival. Let us have peace between us, or I fear that between the Successor States and the Dark, all will be lost."


Hadji Doru looked straight back at Prefect Hedican as the Marian official spoke.  Showing no hint or emotion on the cragged features, he merely listened to what the Prefect had to say to those present in the room.  Gradually the din had died down, to at least, some semblance of order was restored, as several of the more senior delegates preset focused their attention on the map.  WHich was probably about the right time for him to speak again.

"It would appear then Prefect, that you may be in a bind.  You need a committed effort from all those present in this room to fend off the Dark and restore Randis.  That committed effort will require large scale troop redeployments and lift capability.  How do you intend to undertake this mission when most of the Marian Armed Forces and a sizeable portion of the Taurian Defence Force and CPS Militia are tied to their garrison posts in and around the Magistracy?"


GI Journalist

"That depends largely upon you, Senior General. What we have now is a Star League mandated cease-fire. That is not quite the same thing as a peace agreement." Prefect Hedican paused, cautious of the political minefield he was entering.

"We've allowed you to move troops under a Star League banner, but those forces have been very laconic about their intentions. Perhaps you could enlighten us. I think we could all breathe easier if we could demilitarize the border, but you need to be straightforward with us if we are fighting on the same side."


"The Magistracy has it's own goals, Prefect.  Goals that support the Star League Defence Force and those we consider might benefit from whatever support we are able to provide.  That is as far as I am able to enlighten you with, as I will not discuss troop deployments either here in an open forum or in private."

"It is up to those present here," Doru continued, making a sweep of those sitting and standing, "to understand the situation you put yourselves in."

GI Journalist

Prefect Bret Hedican had hoped that a guest of the Empress would be more pliable, but Hadji Doru was far too canny for that. He would have to settle for deflecting Doru's challenge.

"What I am given to understand, Senior General, is that the actions of this Coalition prompted the Magistracy to join the Star League and at long last rejoin the common causes of the Inner Sphere. Perhaps it is time for all of us to show some unity of purpose. Where the Coalition of Periphery States has failed, the Star League may yet succeed in unifying us."

Hedican looked at each of the delegates in turn. The Outworlds Alliance's betrayal of the Coalition was too fresh. Protector Shraplen was still stunned. Brother Enzo was still reeling at the news of his world under siege. Only Empress Elena had kept her demeanor, which betrayed nothing. Of course, this left Hedican with no sign as to how his own performance was being judged. He pressed onward nonetheless.

"The Coalition militia was never intended as a tool of oppression. It was intended to defend us from threats against Periphery sovereignty, and the Dark is clearly that. They demonstrate just what a rogue group with Clan technology is capable of, and their crimes against humanity have gone unchecked. The Star League has resolved to go to war with these monsters, and I feel we owe the effort our full support."

Hedican nodded, willing the other delegates to agree with him, but under the circumstances it was difficult to gauge their responses. They were probably as ready as they could be for what he was about to suggest.

"Therefore I propose that we place the combined forces of the Coalition of Periphery States militia under the command of the newly elected Star League Defense Force Commanding General and give him the force he needs to face this threat. This will finally be one unified effort, and never again will a member of the Star League will be able to question our commitment."



"Just when did Canopus join the Star League? I don't remember that vote for some reason1. Even more to the point, while everyone seems to be caught up with the supposed innocence of Canopus for SOME things, it is very clear, from their own words and actions that they have invited others in to local space to initiate a change in the balance of power2 - and there is no denying that they had conquered a new nation due to the strength imbalance they already had3. Given that, just what do you expect they will do in the future, when they have insane allies that inexplicably have been supporting them4? First by supporting their assaults, then by forcing their being protected when there was a chance we could have forced a settlement. Which in turn would have allowed us to redistribute our forces - likely enough to have stopped these Dark, or at least been well better positioned."

"Also these Dark are awfully slick it seems. Think about it, they attacked Randis just when the Taurian Forces had left to check out a rumor about their possible hideout. Had the Concordat had even a third of our force from the assault of Canopus back, we likely wouldn't have moved off - especially as we were under the impression that Randis was going to be supported with a  space force from the Outworlds5, but had we had our forces back, we wouldn't have ever moved off, instead using our main forces from the Concordat itself."

"Next, when did we see all members of the Star League actually claim that they would do... anything? Look at the Free Worlds League - they may not have the power right now, but they very well could soon enough. Add to that, they also seem to have dealings with the clans, have pretty much insured that nearly nothing is getting done, and will likely soon enough... never mind that, we will see how they move. Do you REALLY want our fates tied to such a structure? Even more to the point, there are MANY clans that are attacking the Great Houses, and only one Dark – plus the new head is effectively a clanner, and you may have missed it, but clanners don't look at attacking pirates in the highest light. So, you really think we are going to have that strong a serious force sent to help us? Having the Star League with these forces is the height of irresponsibility6."

[OOC notes]
1 – No really – I don't remember a vote for the MoC to join the SL. Pretty sure they didn't in fact.

2 – It was – in part for defense, but it was STILL to change the balance of power.

3 – The nation was already recognized by 3 nations, and the MoC did flat out conquer them.

4 – No really, I STILL don't think that technically we stuck with the rules during that whole thing – it was a total mess in so many ways.

5 – Yeah I found the note that had me thinking it. I also found the note asking for verification of the forces being sent to Randis. Didn't make sure ENOUGH obviously. No blame, but obviously I was trying to be careful – I even asked Randis what, 3 times if they were safe before moving off?

6 – Actually, really, send me a PM on what you mean, as the post itself doesn't make the least sense to me.


Doru had taken a seat at the start of the Marians response.  A raised eyebrow from him was the limit of his demeanour.  That was before Grover Shraplen suddenly took centre stage.  He had known the man for a long time, but by the end of the Protector's speech he felt sad.  Stiil, what needed to be said, he said.

"So tell me Protector.  When is it exactly that the Marian Hegemony and Taurian Concordant intend forming the independent state centred on Detroit.  It has been what, nearly two years since your invasion.  All I see is the revenue from these planetary sytems feeding the Taurian and Marian budgets".


"In that case you can't count. More money has gone into the region from the TC than has gone out to the TC1."

1 - This time Grover is splitting hairs a BIT, as while more RP has gone IN (from improved militia and such) than out to the TC, the ALLIES plus the TC does add up to higher (the RP from this area is also assumed to go to the Niops tech roll issue that the GM's have said they'd make a call on). Of course, we have that missing Factory that is so minor that IIRC you don't think it is worth bothering the GM's about or answering flat out questions so others can move forward on it... :(

On the other hand, the REASON that the NCR isn't split is 2 fold. One an OOC reason - can't find a PLAYER. The (weak) IC reason is that the MoC will just take it over again, or get a proxy like the Empire to do it for them. If you want to push me to going with this line, I am fine... to a point. Shoot, IIRC even you were accidentally shown some of the notes requesting aid in finding players for the nation before it was realized you were playing the OA.  ???

GI Journalist

Prefect Hedican jumped back into the verbal fray. Defusing the tensions between the states wasn't going to get any easier if Shraplen kept going.

"Senior General, we acknowledge that these former colony worlds are still under the administration of the Taurian Concordat and Marian Hegemony. As such they benefit from certain considerations as Star League members. As you are well aware, a newly established independent government would have no such assurances of being accepted into the League or being afforded the same protections. The cease-fire brokered by the Star League would no longer apply to them. We are not about to jeopardize the tenuous peace that we have achieved in a vain attempt to prop up a new government for the former colony region.

"It's clear that we have much work to do if we are going to accomplish any of the goals supported by the Star League. It may not be an ideal framework, but at it seems to be the only one in which we seem to share any common ground." Hedican glanced over at the overwrought Protector and then return his attention to Doru. "Senior General, if you could share with us the circumstances under which you are working with the Star League, perhaps the Coalition members present can discuss a more acceptable way to administer the worlds in question."


"Prefect.  You missed your calling by three hundred years.  I'm sure the Bureau of Star League Affairs would have welcomed you with open arms.  There are few considerations I see of benefit when being occupied by a foreign power."

"However, I digress.  The Magistracy has supported General Victor Steiner-Davion and the Star League Defence Force since it's reformation.  Contributing well above requirements in regiments, equipment and financial aid.  If I recall, post Butler, the drawdown of member nation forces had the Marian contribution at what?  A single battalion equivalent.  The Magistracy committment never waivered below two of our best regiments, plus supporting arms.  This has increased in the last quarter, despite the attempts of those present here today to destroy the realm.  The Star League itself is impotent.  Strangled by infighting and power blocs that make any attempt at real reform or decision making, almost impossible.  Our focus for a long time has been to ensure that General Steiner-Davion and his troops had the best support we could give."


"Excellent, so we now know you like the Star League, but not enough to actually join. You've noticed the infighting of Star League, but aren't willing to be part of the grimy process to try and steer it out of the filth. You can detect that being subjugated isn't a great thing - so long as it isn't yourselves doing the subjugating. I'm guessing that you are still under the belief that in those circumstances it is still the greatest thing since sliced bread."

"Of course, be both know that one of the reasons you're attacking the Clans is to get access to their technology. The reason being is we DISCUSSED it before your forces attacked us - and we disagreed even then. I agreed that some of their technology was impressive, and if we could update to their technology across the board that would be incredible, but the risk in lives was likely unwarranted. Even more to the point, the Concordat managed to trade with what I suppose you could call two and a half clans for their civilian technology instead for a small amount of resources – all of which was legal at the time and those resources were all promised to not be used for attacking the Inner Sphere. It is true that the Concordat hasn't managed to DUPLICATE their technology, but we've had now years to get our own technology up to churn out our own robust, but less technologically refined equivalents1."

"Shoot – at one time, when it was legal - the Concordat contemplated helping a clan that had a representative come to us that said they were in need. But then a ruling from the Star League amazingly came down just then and we had to regretfully say we couldn't help them. Which makes the actions of your nation and the Outworlds Alliance all the more painful to consider. Both of you did it for power. It is that simple. Both of you hope to get away with it. Actually, I sort of wish the Outworlds well in their effort, but that is because of some cultural elements that I've read about. Shoot, if it wasn't for the imperial stance that Canopus took when they weren't as powerful as we are talking about them becoming, I'd have wished them well also. It isn't like the CoPS or the Star League were against the Clans as a whole – members of both entities have examples of clan influenced nations, for us I mean Randis. However certain aspects of the clans WERE being rejected – and those aspects seemed to be the ones Canopus is keen to adopt."

"Now, since your nation has been invited here by the Empress, I know that the real issue must be a peace agreement. I'll admit that since your nation has Addasar, Brixtana, Palm and now Dainmar Majoris I can't push for the type of agreement I'd like, but in order to move things along, why don't you tell us your outrageous suggestion for how we'd go about it, which you will no doubt pepper with all sorts of protestations of innocence and high sounding double-speak. It seems likely you already have one vote locked up, however I'd at least like to get your issue dealt with, as it HAS managed to lock up so much time."

1 – The ruling back was that we were able to make Star League level equivalents, but we don't know enough to start "clan".


"Very well, Protector.  The Magistracy requirement for peace is the return of all our worlds, less Detroit.  In regards Detroit, you may do with it as you wish, providing the investment of all three partners in the industrialisation of the world is respected.  In that, as there are three factories on the world, then one should go to the Taurian Concordant, one to the Capellan Empire and one to the Magistracy.   Each to do with as they wish.  After that, the Taurian Concordant may keep the world as they are currently doing, or whatever, as obviously it is a choke point in your foreign policy processes."

"Further.  Acknowledgement by those responsible that the Maine incident was fabricated by those within the CPS who sort a fait accompli to invade the Magistracy.  And whose actions murdered those crew members aboard said vessel.  Next, an explanation from the Marian Hegemony as to why they attacked Thraxa without provocation from the Magistracy over three years ago.  Lastly, monetary compensation to the Magistracy to replace our units lost when the CPS attacked."

[ooc:  edited to amend Grover's title.  oops]


Grover's face clearly indicated his shock at the ridiculous demands. The long silence suggested that others were surprised as well.

Grover got over it eventually and then said: "So let me summarize, you are suggesting that we acknowledge your new nation's invasion of another nation as valid by "returning" them to you, aid in an outsiders involvement by inviting in a nation that aided that invasion back in - plus turn over resources to them, then on top of that, you want to make sure everyone accepts a report, in a time when we have multiple reports on the same incident suggesting different instigators, that is the only one that makes the Canopus look innocent. Then taking that as a given, proceed to pay for your nation's adventurism, when you've already given others reason to believe you are planning to expand once again - abet where and how isn't clear. Then toss in an incident that proceeded the formation of the CoPS as an aside - when it involved a nation that has turned away from slavery when it involved one that still embraces it. That about cover it?"

With eyes rolling, Grover proceeded and said: "How about we just say that CoPS has some issues to look into, and one of which is looking forward to someday having peace with the Magistracy, but we have to work out details. Then table this for a day or two and work on some more immediate issues. As it stands, this has been an amazing delay on dealing with important internal issues. Any supporters for my motion?"