[RP/MM] Turn 5, 1313 Arluna -- Trial of Grievance [Complete]

Started by Dave Baughman, October 06, 2011, 07:21:07 AM

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Dave Baughman

Before anything happens we need some initiative rolls...

Jade Falcons This dice roll has been tampered with!
Rolled 2d6 : 2, 2, total 4

Big Vic This dice roll has been tampered with!
Rolled 2d6 : 2, 5, total 7
And I looked, and behold a pale horse: and his name that sat on him was Apollyon, and Hell followed with him. And power was given unto them over the fourth part of the earth, to kill with sword, and with hunger, and with death, and with the beasts of the earth.

Dave Baughman

Victor and his bodyguards leave the hex before the Falcons start stirring up trouble.
And I looked, and behold a pale horse: and his name that sat on him was Apollyon, and Hell followed with him. And power was given unto them over the fourth part of the earth, to kill with sword, and with hunger, and with death, and with the beasts of the earth.

Dave Baughman

"This is Star Commander Robert Malthus of Clan Jade Falcon," announced the Warhawk's speakers as it approached the city limits of the capital, his starmates in tow, "word of your slanders against our heroic forces has reached the ears of Turkina Keshik. We demand a formal apology for the insults levied against our glorious Clan... or you shall meet us in a Trial of Grievance!"
And I looked, and behold a pale horse: and his name that sat on him was Apollyon, and Hell followed with him. And power was given unto them over the fourth part of the earth, to kill with sword, and with hunger, and with death, and with the beasts of the earth.


Quote from: Dave Baughman on October 06, 2011, 07:23:50 AM
"This is Star Commander Robert Malthus of Clan Jade Falcon," announced the Warhawk's speakers as it approached the city limits of the capital, his starmates in tow, "word of your slanders against our heroic forces has reached the ears of Turkina Keshik. We demand a formal apology for the insults levied against our glorious Clan... or you shall meet us in a Trial of Grievance!"

"Star Commander Robert Malthus, this is Lt. Commander Mai Chuan, UIS Imbrial.  Slanders?  Really?  Care to repeat what your rumours say? I know some folks in the Kowloon system were hacked off by the actions of one Star Admiral Johann Folkner and the Naval force under his command.  Something about desertion in the face of the enemy and rank cowardice on display in front of both another clan, and your ancient enemies, in addition to some of MY relatives...but so far as I know, the limit is on THAT force, and the official word is that the Government here has 'no official comment' on the event, please advise why in hell you are HERE about it, and not THERE?"

Mai ran the tacticplot from the 'trial', watching it with the sound off, as she added to her reply before speaking...

"Wow, that was a lot of ships...and a lot of fighters, would have been REAL useful when the Not-Named were moving in to bombard Kowloon, so far as I know, the only thing the squadron there was able to stop, was their strike at Jade Falcon facilities in Hue.  Our people stopped them from killing your people... was that a mistake, Star Commander? should we have let them burn your civilians-your unprotected civilians, from the sky, as they did OURS? or, should we keep this where it belongs-between your Star Admiral Johann Folkner, and the facts?" She paused again, seething, "The FACT is, Star Commander Robert Malthus, that the official position of Union Government, is that this was an isolated event, caused by a single officer, acting on his own, with the intent to sunder a twenty-year relationship for his own political motives.  An action that resulted in the deaths of Three Million, Two Hundered and sixty five thousand, one hundered and ninety one people."  she sighed, "Give or take five percent that we can not verify were not already dead due to weather or other causes that were simply linked to existing conditions at the time."

"If there were any 'slanders' extending to your Clan as a whole beyond the person of Johann Folkner and the members of his direct command, well...I guess we DO apologize, officially, for those-ONE officer does not constitute a Touman, or a Navy, and I know well that Shipboard discipline is what it is-and demands what it demands, so the dirt does not extend to those personnel in his command who obeyed what they believed to be a legal, and rational order given the engagement circumstances-but the responsibility of that order, is HIS.  and I see no reason to kill YOUR people because of it.  Your admiral fucked up, people died because he fucked up.  Adding to the list does nobody any good."

she grimaced, "But, if you insist... and you can find time to step out of that armored vehicle, I am sure I can find someone willing to explain the difference to you barehanded.  AS for the rumours that nobody will drink with your men-well, that is just bar-rooms full of people who actively wonder one question-if the Not-named showed up here with a task-force, would you fight them, or would you run?  That question comes from your...colleagues' actions at Kowloon, so maybe as long as you are going to be upset, you might ask yourself if the slander did not originate by actions-your Star Admiral would not go to the wall to protect his own in a distant place, can anyone rely on you to stand by them, with a man like that still holding a command position?"


Wardroom, UIS Imbrial...

"What do you want, Spaceman Jon?"  Mai looked up from her map-display at the bulk of a recruit-this one was a 'joiner' from the Mainstreet front.

Jon of the West bloodline drifted into the command deck, "Ovk-I mean, Ma'am, that was, if you will excuse me, unwise."  he told her, "The Turkina Keshik is the most elite of the Jade Falcons, and you are, I am hesitant to say...not equipped to fight them un-augmented."

"Still bucking for third class?" Mai asked him, "Yeah, I had that thought already.  If you don't want to volunteer, I'll understand.  Nobody's going to hold it against you."

"Not why I am here." he said succinctly, "I want to be the man you send, if Star Commander Malthus accedes to your suggestion-I have the necessary training, which your men do not have, and the size and strength your-my comrades lack-Malthus will undoubtedly insist on a Champion of Elemental Breed stock-probably that champion will be bloodnamed, as this is a fight over honour, and the Turkina Keshik is involved."

"And you never won a Bloodname." She said.

"No, Ma'am, I did not-my parents were married."  he said.

"You're a good slicer, Jon, and an ace mechanic, and you're one of the best fire-controlmen I have on the crew.  You sure you want to pull a billet from one of the Marines?" she asked.

"We need the Marines for serious work, not trialling over rumours and hurt feelings." he told her, "I can be spared, and I can do the job."

"Maybe sense will win out, but I'll keep you in mind along with the other twenty or so guys who've knocked on my door today looking for a chance." Mai told him, "Honestly don't know what is wrong with you guys-this is no bar-fight, nor tourney fight, these guys will fight serious."

Dave Baughman

Malthus actually paused for a good second or two before responding, "Your... you... do you truly expect me to accept an apology from one side of your mouth while you defame the honor of a bloodnamed warrior with the other?! No, your puny nation will pay for your insults, and not by sending some freeborn dirt farmer to try and lay his unwashed hands upon me. Send MechWarriors to defend your honor... or perhaps I should take up my grievance with your leaders personally."

The star of Clanners started to advance further into the city limits along the main highway, to the distress of nearby motorists.
And I looked, and behold a pale horse: and his name that sat on him was Apollyon, and Hell followed with him. And power was given unto them over the fourth part of the earth, to kill with sword, and with hunger, and with death, and with the beasts of the earth.


Quote from: Dave Baughman on October 14, 2011, 07:29:00 AM
Malthus actually paused for a good second or two before responding, "Your... you... do you truly expect me to accept an apology from one side of your mouth while you defame the honor of a bloodnamed warrior with the other?! No, your puny nation will pay for your insults, and not by sending some freeborn dirt farmer to try and lay his unwashed hands upon me. Send MechWarriors to defend your honor... or perhaps I should take up my grievance with your leaders personally."

The star of Clanners started to advance further into the city limits along the main highway, to the distress of nearby motorists.

"Hey, 'Colonel'...you want a daisy? I'll be your fucking daisy.  I am Joshua Wolf-Ngo, currently Major Joshua Ngo, Union Force Recon Team Alpha.  If you have any balls, you'll clear away from the human shields down there in town, and come face me like a man, with a spine, since it's MY kin that has been talking about what shitty allies the Jade Falcons are, how you won't fight the enemy, but you will always fight unarmed civilians, and how when breeding mattered, and honour was at stake, your man shat his trousers like a first-year rookie, and ran as fast as his diarrhea would let him, so you want to proxy-battle for That fucker's honour? then you don't need to be looking at the hillbillies, you need to come see me, or reveal yourself for the deskwarrior you really are...I, and since you can't fight without outnumbering your opponent, a hand-selected few of my very closest friends, will be waiting for you, your star, and whatever additional support assets you can't live without, on top of Ridge 224, in battlemechs...or you can waste time blowing away hillbillies and bureaucrats until the Commander in orbit there, decides it's worth shooting through the human shields and turns you into the centre of your very own capital weapons generated bonfire-no doubt improving the species in the process, since evolution is definitely served best, when stupid people die."

Dave Baughman

"Finally, a dirtborn with a spine. Very well, Joshua Wolf-Ngo, my star will meet you at Ridge 224. Perhaps if you truly amuse me, I will keep you as a bondsman. I have always wanted a pet Wolf."
And I looked, and behold a pale horse: and his name that sat on him was Apollyon, and Hell followed with him. And power was given unto them over the fourth part of the earth, to kill with sword, and with hunger, and with death, and with the beasts of the earth.


Quote from: Dave Baughman on October 14, 2011, 09:02:25 AM
"Finally, a dirtborn with a spine. Very well, Joshua Wolf-Ngo, my star will meet you at Ridge 224. Perhaps if you truly amuse me, I will keep you as a bondsman. I have always wanted a pet Wolf."

"Just get away from the human shields, asswipe.  Unlike you, I have actually seen a real battlefield, and the aftermath, not just sim-runs and phony honour duelling where someone else cleans up the mess.  All this is going to show, is that you're a hidebound deskwarrior with fancy equipment and a delusional self-image, I'll schedule you for grief counseling once we're done so you don't suicide in your shame over what you almost did on account of a no-account who doesn't deserve to wear ANY uniform."


Ridge 224, Arluna, Northwest Continental foothills...

"You ready for this?" Captain Niles Clarkston asked.

Joshua nodded, finishing his checks.  "I'm ready-get the rest of the team into position."

"Funny it would come to this-how could they live among us, even do Liason duty WITH us, and not KNOW us this badly?" Niles asked over the common channel.

"Don't know that, but here's a speculation-maybe they know us-know me too well-they threatened civilians..." Joshua said quietly,  "I figure they have decent intel people, probably a file as thick as your arm on me.  They wanted this personal."

He reached over, and disabled his ejection system, then, he opened the hatch, and tossed the mechanism's booster charge out. 

"what are you doing?" Mason Hammond asked over the common link.

"Making sure they only get a corpse if we lose." Joshua said quietly.  "I'm a Ngo, we don't surrender."


[ooc] need to fight this one out next weekend, something's come up here.

Dave Baughman

Joshua Wolf: "Hey, you alivei n there?"

Turkina: "Robert Malthus is clearly defeated, surat. Your duel is concluded. Issue a new challenge."

Joshua Wolf: "Give him a minute, it will not cost you anything but time to cool off, and this was, and so far as I am concerned, IS, between him, and me-he issued the challenge for this trial, and he has a right to see it conclude."

Turkina: "Very well, freebirth, we shall give you time, but our patience is not infinite."
Joshua Wolf:"Besides, he waited for me.

About 45 seconds later, Malthus' Warhawk returns to its feet...

Joshua Wolf: "Let us finish this."

...and is defeated by Wolf's Timber Wolf

Executioner: "Your gesture to our commander is... unexpected, and speaks well of you, Joshua Wolf. I offer you Hegira to withdrawl from this place with honor."

Joshua Wolf: "huhfff... I will take that offer.  I apologize sincerely for my sister's mouth, by the way.  when she is out of the wheelchair, I will address it more...physically."



Winner is: TEAM #1

Worst GM Ever: 12130 BV remaining (from 31338 initially) 0 BV fled
Cannonshop: 4454 BV remaining (from 31806 initially) 0 BV fled

Survivors are:
Mad Cat (Timber Wolf) Pryde (Cannonshop)
Pilot : Capt. Joshua J. W.  Ngo [1/0] ( 3 hit(s) )
Kills : 1

Turkina A (Worst GM Ever)
Pilot : Denise [1/2]
Kills : 1

Gladiator (Executioner) A (Worst GM Ever)
Pilot : Alex [1/2]
Kills : 1

Graveyard contains:
Thor (Summoner) C (Cannonshop)
Pilot : Major Li Dung Chao [1/0]
Kills : 0
Destroyed by Jupiter 3 (Worst GM Ever)

Viper (Black Python) (Cannonshop)
Pilot : WO3 Cedric Sassi [1/0] ( 6 hit(s)   )
Kills : 0
Destroyed by Turkina A (Worst GM Ever)

Man O' War (Gargoyle) D (Worst GM Ever)
Pilot : Benjamin [1/2] ( 6 hit(s)   )
Kills : 0
Destroyed by Mad Cat (Timber Wolf) S (Cannonshop)

Thunderbolt TDR-17S (Cannonshop)
Pilot : WO2 Hazel Goldsmith [1/0] ( 1 hit(s) )
Kills : 0
Destroyed by Gladiator (Executioner) A (Worst GM Ever)

Mad Cat (Timber Wolf) S (Cannonshop)
Pilot : Master Gunnery Sgt. Holt, Timothy [0/1] ( 2 hit(s)   )
Kills : 2
Destroyed by Jupiter 3 (Worst GM Ever)

Jupiter 3 (Worst GM Ever)
Pilot : Luther [1/2] ( 3 hit(s)   )
Kills : 2
Destroyed by Mad Cat (Timber Wolf) S (Cannonshop)

Masakari (Warhawk) A (Worst GM Ever)
Pilot : Robert Malthus [1/2] ( 4 hit(s) )
Kills : 0
Destroyed by Mad Cat (Timber Wolf) Pryde (Cannonshop)

Detailed unit status saved to entitystatus.txt
And I looked, and behold a pale horse: and his name that sat on him was Apollyon, and Hell followed with him. And power was given unto them over the fourth part of the earth, to kill with sword, and with hunger, and with death, and with the beasts of the earth.

Dave Baughman

Their honor satisfied, the Jade Falcons return to their encampment.
And I looked, and behold a pale horse: and his name that sat on him was Apollyon, and Hell followed with him. And power was given unto them over the fourth part of the earth, to kill with sword, and with hunger, and with death, and with the beasts of the earth.


Aftermath, Camp Puller Force Recon Training Center, Valley Gorge, Arluna...

"You Apologized?"  General Pol Nguyen asked, somewhat disbelieving.

"Seemed a reasonable way to get them to stop."  Joshua said, "Malthus and his people aren't the people we need to be mad at, and it doesn't cost anything to say 'I'm sorry'...which I'm going to have to do soon with Cedric's wife...and why I wanted to talk to you as soon as the medevac got me in-it will be logged in the course of duty, right?"

"No question." Pol said, "Why would you even fucking ask-You guys went up there to protect civilians."

"I wanted to make damn sure Warrant Officer Cedric Sassi's family gets full death benefits." Joshua said, "I have heard stories about the Perscom fucks getting away with half-benefits for families of guys killed in the course of Trials because their regs claim it's not 'combat' deaths, Cedric didn't die in a fucking training accident."