Turn 5 - ND vs CIH - Ferris (2307) - ToP [Complete]

Started by Fatebringer, October 10, 2011, 08:42:15 PM

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A pair of warships escort a pair of jumpships into the system.

"Hellions. We New Dominion trail for this world. We fight honorably for world Ferris. We seek test might against Hellions again! I Galax Commander Olaf Challenge!"

The Codex infomation for the following units is sent.

Freedom Galaxy
31st Dominion Regulars, V/R, 8 FP
9th Thule Claw Cluster, R/R. 3.5 FP

Dave Baughman

Initiative [blockquote]Rolled 2d6 : 6, 6, total 12[/blockquote]
And I looked, and behold a pale horse: and his name that sat on him was Apollyon, and Hell followed with him. And power was given unto them over the fourth part of the earth, to kill with sword, and with hunger, and with death, and with the beasts of the earth.

Dave Baughman

Given the result, at best you'll be seeing the main garrison force just as it leaves.

"Galaxy Commander Olaf, due to troop movements intended to mitigate the worst Jade Falcon atrocities against our Clan, only limited forces are available to oppose you. One star of 'Mechs from the Ferris PGC are prepared to answer your challenge."

1 star of medium 2nd line 'Mechs -- 0.75 FP
And I looked, and behold a pale horse: and his name that sat on him was Apollyon, and Hell followed with him. And power was given unto them over the fourth part of the earth, to kill with sword, and with hunger, and with death, and with the beasts of the earth.


Our Counterbid is an IS2 Heavy Binary

Lower then .75 (.71354), but rounds up.

Star 1
0.104166667   Battlemech   Medium   (3/4)   IS2 Vet   Beowulf BEO-12
0.130208333   Battlemech   Heavy   (3/4)   IS2 Vet   Archer ARC-5R
0.130208333   Battlemech   Heavy   (3/4)   IS2 Vet   Flashman FLS-8K
0.130208333   Battlemech   Heavy   (3/4)   IS2 Vet   Warhammer WHM-7R
0.15625         Battlemech   Assault   (3/4)   IS2 Vet   Krigsjarl BLR-1Gb

Star 2
0.0125      Battle Armor   Light   (3/4)   Clan Reg   Fenrir VSP
0.0125      Battle Armor   Light   (3/4)   Clan Reg   Fenrir VSP
0.0125      Battle Armor   Light   (3/4)   Clan Reg   Fenrir VSP
0.0125      Battle Armor   Light   (3/4)   Clan Reg   Fenrir VSP
0.0125      Battle Armor   Light   (3/4)   Clan Reg   Fenrir VSP

Total: 0.713541666                  


Gonna try to get these knocked out tonight.

Dave Baughman



Winner is: TEAM #2

Worst GM Ever: 4791 BV remaining (from 14245 initially) 0 BV fled
Fatebringer: 8834 BV remaining (from 12708 initially) 0 BV fled
Cannonshop: 0 BV remaining (from 0 initially) 0 BV fled

Survivors are:
Clint IIC 2 #2 (Worst GM Ever)
Pilot : Star Commander Margaret [3/4]
Kills : 0

Hellhound (Conjurer) 4 (Worst GM Ever)
Pilot : MechWarrior Rufus [3/4]
Kills : 0

Stalking Spider (Worst GM Ever)
Pilot : MechWarrior Bert [3/4] ( 4 hit(s) )
Kills : 0

Shadow Hawk IIC 8 (Worst GM Ever)
Pilot : MechWarrior Adrith [3/4] ( 2 hit(s) )
Kills : 0

Beowulf BEO-12 (Fatebringer)
Pilot : WAR  [3/4] ( 1 hit(s) )
Kills : 0

Archer ARC-5R (Fatebringer)
Pilot : WAR  [3/4] ( 2 hit(s) )
Kills : 0

Flashman FLS-8K (Fatebringer)
Pilot : WAR  [3/4] ( 1 hit(s) )
Kills : 0

Warhammer WHM-7R (Fatebringer)
Pilot : WAR  [3/4]
Kills : 0

Krigsjarl KRJ-1R (Fatebringer)
Pilot : WAR  [3/4]
Kills : 1

Fenrir Battle Armor [VSP] (Fatebringer)
Gunnery Skill : PCMD  [3]
Kills : 0

Fenrir Battle Armor [VSP] #2 (Fatebringer)
Gunnery Skill : PCMD  [3]
Kills : 0

Fenrir Battle Armor [VSP] #3 (Fatebringer)
Gunnery Skill : PCMD  [3]
Kills : 0

Fenrir Battle Armor [VSP] #4 (Fatebringer)
Gunnery Skill : PCMD  [3]
Kills : 0

Graveyard contains:
Hunchback IIC 4 (Worst GM Ever)
Pilot : MechWarrior Stanley [3/4] ( 6 hit(s)   )
Kills : 0
Destroyed by Krigsjarl KRJ-1R (Fatebringer)

Detailed unit status saved to entitystatus.txt
And I looked, and behold a pale horse: and his name that sat on him was Apollyon, and Hell followed with him. And power was given unto them over the fourth part of the earth, to kill with sword, and with hunger, and with death, and with the beasts of the earth.


Sometimes you eat the Bear... most times, the Bear eats you! ;)

Good game. I thought I was toast early on. Beowulf became a sitting duck right off the bat after blowing it's first MASC Roll. Two turns later, it was requesting Hegira and the Fenrir jumped in to take it's place... then they got blowed up pretty good. I think the Hellions owe us a thank you for that Clint IIC 2 :P While it doesn't show, the mech was the only one left in the battle after the others were taken out.

The Krigsjarl took the head off the Hunchback IIC with a few shots.
The Stalking Spider just missed a lot with it's PPC while the Whammy stayed close in to try and get good numbers.
The Flashman outlasted the Hellhound 4's barrage to it's backside. When the Hellhound lost it's arms, it was over.

And finally, the Shadow Hawk had the Archer on the ropes after taking out both of it's LRM-15's from rear shots, but the hellion couldn't resist the charge attempt on the Archer to push it off the board... that was where the match began to turn around. The Archer punted the smaller mech as he attempted the push. It's leg crippled, it got up and backpeddled, but at this point the Archer was faster and weathered the Fire while shooting the Shadow Hawks leg off with one of it's ER Large Lasers. Once prone, the Hellion accepted Hegira... then the long ammo dump began because the Archer had only used 1 turn of it's LRM ammo supply :P

The Fenrir were all but useless in this battle as they were NOT bid in a nova point. When the Freemen found they were facing smaller mechs, the Mech Challenges were done, with the other half of the nova point coming in after their mech counterpart was taken down. The only full nova point taken out of the battle was the Beowulfs, while the Clint IIC 2 was not offered Hegira, but the Hellions overall were offered it. With 4 Nova points still up, the Hellion could have gotten lucky, especially as damaged as the Freemen were, but common sense seemed to creep in and the prevent unnecessary waste.

I firmly believe that if the Shadow Hawk hadn't been so impatiant that it and the Clint IIC 2 by themselves would have made the day very interesting with their speed and mobility. Damn them Imp. Jump Jets :P