[RP/MM] Turn 5: Steel Viper vs Star Adders ToP 2008 Oberon IV [COMPLETE]

Started by chaosxtreme, October 15, 2011, 11:35:06 AM

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Elements of Gamma Galaxy Arrive to challenge for the world.


MoC initiative roll:

[blockquote]Rolled 2d6 : 2, 5, total 7[/blockquote]



Below is a communications between the senior MAF officer on planet to the Star Adder planetary command centre.

"Oberon Command.  Star Colonel of the Magistracy's 22nd Armoured Cavalry here.  Our orders are to depart Oberon VI for regrouping, however do you require my forces to defend against Clan Steel Viper?"


"I am Star Colonel Ted Zalmann of Clan Steel Vipers 51st Battle Cluster I have come to offer trial for this world. Spheroid or Clanner I will face those who come forward and request Saf Con."
Clan Steel Viper   Gamma Galaxy   51st Battle Cluster   Transported   Veteran   Reliable   14.5


Oops... that's Star Colonel Sebastian Mercer of the 22nd.


(ooc:  in the absence of any response from the CSA reps)

"Well met, Star Colonel Zalmann.  I am Star Colonel Sebastian Mercer of the Magistracy Armed Forces.  Two heavy mech binaries of the 2nd Raventhir Armoured Cavalry will defend the honour of Clan Star Adder and the Magistracy against your batchall.  Landing co-ordinates will be forwarded directly."

(ooc: 2nd RAC is Regular/Reliable.  Defending bid is 2.5FP.  Simres thanks)


Viper bid is 4.75 two Veteran Trinary's.

OOC: I don't give even odd's for simres if I can avoid it honorably.

[blockquote]Rolled 2d6 : 4, 4, total 8[/blockquote]


crit chance
[blockquote]Rolled 2d6 : 1, 5, total 6[/blockquote]


no crit

Damage done.

4.75*50%=2.375 rounds to 2.5

MoC Force Wiped out


Well, it's not honourable any way you look at it (from a Clan perspective).  Still, MoC roll:

[blockquote]Rolled 2d6 : 4, 3, total 7[/blockquote]


OOC: I can understand your position but with the new repair rules being what they are I can't expect Ill be the only one treating veteran and elite force's differently in sim res.

MoC Role is at 40%

2.5 * 40% = 1 FP


Viper force is at 3.75
Salvage pool is 3.5

Vipers repair .25 (10% rounded up to the nearest .25)

Zell respected so 50% salvage for a trial

Viper Salvage is at 1.75


chaos... I'm sorry, but zell wasn't respected by CSV in any shape or form.  Either from canon or from in-game precedent.  Given the Viper response to the defensive bid, your commander tossed his honour (and the honour of his clan) down the toilet.  To win at any cost, as per spheroid tactics. 



I understand your position and respectfully disagree.

This has been ruled on before. Unless one side or other break's zell in RP before the sim res roll. bidding a larger force of FP does not break Zell in a Sim Res battle.

Also it is not a ludicrously hire bid. You bid two binaries I bid two trinaries (though why it wasn't company's with Clan mechs for the MoC I don't know but put down to a MOC using Clan organisational structure from RP before I joined the game. Would love to hear about it if you have time does not have to be in this thread).

Your force's would have had choice of terrain and in canon it is a high bid but it is not a dishonourably high bid in my opinion. Vipers were in short expecting treachery and did not get that. As such in the future the MoC will be treated with honor by the Vipers.

Out of character *shrugs* People want 1 for 1 FP ratio's they need to meet me in megamek or have someone proxy for them. It is not fair but it is my policy.