The next few turns

Started by Dave Baughman, October 23, 2011, 11:49:52 PM

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Dave Baughman

Hi folks,

The 3091 incarnation of FGC was intended to be a big reboot, a time to get away from the tangled plot threads of the 3062 campaign and get back to where we were much earlier in the game where the setting was fresh and accessible. For a lot of reasons, that didn't happen; I'm not pointing any fingers because there isn't any one person who's responsible for things turning out the way they did. I myself bear a measure of blame for leaving the game when I did and not seeing things through during my watch.

Since my return to the game, Daemonknight and I have refocused the game on telling stories designed to wrap up a lot of the unresolved plot threads of the previous campaign. What happened to The Master? Where did the Society go? What is the fate of the Grand Council and the Star League? These and dozens of smaller plot points were to be resolved over the next four turns, culminating in a catastrophic serious of events that would rock the Inner Sphere to its core and set the stage for a fresh story free from the drag of the old plot lines.

Unfortunately, its come to my attention today that for a few reasons we aren't going to be able to stick to the original plan of telling this story as part of a "normal" turn progression. I recently learned that the GM workload is going to be dramatically increasing soon, far beyond anything that I and DK can sustain. Put simply, the game's staffing situation has moved beyond what is sustainable by the current game structure.

Before I go any further, let me say: it is not my intention to end the game. I learned my lesson with Flashpoint, and I regret not giving that game more of a chance. We lost some good players before of shuttering that campaign, and I don't want to see a repeat of that. What I am coming to say is that the next few turns are going to have to be run differently to keep the game going. A lot of that is going to be streamlining GM vs. GM conflict. The LC/Star Adder war? We're not going to be able to play out all of those battles. There are a number of other situations too that will have to be done in a more abstract way.

This is also going to impact the way the rules have been progressing. We will no longer be doing the rolling rules updates and record sheets updates. Notably, we will not be going to the 0.55 sheet next turn. The GM team will continue updating the rules, but these will be saved for a single big update in a few months. We will probably go directly to the planned 1.0 record sheet instead of advancing through each of the scheduled modular updates.

How this will affect the active player factions is something the GM team is currently discussing. What we are leaning towards right now is the following:

1. For the next few turns, you will still submit orders sheets, but these will be primarily for tracking your military's FP and your other statistics.
2. Player vs. Player combat will work normally, but Player vs. GM combat (as well as high-priority GM vs. GM) will work differently. We will be posting "turning point" scenarios each turn that reflect key battles of larger campaigns. The goal will for these to be megamekked to the greatest extent possible, and the outcome of these fights will have major plot outcomes and/or multiple hexes changing hands.
3. Turn length will not neccessarily follow the normal time scale. Essentially, you will be playing through the highlights of a short time jump.

At the end of this process, all factions will be rebalanced by the GMs. I do not, BTW mean "re-broken." The purpose of this plan is to restructure the factions so that at the resumption of normal game play, the factions are on roughly even footing (obviously, relative to size to an extent). Doom stack formations and grossly overpowered navies will be going away for the most part, but they will be done away with in an even-handed process that will ensure no one faction gains preeminence. To some extent, technology access will be rebalanced as well, for example to address the excessive proliferation of some hardware and to redress the lack of access to other gear.

At the same time, some factions will be modified, consolidated, or expanded. Which ones will become more clear in the next few turns as the plot progress is accelerated to meet this goal. One that I can disclose now is that we will likely be setting up the Federated Suns as a dedicated "new player training faction" that will operate with a simplified version of the rules in order to teach the game to new members, after which they can "graduate" to other factions.

I want to be clear about the goals of the GM team here: our sole objectives are for the game to continue with stability and balance and for the players to experience a fun and challenging story. I have not ignored some of the criticisms have have been leveled about how the GM team has handled some of the recent plot events, and we are committed to improve the quality of service we provide to the community.

OK, I know that's a lot I just laid out for you. Please feel free to comment; if you hate this plan, I can't guarantee I can take a 180 on it, but I'm open to suggestions if you think there's a better way to handle any of the points I've discussed above.
And I looked, and behold a pale horse: and his name that sat on him was Apollyon, and Hell followed with him. And power was given unto them over the fourth part of the earth, to kill with sword, and with hunger, and with death, and with the beasts of the earth.


So, for now, the current sheets remain valid?

Dave Baughman

Quote from: Cannonshop on October 24, 2011, 04:03:29 AM
So, for now, the current sheets remain valid?

That's correct. I'm not going to make you guys keep re-entering your data through a progression of new sheets if you aren't going to have to use most of the features on them.
And I looked, and behold a pale horse: and his name that sat on him was Apollyon, and Hell followed with him. And power was given unto them over the fourth part of the earth, to kill with sword, and with hunger, and with death, and with the beasts of the earth.


QuoteAt the end of this process, all factions will be rebalanced by the GMs. I do not, BTW mean "re-broken." The purpose of this plan is to restructure the factions so that at the resumption of normal game play, the factions are on roughly even footing (obviously, relative to size to an extent). Doom stack formations and grossly overpowered navies will be going away for the most part, but they will be done away with in an even-handed process that will ensure no one faction gains preeminence. To some extent, technology access will be rebalanced as well, for example to address the excessive proliferation of some hardware and to redress the lack of access to other gear.

Some of our favorite units have been part of doomstacks, and I do mean "Part" of a doomstack. I suggest that we be allowed to create a "Favorite Units" list for each faction. Units we would like to make sure have either great succuss, or great deaths. No mediocre stuff. Although, that does happen, I'd prefer to see our favorite plot devices be used in plots for any time jump stuff.

Example: For Clan Snow Raven, Epsilon Galaxy's 4th Raven Regulars is a fan favorite. Due to some weird phenomina, about 80 of CSR PC's on the board have come from this one cluster. It would be listed as one of the Raven Favorites. It's where my PC (Terrance Magnus - Alpha Galaxy Commander) and a major NPC based on ShadowRaven's PC (Khan Keigen Magnus) came from.

Dave Baughman

Quote from: Fatebringer on October 25, 2011, 06:09:07 PM
QuoteAt the end of this process, all factions will be rebalanced by the GMs. I do not, BTW mean "re-broken." The purpose of this plan is to restructure the factions so that at the resumption of normal game play, the factions are on roughly even footing (obviously, relative to size to an extent). Doom stack formations and grossly overpowered navies will be going away for the most part, but they will be done away with in an even-handed process that will ensure no one faction gains preeminence. To some extent, technology access will be rebalanced as well, for example to address the excessive proliferation of some hardware and to redress the lack of access to other gear.

Some of our favorite units have been part of doomstacks, and I do mean "Part" of a doomstack. I suggest that we be allowed to create a "Favorite Units" list for each faction. Units we would like to make sure have either great succuss, or great deaths. No mediocre stuff. Although, that does happen, I'd prefer to see our favorite plot devices be used in plots for any time jump stuff.

Example: For Clan Snow Raven, Epsilon Galaxy's 4th Raven Regulars is a fan favorite. Due to some weird phenomina, about 80 of CSR PC's on the board have come from this one cluster. It would be listed as one of the Raven Favorites. It's where my PC (Terrance Magnus - Alpha Galaxy Commander) and a major NPC based on ShadowRaven's PC (Khan Keigen Magnus) came from.

I should clarify that "going away" does not neccessarily mean "being totally deleted" - I'm all in favor of iconic units staying around, but their composition may have be rebalanced to take them out of doomstack territory. I like your idea about giving you guys the ability to "earmark" units for continuity during the rebalance; I will incorporate that into my plans.
And I looked, and behold a pale horse: and his name that sat on him was Apollyon, and Hell followed with him. And power was given unto them over the fourth part of the earth, to kill with sword, and with hunger, and with death, and with the beasts of the earth.