Turn 4 Map

Started by chaosxtreme, October 25, 2011, 01:45:48 PM

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Above is the link to the Turn 4 Map. It is uploaded on google doc's. IT will not look right until you click on file and "download original"  I reserve the right to nerd rage anyone who post's that they cannot get the map or it looks blurry who has NOT followed these instructions.

If you find something to be wrong with the map. Or there are update's that need to be done. Please put these corrections in the front page format that update's are supposed to be submitted to the GM staff.

If you are unfamiliar with this format it is the same as your Territory tab except for infrastructure it is +1 for new infrastructure such as MF. 01 for offlining an infrastructure and -1 for loss of infrastructure.

And then email it to the FGC GM account.

Note this is not current as of this turn. There will be one more update for this coming turn's map that reflect things for example the return of territory by the FWL to the Marian Hegemony. This current map is for 2 months ago. The next one will be for the start of this turn.

Moving forward we should have current map's do to things that are happening.

Also if you have map changes that you have not submitted on the front page of your turn report's to the GM please compile them and send them to the GM in the front page format. I intend to get the current map done as soon as the GM's are able to compile that for me and the bottleneck is when they think everyone will have gotten them the information.


it's got a password lock on it.


Hi Cannon.

Im pretty sure it doesn't.

We saw this before when people have their gmail saved and it tries to get you to login before you can access.

Ive checked the settings. There isn't a password lock on it outside of editing. Its set for Public View. Let me know if your still having issue's with it.


Quote from: chaosxtreme on October 25, 2011, 06:19:25 PM
Hi Cannon.

Im pretty sure it doesn't.

We saw this before when people have their gmail saved and it tries to get you to login before you can access.

Ive checked the settings. There isn't a password lock on it outside of editing. Its set for Public View. Let me know if your still having issue's with it.

It's trapping me on a sign-in page.
seems to be pretty much insisting that I need a Google Docs account.


Canon we go through this every couple of months.

It does this to you because you have your gmail settings cached in your browser.

at which point it directs you to a sign in when you get to any google flavoured page because they want to collect data on you and sell it like any good little corporate money grubbing be evil corporation should.

Either remove the cache, sign in with your gmail account, or drop the link into a browser you don't have  cache in (this is what I do).

I have tested the link on a clean machine that i have never used any form of google anything on and it worked with no sign in.



Quote from: chaosxtreme on October 25, 2011, 08:52:16 PM
Canon we go through this every couple of months.

It does this to you because you have your gmail settings cached in your browser.

at which point it directs you to a sign in when you get to any google flavoured page because they want to collect data on you and sell it like any good little corporate money grubbing be evil corporation should.

Either remove the cache, sign in with your gmail account, or drop the link into a browser you don't have  cache in (this is what I do).

I have tested the link on a clean machine that i have never used any form of google anything on and it worked with no sign in.


Damned if that wasn't a dead-spot-on analysis of the problem, Chaos.  I had to use the Chrome browser I haven't touched in months. 

Popped it right up.