[Turn 52] *Turning Point* Midway - Draconis Combine vs. Manei Domini

Started by Dave Baughman, November 04, 2011, 06:23:31 AM

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Dave Baughman

DeHuego & Freshet WarShip Design Space Traffic Control
Midway Star System
Draconis Combine
8 November 3091

"Dai-i!" called out a sensors rating, "unplanned jump signature coming in on a pirate vector!"

Dai-i Takai Gonzalez examined the sensor plot, "Looks like a pair of Star Lords," he commented absent-mindedly, "send standard challenge message and demand the vessels stand down immediately for boarding and inspection."

Minutes passed as the lightspeed radio waves carried the signal to the distant JumpShips, and then minutes more passed as the response came in. The speaker crackled with the message.

"Quake, Infidels, for the Master has come - with Justice to the end!"

A silence fell over the control room as the message repeated. Seeming to drag on for hours, the suspense was finally broken as a voice called out from the tactical plot, "Detecting multiple new patterns, probable missiles on bearings-only approach!"

Just as Gonzalez was about the utter a truly foul curse, Tai-sa Fujiwara entered the Space Traffic Control center, buttoning the collar on his uniform, "Report!" he quickly barked out.

Gonzalez straighened and replied formally, "Tai-sa-dono, enemy ships have entered the system and are engaging the shipyards. Based upon their transmissions... they are the Word of Blake."


Turning Point: Midway contains two phases.

Phase 1

DCS Kondō and her fighters move to intercept a the enemy "missiles." To their surprise, they find themselves under attack by a swarm of drone fighters, instead!

Preferred resolution method: MegaMek, with Capital Fighters turned off.

6 Level IIs of Manei Domini drones, consisting of:

12 Tamarids
18 Scarabs
6 Aeshnas

All of the Drones are 4/5. Six drones arrive on the map every turn and should have a starting velocity equal to their maximum thrust. The attacker's player may decide in what order the fighters arrive.

DCS Kondō, an Okinawa class Carrier (4/5 Crew)
Heavy Squadron A, consisting of:
-1 MIK-OA Tatsu
-1 MIK-OB Tatsu
-2 MIK-OC Tatsu
-2 SL-15K Slayer

Medium Squadron A, consisting of:
-1 HCT-215 Hellcat II
-1 ON-1 Oni
-2 SL-27 Samurai
-1 SL-17X Shilone
-1 IRN-SD1 Ironsides

Medium Squadron B, consisting of:
-1 CSR-V18 Corsair
-1 ON-1 Oni
-1 SL-27 Samurai
-2 SL-17X Shilone
-1 IRN-SD1 Ironsides

The figher pilots are Veterans (3/4), with one Elite (2/3) squadron leader in each squadron. All fighters begin the game loaded in the Okinawa.

If played in MegaMek, each side has 3.0 FP. Roll only one round of combat, then determine scoring.


The objective of the Manei Domini is to destroy the Draconis carrier group, paving the way to attack the shipyards directly. The more efficiently they can carry out this objective, the more devastating the ultimate attack on the yards will be. Scoring is as follows:

No drones survive / 0.00 FP survives -- Draconis Combine total victory
1-6 drones survive / 0.25-0.50 FP survives -- Draconis Combine decisive victory
7-12 drones survive / 0.75-1.00 FP survives -- Draconis Combine marginal victory
13-18 drones survive / 1.25-1.50 FP survives -- Draw
19-24 drones survive / 1.75-2.00 FP survives -- Manei Domini marginal victory
25-30 drones survive / 2.25-2.50 FP survives -- Manei Domini decisive victory
31-36 drones survive / 2.75-3.00 FP survives -- Manei Domini total victory


The SL-17X and the Drone Fighters are not in the current version of MegaMek. Their BLK files are attached to this post.

Any player may take the Manei Domini side, but GrayJaeger has first dibs on Draconis Combine as he is their faction leader.
And I looked, and behold a pale horse: and his name that sat on him was Apollyon, and Hell followed with him. And power was given unto them over the fourth part of the earth, to kill with sword, and with hunger, and with death, and with the beasts of the earth.


I have just barely above zero experience using Aerospace, so I will beg for a proxy. I do want to be present if at all possible, as I have hardly ever even watched Aero being used.

Dave Baughman

Quote from: GreyJaeger on November 04, 2011, 01:27:05 PM
I have just barely above zero experience using Aerospace, so I will beg for a proxy. I do want to be present if at all possible, as I have hardly ever even watched Aero being used.

Just for reference, Grey, what times are best for you so we can try to set up a game when you'll be around to observe?
And I looked, and behold a pale horse: and his name that sat on him was Apollyon, and Hell followed with him. And power was given unto them over the fourth part of the earth, to kill with sword, and with hunger, and with death, and with the beasts of the earth.


Quote from: Dave Baughman on November 05, 2011, 05:09:23 AM
Quote from: GreyJaeger on November 04, 2011, 01:27:05 PM
I have just barely above zero experience using Aerospace, so I will beg for a proxy. I do want to be present if at all possible, as I have hardly ever even watched Aero being used.

Just for reference, Grey, what times are best for you so we can try to set up a game when you'll be around to observe?

Well, I work overnights, and I am off on Friday and Saturday nights. Early Sundays are good to go as well.