Stepping down

Started by Daemonknight, November 15, 2011, 11:23:00 AM

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I'm stepping down as a GM effective immediately. I have no desire to return to my position as a player at this time, as the events surrounding my previous faction have basiclly killed the game for me. I don't like the way anything I've done was looked at, I don't like how everyone else viewed what I did, and I certinly don't like the obvious path thats coming down the pipeline, and I don't feel like playing beatstick for the rest of the player factions.

Hope the game stays active, and I'll still be around as the Moderator. But I wont be playing this incarnation of the FGC any longer. Its just not fun for me anymore, and frankly, it hasn't really been all that fun since about Turn 2 after the jump, when everything about what I tried to do with the Lyrans and Falcons came under fire from just about every possible angle, and every time i tried to explain or defend my actions, i was basiclly ignored or given ironiclly hypocritial responses. Sadly, most of the people who causes my initial displeasure are no longer active, yet their legacy of making the Lyrans into the bad guys has still managed to kill the game for me. Somehow what I did with the Lyrans got lost, and everyone has their ideas of whats really going on with the Falcons.

I don't care to vent my other dislikes of the game in public, so I'll end this here. I wish I had the drive to keep playing, but I dont think any game with this continuity will be interesting to me. I think the game has been going on for way to long, and theres just too much crap in the backstory, where any action, no matter how ridiculous can be 'justified' by the crazy things that were done in the past. I know people like the storylines of this game, but how many active players are left? How may of the 3-4 new players that we've acquired have stuck around? Its not Battletech anymore, its IntelserTech. It bears no resemblance to the original game. I think if we want to get a real game going, with the playerbase we NEED to keep a good game going, we need to take the current rules that Dave is working on, and start a new game. Start it off where it can run from Turn 1, and we can draw in alot of the disenchanted players from

Goodluck guys
"My only regret is that I will not be alive in .03 seconds. I would have liked to watch the enemy attempt to vent an omnidirectional thermonuclear blast enveloping their outpost."
-Last thoughts of Maldon, Type XXX Bolo, 3rd Battalion, Dinochrome Brigade


Thanks for your effort DK.