[Turn 52] *Turning Point* Regulus - FWL vs. Manei Domini vs. FS vs. Regulus?

Started by Dave Baughman, November 16, 2011, 07:55:09 AM

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Dave Baughman

Planet Regulus
26 December 3091

An epic four-way battle is unfolding between troops of the Free Worlds League, the Federated Suns, Regulan rebels, and the Manei Domini. Exactly how this came to pass will be revealed... in good time.


Turning Point: Regulus is a two-phase scenario. The first phase occurs chronologically second, while the second phase will reveal important storyline details that lead to this battle.


If played as a two-player MegaMek scenario, the attackers are a force of the Knights of the Inner Sphere and the 4th Davion Guards. Both units are elite and should represent 50% of the attacker's force. Aerospace units should not make up more than 10% of the attacker's force.

If played as a four-player MegaMek scenario, a separate player should control each the KOTIS and the 4th Guards.

In simple resolution, the attacker is worth a total of 150 FP.


If played as a two-player scenario, the defenders are veteran elements of the Regulus rebels and elite Manei Domini troops. Each side should represent 50% of the defender's force. No aerospace units may be used.

The general composition of the defender force should match that of the attacker and its battle value in MegaMek (before factoring in Manei Domini implants) should be approximately equal.

Manei Domini MechWarriors are equipped with VDNI and a Pain Shunt; Tank operators have VDNI and Dermal Armor, Battle Armor have Dermal Armor and a Pain Shunt. One MechWarrior in the Manei Domini force should be designated as the commander. This MechWarrior has Buffered VDNI, Pain Shunt, Triple-Core Processor, and a Communications Implant.

If played as a four player MegaMek scenario, the Regulus and Manei Domini components should be controlled by separate players.

In simple resolution, the defender side is worth 150 FP.

Special Conditions

Battle of Four Armies: Optionally, play this in MegaMek with four players. Everyone is out to kill everyone else; alliances are not permitted.

Artillery Support: Each player may deploy off-board artillery. The units chosen are up to the individual player, but total artillery may not exceed one long tom, one sniper, and one thumper.

Prototype Equipment: In addition to its normal force, the Federated Suns may add on ENF-7X MUSE COMPACT prototype.


In MegaMek, the scenario ends when any one of the four units present on the field is destroyed or rendered incapable of further combat. At that point, determine the remaining battle value of the other three teams: the team with the most remaining BV wins a decisive victory, the team with the second-most amount of BV wins a marginal victory, and the team with the least remaining BV suffers marginal defeat.

In simple resolution, normal invasion rules apply.
And I looked, and behold a pale horse: and his name that sat on him was Apollyon, and Hell followed with him. And power was given unto them over the fourth part of the earth, to kill with sword, and with hunger, and with death, and with the beasts of the earth.


Gametime: Saturday, 17 December, 2011, 1930 Hrs Pacific Standard Time
FWL: Chaosextreme
Federated Suns:Fatebringer


I'll throw down with some Fed Suns ;) I played them long enough to have a clue on how to use them ;)


FWIW, I think we still need a Regulan player.

BV cap on the MD segment is 19000 ('tis actually a hair under, but rounding up works better than rounding down, so...), so there's plenty of room for the Feddies, FWL'ers and Regulans to get goofy with their stuff.


Quote from: chaosxtreme on December 14, 2011, 07:22:53 PM
19K BV for each person? *Just checking*

Sounds right to ME.  That 19k (well, 18k and change) paid for a pair of Level II's, most of it is the direct result of the modifications to the pilot/armor crew required in the scenario-MD modifications are SPENDY as HELL.  Without 'em, I could probably field 1.5 to 2 times as many units for the same BV.


Don't forget BV isn't fully calc'ed until you connect the c3i network's heh. :-)


I got the Fed Suns unit ready to rock. What version will we be playing. I recommend using the newest version of 35.26, so far I've had no issues with it, but I haven't played any aerotech. Plus I know the Muse versions are in there. Not that I can say the Enforcer is my favotire, but I like a mech that jumps a lot to spot for arty :)


One Mixed Battlemech Lance
One Assault Tank Lance
One Battle Armor Lance

Total BV: 18927 :)

And my Gunneries suck so if I win this, you all deserve to lose!  :D