[Turn 52] *Turning Point* Sudeten - Dominion vs. Clan Jade Falcon

Started by Dave Baughman, November 16, 2011, 08:35:49 AM

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Dave Baughman

Sudeten Star System
December 3091

Striking boldly at the heart of Clan Jade Falcon, a reinforced Dominion naval star lead by two massive Leviathan II battleships plows into the outer reaches of the Sudeten system. While the cruisers and battlecruisers move to reduce Sudeten's orbital fortresses, the Leviathans maneuver to engage a Jade Falcon naval star identified in the system. Badly outgunned, they must hold out until reinforcements can link up with them.

Scenario: Phase 1

(Note: this is a multi-phase scenario)

As they engage the Falcons' patrol star, the Dominion has already detected the arrival of several Jade Falcon capital ships - intelligence believes they are the Sudeten Aerie Fleet, freshly returned from destroying The Lair. They must work quickly to avoid being outnumbered by the Falcon warships.


The attackers are the Leviathan II class Battleships Leviathan and Ragnarök. Their crews are Elite and Veteran respectively.

While historically some of their dropships and fighters participated in this battle, for playability purposes omit these units (note that the Falcons' fighters and dropships are also omitted).


The defenders are the 2nd Falcon Patrol Star and the Sudeten Aerie Naval Star.

The 2nd Falcon Patrol Star consists of the following ships, all of which are regular:

CJFS Lightening Strike   Congress (Clan)
CJFS Kerensky's Blues   Congress (Clan)
LAS Watchman   Essex (Clan)
LAS Guardian   Essex (Clan)
LAS Sentry   Essex (Clan)

These ships are present on the board at the start of the scenario.

On turn 5, the Veteran Sudeten Aerie Naval Star joins the engagement.

CJFS Emerald Talon   Nightlord
CJFS Gauntlet   Liberator
CJFS Jade Talon   Aegis (Clan)
CJFS Gold Talon   Aegis (Clan)
CJFS Turkina's Pryde   Cameron (Clan)

Special Conditions

I am Jade Falcon! If a Jade Falcon WarShip ends its turn in the same hex as one of the Leviathans, it immediately executes a suicide jump, destroying both ships. Only one Leviathan may be destroyed in this way.

Blixtkrig: If the 2nd Patrol Star is destroyed before the Sudeten Aerie Star arrives, the scenario ends and the Dominion wins a decisive victory.


If the Dominion wins via their special condition, they score a decisive victory. Any other result that ends with the Dominion in control of the field is a marginal victory. Any result that ends with the Falcons in control of the field is a decisive Falcon victory.
And I looked, and behold a pale horse: and his name that sat on him was Apollyon, and Hell followed with him. And power was given unto them over the fourth part of the earth, to kill with sword, and with hunger, and with death, and with the beasts of the earth.



Okay, we now have an actual Scenario.

Um...if anyone's still reading, I may have some time this weekend and I'm jonesing for a game...any game...any game at all.




I'll be on pretty much all day trying to catch you for this.


Dammit.  I was gone all day Sunday, and it's back-to-work Monday.  dammit.