Special Event: Decode the Memory Core!

Started by Daemonknight, May 20, 2012, 11:48:43 AM

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In 3028, the Gray Death Legion discovered something monumental on a small, insignificant world in the Free Worlds League. That world was named Helm, and their disocvery was the Helm Memory Core- a computer database from a long forgotten Star League military facility. Countless billions of C-Bills and man-hours have been sunk into the Memory Core by the best scientists in the Inner Sphere at places like the NAIS, and it's sister colleges across the Sphere. However, only a small portion of it's secrets have been unlocked, and research into the core continues unabated to this day.

The Decode the Memory Core! event lasts untill Turn 9(1.5 in-game years). Every turn, the GM team will roll a 3d6 per faction, to simulate the on going decoding and research into the mysteries of the Helm Memory Core. Various benefits can be obtained from this roll: some rolls will generate a small(or perhaps large?) pool of RP; some will give your faction a temporary boost to Ownership Income; others might increase the SP output from one, or many, of your PFs. A high enough roll will give your faction a roll on the Special Benefits Table(which will be published once it is completed). The benefits of this table are the dreams of any faction: persistent income boosts, free hex elements, caches of Star League equipment or the ultimate prize: Decode the Memory Core, which unlocks and immediately researches 1d3 technologies, but immediately ends the event for everyone.

Note that factions are not garaunteed a bonus. Unlocked the security coding of the Memory Core is an arduous task, requiring expert computer specialists, programmers and scientists. Sometimes, it is impossible to produce valuable results, and sometimes the results provided simply are not meaningful on a large scale. Most of the time however, SOME benefit can be gleaned. As factions recieve their reports, they will also recieve a numeric indicator of their progress in unlocking the secrets of the Core. The results table is broken into 5 areas, with Level I giving a +1, and Level V giving a +5. The number a faction gets each turn is added together to get their Progress Score.

Factions may give themselves a +1 bonus to their INITIAL roll every turn by dedicating a single PF to the effort at the normal price for activating a PF for research- by taking your PF offline for normal research, you better your chances at getting a big bonus from the Memory Core. At the end of the event, if no faction has recieved the Decode the Memory Core result, the faction which completed the most work, represented by their Progress Score, unlocks the final peices of the Helm Core's security. Sadly, the security software wipes the majority of the information clean, but enough is recovered by the faction with the highest Progress Score that a single technology Tier is unlocked(but not researched).
"My only regret is that I will not be alive in .03 seconds. I would have liked to watch the enemy attempt to vent an omnidirectional thermonuclear blast enveloping their outpost."
-Last thoughts of Maldon, Type XXX Bolo, 3rd Battalion, Dinochrome Brigade


Now that the turn has ended, I'll be posting up the results tables so everyone can see what they've been working so hard for.

Primary Results Table:
Level I
3-5: System Crash, your local area networks are infected with a security virus. If you used a PF to gain the +1 bonus, it is taken offline for 1d3 turns. Otherwise, nothing happens.
6-8: Locate Minor Star League facility(gain 1 MF/SY on random planet chosen by GM, Tech I capable)

Level II
9-10: Get plans for a single SL-era mech design(Royals not allowed), and add it to your Faction Armory

Level III
11: Get technical specifications for a single SL-era weapon system or equipment(naval weapons now allowed), and add it to your Faction Armory
12-14: Locate SL-era civilian manufacturing center - boost ownership income by 20% for 1d6+1 turns

Level IV
15: Locate minor SLDF Brian Cache(gain 1 each of SL-era Mech, equipment and weapon design, can be a Royal)
16: Locate major SLDF Brian Cache(gain 1d3 SL-era Mech designs AND weapons, no more than 1 Royal), add 2 Tech I MFs to planet(planet chosen by GM)

Level V
17: 1 Roll on Special Benefits Table
18+: 1 Roll on Special Benefits Table(add +1 modifier if faction payed for it this turn)

*Please note, 'SL-era equipment designs' refers to DHS, XL Engines, Endo-Steel, CASE and Ferro-Fibrous armor. It does NOT include electronics such as Beagle Active Probes, Guardian ECMs, or Targeting Computers.
"My only regret is that I will not be alive in .03 seconds. I would have liked to watch the enemy attempt to vent an omnidirectional thermonuclear blast enveloping their outpost."
-Last thoughts of Maldon, Type XXX Bolo, 3rd Battalion, Dinochrome Brigade


Special Benefits Table:

2-3: Locate minor SLDF Brian Cache(gain 1 SL-era Mech and weapon design, can be a Royal)
4-5: Location of an Exodus-era staging point revealed(faction must search the area to see what they find)
6-8: Decode Theoretical database - a random PF in your faction produces double the ammount of SP as normal for 1d6 turns(cost of activation is NOT increased)
9-10: Decode theoretical database - if a PF was used to research the Memory Core, it is immediately upgraded 1 Tier for free. Otherwise, boost ownership income by 15% for 2d4+2 turns.
11: Partially decode the memory core - immediately unlock and research 1 random technology
12: Decoded the memory core(effects described in event description)
"My only regret is that I will not be alive in .03 seconds. I would have liked to watch the enemy attempt to vent an omnidirectional thermonuclear blast enveloping their outpost."
-Last thoughts of Maldon, Type XXX Bolo, 3rd Battalion, Dinochrome Brigade


Wow, seeing what the die rolls could get you, I would be amazed if everyone didn't take a chance at this.


Lord Harlock

Quote from: Fatebringer on June 01, 2012, 03:37:11 PM
Some of us forgot, k :P

Well, I'd let you have some of the ivory that I got, but well, it belongs to the volks of the Rasalhague Republic. Maybe if the Capellans participate in the Rasalhague Vänskap-Kawaii Spelchansama, we can talk about ivory subsidies.


want to restate that in english please?
"My only regret is that I will not be alive in .03 seconds. I would have liked to watch the enemy attempt to vent an omnidirectional thermonuclear blast enveloping their outpost."
-Last thoughts of Maldon, Type XXX Bolo, 3rd Battalion, Dinochrome Brigade

Lord Harlock

Well, I'm just saying maybe that I'd give the Capellans some money if they agree to participate in some sort of RP event that I'm planning called the Rasalhague Vänskap-Kawaii Spelchansama or the Rasalhague Cute Friendship Lord Games. It's planned to be announced next turn officially, but I guess that I'll just say that I'm planning it now with more details to follow. Originally, I wrote the post for OOC Thread, but I kind of hit the wrong post button.

[Chan was suppose to be sama or the Japanese honorific for Lord.]