My deepest apologies

Started by Daemonknight, July 21, 2012, 11:47:01 AM

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Lord Harlock

Well you know when you are a writer: you can create the world anyway you want it. Like having Washington DC ruled by a computer program based off the worst aspects of Sir/Saint Thomas More is perfectly reasonable in that world if you create the world. It only becomes a problem if you do it in someone else universe that it really becomes a problem and then the fan rage comes, or readers really really hate your universe in the first place that 4Chan makes memes about it. And then Kevin J. Anderson, Casey Hudson, and you are strung up in effigy at Sci-Fi Convention, or I'd think that's what happens if I ever get allowed to run a muck in someone's universe for money and profit or more people read what I wrote for hard earned money. (Note, Rose De La Terre is not available in South America or Japan to my knowledge, nor is it in any other language other than the Queen's Tongue. A French translation was attempted, but after looking over the first chapter, it was deleted and shall never be mentioned again. It is free for download on July 31, 2012 only on Amazon. Burning me in effigy is so 18th Century, so if you hate please record it on Youtube.)