[RP/MM] Turn 40: CIH vs CGS ToP/Invasion Babylon HW-2042 2803 Complete

Started by Marlin, June 07, 2010, 06:34:13 PM

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"Scum of the Goliath Scorpions you called yourself: Clan Ice Hellion is here to take away what you do not deserve!" barked Star Colonel Lillith Bragg.

(Ice Hellion force prepares themselves to enter the territory)


The holdings of the Scorpions are vacant, only empty buildings remain as everything was taken that could be pried out. Every paperclip, computer terminal, can of beans and scrap of paper has been removed.


So, not even people too old to be of worth?

No resistance either, I take it. All the better. All for me. :D

IC: the Cluster was marching the streets, searching for any hideouts of that dezgra insectoid scum..

every house was searched, especially for traps, secret rooms etc.

If nothing is found, High command is called to know who wants to live here. Some families of overcrowded Hellion cities might find the climate here nicer than Hector.

So far, no danger seems to loom. Neither bacteria, chemicals nor nuclear.