Inter-Clan Watch IC Roleplaying Thread

Started by Daemonknight, June 28, 2010, 02:00:01 AM

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This thread is for roleplaying on the part of warriors/operatives of the InterClan Watch, based on Strana Mechty for the Homeworlds, and Sudeten for the Inner Sphere.
"My only regret is that I will not be alive in .03 seconds. I would have liked to watch the enemy attempt to vent an omnidirectional thermonuclear blast enveloping their outpost."
-Last thoughts of Maldon, Type XXX Bolo, 3rd Battalion, Dinochrome Brigade


Jade Falcon Occupation Zone
Patterson City, Sudeten
Interclan Watch; IS Headquarters Building

Star Colonel Darrel Pershaw walked into the newly rennovated building, the newly painted walls a near perfect white. The floors where unscuffed white tile, the doors newly hung, and freshly cut from the wood mills mere kilometeres to the northwest. He noted the roar of the engines of the dropship that had carried him down here to Patterson City. He had traveled most of the month to get here so fast. Being appointed to command the recently re-instituted Inter-Clan Watch was an enormous honor, despite the lack of glory he would get. He was honored that not only did his Khan think him worthy, but the ilKhan had immediatly agreed. He assumed it was because of his genefather, Kael Pershaw, the infamous Spymaster of the Clans.

He walked into the 4 story building, thinking about what he could accomplish once his staff finally arrived. He stood in the open atrium of the building, the double staircase leading to the second floor, seemingly held up by statues of dueling battlemechs, a Summoner and a Timber Wolf, a fitting and yet odd peice of adornment for a Clan structure. He turned quickly, hand on his sidearm, as he heard the door open and footsteps echo as someone entered behind him...
"My only regret is that I will not be alive in .03 seconds. I would have liked to watch the enemy attempt to vent an omnidirectional thermonuclear blast enveloping their outpost."
-Last thoughts of Maldon, Type XXX Bolo, 3rd Battalion, Dinochrome Brigade

Iron Mongoose

So he came to the Watch, where he had spent the past half decade in political exile, waiting for the moment to strike.  He had used his skill and power to make the Watch a potent tool, and one that aided the Mandrill's millitary innitives though out the inntal stages of the war.  But the withdraw of one Clan after another left his Watch a shell of its former self, untill its remaining personel were re-abosrbed into the Camels as their intel arm.

Now, he saw another chance to do something difrent.  The ilKhan, ignorent freebirth that she was, had appointed an inexperanced warrior to the post of Watch director.  How could he stand for that, after all his hard work? He would see to it that this Watch was run right...


Darrel Pershaw watched the building's courtyard from his 4th floor office. Floor to ceiling windows, about 4 meters wide, afforded him an excellent view of not only the courtyard, but also Patterson City. Of course, the windows were not simply glass; made from a special type of the armor that made up a battlemech's cockpit glass, the armorglass that made his office window was over 10cm thick, double paned with a shock-absorbing clear gel sandwhiched inbetween. The glass could take a direct hit from a Gauss Rifle, or PPC without breaking(atleast on the first shot). The outside was polarized and mirrored, meaning that even a long-angle lense off a satelite, taking pictures from the horizon wouldn't be able to actually see through into his office. It was the same principles used to protect the windows in most offices used by Khans, or Sucessor Lords.

The building itself was also armored, the outer walls were an endo steel skeleton, ferrocrete over a metere thick, and Lamellor Ferro-Carbide sheath: the walls were armored like a warship. The ilKhan had decided that this bastion of information and secrets would be impregnible to combat, meaning that those inside would need to be equally as difficult to penetrate. He as okay with that. He knew that the ilKhan had assigned Reinhardt to his staff, as a staff aide and also as the department head of Advanced Individualized Training, meaning he ran all the courses that the various agents would be taking to brush up and equalize their skills. Coming from the Lyran LIC, he had more experiance than many of the Clan Watch operatives here, despite their genetic superiority. Of course, none would be made aware of Reinhardt's origins except a select few.

Pershaw settled into his office. It was spartan, as befitted a Clan warrior. Despite being a warrior, he had spent the majority of his relativly short career in the Watch. His latest op, Shadow, had been a resounding success, resulting in this post. He was somewhat worried about Drax Mattila, of the Camels, knowing that the man had probably more experiance than anyone else in the new program except for Reinhardt, but he didn't know if the man's ego would push him to a direct challenge. He doubted it. And even if he did, Darrel was confident enough that he could defend himself and his position.
"My only regret is that I will not be alive in .03 seconds. I would have liked to watch the enemy attempt to vent an omnidirectional thermonuclear blast enveloping their outpost."
-Last thoughts of Maldon, Type XXX Bolo, 3rd Battalion, Dinochrome Brigade


[ooc: so what is the position of Drax Mattila]

Lan Nghien, the representative of Clan Star Adder to the Inter-Clan Watch, stood at the door to the Directors Office. As a convert to the Way of the Clans, Lan had the convictions of a fanatic. He had been instrumental in refining operational procedures for the Adders. His experience and background as part of an assortment of Lyran special operations invaluable and unmatched by anyone within the Clan made him the ideal candidate to either lead or assist in the SpecOp Branch of the ICW.

He wasn't fond at having to sever all ties to his adopted Clan, but after having the situation and purpose behind the need for his non-Clan mindset and upbringing explained to him by the Adder ISIA Cassius Adderson, Lan agreed that none from any of the other Clans would be able to do what he could without a conflict of honor.

Lan knocks thrice on the door, silently counts to five, then enters, addressing the Director respectfully, "Mister Lan Nghien, formerly of Clan Star Adder, reporting for duty, Sir, as Director, or Deputy Director, of Special Operations. Lan holds out a plain manila envelope, "My records, or codex if you prefer," he states.


Darrel looked up from his desk, a large L shaped mahogany monster, already piled high with classified paperwork. The holo-projector in the short arm ofhe L to his right switched off as soon as the door was opened- a very nifty peice of software, Darrel thought.

"Welcome Mister Nghien." He took the profered manilla envelope and opened it, quickly scanning through the man's Codex. He was impressed, the man obviously knew his business well. "From the looks of your Codex, you've seen some more than your fair share of black bag operations. That'll definetly be a skill that will be put to good use within this agency. I know that the Ghost Bears are sending us some of their elite counter-insurgency, counter-terror and military special forces teams. I know that my own Jade Falcons have sent 2 of their elite Midnight Falcon strike teams. You will be working with some of the best trained soldiers in history." He closed the file, and walked over to a large titanium filing cabinet. After pressing his thumb to the fingerprint scanner, he typed in the 12 digit numerical code to unlock the drawers. He opened the middle of the 5, and droped the file into a slot. He then turned to face Nghien.

"Welcome to the InterClan Watch, Mister Nghien. I am assigning you to the homeworlds, as Deputy Director of Operations. That fits your qualifications and requirements, quiaff?"
"My only regret is that I will not be alive in .03 seconds. I would have liked to watch the enemy attempt to vent an omnidirectional thermonuclear blast enveloping their outpost."
-Last thoughts of Maldon, Type XXX Bolo, 3rd Battalion, Dinochrome Brigade


Operative Reinhardt was walking along the 4th floor, going to see Darrel Pershaw about a few minor funding issues for the training department, when he spotted Drax Mattila walking with the purposeful, tunnel vision look of a Clansmen whose honor has been slighted, and he must answer the slight. Instantly knowing what was about to happen, and the odds of it going the way Drax thought it would, he immediately double-timed it over to intercept Drax before he could get to Pershaw's office door.

"Whoa there Clansmen, I've seen that firey look before. Trust me, it wont go the way you think it, follow me, we'll talk somewhere a bit more private." Reinhardt led Drax off to one of the high security conference rooms, 100% sound proofed, bug shielded and setuo a small sonic disruptor. Drax quielt followed, wondering what this ex-Loki agent had to say to him. Reinhardt was well known to Drax, as the ilKhan's primary troubleshooter in the intelligence world. Small wonder he was assigned here.

After locking the door and making sure the sonic disruptor was setup, Reinhardt turned to face Drax, who had folded his arms and was leaning against a filing cabinet against the wall. He had yet to say a word to Reinhardt.

"I know you Drax Mattila: Star Colonel of Clan Camel, and also the commander of the now defunct Joint Watch. One of the more effective Clan intelligence agents. And I assume you know me, but incase you don't, I am Reinhardt, ex-LIC, Loki specificlly, and a bondsman of ilKhan Diana Pryde. I was a gift to the ilKhan after Sudeten was retaken by the Clans from the Terran Hegemony." Drax detected a slight curl of the lips when Reinhardt mentioned the Hegemony: obviously the ex-LIC agent had no love for the Terrans, one of the few traits the two men shared.

"Look, I'll get straight to the point: you want to run the show, because your advancement within the Camels has been essentially blocked off by Amy Lynn. I understand that: to be held back by those above you, despite being at the least equal, and more likly superior, but circumstance working against you. It happened to me in LIC, and to a lesser degree here in my life as a Clan intelligence operative. However, this new InterClan Watch presents us both with an oportunity." He tried to gauge Drax's reaction, but seeing nothing, continued on.

"No doubt you would like that pup, Pershaw, out of the lead spot as much as I do: the ilKhan would've put me there if she could've, but knew that it would never go over with the trueborns to have not only a freeborn, but a Lyran bondsman heading the intelligence agency. So she chose someone else she that she knew would do as she wished and give her as little grief as possible. I'm not saying that Darrel is a bad operative, but he doesn't have half the experiance of you or I, or even a few of the others that'll most likly be joining up soon. However, his work on Shadow gives him credability, and thats enough for now. But if you storm in there and challenege him, it'll accomplish two things: first, it will show the ilKhan who has designs on the top slot in this organization, and second, it will allow her to rid herself of that person. You think she'll allow a Trial to remove her lapdog? I don't think so, and if you think about it, I know you will agree with me. However, if we make no immedaite moves and bide our time, we will have our moment." Reinhardt saw that Drax was considering his words, although he still had yet to make any overt agreement or disagreement.

"I have the ear of the ilKhan, and also the trust of Pershaw. You have the respect of the vast majority of the Clan intelligence community, and have the ability to take any position without large opposition, something that I lack by virtue of birth. So here is what I propose: you take the position of Director of Intelligence Operations, essentially making you in charge of the largest of the 3 arms of the InterClan Watch. I have the ear of the ilKhan and Darrel Pershaw both. I can ensure that you get everything you need to make your operations go smoothly, and also I can assist you in securing your position against anoyone else that has designs on your job...or just wants you out of the picture personally. In return, you need to lay low, don't make any moves against Pershaw untill I let you know it's time to take him down. And we can't go after him directly: we need to make sure theres a reason he has to go, and it needs to be you that replaces him, quiaff?"

Drax Mattila stared at Reinhardt for a few more seconds, weighing his options. The ex-Lyran bondsman had a point: with the ilKhan's direct support, he doubted there was anything he could do, for now, to replace him. And his plan was well thought out.

"Verywell Reinhardt, I will play the part of the loyal spy. But don't forget: I will be in charge of the arm that sees and hears everything that happens in Clan space. And I will be watching you. You are known to me, both from your time in Loki, and also during your tenure within the Jade Falcon Watch these past few years, and greater men than you have fallen before me." Reinhardt merely smiled at the thinly veiled threat. He expected no less from one as ambitious as Drax Matilla.

"We shall see if Pershaw is as malleable as you seem to think, bondsman. If he proves to be difficult to control well...I'm sure that your special talents from Loki will be of use in ensuring our continued friendship." With that, Drax left the room as Reinhardt turned off the sonic disruptor. Standing in the doorway, he saw Drax begin walking twords Pershaw's office, much more calm and loose than before. He didn't really trust Drax, however the man's naked ambition would keep him from doing anything to make Pershaw suspicious.

Reinhardt left the office a few minutes later, deciding to approach Pershaw later about the funding issues. They could wait, and he had other things he had to do right at the moment.
"My only regret is that I will not be alive in .03 seconds. I would have liked to watch the enemy attempt to vent an omnidirectional thermonuclear blast enveloping their outpost."
-Last thoughts of Maldon, Type XXX Bolo, 3rd Battalion, Dinochrome Brigade


Quote from: Daemonknight on June 29, 2010, 07:15:27 AM
Darrel looked up from his desk, a large L shaped mahogany monster, already piled high with classified paperwork. The holo-projector in the short arm ofhe L to his right switched off as soon as the door was opened- a very nifty peice of software, Darrel thought.

"Welcome Mister Nghien." He took the profered manilla envelope and opened it, quickly scanning through the man's Codex. He was impressed, the man obviously knew his business well. "From the looks of your Codex, you've seen some more than your fair share of black bag operations. That'll definetly be a skill that will be put to good use within this agency. I know that the Ghost Bears are sending us some of their elite counter-insurgency, counter-terror and military special forces teams. I know that my own Jade Falcons have sent 2 of their elite Midnight Falcon strike teams. You will be working with some of the best trained soldiers in history." He closed the file, and walked over to a large titanium filing cabinet. After pressing his thumb to the fingerprint scanner, he typed in the 12 digit numerical code to unlock the drawers. He opened the middle of the 5, and droped the file into a slot. He then turned to face Nghien.

"Welcome to the InterClan Watch, Mister Nghien. I am assigning you to the homeworlds, as Deputy Director of Operations. That fits your qualifications and requirements, quiaff?"

"I will serve where needed," Lan says quietly, "if you perceive the need is greater in the Homeworlds," Lan's voice carries a longing in it, one that is familiar to the Star Colonel, which he finds very surprising since the man's dossier indicates that he is from the Lyran world of Kowloon, "then I shall serve in the Homeworlds, Sir. I can be prepared and onboard the next DropShip bound for Strana Mechty within fifteen minutes."


A women of no remarkable features, except that she seemed physically fit, what was expected for Clan Warriors, was about to enter the Sudeten compound where she would meet her new superior. Her new posting.

Her age was hard to guess, right now she looked perhaps older than 30, but the stress of a Command Circuit does that sometimes to a human. Her movements were still smooth, if not with grace. The way from the Shuttle to the building, she had enough time to gather her thoughts and to visit the streets of the city as well as possible ways to overcome security.

Her big bag on her back showed, that she could move under heavy load. A last glance up to the building and she entered. She would either fulfill her duty, now for all loyal Clans, or die. Loremaster Philippe Lienet had personally appointed her.

She would not disappoint him.

Iron Mongoose

"Darrel Pershaw," Drax Mattila greeted the Falcon warrior on entering his office, speaking the words flatly, emotionlessly.  Pershaw was staring off into empty space over his desk; to Drax he had the apperance of someone with brain damage.

"Drax Mattila," the Watch's new head replied.

"I am here to ensure that this venture goes down to as much succeess as the last one did, and that this agency can be effective in helping the Clans to victory over their enemies.  Your performance over my former brothers won you some renown, but I know the mesure of the Mandrill's intel aperatus, and lately I have been able to gague the mesure of the Consperacy's; I am unimpressed.  Again ROM, against Loki, against the ISF, the Mask, even the FWL's stupid and ineffectual VINH, the Clans need someone who knows how to deal with a true threat.  I have ferretted out information from the deepest crevasses, the darkest holes.  I have located secret bases, penitrated to learn the defences of sacred Terra its self.

"We need a proven opperator as Intel Director, and I am here to assume that post."


Quote from: GraeGor on June 29, 2010, 10:12:37 AM
"I will serve where needed," Lan says quietly, "if you perceive the need is greater in the Homeworlds," Lan's voice carries a longing in it, one that is familiar to the Star Colonel, which he finds very surprising since the man's dossier indicates that he is from the Lyran world of Kowloon, "then I shall serve in the Homeworlds, Sir. I can be prepared and onboard the next DropShip bound for Strana Mechty within fifteen minutes."

After a few moments of waiting for a reply from the man who is to be his superior officer, Lan adds, "If you ask for my preference, I would choose to remain in the Inner Sphere, Sir. I will accept any and all challenges to the post of Director personally, though I will tell you now, that I will use any means at my disposal to win. Special Operation teams cannot and do not have the luxury of playing by any rules as they would operate outside of them in the course of a mission."

"The end result is all that matters, the greatest amount of chaos with the least amount of resources is a Clan motto. For SpecOps, it is even more applicable, with the addition of with whatever materials are at hand. They will have to rely on improvised tools and equipment, on deception and lies, of being entirely expendable with no hope of rescue should they be captured and unable to end their lives. To be caught is a certain death sentence, to fail is a death sentence, even to succeed is a death sentence should escape after the mission not be possible."

"I know this for I have lived it," Lan says, "how many others from any Clan will be able to state the same. I oversaw the training of all Clan Star Adder teams, of which only a third at best lived to become active operatives. I know what it will take to make the ICW a threat to the Counter Intelligence Agencies of the Inner Sphere. Others may contribute more than the Adders, others may have been more active, but none will have the knowledge I have, from both sides."


Star Captain Nikita now had reached the building. She knew that her "Team" was on the move as well. Her two aides were with here, but were recovering still from the many jumps they had to endure.

She went to see the Star Colonel Darren Pershaw who seemed to run this new Watch to assume her post. She could not be denied. Despite her posting and function, she was still a warrior.

She knocked and then stepped in in confidence. She had endured much. More than many Warriors had. And she had come out on top. It was good that the Watch was now installed. It gave her consolation that she would not be able to advance in the Touman of her Clan.

She greeted him with a respectful nod.
"Star Colonel Darren Pershaw, I am Star Captain Nikita, Clan Ice Hellion Watch. I am here to be your new Director of Security Operations. I was personally appointed for this by Loremaster Philippe Lienet."


Star Colonel Pershaw looked at Lan one more time, sizing him up.

"Very well. If you think you are upto the challenge. You are hereby given a provisional promotion to Directior of Special Operations. I must warn you however, that if others come knock looking for this position, you will be epxected to defend it. This is not a combat posting, so not through a Circle of Equals. Your strategic and tactical thinking will be put to use. We shall see if your reputation is enough to hold onto your position however. Untill then, make yourself at home.


Pershaw looked at Drax Mattila, the blank look on his face stemmed from the lack of emotion concerning the man standing infront of him. There was obviously no love lost between the two: Drax didn't like working below someone he felt superior too, and Pershaw didn't like having someone below him with an ego bigger than the building they were working in.

"Your office is down the end of the west wing, last on the right. I doubt anyone else will challenge you for Director of Intelligence Operations, but just incase, i'd do some preliminary recon work in the area.


Star Colonel Pershaw greeted Star Captain Nikita warmly. He could already tell that it was only the tip of the iceberg, knowing that not even half of the positions on the InterClan Watch's Council had been filled so far, and most of the operatives had yet to arrive, let along the special forces teams(infact, the only teams present were the Midnight Falcona and Camel teams). Pershaw could not wait untill this was over and he could get down to his real job of battling the intelligence agencies of the various Inner Sphere nations.

"Star Captain, I am honored that the Loremaster felt he could part with your services and spare you for our uses. Your office is right this way." Darrel once again led the way for one of his new Directors. Now he had the top 3 on the ICW Council, even though they didn't have their seconds. What did that mean? The Inner Sphere operational theater could begin immediate operations, but the Homeworlds could not, not yet anyways. In time, he thought.


Darrel Pershaw sat down in his chair hard. He knew that today had been simply meeting and greeting his upper-tier staff, the next few days would find the rest of the personnel coming in to flesh out the newly form InterClan Watch. He looked out the windows and saw the sun was finally setting over the edges of the cityscape. He decided that it was just as good a time to go to his new small home as any. He lived on-based, and expecting essentially a barracks-styled single room, he was quite suprised to find himself in possession of a townhouse, obviously a leftover from the time when this building had been the location of a Lyran business of some type. Oh well, rank had its perks. That bastard Drax would be even madder should he see this, haha.

He walked into his new house, and was immediatly somewhat disgusted with it. Why did anyone need this? Even the Khans didn't live like this. Large fireplace in the corner, overstuffed sofas and seats, a huge kitten with stovetop space for 10 items. Darrel decided he would most likly trade with that Reinhardt man. He would appreciate a place like this.

A woman walked into the room from the study, wearing a black jumpsuit, and dragging a small cart full of cleaning supplies behind her. She was muscled, but still very attractive. Her flame red hair hung below her shoulders in small ringlets, and she smelled slightly of jasmine. He caught sight of a bondcord on her arm. Perhaps he could become accustomed to the place...
"My only regret is that I will not be alive in .03 seconds. I would have liked to watch the enemy attempt to vent an omnidirectional thermonuclear blast enveloping their outpost."
-Last thoughts of Maldon, Type XXX Bolo, 3rd Battalion, Dinochrome Brigade

Iron Mongoose

Drax settled into his office, a courner office, he noticed.  The archects were spheroids, with notions of offices as status symbols.  Symbols were powerful things, Drax knew, and he could apprecate that.  It was his job now, after all, to observe, something the weekling Pershaw didn't understand.  Reinhardt had mentioned to him as he was getting unpacked that Darrel had actualy offered him the big director's house.  Didn't he see that his very appointment was just a show, a symbol, a cherade of putting a bloodnamed Falcon officer as the figure head?  How could he give up that trappings of that and still be effective?

No matter, Drax though as he turned on his fireplace.  It was gas fired, he saw, but he'd have that feature eliminated in his wing of the building.  He'd looked over too many plans to blow up a gas line to assassinate someone to be at ease with a gas fireplace.  Wood would be better; Drax had always liked the smell.  But, for the meantime, it was nice to have an office with heat, unlike the little monk's cell he worked from at Kenshin's crazy mountian top HQ on New Caledonia. 

The former Mandrill mech warrior settled into his chair.  He'd brough it with him, as it had been custom formed to have the same ergonomics as the seat in his first mech, a Mist Lynx.  He'd used that type of seat in each of his mechs, from his Adder to his proto-type Crimson Languar to his current Cualdron Born, and even away from battle, it just fit him so well.  Or else he fit it.  He had been a Cluster commander, a Warship captian, a politician, a scheamer, a spy, a sneek, and what ever else he needed to be.  But at the end of the day, he was still a warrior, he knew.

It was just a matter of how his battles were fought.


The coded message he had received to hand over his current assignment and meet up with the Horses liaison on Sudeten had been somewhat of a surprise.  His team had honed their arts for the last several months on the world, waiting for the inevitable strike by the  unseen, but known, enemy.  The meeting had been short, and immediately following, he had traveled to Patterson City and the headquarters of this new Watch in the Inner Sphere.

Arriving, he had had to pass through several checkpoint before arriving at what could only be termed a reception.  "The name is Hasso of the Blackhearts.  Inform Star Colonel Pershaw that his Director of Special Operations is here."