Union of Independent Worlds Faction RP thread

Started by Cannonshop, July 02, 2010, 09:48:03 AM

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Quote from: Marlin on August 28, 2010, 08:31:12 PM
He smiled shyly. "I will be alright soon enough, one month at length. But you remind me of someone. In a better way.. ah yes.. " His mind seemed to wander off.

"A Star Colonel I once knew. He mostly hunted Bandits. It was rumoured he was of Smoke Jaguar origin. Well.. You remind me of him. Yes, when they went down, the old Way was lost..." He took a long sip of this drink.

"Ah, that is interesting. One of the things you are ahead. But it is said our Castepeople try that as well."

"I will take that as a Compliment, Star Captain." Deb said, "Anyone tell you why I managed to organize a government here after the dying dropped off?"  she asked, adding, "it IS a funny story...perhaps Ironic is a better term."

She stood up, and paced in memories, "It was about crops." she said, and gestured out the window, "The new automation makes it look effortless, the clever boys over at Ngo Plant six on Kowloon mocked it up as part of the recovery, we may start marketing outside the borders if it passes OUR field test... I asked people from the Relief contingents about crop prices-and I did not like getting the dumb looks-nobody knew whether I needed to calculate my plantings in terms of Kroner, or Credit."

She turned to look at him, "So, that drove my next choice." she told him, "I sure as hell did not want to count it in terms of body-bags because they had to fight it out, so I worked out, based on the assurances of both Clan contingents, the Niops group, and the Coast Guardsmen, that everyone thought they were working in our collective interest-and I gambled.  See the horse-barn over there?" she pointed at a pole-building without walls, fenced in by tube-steel fencing.

"Aff, I saw it as I was driving in." Ezra answered.

"I put it up about a week before the meeting, the parking lot the Coasties built for me, and they helped me contact the bigger survivor enclaves.  I talked them into sending representatives to discuss our collective future-what WE wanted, because if we did not make it understood ahead of time, we would have had four or five well-meaning 'helpers' killin' each other and burning what was left trying to decide for us."  she leaned on the back of her chair, and gestured, "It took a week to get everyone who would come-it ended up being about twenty percent of the actual Enclaves, but nobody knew that then...we argued back and forth for three days, hearing the pitches from every power that had a hand in fighting the Plague here, plus views from separatists off Kowloon, radicals here, we argued and we talked and we listened, and somehow, in the middle of it,  that gathering turned into something like a government, and that Government started negotiating with powers far larger and more powerful than we were even before the Flu...and I kept getting pushed up to the front of the room to handle those negotiations..." she sighed, "Because I was the one that decided to get everyone else together in the same...place, because Everyone knew who I was...and tht was a result of being the first to start contacting the enclaves and talking about OUR future."

She sat back down, "It was that simple, Star Captain.  I had the nerve to not sit and just take whatever someone else was going to give me, I was proactive when everyone else was still milling about in confusion, or flying on autopilot."  she poured another glass, "The UIW was not what I planned when I came home.  I either had to take the tiger by the tail, or I would end up in its mouth."  She stopped pacing, "I read, you may have noticed all the books?  I read a LOT, I have to. One thing I have learned, is that an adequate solution today, is better than a perfect solution too late."  she grimaced, "Unfortunately, that has meant having to kill men to make things move.  It has meant sacrificing men too-and it means that next month, I will probably be sending men to die in the cold of space to find out why the Scorpions do not answer their mail, and whether or not their scientists-to whom we owe a lot of lives, have been fooling with my people and my worlds on a genetic level-against their will."

She looked him in the eye, "And we will find out.  Then, I will have an entire array of bad decisions to choose the least damaging version of, the one that kills the fewest of my nation's citizens while still accomplishing our goals."  she sighed, "To do this job, I have already sacrificed my Christian Faith and my place in Heaven, Star Colonel-to do the job my people have given me, I have had to accept that Elizabeth Ngo was right-you either serve your people and pay the price, or you save yourself and THEY pay the price.  Nicholas Kerensky even identified this in his writings, where he discusses the sacrifice of individual honour for the honour of the Clan, you know this passage?"


UIS Incorrigible Flirt, Kowloon...

"Navigation plots are finished, Relay ships are out-bound.  With any luck, we won't need reinforcements, but if we do..."  Lt. Commander Lin Xia Xu stopped at Captain Giap's gesture.

The former Coastie captain shook his head, "If we need them, we need them-hopefully we won't." He said, "The Union has few enough warships as it is, I would as soon not lose one because a simple Recon went sour...but it ain't my call-it's the CNO's call."

"Yes sir."  the XO said, chastened.

"Excellent, All Hands, all hands, prep for KF Jump, our classified destination is the Goliath Scorpion system formerly known as Death of Adrian, As of this moment, all comms are condition Black, I repeat, all comms are condition Black."


"To answer your question: I know the Remembrance. Besides that, not much literature about the Founder is circling. At least not for lower ranked Warriors. We have enough literature digitalized and there are books available, but not for all. They are impractical for the most part.

However.. " he limped over to the shelves and looked over those books, closing with his left hand, not touching them. "Is it possible that I may read some of them? When I am on-planet, of course." He looked at her.

"Your story is interesting. And so far, you combined ruthlessness, quickness and luck to create a multi-system state. That survives. Yet." He seemed to remember something: "You alluded to the Scorpions", his gaze darkened a notch. "They might be dangerous. I may try to get a report on them for you by Command. It will take a while and I do not know if they would provide it to me or you, but it is worth the try." A quick smile appeared when he remembered her calling him Star Colonel. He would not bring it up. "Yes, leadership can be a burden. Some are born for it, most have to work hard, though." He sighed, seemingly remembering someone. "If we can be of help during our visits that lets us meet our schedule, like the hog-hunt, only call us up. The Warriors will need some avocation and be thankful for it. For me, it was the first real challenge for a long time." A short fierce grin appeared on his face, that seemed younger for the duration. He sat back down and rubbed his leg shortly.


Quote from: Marlin on August 30, 2010, 11:05:25 AM
"To answer your question: I know the Remembrance. Besides that, not much literature about the Founder is circling. At least not for lower ranked Warriors. We have enough literature digitalized and there are books available, but not for all. They are impractical for the most part.

However.. " he limped over to the shelves and looked over those books, closing with his left hand, not touching them. "Is it possible that I may read some of them? When I am on-planet, of course." He looked at her.
Deb nodded, "Yeah, you should definitely read more." she said, "I got the copy of Nicholas Kerensky's General orders to the Clans from a...friend." she said,  "I tend to encourage my own military personnel to pursue higher education-if an officer knows what has been tried in the past, he can better predict what will be tried in the future, and knowing how people think is always more useful than just knowing some physical skills."

"Your story is interesting. And so far, you combined ruthlessness, quickness and luck to create a multi-system state. That survives. Yet." He seemed to remember something: "You alluded to the Scorpions", his gaze darkened a notch. "They might be dangerous. I may try to get a report on them for you by Command. It will take a while and I do not know if they would provide it to me or you, but it is worth the try." A quick smile appeared when he remembered her calling him Star Colonel. He would not bring it up. "Yes, leadership can be a burden. Some are born for it, most have to work hard, though." He sighed, seemingly remembering someone. "If we can be of help during our visits that lets us meet our schedule, like the hog-hunt, only call us up. The Warriors will need some avocation and be thankful for it. For me, it was the first real challenge for a long time." A short fierce grin appeared on his face, that seemed younger for the duration. He sat back down and rubbed his leg shortly.

She reached over to the bookshelf, and handed him a battered volume, "If any-one asks, you are...pursuing diplomacy by keeping this safe." she said, "I found it to be fascinating to read, the dialect could be a touch difficult, but Kipling makes some very good observations-that have gone well beyond the nineteenth century."


Ezra frowned for a moment but smiled thankfully when she gave him the book. He felt the cover cautiously, with the book in his lap.

Finally he spoke up again:
"So, to wrap up what we have discussed now: we will check what is up with Miranda's genes.
We will test the Hog for tampered genes likewise. Measures will be taken to get the ones responsible if there is tampering found. Moreover, I will try to get a report about the late Goliath Scorpions. I will return this book.", he added with a hint of a smile.
"There is one matter I wish for: Leonard wanted samples from her environment to check if this could be part of Miranda's resilience. I would want to go and gather it. If you allow of course. You might want to doublecheck that as well and I would give you a copy of the list. After that I will have to go. But I will be back soon, barring circumstances beyond my control. Would that be acceptable for you?"


Quote from: Marlin on August 31, 2010, 06:14:22 PM
Ezra frowned for a moment but smiled thankfully when she gave him the book. He felt the cover cautiously, with the book in his lap.

Finally he spoke up again:
"So, to wrap up what we have discussed now: we will check what is up with Miranda's genes.
We will test the Hog for tampered genes likewise. Measures will be taken to get the ones responsible if there is tampering found. Moreover, I will try to get a report about the late Goliath Scorpions. I will return this book.", he added with a hint of a smile.
"There is one matter I wish for: Leonard wanted samples from her environment to check if this could be part of Miranda's resilience. I would want to go and gather it. If you allow of course. You might want to doublecheck that as well and I would give you a copy of the list. After that I will have to go. But I will be back soon, barring circumstances beyond my control. Would that be acceptable for you?"

Deb nodded almost-absently, "The site is still secured-I do not see any harm in it, Star Captain, as long as the samples are small-but you might want to bring someone with a survey background with you, or a doc you can trust." she said, "Shouldn't be anything rougher than the normal wildlife in the area now-and not much of that...still, I think I am going to have Captain Gaumond loan you some eggheads from the survey corps-just to be thorough-if there's some kind of new medicinal plant in the area, or something everyone has over-looked the last few centuries..." she paused, and added, "Besides, I really do NOT need to have to explain to your XO why you got eaten by a Gator."


Ezra grinned at the last comment. "I suppose I would have some words to tell to any Gator before, quiaff? And yes, a trusted Doctor it shall be. Please offer Captain Laura my greetings. She is partly responsible for my success in the hunt. I hope I will see her again. And you of course." He stood up and looked openly at his host.

"This all has been an exciting experience to say the least. I look forward to more of this." He sipped his rest of the drink. 'Delicious. More.'

"With your allowance I will prepare for the last part of my Ground-work."


Holy Cross Hospital, Grantsville, Arluna...

the hoofbeats thundered in the misty darkness, it bulked out of the trees, Miranda clutched the spear, and set the base of it in the ground.  Red eyes, like blood-soaked pits of fire glared from the shaggy beast, steam from its nostrils burled and boiled outward.


The spearhead buried a meter into the beast's chest, the shaft flexed in her hands, and the foul stench of its breath watered her eyes and made her sinuses burn, as it bellowed its surprised rage.

The shaft broke, but she could feel the hot blood spraying down onto her as it drove forward.

El Jefe lowered its head, and brought up its dagger-tusks, driving them into her gut, lifting her off the ground in one smooth, perfect motion, hurling her into the air.

'This is it, I'm dead...'

Darkness did not come...

The mist cleared, replaced by stark white tiles, and a gagging, uncomfortable thing blocking her throat.

The sensation was suffocating, she struggled-and realized her hands and feet were bound.

Her heart triphammered, as panic set in...


November 1, 3069, Office of the Archduchess, Congress Building, Arluna...

"Happy Monday." Debra MacAulliffe grumped.  Gloria Li Wu, the receptionist, smiled up at her, "Morning Boss."

"Messages??" Deb asked, yawning.

"The Free Worlds Ambassador has an appointment at Ten, there are messages from the Spirit Cat Clan asking when and who we're sending in exchange for their ilChi, and there has been an informal request for a meeting to discuss a possible Manufacturing development contract with the Steel Vipers...also, Laura Gaumond messaged to let you know they finished the survey at the Ortega place-nothing real exciting there."  Gloria chippered.

"and Congress?" Deb asked.

"In Recess-it's the off-term and they've all gone back to their regional offices to work with their home-folks." Gloria told her.

"Good...good..."  No more legislation for a while, which meant Debbie could focus on running the Executive Branch.  "What about the mess in Arc Royal?"

"well...they want to ship their head-of-state here." Gloria told her.

"What?" Deb stopped, and set her coffee down on the desk.  "Say again?"

"Seems their 'estates general' has announced the dissolution of hte Commonwealth, and they don't think they need her anymore.  State thinks it might be a bad idea." Gloria said.

Deb frowned.  "I liked Sharon before she went nuts, Gloria-I recommended her appointment to that job to Peter-one of my mistakes...tell the Arc Royal people they're making a mistake throwing her out."

"Will we offer her sanctuary, though?" Gloria asked.

"If SHE asks.  I'm not going to be a holding pond for hostages or exiles." Debbie said, "We already have one of those-tell them anyone that wants to immigrate is welcome, but it has to be their choice, not the choice of some third party or political opportunist-make it sound...polite when you tell 'em.  Taking in the folks who can't get on in the Clans is different-a lot of those are refugees an' they mostly come willing."


November 1, 3069, Grantsville Holy Cross Hospital, Ward 3...

"Where am I?" Miranda mumbled.  The sky was...white, and criss-crossed...wait, that's a ceiling...

"Holy Cross Hospital, Landholder-you aren't going to tear up my ward agian, are you?"  A tall man loomed over her in doctor's whites, his burnished, almost ebony-brown skin seemed to gleam...but his eyes were kind.

"Wha?" Miranda was confused, "How-what are you talking about?"

"First time you came out of your coma, you trashed the critical-care room you were in, we had to tranq you in the hallway." he said, "you've got a few bruises from that-it's not unexpected, you went through hell down there, but at least we don't have to feed you through a tube now."

"How long was I out?" Miranda asked.

"Two weeks, three days, seven hours...fourteen minutes." he told her, "Not including the eight hours we had to add to that after we sedated you."

Her stomach rumbled.  "FOod?" she asked.

"I'll put a nurse on it.  I'm Doctor Wells, by the way, Nice to meet you at last, Madame Ortega."


Arluna Zenith Point
16. November, 3069

A lone voice transmits a message from the planet's Zentih point.

"Arluna control, this is the CSVS Seeker. We request travel clearances and landing coordinates for an envoy from Clan Steel Viper. Acknowledge Arluna."


Quote from: GreyJaeger on September 08, 2010, 02:45:53 PM
Arluna Zenith Point
16. November, 3069

A lone voice transmits a message from the planet's Zentih point.

"Arluna control, this is the CSVS Seeker. We request travel clearances and landing coordinates for an envoy from Clan Steel Viper. Acknowledge Arluna."

"CSVS Seeker, this is Arluna Control, Welcome to the Union of Independent Worlds, Prep for incoming Nav-Data Stream on channel 62, SLDF Delta Range, Over."


Quote from: Cannonshop on September 08, 2010, 05:18:45 PM
Quote from: GreyJaeger on September 08, 2010, 02:45:53 PM
Arluna Zenith Point
16. November, 3069

A lone voice transmits a message from the planet's Zentih point.

"Arluna control, this is the CSVS Seeker. We request travel clearances and landing coordinates for an envoy from Clan Steel Viper. Acknowledge Arluna."

"CSVS Seeker, this is Arluna Control, Welcome to the Union of Independent Worlds, Prep for incoming Nav-Data Stream on channel 62, SLDF Delta Range, Over."

"Aff, Arluna Control."


Arluna Port Control, 0330 Hours Local time, 16 November, 3069...

"Hey, Keller, what you got there?" Chief Vinh asked.

"Um...Steel Viper transport, they're flying a pennant." PO Sandra Keller said, "He's pretty quiet, they've stuck to the beam practically like glue, but..."

"But they're flyin' a pennant, and you don't like doing diplomats, right?" Vinh asked.

"Yeah." Keller said, "I always feel like I'm going to fuck something up and start a war or something."

"That's natural, especially on the graveyard shift.  You stick to the book and remember you're Coast Guard, you'll do okay." Vinh told her, "and let me know if there's a problem."

"Aye-aye sir."


Dropshuttle K1-C CSVS Hun
Inbound, Arluna

"Status report, Pilot Carl." Star Commander Jaymie asked the pilot of the Clan dropshuttle.

"Tree-six hours, one seven minutes until landing Star Commander... Approximately."

"And you are keeping us on their transmitted travel vectors quaiff?"

"Aff... to the letter, as well as keeping comms discipline."

"Good.. Should keep them good and tense." The Star Commander smiled as she stifled a yawn.