Union of Independent Worlds Faction RP thread

Started by Cannonshop, July 02, 2010, 09:48:03 AM

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Arluna Zenith
8th November 3069

An IR Flash informed those watching about a new guest.

"Attention Arluna control, this is the Jumpship "Memory" of Clan Ice Hellion. I have with me several Dropships to land at the appropriate site. Just like before roughly two months." The voice of Captain Gill seemed bored so far, but took a different pace now, as if reading or remembering words: "I also have to inform you that there is the official ilChi of Clan Ice Hellion with the Dropships and requests to take up permanent station on Arluna. Please copy."


System Control 08 November, 3069..

"Jumpship Memory, this is Arluna Traffic Control, we copy that last transmission, could you...ah..."  the sound of keys tapping can be heard over the link, "...Okay, found it!  Your ilChi has a standing invite to land at the Capital.  Vectors for Diplomatic traffic should be coming up on subchannel 5, you can proceed with your standard delivery per precedent, we can keep this channel open and locked in case you have other ATC issues, Over."


"Thanks, Arluna Control. Sorry, it is a Diplomat. We will stand by. Dropships unlocking now. "Memory" out."

Gill leaned back in his command chair. His mission was done. Until they came back of course. 


Arluna SpacePort, Arluna

The Steel Viper K1-C shuttle made landfall on the ferrocrete landing strip. As soon as the shuttle stopped and a landing gantry was put into place, the door opened and a pretty brunette Steel Viper warrior walked confidently down the stairs and headed with crisp, clean strides towards the awaiting dignitaries. In a strong voice and a stern set to her face, she addressed the assembled Arlunans. "I am Star Commander Jaymie of Clan Steel Viper, and I bear you greetings from Khan Perigard Zalman."


UIS Deliberation, Sector 1311...

"Incoming message...oh shit...sir, Incorrigible Flirt is down, Captain Giap's ordered abandon ship, and they're DX'ing the Black Box, code  book, and they're scuttling, message says that the Scorpions did not answer hails before attacking...sir, they're gone."

Captain Joshua Zev nodded, and said a soft prayer.  "Well...we know now.  relay the message back home, and keep charging the drive-we can't finish the mission, but we CAN keep a watch out for any reprisals while we wait for further orders."

"aye aye, sir...are we going to try to mount a rescue?"  Ensign Damh asked.

"Not right now-the Flirt's crew are trained for survival, if Giap ordered them into the Belt at Shora, they could hole up for months in the rings of that gas-giant.  I'm not risking the ship on this."

"Aye Aye sir."


Theil residence, Goldenlake District 10 Km south of Bien Hoa.

  Master Chief (retired) Henrik Theil looked over at his daughter. "Sarah I'm not too keen on you remaining in the LCAF. It's not like they can pay you anymore let alone support you. Why in god's name did you keep your comission?" Sarah looked around at the maple trees and sighed.
"Dad, I swore an oath. When they called me to regular service it meant something. I love Kowloon but I was happy to get out on my own and see the Commonwealth. I felt like I belonged and was needed. I was not like serving my time in the Coast Guard doing customs and SAR work. You might find this a bit silly but I met someone. He's a Colonel. Before you jump to conclusions I made Kommandant before I met him." She chuckles softly. "His name is Lowell and I miss him terribly. Part of the reason I kept the comission is because he proposed. I accepted of course under the condition he came here to meet you. I have a holodisk in my things he made just in case he couldn't make the trip."

  Henrik nodded. "I guess I will have to watch it soon. You did report your status to the local military liason I hope?" Sarah nodded. "Yes and better yet I sent my status to Admiral Li. Apparently she still has contacts in the LCAF."


Quote from: GreyJaeger on September 13, 2010, 06:58:30 AM
Arluna SpacePort, Arluna

The Steel Viper K1-C shuttle made landfall on the ferrocrete landing strip. As soon as the shuttle stopped and a landing gantry was put into place, the door opened and a pretty brunette Steel Viper warrior walked confidently down the stairs and headed with crisp, clean strides towards the awaiting dignitaries. In a strong voice and a stern set to her face, she addressed the assembled Arlunans. "I am Star Commander Jaymie of Clan Steel Viper, and I bear you greetings from Khan Perigard Zalman."

"Welcome to Arluna."  Debra MacAulliffe said, "I hope you brought an appetite, you have arrived just the right time of year-half the continent is wrapped up in harvest festivals, so when I heard you were coming, I pulled something out of the smoker and put it over a pit-if you brought crew or troopers along, consider them invited as well-otherwise, I end up having to deal with leftovers."  Deb smiled.  The wiry man standing behind and to her left never changed expression.

Pol Nguyen watched 'his' Archduchess greet the Steel Viper officer.  don't smile...  He tried manfully to keep his expression totally neutral.    Show no emotion.  After months stuck on the bodyguard detail, working with a 'loaned' Star Adder, he was thankful that, at least, the Steel Vipers did not send an Elemental breed.

"Let me introduce you to my immediate staff, and we can do that while we go to the car." Debra said.  "This, is Leutenant Commander Pol Nguyen, Union Marine Corps, you might have heard of him-he took a company of half-trained light infantry against the Star Adders on Kwangchowwang, and fought so well they had to break their bid to take the planet-since then, Commodore Pham has kept him 'at home' doing the onerous task of keeping me out of fights, keeping deranged nuts from blowing me up, and training Army Reserve troops for defensive operations."

"Ma'am." Pol saluted from attention.  It was robot-precise, but he had the thousand-mile stare of someone who survived extensive heavy combat-or someone who lived through the deaths of millions at close proximity.  His eyes carried horrors few could endure-and fewer could endure and remain sane.

"This is Rabbi Doctor Mai Huyn of the Kahanist Synagogue Ia Drang, she is my senior science advisor, she invented the Huyn Swab method for detecting the Arluna Flu virus, and was a co-discoverer of the Cure for the Flu."

"Shalom." Mai was a rarity-a pure Asiatic ethnic specimen in her late forties or early fifties.  The cadaceus pin on her blouse declared her specialty.

"This is my Minister of State,  the Elector Magritte Dora of Inarcs." Deb continued, and a russet-haired woman in her mid-thirties gave a shallow curtsey.  Mdme Dora put forth a valiant attempt to seem harmless-an attempt that was blatant mostly in its transparency, and her eyes did not smile with her mouth.

"and finally, Economic Director Kelli Ann Fitz, from the Office of Special Services." Deb said.

Kelli Fitz was lanky, tall-ish, and for an economist, she looked more like an assassin-right down to the same killer's stare that Lt. Nguyen had, her immaculate white business-suit with the black blouse did not look so much like a Merchant's garb, as something of a uniform.  "Pleased to meet you." Kelli said.  Her hands had the calluses of a martial artist.


 Even though the Clans did not practice most Inner Sphere forms of greetings, whether they are salutes, handshakes, or bows, Jaymie watched what each individual did as they were introduced and precisely mimicked their gestures. As each person was introduced, she mentally cataloged their names, rank, and titles, to be researched later. Just as much as this mission was to secure basing and industrial rights, it was also a mission of Intel gathering. Star Commander Jaymie was not a member of the Steel Viper Clan Watch, she was a Star Commander in the 223rd Battle Cluster of Beta Galaxy. What she had was a very analytical mind and an insatiable curiosity.

Throughout her life, she was always being reprimanded for wasting time studying non-military matters. It was this very trait that was now being implemented by Khan Zalman. The Khan wanted to increase relationships with the worlds of the Inner Sphere, and she was here to see if that was possible.

Turning to address McAulliffe, "Aff, that sounds agreeable Archduchess."


Quote from: GreyJaeger on September 18, 2010, 01:15:33 AM
Even though the Clans did not practice most Inner Sphere forms of greetings, whether they are salutes, handshakes, or bows, Jaymie watched what each individual did as they were introduced and precisely mimicked their gestures. As each person was introduced, she mentally cataloged their names, rank, and titles, to be researched later. Just as much as this mission was to secure basing and industrial rights, it was also a mission of Intel gathering. Star Commander Jaymie was not a member of the Steel Viper Clan Watch, she was a Star Commander in the 223rd Battle Cluster of Beta Galaxy. What she had was a very analytical mind and an insatiable curiosity.

Throughout her life, she was always being reprimanded for wasting time studying non-military matters. It was this very trait that was now being implemented by Khan Zalman. The Khan wanted to increase relationships with the worlds of the Inner Sphere, and she was here to see if that was possible.

Turning to address McAulliffe, "Aff, that sounds agreeable Archduchess."

"We should go, then." Deb said, "Pol, make sure the Star Commander's men have a ride up to the farm, Kelli, you an' Magritte an' Mai are in the Rooikat, the Star Commander an' I will be takin' my car."

The group moved out.

"I try not to make everything such a fuss, Star Commander, but one of the pains from the job, everyone wants to make me sit in the back seat."  She said with a grin.

Debra MacAulliffe's 'car' was a ton-and-a-half six-wheel drive flatbed truck with a stake-fence around the cargo area.  Presently, it was loaded with nondescript shipping containers.

She helped the Star Commander up into the cab, and said, "It was this, or the motorcycle, an' it rained last week, the roads are oily between here and my place."

Inside the truck, there was a shot-gun clipped to the dashboard, and a rifle clamped beside the passenger seat.  Both looked well-used.

Debbie climbed into the driver's position after her guest was buckled in.  "We are, believe it or not, less uncivilized than this-back when I had the truck modified, we had feral dog-packs running loose an' any stop for any reason you needed one man on point security with a gun while changing the tyre."  she said it in an apologetic tone.

Then, she started the big diesel and put it into gear.

The drive took twenty minutes along mostly-empty highways followed by narrower and narrower country roads-remarkably, the big, bulky and stiff-sprung vehicle rode smoothly over ruts deep enough to break most smaller vehicles.  As the motorcade passed the gate of the MacAulliffe farm,  Jaymie could see the bones of bodies, marked with a sign; "Tresspassers will be shot" strung out on barbed wire fencing to either side of the gate.

They passed a wrecked military-vehicle's corpse inside the gate, the thing had been shattered what seemed years ago-bramble was growing over it, but to a trained eye, the vehicle had been killed by a land-mine of remarkably large size, then picked apart by small-arms fire.

"During the riots, some of the Gangers tried to shake down the small farmers who were still alive out here." Debra clarified, "That bunch, they were persistent, killed a couple of men who were working for me, before I finished them off, it was about a week before the Star Adders showed up...by then, I was pretty sick...but they did not get any sicker, an' they did not threaten anyone else after their visit here...'course, that may be on account of they never left-we put the ones that were most intact on the fence, an' the rest in the garden for fertilizer.  The Roses are fantastic in that patch."

The motorcade pulled into the dooryard, and up to the house.

Here, there were soldiers...and families.  "on account of your arrival, I decided that the troopers with family nearby needed a 'family day', I hope you do not mind breakin' bread with Union troops." Debra said,  "Especially since Sargeant Quhon's wife makes the most divine potato salad, everyone not on duty is helping with the reception, then when their rotation goes to duty, the guy they replace gets his turn, it builds cohesion for the men to recreate together, which I need in a bodyguard detail."

Deb helped the Steel Viper out of the truck, then bellowed out "Alright! I need some men to un-load the beer an' party supplies!!"


 Star Commander Jaymie took offense at the "help" offered by the other woman, but never let the irritation show, even in her bright green eyes. The Star Commander can climb into the cockpit of her Mad Dog even at full extension in less that four seconds, and she was scaling much more difficult obstacles than the truck cab by her tenth birthday. But she let the unintended slight pass without comment.

She listened as the Archduchess drove, but paid the most attention to the surroundings. This world was fairly pristine and still in a fairly natural state. The thought made her wonder if this is what Strana Mechty and the other worlds of the Pentagon Worlds and Kerensky's Cluster looked like to her ancestors.

When the Archduchess inquired whether she minded eating with the Union troops, the question puzzled Jaymie. Why would I mind? Is this a test of some sort? But once again, not even a flash of uncertainty crossed her pretty face. "Neg Archduchess, it will be a unique experience for myself. I have only been in the company of members of my own Clan and other Clans."

After arriving at the house, she again accepted the "help" getting help out of the cab of the vehicle. After the other woman's announcement for assistance, Jaymie nimbly jumped onto the bed of the truck by using the tire as a step while pulling herself up by grabbing onto the railing. In about three steps over two seconds, she was ready to start the debarkation of the party supplies.


Inside, there was noise, as always when people come together. Especially warriors on free time and in this case freeborns and their families.

Ezra knew about that concept as many of his warriors were freeborns, birthed and raised in families in the Homeworlds and some even in the Inner Sphere. But still, he felt cleaner thinking about his own upbringing.

Not making this an issue however was important as he had talked to a few people already, even civilians. This too he had experience in, however these people here had a sense of liberty towards him which would not be found within his Clan. Of course, he would not command them around, but they were different.

Although he had yet to see after Miranda, news were that she had woken up shortly after he left. And the news he had brought with him were interesting too. However, that would be needing more pursuit with Miranda and Deb.

He hoped to see Laura too, but she had certainly to do with his delivery again. So he went to Seargent Mark, a Veteran of the Coast Guard who could eat tremendous amounts of food. As he showed here. However, he was a good talk.


The weather was clear, the tables loaded down with a variety of dishes, the main course had been cooking for thirty-six hours over a smoky bed of coals right out in the open.

Half a steer takes a while.  This one was just about done.

As they offloaded the truck, most of the containers were stacked to form a makeshift bar with a fenced area-a Beer garden, sequestering the alcoholic beverages from the younger crowd.

A couple of Marines plucked at guitars and other musical instruments-not so much entertaining the rest, as one-upping each other's skill.  Some of the older children were leading the younger ones in a series of children's games that sometimes spilled into 'grownup country'.

One could almost miss the Marines pulling security duty on the perimeter-untrained eyes would miss them, in the treelines and green-belt areas in ghillie suits, concealed in the loft of the barn, and moving or not-moving just out of sight.

There were a lot of snipers.

The other thing, was the presence of armament-for all the pastoral innocence on display, there was definitely the sense of walking into an armed encampment where the residents were one wrong sound shy of organized and effective violence-and this was as true for the obvious civilians-at least, the adult civilians present, as it was for the Marines.

For all the effort to look relaxed, these people showed the sustained-stress patterns of a people besieged by an unseen enemy-a people just waiting for the next attack.

"Make yourself comfortable." Deb told the ilChi, then headed over to where a few of the wives were working, and put her own hand to the preparations.

A couple of people joined the musicians, and they seemed to settle on something to actually play instead of just showing off their abilty to chord.

one of them was a girl about fifteen years old, and she sang...

"The clock strikes twelve and moondrops burst
Out at you from their hiding place
Like acid and oil on a madman's face
His reason tends to fly away

Like lesser birds on the four winds
Like silver scrapes in May
Now the sands become a crust
And most of you have gone away..."

Captain Laura Gaumond stepped out of the house and walked over to Ezra.  "You look like a long-tail cat in a room full of rockers, Ezra." she said, "You could try relaxing."
Mark wiped his chin, checked his watch, and said, "Sorry to cut this short, Sir, but I've got duty in five.  We can pick this up in eight hours if you are still awake."  He grinned crookedly, got up, and headed for the bathroom.

The singer continued.
"...Come Susy dear, let's take a walk
Just out there upon the beach
I know you'll soon be married
And you want to know where the winds come from..."

He looked up, "I did not know you would be here, Captain Laura Gaumond."

"...Well it's never said at all
On the map that Carrie reads
Behind the clock back there you know
At the four winds bar..."

Laura shrugged, "I'm just the taxi-driver, I brought someone who wanted to see you yesterday, but it took a while to get her out."
"Hola, Gringo."  came from behind him, and he turned.  Miranda looked a bit paler, and a bit better fed, since he'd seen her last, "Do you dance?" she asked.

"...Hey, hey, hey, hey
Four winds at the four winds bar
Two doors locked and windows barred
One door let to take you in
The other one just mirrors it

Hey, hey, hey, hey..."

"Careful with that, those bottles are real glass."  Lt. Pol Nguyen warned Star Commander Jaymie, "Real fragile...thanks." he accepted the case from her, and passed it to a big Marine with three chevrons on his sleeve "You are a guest, you know." he smiled at her, his eyes twinkled merrily.

"...In hellish glare and inference
The other one's a duplicate
The queenly flux, eternal light
Or the light that never warms,
Or the Light that NEVER, never warms..."

a VTOL's rotors beat the air in the distance, making a whupping sound that grew in noise and intensity.  From the back of the truck, Jaymie could see weapons teams bringing shoulder-fired missiles up.  The tension went higher, and then, it seemed to just relax back to the low level it had been.

"Navy." Pol said, identifying the chopper's markings, "From the base, who'd they send out here on a chopper?"

",,,The clock strikes twelve and moondrops burst
Out at you from their hiding place
Miss Carrie nurse and Suzy dear
Would find themselves at the four winds bar..."

Debbie stepped back from checking the steer, and watched the chopper land out past the horse-paddock, with a decidedly unchristian glare.  "Who th' FUCK??" she growled, and started storming out to where the bird was offloading its passenger.

"...It's the nexus of the crisis
The origin of storms
Just the place to hopelessly
Encounter time and then came me
Hey, hey, hey, hey..."

Pol and half the Marines that were technically 'off duty' left off from what they were doing, and turned to follow-and-screen their Leader.
Before he left, he winked at the Steel Viper, "Duty calls. Have some fun." he said, and rushed to beat Debbie to where the helo was lifting off.
for just a moment, he actually looked as young as his dossier said he was...

The girl, to her credit, kept singing as if nothing untoward at all was going on, though her expression was decidedly nervous...
"...Call me Desdenova, eternal light
These gravely digs of mine
Will surely prove a sight
And don't forget my dog, fixed and consequent..."

Commodore Dao Pham gripped her hat with one hand as she ran out from under the rotor-blades and the chopper lifted off-its windstorm nearly knocking her to the ground.

"...WHAT IN TH'NAMEAHELLDOYATHINKYADOINYALLCOULDABEENKILLED!!!"  Debbie was shouting over the sound of the departing helo.  Her Liason to the CNO's office straightened-and that was a hell of an accomplishment-Dao's face was streaked with tears, her compexion flushed, her expression one of grief and anger.

"They Killed them."  She said, "They attacked them without a word, and they killed them."  she held out a file to the Archduchess, "We got word a little while ago from the task-force, it's all in the file."

"Your young man was out there, wasn't he?" Deb asked slowly, measuring each syllable.

"yeah." Dao said, "He was."

"Come on..." Debra MacAulliffe took her friend by the arm, "You need a drink."

[ooc: Lyrics to "Astronomy" property of Bue Oyster Cult, written by Songwriters: Bouchard, Albert;Bouchard, Joseph J;Pearlman, Samuel C.  Thus, I don't own the song, don't claim to own it, had nothing to do with it, don't claim to have anything to do with it, etc. etc. etc.]


At first, Ezra was surprised seeing his two favorite Arlunans at once, when Miranda wanted him to dance, she just took his hand and tried to pull him. But he did not move. On her second, he went into an awkward dance. This would become a trial. Listening to the girl singing was quite hard when he had to watch not to stomp on Miranda's feet and still trying to follow the tact.

Laura was right, he was a bit nervous. The Clans did not celebrate that much. And then, the lower Castes were enjoying themselves like this, as an Officer, he was not used to that.

But once he got into the mood even a small bit, the atmosphere changed. He saw Debra storm out and her soldiers following. Some more tacts dancing and Miranda stopped, turning to the situation.

Laura was watching as well, but it seemed to be no immediate danger as Debra walked back in, a deranged Officer at her side.

What would that mean? And where was the Viper ilChi, presumed to be here? They had not been introduced yet.


They walked into the house, and up the stairs.

"Sit down, get 'hold of yo'self." Debbie said, adding "Bạn sống sót sau dịch hạch, bạn xem người đàn ông chết trước khi."

Dao looked up at her, "Your pronunciation is terrible." she said, wiping her face off with a kerchief. 

"Well, Ah guess thet makes me unintelligible in two languages 'stead of one." Deb said mock-seriously, "Now, you got yo nerves back?"

"Yeah." Dao looked around the room.  "You moved your office? the gear's new?"

"Prah-vate office, th' sittin' room's too public fo' lot of the work Ah have to do." Deb told her.

"Makes sense..." Dao said, "I know, I shouldn't have gotten so worked up-"

"But you did." Debbie told her, "Ah undahstan', now tell me Ever'thin."

it took several minutes, and Deb reviewed the messages sent, as well as the data that the Incorrigible Flirt had gathered in the Death of Adrian system.

"Prep a breifin', yo' go'n to present this t' ouah guests, ace-out what you think they don' need t' know right off-hand." Debbie told her, "But I want an unedited copy fo' mah files aftah."

"You want me to brief the Clanners?" Dao said, aghast.

"Yep." Debbie said, "Ah wan' you t' brief 'em-ah'll read their reactions, maybe we can shake somethin' loose on what's goin' on, ah don't think Frehley's been entiahly Honest 'bout the true situation, an' we just lost a ship an' a crew from thet."

"aye aye." Dao said.

"Get cleaned up, we'll staht in two houahs." Debbie told her, "Have it ready"


Miranda was amused by Ezra's attempt to dance, but she kept it well-hidden by being playful-though she found the whithering stare from Charlotte to be about as amusing.

"I have heard..." she said quietly, the singing had ended and the band were playing a slow, saucy instrumental ballad, "...that you took down El Jefe by yourself..." she said, pouring flirtatious overtones into her voice, "...and that you Clan Warriors have..." she danced closer to him, and slid against him seductively, "...fewer hang-ups than ordinary men."

That's right, I'm going to take him from you. she thought at his constant-follower Charlotte.  "Is this true?"