Union of Independent Worlds Faction RP thread

Started by Cannonshop, July 02, 2010, 09:48:03 AM

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Some of the troops who responded were talking about the 'deranged' officer...

"...coast guard local commander-hell, she never looked like that during the Plague, something got to her..."

"...boss took her upstairs, hung out a 'do not disturb', probably classified..."

Things otherwise were settling down again, back to that guarded watchfulness and strained good cheer...except that Star Commander Jaymie could see that there were fewer of the actual troopers pretending to recreate, and the mood among the older dependents was subdued.

"...Dao Pham must'a had serious bad-news for the boss, to be able to over-ride the no-fly-zone restrictions like that-whatever it is shook the living shit out of her."  A big black NCO was telling two other enlisted men.  "I was with the Commodore when she was a Leutenant during the plague, she handled Bradenberg without batting an eye."

"You serious? Frikkin' Bradenberg? the town got hit by that cannibal son-of-a-bitch and his gang?"  one of the men scoffed, "Didn't bat an eye?"

"Well, not in public, not in front of the civvies." the NCO corrected himself, "So whatever it is, it's gotta be boku bad shit..."


Ezra had noted that something serious was going on, although the people went mostly back to party mood.

During the dance he had noted Miranda, who seemed back to normal, that meant great shape again, trying to get closer. That was certainly new. Would she really want to couple with him? Sure, he still was in good shape, but she was so young. Well, as he would stay, perhaps it would be nice to get comfortable. Charlotte would be gone soon anyway.

Oh, she seemed not amused about Miranda's engagement, but that was her style. And he mused that she would calm down, unable to interfere as she could just "dance" as himself.

When the music had set in again, he knew he owed Miranda an answer, just not in a dance. He gestured to a desk, the Archduchess certainly would explain later, the murmurs of the soldiers certainly were not encouraging, though.

Sitting and pouring some drinks in, one for Miranda, and each for him and Charlotte, who promptly came to them, he tried to explain what happened.


Debbie's House, 1435 Hours, 1 hour after Dao's arrival...

"Is the Free Worlds Embassy coming?" Deb asked.

Magritte Dora, the acting Minister of State nodded, "they are, I could keep them busy..."

"No, I want Inara here as well.  Round up the ilChi from the Ice Hellions and the Steel Vipers, and have the sitting room set to record-with Vince off-world we can't have him in here in person for the brief, but the Adders ought to know what's on." Debbie said, "Have everyone assemble in the sitting room."

"Yes, ma'am..."  Magritte curtsied and hurried off.

"You sure you want the Vipers in on this, Ma'am? we don't have a treaty with 'em yet.." Lt. Commander Pol Nguyen asked, "Given what I managed to over-hear, I'm not sure they're going to want to after the briefing."

Deb shrugged, "We pays our money, and we takes our chances, they'll be MORE pissed if the other shoe drops and we didn't tell 'em ahead of time what's going on out there-besides, they MIGHT have some idea what it all means."

She sighed, "In the mean-time, get me an RTO, I have overrides to send out."

"Overrides?" Pol asked.

"We can't afford to pussyfoot on Miquelon-the report says the local commander bid most of a Clan Galaxy against that understrength battalion we sent-I'd as soon not lose that capability on a planet we wouldn't get, we're going to need those troops up north."

"You're going to send the Abort order?" Pol asked.

"Signed by Myself, I'll badger the Congress when they come back into session about that." Deb said firmly, and sat down to type out the order...


November 16th, 1345 Hours
Arluna, Union of Independent Worlds

The space above Arluna's star rippled with a new radar ping. An emerald accented Merchant-class jumpship had just appeared, sporting a Clan Jade Falcon IFF and markings. A single hail was sent and responded to, followed by a single detatched dropship, a Union-C.

After the dropship had met with the Coast Guard ASF nearer to the planet, the dropship's captain opened the channel to the UIW fighters.

"Arluna Coast Guard, this is CJFS Hermes-Alpha, transporting Star Captain Alexis Hazen, ilChi to the UIW. Requesting permission to land at Arluna Spaceport, and an audience with the Archduchess."
"My only regret is that I will not be alive in .03 seconds. I would have liked to watch the enemy attempt to vent an omnidirectional thermonuclear blast enveloping their outpost."
-Last thoughts of Maldon, Type XXX Bolo, 3rd Battalion, Dinochrome Brigade


"So basically, when our trap snapped, most of the hogs died in hails of fire. One particular big one came after me and despite my shots, would not stop. Only Charlotte let me see the next day. However, distracted by that, I only saw you set up your spear and then Jefe ran over you. I guess your spear went slightly off center. You flew meters high. Jefe ran further, but I could not let him. Some shots sent him a message and he was either in rage or too dumb to ignore them, so he came back." Ezra spoke less audible now, as some of the soldiers tried to understand, but it was more the remembrance of that very day that let him do that. "So he took a turn and fast, I had to set up my spear and my Vibroblade, I saw he was wounded. He was not that fast anymore, but still, one ton of monstrosity could kill anybody. When he pushed himself on the spear, I saw the hatred in his eyes. Even took one tusk off him before I would jump away the last possible moment, but still he got my leg. My arm is still in the process of healing," he showed the splint on his right, "because the stress of holding the spear up against him caused sinews to rip and muscles to snap. The bone was crushed as well. But at least he will not be alive anymore." Ezra and Charlotte were now pale faced, but both knew what had happened that day. He finished with a smile.

"I think it was a worthy hunt." He cheered to Miranda.


Quote from: Daemonknight on September 21, 2010, 10:11:38 AM
November 16th, 1345 Hours
Arluna, Union of Independent Worlds

The space above Arluna's star rippled with a new radar ping. An emerald accented Merchant-class jumpship had just appeared, sporting a Clan Jade Falcon IFF and markings. A single hail was sent and responded to, followed by a single detatched dropship, a Union-C.

After the dropship had met with the Coast Guard ASF nearer to the planet, the dropship's captain opened the channel to the UIW fighters.

"Arluna Coast Guard, this is CJFS Hermes-Alpha, transporting Star Captain Alexis Hazen, ilChi to the UIW. Requesting permission to land at Arluna Spaceport, and an audience with the Archduchess."

"Hermes-Alpha, this is system control, Permission is granted, lock onto beacon 259 by 173 channel 17 and follow the pulses.  Wish you'd called ahead-the Archduchess just left the port a couple hours ago.  We will have someone to meet you and conduct the IlChi to the reception, Over."


Quote from: Marlin on September 21, 2010, 11:35:51 AM
"So basically, when our trap snapped, most of the hogs died in hails of fire. One particular big one came after me and despite my shots, would not stop. Only Charlotte let me see the next day. However, distracted by that, I only saw you set up your spear and then Jefe ran over you. I guess your spear went slightly off center. You flew meters high. Jefe ran further, but I could not let him. Some shots sent him a message and he was either in rage or too dumb to ignore them, so he came back." Ezra spoke less audible now, as some of the soldiers tried to understand, but it was more the remembrance of that very day that let him do that. "So he took a turn and fast, I had to set up my spear and my Vibroblade, I saw he was wounded. He was not that fast anymore, but still, one ton of monstrosity could kill anybody. When he pushed himself on the spear, I saw the hatred in his eyes. Even took one tusk off him before I would jump away the last possible moment, but still he got my leg. My arm is still in the process of healing," he showed the splint on his right, "because the stress of holding the spear up against him caused sinews to rip and muscles to snap. The bone was crushed as well. But at least he will not be alive anymore." Ezra and Charlotte were now pale faced, but both knew what had happened that day. He finished with a smile.

"I think it was a worthy hunt." He cheered to Miranda.

Miranda smiled again, "Yes it was...though I am disappointed that the spears did not work out as well as I thought they would..."   

There was a commotion where the vehicles were parked, and the Wagonneer-a four wheel drive 'station wagon' type truck, pulled out in a hurry.

Miranda actually noticed this.  "Laura's driving." she said, accidentally using contractions, "Looks like that weenie-bitch from State is riding with her-I wonder what they forgot?"


A pair of Marines wandered over to Jaymie.

"Ma'am?" one of them, a big, redheaded trooper whom would almost qualify as an Elemental breed for size, spoke up, "Star Commander, you are a rep for your Clan, you know Clan traditions, right-I was wonderin' if you could settle a discussion with some damn facts."  He said, "Specifically, see...me an' tony here, we were on Kwangchowwang a few months ago-now, Leutenant Commander Nguyen talked the Star Adders into a...'trial of possession' for the planet, right? one a' their units against our Marine company, and we fought 'em for three days in a fuckin' swamp an' kicked their asses-so they threaten to drop a friggin' Cluster on us.  Does that sound right to you?"

The smaller man was dark-his skin was the colour of burnished and oiled walnut, "Jim, don't bother the lady, okay-you know an' I know they only follow their 'rules' when it's to their advantage-shit, you heard about what they put up to fight off that short battalion on Miquelon, right?  A fuckin' Galaxy to fight off a short battalion..."

"See what I mean, ma'am? I think he's wrong, but I think maybe he does not consider me a credible source." 'Jim' said.


Star Captain Hazen disembarked the Union-C that had conveyed her to the planet. The spaceport was busy, but she noted the large staff car zooming in her direction. She noticed that only 2 of the bodyguard detail were coming with her, although what a short point would do in an attack was beyond her.

The staff car whisked her and her 2 guards away, presumably to this party the Arch-Duchess was throwing. Upon arrival, the guards managed to blend into the crowd with varying degrees of success, depending on where around the estate they happened to be. Alexis went off in search of the Arch-Duchess, having been pointed in her general direction by a staff aide to the Congress.
"My only regret is that I will not be alive in .03 seconds. I would have liked to watch the enemy attempt to vent an omnidirectional thermonuclear blast enveloping their outpost."
-Last thoughts of Maldon, Type XXX Bolo, 3rd Battalion, Dinochrome Brigade


Quote from: Cannonshop on September 22, 2010, 09:37:57 AM
A pair of Marines wandered over to Jaymie.

"Ma'am?" one of them, a big, redheaded trooper whom would almost qualify as an Elemental breed for size, spoke up, "Star Colonel, you are a rep for your Clan, you know Clan traditions, right-I was wonderin' if you could settle a discussion with some damn facts."  He said, "Specifically, see...me an' tony here, we were on Kwangchowwang a few months ago-now, Leutenant Commander Nguyen talked the Star Adders into a...'trial of possession' for the planet, right? one a' their units against our Marine company, and we fought 'em for three days in a fuckin' swamp an' kicked their asses-so they threaten to drop a friggin' Cluster on us.  Does that sound right to you?"

The smaller man was dark-his skin was the colour of burnished and oiled walnut, "Jim, don't bother the lady, okay-you know an' I know they only follow their 'rules' when it's to their advantage-shit, you heard about what they put up to fight off that short battalion on Miquelon, right?  A fuckin' Galaxy to fight off a short battalion..."

"See what I mean, ma'am? I think he's wrong, but I think maybe he does not consider me a credible source." 'Jim' said.

Star Commander Jaymie listened intently to the two Union Marines, primarily to make sure she understood what they were saying through their horrendous accents and atrocious use of language. It was a considerable act of will for her not to grind her teeth or exhibit some other visible sign of discomfort she was feeling. The Star Colonel was not a veteran of the Viper's first occupation in the Inner Sphere, she passed her Trial of Position just two years ago. Although she thought she knew what to expect through speaking with those veterans and watching holo-vids from the Inner Sphere, she realized that until you experience the Inner Sphere's butchery of language first-hand, you will never be prepared.

"You are asking if the Star Adders actions on Kwangchowang and Miquelon, through the calling in of additional forces at the former, and committing a much larger defending force at the latter, is legal by Clan Law, quaiff?" Receiving nods as responses, she continued. "On Kwangchowang, the commander of the attacking force can call in the forces equal to the last competing bid with very loss of honor. For example, to win the bid and the right to carry out the Trial, the Adder commander may of cut three points of BattleMechs and a star of Elementals from the last bid of the losing bid. Those forces can be called in with very little issue. Anything more than requires the permission of the commander of the losing bid. Even if the opposing commander acquiesces, it is a major loss of honor to do so, but is legal by Clan Law. The matter though would be considered to be dezgra, or dishonorable. Also, threatening the use of excessive force to cause an opponent to capitulate is not illegal, or even dezgra, as long as such a threat is not carried out."

"As to the scenario on Miquelon, a defender may choose to defend with any part of, or all available forces at their command. Even if the defending forces are many times greater than the attacking force. The act is neither illegal, nor particularly dezgra.. Just more of a case of being frowned upon by Clan custom."

Looking at the smaller man, a small glint of fire shone in her eyes subconsciously. "Keep in mind Tony, that during Revival, almost all Clans bound themselves tightly to Clan bidding practices and Zellbringen. Our Inner Sphere opponents used our practices as a weapon against us in many forms, such as falsifying unit records or strengths. They may even omit a unit, or even units. Inner Sphere commanders would corrupt Zellbringen in an attempt to do whatever it takes to gain victory. You will have to excuse us for not allowing our ways to be used as a weapon against us."


"See, Tony, I told you."  Jim admonished the smaller man, adding, "Bạn đã đúng, 'danh dự của họ là có điều kiện về bao nhiêu một lợi thế mà họ nhận được."  with a chuckle.

The smaller man scowled at the larger man, and replied, "Làm thế nào để bạn biết cô ấy đã không học tiếng Việt, thằng ngốc?"

"Because the Clans only speak English, and you two better go check the southeast perimeter."  A voice from behind the Steel Viper ilChi half-growled, "Before the Star Commander decides she is offended further by your poor English grammar."  

Lt. Commander Pol Nguyen stepped around where she could see him, "Duchess wants to see you in the sitting room, Ma'am." he said.  The almost-cheerful look he'd had before the incident with the helicopter was gone, replaced by a stony all-business face that had about as much emotion as  a corpse.  "If you need someone to direct you, I can assign a Corporal." he added, "Someone more professional than those two-in the meantime, I must gather the other guests-you might want to be the first to arrive."


 "Aff Lt. Commander. I will find my way." With that, the Viper MechWarrior made her way to the manor, and entered through a side door. With people moving about all throughout the house, Jaymie simply stopped a younger female and asked her where the Archduchess's sitting room was located. After receiving the directions, and repeating them to ensure she understood the teen girl, she made her way to the room. Finding the door ajar, the Clan warrior gave a slight rap on the door jamb before entering.

"I was told that you wanted to speak with me about the matter that seems to have cast a pall over the festivities."


Quote from: GreyJaeger on September 23, 2010, 03:10:19 PM
"Aff Lt. Commander. I will find my way." With that, the Viper MechWarrior made her way to the manor, and entered through a side door. With people moving about all throughout the house, Jaymie simply stopped a younger female and asked her where the Archduchess's sitting room was located. After receiving the directions, and repeating them to ensure she understood the teen girl, she made her way to the room. Finding the door ajar, the Clan warrior gave a slight rap on the door jamb before entering.

"I was told that you wanted to speak with me about the matter that seems to have cast a pall over the festivities."

"Actually, I wanted to speak with you in private on other matters-before addressing the news Commander Thanh brought me." Debra said, "First, I would apologize to you-I was not raised a Noble, so I am having to improvise this whole 'international diplomacy' thing." Deb told her, continuing, "Sometimes I get it right-and sometimes I screw it up-I was reminded, for instance, that what I thought was good manners in helping you up onto the truck might be percieved as an insult by someone raised in the Warrior Caste...so that out of the way now, please do not take it the wrong way, but I am dead-curious what the UIW can do for Clan Steel Viper-your Occupation Zones are a good many Lights out from here, and we do not occupy strategic territory in your war with the Terrans.  Try as I might, I can not think of a single strategic reason your Clan would have to want to even acknowledge our existence-and that makes me curious."

Debbie paused for a moment, then smiled, "ON the other hand, I see LOTS of reasons why we would want to have good relations with as many Clans as possible-I like the Adders, do not get me wrong, but fact is, I have no interest in me, or mine, becoming their chattel, no matter HOW well I get along with their representative, or how much help they gave us during the Flu, they are Clan-all that can change in a single, internal fight that changes a single leader in their Touman, a balance of influences strikes me as being not undesirable, from OUR perspective."  Here Debbie set out a pair of glasses, and a pitcher.  "The economic benefit to us of just having stable relations is obvious, if you decided to invest in the Union, there are trade benefits that would likewise be obvious-but you folk are warriors first, your priorities are Warrior priorities, needs are military needs.  So I have to think maybe there is a Military reason you have come-and I would like to hear it."

she poured an amber tea that smelled faintly of mint, into each glass, indicating that the ilChi should choose one.  "I am responsible for fourteen billion people-that is my job, in an area that three years ago had twenty-four billion people.  We only finished burying the dead this last spring, though they are still finding more as areas are re-opened.  If the Flu had been a natural occurrance, if it had NOT been the hand of man, I guess my thinking would be different-but since it WAS the hand of man, and since a recent...incident occurred showing that someone has been monkeying with the wildlife in an intent to kill people, I find I have to ask more questions than a better-educated, less..uncouth? person would."


In the meantime Ezra and his companions took a good drink, Ezra only one beer, though, but he took a steak. There were even some soldiers listening to Miranda "the Invincible" and her story. Surviving on Arluna for so long, that was a feat.
And surviving the biggest Hog in Arluna's History was certainly worth listening to, especially as this was only 2 Months ago.


At first, the Star Captain from the Jade Falcons had turned down offers of food-awkwardly, self-consciously even.  Eventually, though, she figured out how to stop the offers without starting a fight-she filled a plate and picked at it, observing the people around her from a relatively secure location.

A group of kids spread out in a rush as one of their number counted, eyes closed-this game is played throughout human space-hide and seek is ubiquitous.

"Funny thing about kids." a woman seemed to materialize beside Alexis Hazen, without making a sound.  The civilian clothing was almost an obvious lie-the local gal's hair was helmet-clipped short and her muscle tone would have made any Infantryman proud.  "take that one-" she pointed at the girl who was now seeking her playmates, "Six years old, when she was three, we found her with the remains of her mom, the body was half-eaten by dogs, she seems so normal now... she hardly ever wakes up screaming anymore.  some of the troops who show up for counseling just do not have the trick of managing the horror they saw yet-not like the kids."

Then, the woman smiled, "I am Emmaline Chao, I run the farm when Debbie is busy riding herd on that bag of chaos we call the Congress."  she extended her hand, presenting the Jade Falcon ilChi with a cup of steaming coffee.  "I read you as not-a-drinker, biding your time to see Deb?"

Alexis nodded, "Aff." she said, and took the cup.

"Well, you will not have to wait long-If she had known the representative of the ilKhan was on her way here, she would probably have set aside a less...public place for a first meeting." Emmaline said, "As it is, I do apologize for the informal situation on her behalf-she will probably insist on apologizing herself...but six months of the year, I run this place and the other six I make sure everything runs smoothly on her behalf-at least, in her own private property, so it is also MY job."

"You are...remarkably well informed." Alexis told her, "I only expressed being the ilChi for Clan Jade Falcon."

"Which is the Clan from which Diana Pryde hails, I doubt she would trust the job to someone from another Clan-that would be kind of wrong, would it not?" Emmaline responded.

"You manage the place, quiaff?"  Alexis asked, somewhat disdainfully.

"Mainly I keep unwanted visitors out." Emmaline corrected her, "shoot trespassers, handle the bills, keep the hired-hands on their task, and see to the details any Castellan would see to in a 'normal' Noble's or Ruler's stronghold when they are away.  Lucky for me, I only have to manage the ranch, instead of trying to manage upkeep on something the size and complexity of a Brian fort-like the previous Duke of Arluna lived in.  It is a good deal easier than commanding a Boat Squadron during the Plague year, looking for survivors and shooting it out with half-mad ferals."  The woman grimaced, "There are things a person sees in those conditions, and you can never un-see them.  I sometimes wonder how Debbie manages to deal with what SHE saw-and what she had to do to keep this place during the riots."

the six-year-old found one of the others, a tow-headed boy about nine.

"Billy there-he killed his first man when he was six, he was protecting his little sister from the guy who had just aced three adults." Emmaline pointed to the boy, "You would not think a kid could ever be that normal after having to do that, especially since his sister died of the Flu..."

"They are orphans?" Alexis asked politely.

"Most of them-Debbie houses about fifteen on the property, so in addition to my other duties here, I get to play schoolteacher, Sensei, and doctor-mom, we had more, but the three teenagers already enlisted this year, so they went off to Vin Drin Lap and Ia Drang for Basic-two for the Marines, one for the Navy. I figure Billy will probably go Army unless he develops a burning need to get off-world."

"What happened to the old Brian fort?" Alexis asked speculatively.

"Well, it was stripped out pretty much before the Plague, mostly just the passive defenses, we finished the job and turned it into a tomb-clearing out four towns' worth of dead bodies it was either stuff 'em in the bunker, or spend the next three winters digging with earthmovers."  she said, "Then we ferrocreted the entrances and vents, landscaped and parked the site, and put up a plaque, I guess if you are curious a private tour can be arranged, since it is the off-season up north."