Union of Independent Worlds Faction RP thread

Started by Cannonshop, July 02, 2010, 09:48:03 AM

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Star Captain Hazen responded immediatly.

"You may of course use my ship's onboard HPG. My dropship is at the main port, they can link you to the jumpship."
"My only regret is that I will not be alive in .03 seconds. I would have liked to watch the enemy attempt to vent an omnidirectional thermonuclear blast enveloping their outpost."
-Last thoughts of Maldon, Type XXX Bolo, 3rd Battalion, Dinochrome Brigade


Ezra chimed in. "I assume, that your HPGs are still run by ComStar? This might become an issue later. However, I would propose at least a Reconnaissance Raid agaisnt them, if not preemptive action against the Scorpions. It might delay their attack, if there is any. Because I have doubts that they would attack you. It seems they dismantled the Factory of Adrian which indicates a full move of their most important infrastructure. News from other Worlds, in this case Nyserta point strongly in this direction. It was abandoned by all Warriors and Scientists as well as all high-tier functionaries. Nevertheless, your concern is valid. Gaining more orders movements would help as well."


Deb shook her head, "Not Comstar-back when it was Kat on the throne, they gave the franchise to Word of Blake.  We do not have the technical capability to tek' them over fr'm the Robes, so we ah stuck with them 'til we c'n fahnd anotha provaduh...an' given they have a habit of blowing up HPG's now, Ah'm suspectin' any change of provider is go'n to have to be done quick...an' Violent, AND simultaneously-somethin' Ah still have not figured out how t' manage without tippin' a hand to lettin' them know ahead of time..." as she spoke, she made a pair of fists, which she then opened rapidly, and added, "Boom-no Comms."


Ezra made a face shortly when she went back to her slang, but returned to straight almost immediately.

"I understand perfectly, Archduchess. Their source of power is that they can keep all realms not in line with them in a stranglehold. In one way that is an admirable position. But I see that it is not to your liking. I will ask Command if and when the Clan could be ready to exchange those HPGs if need be.

We will agree that for now a change is not feasible. We have to deal with our own interdictions yet, and when this is done, we will talk about that again.

Back to the topic, I will also prepare message to let loose one of our Clusters, the only one in range against the Scorpions. Certainly a Recon Raid was feasible, if they are already gone, then an invasion will have to commence. But I will tell you that if the Scorpion Traitors remain on the World, the Cluster will not move in force to its death."


Quote from: Marlin on September 30, 2010, 08:33:23 AM
Ezra made a face shortly when she went back to her slang, but returned to straight almost immediately.

"I understand perfectly, Archduchess. Their source of power is that they can keep all realms not in line with them in a stranglehold. In one way that is an admirable position. But I see that it is not to your liking. I will ask Command if and when the Clan could be ready to exchange those HPGs if need be.

We will agree that for now a change is not feasible. We have to deal with our own interdictions yet, and when this is done, we will talk about that again.

Back to the topic, I will also prepare message to let loose one of our Clusters, the only one in range against the Scorpions. Certainly a Recon Raid was feasible, if they are already gone, then an invasion will have to commence. But I will tell you that if the Scorpion Traitors remain on the World, the Cluster will not move in force to its death."

"If we coordinate, they will NOT be moving to their deaths." Debra's words were clear, low.  "I will commit forces to this regardless-but working WITH you-all of you-is preferable to trying to bear this load on our own."  she sat down, "If we miss them, I guess we just have to watch our collective rear for a while longer-if we catch them, we can get answers."


Vincent and his young charges, along with several other new employees, amde the journey from Kowloon to Arluna well enough, in fact in some ways the kids tolerated it better than he did. He still does not like traveling by JumpShip, never has, but in the modern day, it is a necessary evil, though he vows to keep his feet on solid, organic ground for at least the next ten years.

For now that he has a family, or sorts, he can't be traipsing to all corners of settled space, granted if the Inner Sphere Merchant adKhan says he's going, he really won't have a choice, so he thinks that he better make himself indispensable at Arluna so that there is never a reason to send him off somewhere else.

Besides, Vincent has come to like life on Arluna, and now that he has something other than business to occupy his time, he's rather looking forward to what the future brings. He's long had the desire for a family, but could either never find the time or the right person with which to start one. Now though, he has one, albeit as a surrogate of sorts, still though it's better than being alone.

Hopefully though, the two will grow out of their current need to always be near him, time is the one thing that their therapist told him they need to recover. That and the reassurance that he won't leave them as their parents did. The hardest part was getting used to sleeping with some form of illumination on, for if it got totally dark, both would scream until a light was turned on.

Initially he tried one of those sleeping masks, but gave that up the first night after getting up to use the bathroom and fracturing a toe on his left foot when he walked into an table. The injury bothering him whenever he has to stand for extended periods, or walk for long distances, not that he did either frequently, it's still somewhat bothersome.

Right now though, the boy was seated on his bunk, gently rocking back and forth, eyes staring at the bulkhead, as the girl drew unrecognizable pictures that she presented to Vincent as gifts. All previous ones prominently displayed on the walls of their shared quarters.

Vincent smiles as he recalls the girl giving him the first, calling him Anca Fin, which he took to mean Uncle Vin, her young age and lack of an extensive vocabulary, making some sounds harder to pronounce than others. He laughs inwardly at the time he accidentally introduced himself as Anca Fin when interviewing tutors for the children.

Soon, and none to soon, he will be home, which will become the home of these two youths, all done as a favor to the new Deputy Director of the InterClan Watch, and it never hurts to have a favor owed by one in a position of authority....

"Arluna Control, dis the Star Adder Merchant Vessel Five an' Dime. In addition to our usual cargo we be bearing a person of significance, Ambassador Vincent Frehley  two young children, a nanny and several tutors, fresh from Kowloon."

"He be asking fo' alternate coordinates fer approach and landin' otha' than the main SpacePort, wha' should Ah be sayin' to 'im?"


"Star Adder Vessel Five and dime, this is Arluna Coast guard traffic control, set your vector on preplot route course eleven-delta (for 'Diplomatic') and welcome back-I have orders to expedite Ambassador Frehley to her Grace's presence on landing, Might want to catch eight good hours, local time on landing is zero-three hundered, Over."


 Star Commander Jaymie took out a noteputer and began typing a message. After attaching copies of the various reports she transferred the message to a datachip and motioned to a Jade Falcon tech. "This needs to be sent immediately. All pertinent information is on the chip."

After watching the tech leave, the Steel Viper officer looked at her wristwatch. "I would estimate that it will take between thirty-six and forty-eight hours to get any official reply. Clan Steel Viper ground troops are too far out at this time. However, the bulk of our WarShips can reach all the way to Death of Adrien, however I do think it may be more prudent to focus more on Intel Gathering missions. My Clan's WarShips can also set up defenses on the UIW's borders, save for Neerabup. We gather information, and in March to April, Viper ground troops will be in a position to strike."   


Quote from: Cannonshop on October 01, 2010, 07:29:54 AM
"Star Adder Vessel Five and dime, this is Arluna Coast guard traffic control, set your vector on preplot route course eleven-delta (for 'Diplomatic') and welcome back-I have orders to expedite Ambassador Frehley to her Grace's presence on landing, Might want to catch eight good hours, local time on landing is zero-three hundered, Over."

"Roger Willco Arluna CG, I be a letting the Ambassadir know, though can't guarantee he be gettin much rest with them to rapscallions o' his"


Star Captain Hazen watched her tech leave the room with the Viper message.

"Arch-Duchess, I have brought up your nation's isolation from the rest of the Inner Sphere to Khan Sonoma, and the ilKhan herself. Khan Sonoma has informed me that the Falcons are perfectly willing to provide your HPG services, once we clear your space of TH personnel. We can have forces moving here within the next two months, although It will take some time for them to traverse such a distance. There are CJF warships at Coventry at the moment, and they should be able to arrive in UIW space within the next few months aswell. However, our fleet is not our strong suit. CJF ground forces can move in force, although it would take longer to get them here.

I have also been empowered to offer you this contract, Arch-Duchess. It comes from Khan Sonoma, although I understand that the ilKhan has also approved of it's contents." Star Captain Hazen slides a small datadisk to Debbie.

((OOC: Cannon, consider that datadisk the terms of our deal that was PM'd to the GMs: infra, banking, and Comms))
"My only regret is that I will not be alive in .03 seconds. I would have liked to watch the enemy attempt to vent an omnidirectional thermonuclear blast enveloping their outpost."
-Last thoughts of Maldon, Type XXX Bolo, 3rd Battalion, Dinochrome Brigade


Quote from: Daemonknight on October 01, 2010, 05:41:30 PM
Star Captain Hazen watched her tech leave the room with the Viper message.

"Arch-Duchess, I have brought up your nation's isolation from the rest of the Inner Sphere to Khan Sonoma, and the ilKhan herself. Khan Sonoma has informed me that the Falcons are perfectly willing to provide your HPG services, once we clear your space of TH personnel. We can have forces moving here within the next two months, although It will take some time for them to traverse such a distance. There are CJF warships at Coventry at the moment, and they should be able to arrive in UIW space within the next few months aswell. However, our fleet is not our strong suit. CJF ground forces can move in force, although it would take longer to get them here.

I have also been empowered to offer you this contract, Arch-Duchess. It comes from Khan Sonoma, although I understand that the ilKhan has also approved of it's contents." Star Captain Hazen slides a small datadisk to Debbie.

((OOC: Cannon, consider that datadisk the terms of our deal that was PM'd to the GMs: infra, banking, and Comms))

Deb ran the numbers on her portable, re-read it, reached over and pulled down a battered copy of a Legal dictionary, fiddled a bit while chewing her lip...

then, she plugged her portable into a printer, ran off a stack of flimsy, and signed it.

"Agreed." She said, handing one copy of the stack to to the ilChi, "For your records, the second copy goes into the Congressional Library in Grantsville, an' the third goes into the wall safe here...and if anyone in Congress gives me guff about signing a treaty while they were in Recess...well, they can cry, but then they will remember that they voted down the advice-and-consent provision so that they could go home an' campaign." she said with a pixie grin, "Maybe they will take th' job more seriously, now that I have exercised my executive privelage-I do wonder how the Robes are going to take being told they are no longer holding all the aces."


Quite surprised by the fastness of the news, Ezra harrumped.

Also, a bit of jealousy could be seen on his face when Deb talked about the Word of Blake.

So he hastened to add his words: "Archduchess, to my knowledge, the Beta HPG for Mississauga is already in place. We will remove all interdictions on our Planet done by the Word or ComStar soon and will definitely be able to assist or even provide full Communications for your realm. Although the War and our commitment to the Front is our primary concern, weakening our enemy elsewhere is most important. I will have to talk to the Loremaster but I can assure you that we have the means and the will to match the offer of the Jade Falcons, with whom we have quite good relations. View it as a competition of equals."

At that he watched the Bloodnamed Star Captain with a stern gaze.

He then spoke to Deb again: "I will take care that the Cluster is to mobilize; while I have no COmmand over it, I am sure the Loremaster and Star Colonel Wendy (Metzger) will agree. And it would give her unit probably some experience and a test of the Cluster's abilities."


Star Captain Hazen offered the Hellion nothing more than her icy gaze when the word 'equals' was mentioned. The Falcons and Hellions perhaps, but Alexis thought she caught a more personal inflection in the words. No matter: her Clan had the agreement, not the Hellions. She curved her lips ever so slightly, her grin looking more like that of a predator than anything else. She turned back to the Arch-Duchess, and was all professional once more.

"Thank you Arch-Duchess. I shall have my ship transmit a copy of the file to Sudeten, and then I will be able to tell you what section of our Touman can be made availible to cleanse the HPGs of Terran involvement. As to the Scorpions on the border, I know that the CJFS Jade Aerie battlegroup, currently at Coventry, was designated to move nearer the border of the UIW to re-establish communications. They will be re-routed to Arluna to provide naval cover, should the Scorpion fleet make a move in this direction."
"My only regret is that I will not be alive in .03 seconds. I would have liked to watch the enemy attempt to vent an omnidirectional thermonuclear blast enveloping their outpost."
-Last thoughts of Maldon, Type XXX Bolo, 3rd Battalion, Dinochrome Brigade


Sector 1416, former Lyran Commonwealth...

"Spread the formations out, start mapping-we might as well do something while we're out here playing relay-the-message."


Alexis was looking through a starmap of UIW space, deciding how best to utilize the Jade Aerie Naval Star when it arrived, deciding Kowloon to be the best rally point. In reading the USIIR report for the world, she noticed that there was a special asterisk next to one particularly developed manufacturing centre...

"Arch-Duchess, might I inquire as to the nature of this facility? It seems quite advanced, yet it doesn't seem to be listed among your nation's corporation's holdings... If I am not mistaken, it is an old Wolf-in-Exile facility, quiaff?"
"My only regret is that I will not be alive in .03 seconds. I would have liked to watch the enemy attempt to vent an omnidirectional thermonuclear blast enveloping their outpost."
-Last thoughts of Maldon, Type XXX Bolo, 3rd Battalion, Dinochrome Brigade